biodiv. res. Conserv. 34: 17-39, 2014 BRC www.brc.amu.edu.pl Doi 10.2478/biorc-2014-0008 Submitted 26.03.2014, Accepted 30.06.2014 Orobanche lutea baumg. (orobanchaceae) in Poland: revised distribution, taxonomy, phytocoenological and host relations Renata Piwowarczyk1* & Łukasz Krajewski2 1Department of botany, institute of biology, Jan Kochanowski University, Świętokrzyska 15, 25-406 Kielce, Poland 2Department of nature Protection and rural landscape, institute of Technology and life Sciences, hrabska 3, Falenty, 05-090 raszyn, Poland * corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract: The paper presents current distribution of Orobanche lutea baumg. in Poland based on a critical revision of her- barium and literature data as well as results of field investigations conducted between 1999-2014. Majority of localities are centred around the Silesia-Cracow, Małopolska and lublin-lviv Uplands. The greatest density of sites with probably the most abundant populations in europe is in the central part of Silesia-Cracow Upland, which, by several hundred years, was heavily exploited for calamine mining (rich in zinc, lead and silver). This resulted in the formation of large areas of gangue containing toxic heavy metals. Since limestone, dolomite, marl and postglacial calcareous clay and sands occur there in most places, the soil is often strongly calcareous. Populations of O. lutea contain here many thousands of shoots. The distribution of the species in Poland is mapped. The taxonomy, biology, ecology and threats are also discussed. Key words: Orobanche lutea, orobanchaceae, taxonomy, distribution, phytocoenoses, Poland 1. Introduction europe (northward to the netherlands, germany, Poland, baltic states) and in northern parts of southern Orobanche s.l. is the largest genus in the oro- europe (Catalonia in Spain), italy, northern greece banchaceae family, and comprises more than 200 in the south. it extends eastwards to the Caucasus, species parasitizing on roots of other vascular plants iran and Central Asia (Kreutz 1995). it was recorded (Uhlich et al. 1995; Pusch & günther 2009). They at up to 600 m in the Czech republic and Slovakia belong to the most critical types of global flora, and (Zázvorka 1997, 2000). it reaches its highest altitudes are very difficult to classify due to a strongly reduced in europe in the Alps, ca. 1600 m above sea level and morphology resulting from parasitism. broomrapes are 2000 m in the Caucasus and in western Asia (Uhlich sub-cosmopolitan, with the greatest biodiversity in the et al. 1995). Mediterranean, northern Africa, north America and The species has been reported from xerothermic com- western and central Asia. in central and northern parts munities: Festuco­Brometea, Origanetalia, Mesobro­ of europe, the genus contains about 30 species which mion, Arrhenatherion elatioris, Trifolio­Medicaginion, are mostly rare, endangered or declining (e.g. Zázvorka Festucion rupicolae and alfalfa cultivations (Uhlich et 1997, 2000; Pusch & günther 2009). in Poland, 17 na- al. 1995, Zázvorka 1997, 2000; Pusch & günther 2009). tive (including permanently established) species and 2 Orobanche lutea is an oligophagous species. it para- ephemerophytes have been recorded (e.g. Piwowarczyk sitizes on the species of Fabaceae family, mainly the & Przemyski 2009, 2010; Piwowarczyk et al. 2009, Medicago genus. M. falcata, less frequently M. sativa 2010, 2011; Piwowarczyk 2011, 2012a, 2012b, 2012c, and M. ×varia are its common hosts in europe (Záz- 2012d, 2012e, 2012f, 2012g, 2012h, 2013, 2014). vorka 1997, 2000; Pusch & günther 2009, Piwowarczyk Orobanche lutea baumg. (orobanchaceae) belongs 2012a; Piwowarczyk et al. 2011). to the sub-Mediterranean-european-western Asian The aim of this study was to identify the current horology element (Pusch & günther 2009). it occurs in Central distribution of Orobanche lutea in Poland based on field C ©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved. 18 renata Piwowarczyk & Łukasz Krajewski Orobanche lutea baumg. (orobanchaceae) in Poland: revised distribution, taxonomy... investigations and verified herbarium and literature data. ed. 2, 619, 1844; O. hians Steven bull. Soc. imp. natur. Taxonomic problems, preferred habitats, communities, Moscou 30/1: 354, 1857. hosts, and threats are also discussed below. Type: romania, Transylvania, “in pratis montosis siccioribusque ubique” baumgarten, 1816 (p. 215). 2. Material and methods Type in Vienna. Orobanche lutea is included into grex Galeatae Beck Field investigations were conducted in 1999-2014. containing species having the corolla with straight or They were intensified between 2006 and 2013. Simul- slightly curved dorsal line with characteristically galeate taneously, the first author revised all the herbarium upper lip, large flowers 17-35 mm long, yellow-brown, materials of Orobanche lutea collected in Poland. The purple, lilac, usually purplish towards the margin, with materials are deposited in the following Polish herbaria: high colour variability (beck 1890, 1930). The species is bil, ChrZ, KrA, KrAM, KTC, KTU, lbl, loD, placed in the section Orobanche Teryokhin, subsection oPol, PoZ, Trn, UgDA, WA, WrSl, WSrP and Galeatae (beck) Teryokhin (Teryokhin et al. 1993), in also in germany (b, glM, hAl) and russia (le). the most recent approach. Central european O. caryo­ herbarium acronyms are given after Mirek et al. (1997) phyllacea and O. teucrii also belong to the subsection and holmgren and holmgren (1998). The nomencla- Galeatae. Determination errors are very often made ture of vascular plants follows Mirek et al. (2002). The between O. lutea and these species, especially in her- nomenclature of syntaxa is based on Matuszkiewicz barium materials. O. lutea and O. caryophyllacea are (2006). The localities are listed alphabetically as ATPol the earliest flowering species in Central europe. The cartogram units (10 km ×10 km, based on Zając 1978; flowering peak is observed in the second half of May see http://www.ib.uj.edu.pl/chronpol/). only localities and the first half of June. interestingly, phylogenetic recorded in our observations, identified or confirmed, dendrograms (Schneeweiss et al. 2004; Weiss-Schnee- and verified herbarium data are listed below (Appen- weiss et al. 2006) show that O. caryophyllacea and O. dix 1). Published data not confirmed by us in the field teucrii are mutually more closely related, while O. lutea or not supported by herbarium materials are not reliable is the closest to O. rapum­genistae, also a parasite; a due to frequent determination errors and incorrect or species of the family of Fabaceae (mainly Sarothamnus doubtful localities are listed separately (Appendix 2). scoparius). localities are described as follows: ATPol grid unit, Several varieties and forms were described within geographic location, habitat description, abundance in subject species. The greatest variation, although not as brackets. The following information is also given for high as in Orobanche caryophyllacea (Piwowarczyk most localities: geographic coordinates and altitude 2014) was observed in plant colouration. Specimens (above sea level) and, for revised exsiccata, also the col- with stems and flowers intensively lilac- or light lector and collection date, herbarium acronym and the violet-coloured, with a white stigma, were described exsiccatum number (if they are assigned) are provided. as O. lutea f. liliacea beck (beck 1890, 1930). Plants Archival maps of Western Poland and military maps with an intensively coloured corolla, dark brown- were used for localities reported in old data (http://mapy. violet with a violet stem, often black-violet when dry, amzp.pl/maps.shtml, http://www.mapywig.org/). with a yellow stigma, were described as f. porphyrea The study is based on the analysis of phytosociologi- beck (beck 1890, 1930). This form was observed cal relevés with Orobanche lutea occurrence according in Ząbkowice above a limestone quarry. Plants with to braun-blanquet approach (braun-blanquet 1964) and yellow-coloured stems and flowers were described as originating from Poland. We performed more than 100 var. pallens (A. braun) Asch. et graebn. (Ascherson & phytosociological relevés, but in this paper we presented graebner 1898/1899). in Poland, specimens similar to 19 of the most representative or significant ones. var. pallens, with yellow stems and very light yellow to host plants were also observed by delicately exposing white-yellow flowers were observed near nowa huta the soil with a gardening shovel. The total of 150 lo- and huta Katowice. Albinotic specimens with a white calities were observed in the field and in the analysis corolla, separated as O. lutea f. hypoleuca Beck (beck of herbarium materials containing the attached host. 1890), were recorded very rarely (e.g. in Podskale) and should be confirmed. Corolla length was similar (20- 3. Results 30 mm) in these forms. The form f. evanida Beck was distinguished for considerably smaller flowers, up to 3.1. Taxonomic remarks 15 mm long (beck 1922, 1930). Orobanche lutea baumgarten enum. Strip. Transsilv. Apart from typical specimens with the corolla turned 2: 215, 1816. – Syn. Orobanche rubens Wallr. Sched. upwards (Orobanche lutea var. typica beck), specimens Crit. 1: 307, 1822; O. medicaginis Duby bot. gall. 1: with the corolla strongly curved, spreading to almost 349, 1828; O. buekiana Koch Syn. Fl. german. helvet., horizontal were described from germany as O. buekiana biodiv. res. Conserv.
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