2018 ANNUAL REPORT 年度報告 CONTENTS 目錄 2 Corporate Profile 公司簡介 3 Mission Statement 公司使命 4 Financial Highlights 財務摘要 6 Retail Network 零售網絡 10 Chairman’s Statement 董事長報告書 12 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 27 Biographies of Directors and Secretary 董事和秘書履歷 31 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 45 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 環境、社會及管治報告 54 Directors’ Report 董事會報告 72 Independent Auditor’s Report 獨立核數師報告 78 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss 綜合損益表 79 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 綜合全面收益表 80 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 綜合財務狀況表 82 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 綜合權益變動表 84 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 綜合現金流量表 88 Notes to Financial Statements 財務報表附註 235 Corporate Information 公司資料 CORPORATE PROFILE 公司簡介 Maoye International Holdings Limited (the “Company”) was 茂業國際控股有限公司(「本公司」)為於2007 incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability on 8 August 年8月8日在開曼群島註冊成立的有限責任公 2007. The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally 司。本公司及其附屬公司(「本集團」)主要在中 engaged in the operation and management of department stores and 華人民共和國(「中國」)經營及管理百貨店和物 property development in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”). 業發展業務。本公司之股份於2008年5月5日 The shares of the Company were listed on the Main Board of The Stock (「上市日」)在香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交 Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) on 5 May 所」)主板上市。 2008 (the “Listing Date”). With a unique operation model of “retail + commercial property”, the 本集團自成立以來,以獨有的「零售+商業地 Group has been growing rapidly since its establishment, and has 產」模式迅速崛起,並在全國範圍內實現規模 achieved scale expansion across the country by duplicating this 化複製擴張。本集團以低成本拿地鋪路,實體 model. Supported by lands acquired at low costs, the Group uses its 零售商業反哺,打造核心業務互補互助的生態 physical retail to nurture property, building a closed ecological cycle in 閉環。 which its core business supplements and supports each other. Since Shenzhen Dongmen store, the first store of the Group, opened in 自1997年第一家門店深圳東門店開業以來, 1997, the Group has been concentrating on development and careful 本集團歷經20年潛心發展及審慎佈局,憑藉自 planning for over 20 years, and leveraging its strong competitiveness 身強大的競爭力及與時俱進的改革創新,逐步 and reform and innovation keeping pace with times, the leading 夯實於華南區域的領先地位,並深入拓展至中 position of the Group in Southern China has been strengthened step 國經濟最發達,發展速度最快的華東、西南、 by step. The Group has also further expanded into the most developed 北方區域腹地市場,成為多個區域內的行業龍 markets with the fastest growth rate in Eastern China, Southwestern 頭。截止至2018年12月31日,本集團擁有門 China and Northern China, becoming the industry leader in numbers of 店數達57家,總建築面積約288.7萬平方米, regions. As at 31 December 2018, the Group had 57 stores with total 其中自有物業面積佔比達76.0%,覆蓋重點城 gross floor area of 2.89 million sq. m., of which self-owned properties 市包括:華南的深圳、珠海;西南的成都、重 accounted for approximately 76% in gross floor area. The major cities 慶;華東的南京、無錫;及北方的呼和浩特、 under its coverage include Shenzhen and Zhuhai in Southern China; 包頭、秦皇島等。 Chengdu and Chongqing in Southwestern China; Nanjing and Wuxi in Eastern China; and Hohhot, Baotou and Qinhuangdao in Northern China. The Group actively grasps the development trend of medium-to- 本集團積極把握中國中高端實體零售的發展趨 high end physical retail in China, empowers new retail through the 勢,融合線上線下優勢,打通上下游,賦能新 integration of online and offline advantages and opening up upstream 零售,打造線下全時段、多場景、高效率的新 and downstream channels to create new offline consumption 型消費體驗,努力實現傳統百貨零售向新零售 experience featuring multi-scenario and high efficiency at all times, and 的戰略轉型。 strives to achieve the transformation from traditional department store retail to new retail. This annual report, in both English and Chinese versions, is available 本年度報告的中、英文本已登載於本公司網站 on the Company’s website at www.maoye.cn. www.maoye.cn。 Shareholders may at any time change their choice of language(s) (either 股東可隨時向本公司在香港的股份過戶登記處 English only or Chinese only or both languages) of the corporate 卓佳證券登記有限公司(地址為香港皇后大道 communications of the Company (including but not limited to annual 東183號合和中心22樓)給予合理時間下以預 reports, interim reports and circulars) by sending reasonable prior 先書面通知更改其收取本公司的公司通訊(其 notice in writing to the share registrar of the Company in Hong Kong, 中包括但不限於年報、中期報告及通函)的語 Tricor Investor Services Limited, at Level 22, Hopewell Centre, 183 言版本之選擇(即只收取英文版或只收取中文 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong. 版或同時收取中、英文版)。 Shareholders who have chosen to receive the Company’s corporate 鑒於本年度報告之英文及中文版乃印列於同一 communications in either English or Chinese version will receive 冊子內,無論股東選擇收取本公司之英文或中 both English and Chinese versions of this annual report since both 文版的公司通訊,均同時收取兩種語言版本之 languages are bound together into one booklet. 年度報告。 2 MAOYE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 茂業國際控股有限公司 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 年度報告 MISSION STATEMENT 公司使命 Intelligence Creates A HAPPY LIFE 智慧創造幸福生活 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 年度報告 MAOYE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 茂業國際控股有限公司 3 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 財務摘要 Summary of the Group’s results, assets, liabilities and equity for the last 5 financial years is set out below: 本集團於過往五個財政年度的業績、資產、負債及權益摘要如下: OPERATING RESULTS 經營業績 For the years ended 31 December 截至12月31日止年度 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2018年 2017年 2016年 2015年 2014年 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 (Restated4) (Restated5) (追溯重述4) (追溯重述5) Total sales proceeds and 銷售所得款項及 rental income1 租賃收入總額1 15,787,762 15,711,849 13,433,479 9,362,084 10,968,235 Total operating revenue2 經營收入總額2 7,848,911 7,174,316 6,925,377 4,115,464 4,400,460 Operating profit 經營利潤 3,007,175 2,749,613 1,359,829 995,013 2,322,984 Profit for the year 年度利潤 1,127,221 1,268,409 112,061 289,533 1,449,933 Profit attributable to: 應佔利益: – Owners of the parent -母公司權益持有人 799,403 1,071,973 46,382 298,627 1,365,189 – Minority interests -少數股東權益 327,818 196,436 65,679 (9,094) 84,744 Basic earnings per share (RMB)3 每股基本盈利(人民幣元)3 0.16 0.21 0.009 0.058 0.263 Total sales proceeds and rental income Total operating revenue 銷售所得款項及租賃收入總額 經營收入總額 (RMB million) (RMB million) (人民幣百萬元) (人民幣百萬元) 20 7,849 6,925 7,174 15,712 15,788 16 13,433 12 10,968 4,400 4,115 9,362 8 4 2014014 2015015 2016016 2017 2018018 2014014 2015015 2016016 20172017 2018018 4 MAOYE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 茂業國際控股有限公司 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 年度報告 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 財務摘要 HIGHLIGHTS OF CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF 綜合財務狀況表摘要 FINANCIAL POSITION As at 31 December 於12月31日 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2018年 2017年 2016年 2015年 2014年 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 (Restated4) (Restated5) (追溯重述4) (追溯重述5) Assets and liabilities 資產及負債 Total assets 資產總額 50,969,724 47,831,805 45,975,332 31,774,937 24,461,197 Total liabilities 負債總額 35,674,838 34,043,632 33,898,763 22,128,489 16,260,197 Total equity 權益總額 15,294,886 13,788,173 12,076,569 9,646,448 8,201,000 – A ttributable to owners -母公司權益持有人 of the parent 應佔權益 12,300,008 11,072,182 10,135,809 8,256,505 7,141,989 – Attributable to Minority interests -少數股東應佔權益 2,994,878 2,715,991 1,940,760 1,389,943 1,059,011 Notes: 附註: 1. Total sales proceeds and rental income represent the sum of total sales 1. 銷售所得款項及租賃收入總額是指本集團所有門 proceeds from concessionaire sales and revenue from direct sales at the 店特許專櫃銷售總額、直銷收入及租賃收入總額。 department stores of the Group. 2. Total operating revenue represents the sum of the Group’s revenue and other 2. 經營收入總額指本集團收入及其他收入的總和。 income. 3. The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 3. 截至2018 年 12 月 31 日止年度的每股基本盈利 2018 is based on the net profit attributable to owners of the parent of 乃根據母公司權益持有人應佔淨利潤約人民幣 approximately RMB799,403,000 and weighted average number of ordinary 799,403,000元及已發行股份的加權平均普通股 shares of 5,140,326,000. 5,140,326,000股計算。 The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 截至2017 年 12 月 31 日止年度的每股基本盈利 2017 is based on the net profit attributable to owners of the parent of 乃根據母公司權益持有人應佔淨利潤約人民幣 approximately RMB1,071,973,000 and weighted average number of ordinary 1,071,973,000元及已發行股份的加權平均普通股 shares of 5,140,326,000. 5,140,326,000股計算。 The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 截至2016 年 12 月 31 日止年度的每股基本盈利 2016 is based on the net profit attributable to owners of the parent of 乃根據母公司權益持有人應佔淨利潤約人民幣 approximately RMB46,382,000 and weighted average number of ordinary 46,382,000元及已發行股份的加權平均普通股 shares of 5,141,489,556. 5,141,489,556股計算。 The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 截至2015 年 12 月 31 日止年度的每股基本盈利 2015 is based on the net profit attributable to owners of the parent of 乃根據母公司權益持有人應佔淨利潤約人民幣 approximately RMB298,627,000 and weighted average number of ordinary 298,627,000元及已發行股份的加權平均普通股 shares of 5,160,924,290. 5,160,924,290股計算。 The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 截至2014 年 12 月 31 日止年度的每股基本盈利 2014 is based on the net profit attributable to owners of the parent of 乃根據母公司權益持有人應佔淨利潤約人民幣 approximately RMB1,365,189,000 and the weighted average number of ordinary 1,365,189,000元及已發行股份的加權平均普通股 shares of 5,197,910,878 in issue. 5,197,910,878股計算。 4. For the year ended 31 December 2016, the Group has changed the accounting 4. 因2016年12月31日本集團持有的投資性房地產的 policy for investment properties from the cost model to the fair value model, and 後續計量模式由成本計量模式變更為公允價值計 accordingly restated the financial report of 2015. 量模式,對2015年度財務報告進行追溯重述。 5. Restated the comparable figures for the year 2014 according to the actuarial 5. 根據設定受益計劃之精算報告對2014年可比數據 valuation report of defined benefit plan. 進行追溯重述。 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 年度報告 MAOYE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 茂業國際控股有限公司 5 RETAIL NETWORK 零售網絡 Operating Area Store Name Province (sq.m.) Open
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