ORC4niZ4TIOnS most ambitious undertaking to date: an international convention and film AMPIA festival to be held just before the APFQ Commonwealth Games. Association des producteurs Alberta Motion Picture The Canadian Film and Television Industries Association Association has already made it of­ de films du Quebec :i47 Hirks Huildinf;, ficial that its 1978 convention will C.P. 686, Station Outremont Kdmiinton. Alberta T.").) \.\\ be held in Edmonton at that time, and Montreal, Quebec (4(121424-4692 for the occasion AMPIA has booked (514)277-6667 the Westridge Park Lodge, just out­ side Edmonton. The dates are July 29 to August 2, 1978. The annual convention of the APFQ "You have a great deal more en­ "We're planning a Commonwealth was held in Quebec City April 15-17. ergy and enthusiasm out here in the Film Festival as part of the five-day Workshops dealt with fiscal problems West than we have among our older event," says AMPIA President Bill and the Department of Revenue (retro­ film producers in Toronto," F.R. Marsden. "Our proposal is that it active sales tax and employee deduc­ (Budge) Crawley told a group of 60 will then be carried on as an annual tions), pay-TV, co-productions and the participants at a Seminar for Pro­ event." internal structure of the association. ducers and Directors at Banff on the While the location for the event in The newly elected officers are: April 22-24 weekend. '78 will have to be Edmonton because President, Denis Heroux (Cinevideo); Mr. Crawley was keynote speaker of the^Games being held there, the as­ Vice-President, Louise Ranger (Les for the seminar, held in conjunction sociation is seeking help from the Films Jean-Claude Labrecque); Sec­ with the fourth semi-annual meeting Film Festivals Bureau to stage the retary-Treasurer, Andre Collette of the Alberta Motion Picture Indus­ festival at the Banff Centre in future (Bellevue-Pathe). Directors are: tries Association. He was brought to years. Francois Champagne (SDA Produc­ the seminar courtesy the Film Indus­ Having just concluded a highly suc­ tions), Francois Floquet (Via Le try Development Office of the Alberta cessful seminar at Banff, Chairman Monde), Pierre Valcour (Explo-Mundo) Department of Business Development Jim Tustian and AMPIA members and Gaston Cousineau (Videodio). and Tourism. are convinced this is the place for the Crawley's Academy Award-winning "Cannes of Canada." Man Who Skied Down Everest ran concurrently with the seminar at the Len Stahl Lux Theatre in Banff (the seminar it­ Executive Secretary APCQ self was held at the Banff Centre); and at the same time Janis, another L'Association des proprietaires de Crawley film which was nominated cinemas du Quebec Inc. for an Oscar, was running in the Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary. ADFQ 3720 Van Home Avenue, Suite 4-5 The seminar, one of a series being Montreal, Quebec H3S 1R8 (514)738-2715 held by the association, was aimed Association des Distributeurs particularly at producers and direc­ de Films du Quebec tors. Participants included represen­ On April 19, the APCQ held its tatives of five television stations and c/o Faroun Films (Canada) Ltee annual general meeting. Pay-TV was three film labs across the west - 136 A, St. Paul St. East one of the subjects discussed. Speak­ from Winnipeg to Vancouver. Besides, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 1G6 ers were Rock Demers of I'lnstitut of course, AMPIA's own member (514) 866-8831 Quebecoise du Cinema, Lucien Le- companies. Also four universities and gault of the Nouveau Reseau, as well colleges, and from Hollywood the busi­ as Roland Smith and Andre Gilbert. ness representative of the Camera­ man's Local of lATSE, Gerald K. The ADFQ held its annual general The new executive committee was Smith. meeting on March 10, 1977. elected: President, Claude Tremblay; Next major event coming up in Al­ The new executive committee was Vice-President, Pierre Rene; Vice- berta will be the Fourth Annual Film elected: President, Andre Link (Cine­ President, Jacques Patry; Treasurer, Festival, to be held November 16 to pix); Vice President, Pierre David Marcel Venne. Directors are: Paul 18 this fall, chaired by AMPIA pre­ (Films Mutuels); Secretary-Treas­ Gendron, Maurice Phaneuf, Jacques sident Bill Marsden and co-chaired urer, Pierre Rene (France Film). Di­ Martin, Jean Cyr, Marcel Labbe, An­ by past president Nick Zubko. rectors are: Rock Demers (Faroun dre Monette, Roland Smith, Guy Couil- A seminar at NAIT and a four-day Films), Robert Lantos (Derma Com­ lard, Gerry Chernoff, Marc Paul, directors' workshop at Banff are be­ munications), Frangois Prevost (Le Hertel Hotte, Leon Savard, Claude ing lined up for next spring, to be Nouveau Reseau) and Gilles Beriault Chabot, Tom Fermanian, Andre Gil­ followed in the summer by AMPIA's (Prima Film). bert and J. Bessette. Aprill977/51 ORConrzoTions The weekend event will consist of The Annual General Meeting in simultaneous screenings of 16 mm January saw the following Board of CAMPP and 35 mm films, opportunities for Directors elected for the 1977 Guild the participants to meet each other, year: Canadian Association to meet the experts and some of the President: John Fryd cfe. First vice- of Motion Picture Producers distributors' representatives, and president: Bob Buchan cfe. Second 38 Isabella St., Toronto, Ontario, much more. If you have a desire to vice-president: Vince Hatherley cfe. M4Y INl "look before you book" or are simply Treasurer: Jack Schoon cfe. Secre­ tary: Lori Labatt cfe. Directors: John (416) 964-6661 interested in film generally, the CFFS "Weekend" is for you. Kelly cfe. Bob Millard cfe, Peter While the CFFS (Canadian Federa­ Shatalow (associate), Jim Kelly (af­ On March 7, the Canadian Associa­ tion of Film Societies) organizes this filiate). tion of Motion Picture Producers held annual event, attendance is by no The new executive is determined to their annual meeting at Mirrophonic means limited to member organiza­ establish closer liaison with producers Sound Studios. The association is tions, so any organization with an in­ and directors to improve the status pleased to announce the election of terest in film is invited to send re­ of all Canadian film editors. Call or the following members: President, Da­ presentatives. write us for further details. vid M. Perlmutter; Vice Presidents, For further information, contact William Marshall, Richard Schouten, CFFS Preview Weekend, c/o Cinema- John Dunning, Peter O'Brian; Treas­ 16, Box 35 SUB, University of BC, urer, G. Chalmers Adams; Secretary, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1W5. Samuel C. Jephcott. Among the many topics discussed at CCFM this year's meeting was the new Ger­ The index of all feature films avail­ Council able in Canada for non-theatrical rent­ man/Canadian co-production treaty of Canadian Filmmakers and existing treaties, the upcoming al will be published for the last time hearings on pay-TV, and the CFDC this year. Always a sellout, the Box 1003, Station A, reports. Much time was spent discus­ project has overtaxed the energy of Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1G5 sing the Canadian co-production poli­ its committee of five volunteers and (416) 869-0716 cy; is it working and where is it head­ a new publisher is being sought. ing? The federation is administering the Dorothy and Oscar Burrit Memo­ rial Award for the year and notice m Apprenticeship program the award was mailed directly to cen­ An apprenticeship program for Ca­ tres where there miglit be candidates. nadian filmmakers, initiated by CCFM, An amount of up to $800 is available was launched this month. The program to fund projects which will contribute is being sponsored by the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian to the appreciation of the art of film or the film society movement in the and co-ordinated by the National Film Federation country, but it does not include the Board's Ontario Production Studio in of FUm Societies funding of film productions. consultation with the CCFM and the Readers interested in establishing CFDC. 2 Belmont St. contact with the federation should Pen Densham and Peter Rowe have Cornwall, Ont. K6H 4Z1 write directly to CFFS, 2 Belmont been selected, from lists submitted St., Cornwall, Ont. K6H4Z1. by each of the participating organiz­ ations, as the first filmmakers to A year has elapsed since the feder­ participate. They will be apprenticed ation communicated with the film to Norman Jewison during production community through these columns. of his new $8 million film "F.I.S.T." Prime reason for silence has been which stars Sylvester Stallone. On the lack of time at the disposal of completion of the apprenticeship new chairperson Chris Wilson, who CFEG period, Pen and Peter will conduct has almost singlehandedly opened Canadian Film CFE an open workshop at the NFB Ontario and operated a new cultural complex Editors' GuUd Production Studio in Toronto. on the Cornwall Campus of St. Law­ P.O. Box 46, Terminal A CCFM is particularly pleased with rence College. However, more di­ Toronto, Ontario the project because it offers a unique rectly, the affairs of the federation opportunity to Canada's filmmakers have suffered from the departure of and it represents an unprecedented the Schomakers of Calgary from the co-operative venture between an in­ film society scene. dustry organization and agencies of For all those too busy or just not Membership in the federation re­ both the federal and provincial govern­ inclined to put pen to paper, rejoice! mains steady. The annual screening ments. The Guild now has its own permanent weekend will be hosted by Cinema-16 telephone number, so you can reach of UBC, Vancouver, from May 20-23 Levy (Victoria Day weekend). A large num­ us anytime to air your views or ask ber of films suited to "alternative" for advice.
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