-- - __: ·--- -=-- -- --=:-.:-::_= ========--= ~:-':.:-~:"::."".""":7":'="::'""::-:C:::::::-:---~=~::----·--~- Tc~1 pl r.i Be lh El 10 70 Orchard Av e . Provl1 enc e , R. 'I • Assembly Deplores Israel Proposes Competitive Efforts Widening Curbs In Aiding Soviet Jews On Newspapers NEW YORK - An end to the "chaotic, conflicting and compe­ THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. JERUSALEM (Israeli Sector) - titive efforts" on the part of The Israeli Government is pro­ American Jewish organizations VOL. XLVI, No. 1 MARCH 16, 1962 16 PAGES posing legislation that would ex­ concerning the Jews in the Soviet --- ------------- - - - - - ----- ---- ------------------ tensively widen its restrictions on Union, and an attempt to make Domestic newspapers and on re­ c:mtact with them strictly on a European Council Providence Hebrew Day School presentatives of the foreign press, religious basis; is asked in a state­ it was reported by Lawrence Fel­ ment issued by the Rabbinical As ­ Delays Decision Plans Dedication For April lows in the New York Times. rembly, central body of Conser- Under the draft anti-defama- . bb BRUSSELS - The European vative ra is. Economic Community's Council Rabbi Norman Lamm, associate tion Jaw. which the Government Acts Shocking' f rabbi of the Jewish Center in New offered in the Knesset (Parlia­ "It is shocking how every na- o Ministers has decided not to ment) last week, a newspaper tional Jewish organization acts on take up at the current session Is- York City and Jewish philosophy could be closed if it was found its own, issuing pronouncements rael's request for the immediate teacher at Yeshiva University's guilty of publishing two libelous sometimes contradicting one an- opening of negotiations that would Teachers Institute, will be the statements In the course of two other, confusing everyone and lead to a link between Israel and guest speaker at the Dedication years. th 0 Any citizen or foreign resident ~:~~~iw_n;re~~~~t ~~b~~e ~~;:;~ ~::r~~::: c::tv o~e:~~ke:~ite ~~~~:~~~e an:e~i;;erD:~ t~:io~ of Israel who publishes libelous bly, said. He drew attention to ·a of high hopes in Israeli circles and on Sunday evening, April 1, at Information abroad about the call he made during last year's repeated pledges from statesmen the school auditorium. state would be held criminally convention of the Rabbinical As- representing the six-nation EEC Thomas W . Pearlman and Ja­ liable in Israel. The bill provides sembly requesting the Soviet Gov- that Israe-l's case would be taken cob N. Temkin, co-chairmen of for imprisonment for one year but ernment to permit the establish- up at the Council of Ministers ses- the Dedication Dinner, said a does not provide a definition of ment of formal fraternal relation- sion which opened here last week. great deal of interest is being libel against the state. ships between Jewish religious The Council decided instead, not manifested throughout the state. Further, the proceedings of libel communities in Russia and similar to examine Israel's request. in A native of Brooklyn, Rabbi action would be made public only communities in other countries. view of the complex situation still Lamm graduated summa cum with the permission of the court, similar to the relationships which prevailing as to the EEC's general Jaude .from Yeshiva College in which could prohibit publication have been recently established be- philosophy. It is understood that 1949. He also attended Polytechnic even of its judgment. tween some of the Christian chur- 1 the Council will not act on Israel's· Institute of Brooklyn and was No Privileged Matter ches in Russia and the World request until a flnal decision is ordained by Yeshiva University. Should the bill become Jaw, a Council of Churches. taken on the admission of Britain After his graduation, he served as newspaper could be found guilty Urges Delegation ' to the Euromart. Only after the rabbi at Congregation Kehillath of libel if it should repeat the The statement of the Rabbin- case of Britain has been disposed Jeshrun in New York City, and libelous words of anyone, even ical Assembly urged that the of will the Council examine cases later at Congregation Kodimoh In Rabbi Norman Lamm though reporting the words in American J ewish religious com- of other countries such as Israel. Epringfleld. Massachusetts. Since his name. munity request the Russian Gov- It was hoped that Israel's case 1958. he has been serving as as­ Fall are now being taken. The A Knesset member, for instance, ernment to invite an official dele- may be considered by the Council sociate rabbi of the J ewish c enter fire-proofed structure, which will might make a libelous state­ gation "representing the Syna- as its next session. scheduled for in New York City. contain ten classrooms and a ment in the house in the heat of gogue Council of America to meet April. with the religious leaders of the Professor Walter Hanstein of The new modern. half-million combination gymnasium and as- an election campaign and be pro­ Russian Jewish community, pa- West Germany, president of the dollar two-Story brick school will sembly hall, will accomodate 350 tected by his parliamentary im­ ralleling the several visits by lead- EEC executive committee, con- be opened for the Fall term of pupils. It is located at 450 Elm- munity. The protection would not ers of the National Council of ferred with Levi Eshkol. Israel's 1962 and registrations for next grove Avenue. (Continued On Page 15) Churches with their Christian Finance Minister. The latter has ---- ----- --------------------------------------- r counterparts in the Soviet Un- held a series of top-level confer­ i' ion." The Synagogue Council is ences here and in Paris. Catholic University Honors Israel the rabbinical and congregational (From Washington it "was re­ organization of the Orthodox, ported that information reaching DETROIT ' A vraham Har­ country, paid homage to Israel. national organization adopted a Conservative and Reform move- there from Cairo indicated that man, Israel's Ambassador to the Father Laurence V. Britt, presi­ resolution denouncing as "mor­ ments in America. the Arab countries are determined United States. and the State of dent of the university, said the ally wrong" all discriminations Makes Suggestions to exercise maximum pressure on Israel were honored here at a events were "eminently fitting" at because o frace or religion prac­ Rabbi Sandrow suggested that the European countries affiliated series of events crowded into one this time. when Detroit is cele­ ticed by club or fraternities. the Synagogue Council of Ameri- with the Common Market to pre­ day and evening, when the Uni­ brating the 200th anniversary of The board, representing the ca take the initiative; that it in- vent any EEC arrangement with versity of Detroit, the largest Ca­ the settling here of the first Jew­ National Catholic Conference for vite representatives of all major Israel.) tholic institution of its kind in the ish family in Michigan, as well as Interracial Justice, declared that Jewish organizations who are con­ the hundreth anniversary of the no ethical grounds exist for the cerned with the Russian Jewish formation of the first J ewish con­ exclusion from membership of community to meet informally, Settlers Stop Police Attempt tingent from this area to fight on any citizens on the ground of race and without fanfare, "to discuss behalf of the Union during the or religion. Americans, stated the on a regular basis all develop­ To Civil War. board, are embarassed at segrega­ ments and incidents affecting the Arrest Komemiut Rabbi In the day's principal address, tion and discriminations, showing Russian Jewish community, and TEL AVIV -Attempts by police in courts in Jerusalem, Ramla, delivered by Ambassador Harman. "increasing moral sensitivity" to what would be best to do or re- to arrest the rabbi of Komemiut Lydda, Beit Shemesh and at the Israeli envoy told the large this problem. frain from doing, under the cir­ settlement, near here were thwart­ Komemiut where the boy was be­ audience of Israel's devotion to cumstances." ed last week by the settlers who lieved to have been held during the principle of "fundamental He said he was not ready to blocked the road to the rabbi's the first weeks after he was taken Equality" among all peoples in Gives Books To enter into the c o n t r o v e r s y home. Orders for the arrest of the from his parents. The nine per­ the Jewish State, including not Lutheran Church whether public protests are help­ rabbi were countermanded after sons were interrogated by the only Jews but also Moslems, ful to the Russian Jewish com­ the Minister for Religious Affairs, police in attempts to flnd the Christians, ·Druzes and members HARTFORD, Conn.-A series of munity, his own opinion is that Zorach Warhaftig, intervened the whereabouts of the Schuh­ of other religious communities. books on various aspects of Jew­ they are not. But this has nothing with the police authorities. macher boy and ordered held for Mr. Harman emphasized the ish life were presented here to the to do with his thesis. he said - 15 days on suspicion of complicity need of peace in the Middle East, religious school library of Our that _"we ought to make a con­ The rabbi was sought in con­ in the kidnapping. telling the assemblage: "My coun­ Savior's Lutheran Church by certed effort to establish more nection with all-out efforts by the Police continued searching a try is not an anti-Arab country. Temple Sinai, both in Newington. communication between world police to locate Yossele Schuh­ number of centers largely popu­ We do not believe there is in­ The books are intended for use in Jewry and the Russian Jews on macher, who was kidnapped from lated by religious persons.
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