Georgia College Knowledge Box Colonnade Special Collections 2-21-1933 Colonnade February 21, 1933 Colonnade Follow this and additional works at: https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Colonnade, "Colonnade February 21, 1933" (1933). Colonnade. 92. https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade/92 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Knowledge Box. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colonnade by an authorized administrator of Knowledge Box. (kumvimt Volume VIII. Georgia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Ga., Tuesday, February 21, 1933 NO. 19 500 Take Part in Historical Pageant G. S. C W. Delegates kre On Students To Make Bi-centennial Celebration Citizenship Institute Program Washington Trip Is One Of Best In State INAUGURATION OF PRESI- FOUR-ACT DRAMA, "THE MAD MEMBERS OF POLITICAL DENT WILL BE FEATURE Takes Role of Oglethorpe The Georgia Bi-centennial GENIUS," BY DR. AMANDA SCIENCE CLASS ATTEND OF WEEK END. MODEL CONSTITUTION has been chosen as the theme JOHNSON PORTRAYS' HIS- for the Spectrum this year. TORY OF GEORGIA. CONVENTION. College authorities have made Each division of the book will definite plans for a trip to Wash- carry out the chronological The celebration of the Georgia Delegates from the political ington by the students for the development of the history of science classes of Georgia State inauguration of the president Bi-centennial was most beauti- College for Women took part in the State. the first week end in March. fully and interestingly portrayed This motif is thought to be a model constitutional convention The following train schedule before a large enthusiastic aud- held at Emory University Theolo- particularly fitting at this has been made by Mr. L. S. Fowl- ience in the four-act dramatic gy Chapel February 10, and 11. time since Georgia is celebra- er and Mr. W. W. Snow of the pageant which was presented in ihe convention was planned by ting her 200 birthday and since Georgia Railroad: Mrs. W. Stephens who is Presi- this institution desires to pay Lv. Milledgeville 9:00 A. M. the Richard Brevard Russell Aud- dent of the League of Women tribute to the commonwealth Thursday, March 2. itorium Monday night at 8:30 by which so nobly sacrifices for Voters and was a feature of the Ar. Washington 7:00 A. M. the History Club and representa- its welfare. joint Citizenship and Press In- Friday, March 3. tives from every county in the stitute held at Emory during the Lv. Washington 7:00 P. M. Sat- state. week. urday, March 4. The performance, entitled 'The Those participating from G. S Georgia Is First Ar. MilledrQvilie 4:25 P M. Mad Genius," was written and C. W. were India Brown, Kath- Sunday, March 5. directed by Dr. Amanda Johnson, trine Owen, Nell Pilkenton and The pullman will be used for head of the History Department Helen Ennis. Miss Wal.c D. 0- In Many Things sleeping Friday night. The cost at G. S. C. W. Kelley, faculty advisor, accompa- of the round trip train fares and The theme of the drama which nied the group. RECORD OBTAINED BY LATE pullman will be $18.50. '$1.50 is was woven throughout the pag- Majorie Ennis, business mana- MISS MILDRED RUTHER- estimated as charges for sight- eant was one centered around the ger of The Colonnade, represent- FORD, HISTORIAN, IS RE- seeing and $3.50 for seven meals, versatility and life of the Mad ed that publication at the Press PRODUCED. the others being provided for by Genius, Wright Morgan, who Institute. the college. The total expenses was excellently interpreted by 1 Other colleges represented were Celebration of the bi-ccntcnrua will be $23.50 Miss Julia Rucker, of Fulton Frances Dixon Through his gen- Georgia Tech, Brenau, the Uni- which started last Sunday finds Sightseeing has been planned County, who appeared as Gen- iusness, Wright Morgan was able versity of Georgia, Piedmont Col- Georgia boasting first place in for Friday since the public build- eral Oglethorpe in the Bi-cen- to recall the past history of lege and Emory University. many things. ings will be open and Congress tennial Pageant staged in the G. Georgia to his audience in a col- Each delegation drew up a sec- Herewith are pome of the. prin_ will be in session on that day. S. C. W. auditorium Monday orful and charming manner. Dur- tion of a Constitution for Geor- cipal "first" compiled by the late Friday night will be taken up night. ing the period that concerned se- gia which with suggestions and Mildred Rutherford, of Athens, with a show or any other enter- cession, he himself figured in amendments from members of historian general of the United tainment as the group sees fit. Georgia's actions. He made sev- the convention was voted upon. Daughters of the Confederacy. Saturday, the inauguration of eral attempts at Tom Watson's The proposed Constitution of Franklin D. Roosevelt will be Corra Harris (Sara Ryann) and McDaniel's Georgia was altered in many in- First to drive rum from the duly observed. (Grace Paulk) lives because he stances. colony. (General James Edward Students missing classes Thurs- hated what Watson upheld, and Judge Park spoke to the con- Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia, day, Friday and Saturday will Talks On Editors because McDaniel was a suitor vention urging that changes be and one of the first prohibition- receive penalty. Permits from of Natalie's, his daughter (Lou- made in the old Constitution ists in the new world, invoked parents will be necessary before POPULAR AUTHOR DELIVERS ise Williams), and protegee of which is out of date and clut- the barf.) cards for leaving can be signed, INTERESTING ADDRESS AT Watson. A violent heart attack, tered with unnecessary material. First to curb slave trading in order that the pullman may be PRESS INSTITUTE. in an attempt to kill Mc- Be also emphasized the fact that (General Oglethorpa had it fixed ordered, those going will have to Laniel, caused his death. The students should interest them- HO the settlers could buy neg- pay the $18.50 for train reserva- One of the most delightful pageant closed with the beautiful selves in government if it is to roes from each other but no tra- tions into Mr. Fowler's office by speeches made at the Georgia historical wedding that Natalie be purified. der from the other colonies could 5:30 Saturday, February 25 Press Institute at Emory was had in memory of what her fath- At the close of the convention enter1 to peddle his human wares. 1 that delivered by Mrs. Corra Har- er wished to glorify. a Georgia Students' Association ris on the subject "Editors." First to establish an orphanage Special tribute should be paid was formed under the direction Georgia History Museum iiiAmerica. (Rev. George White_ A number of points were made the performers in the following of Mr Lang, a representative of Has Valuable Collection by Mrs. Harris relative to writ- field, a disciple of the Wesley:*, scenes:' General and Lady Ogle- the National Students' Federa- ing that will prove interesting to founded it in Savannah.) thorpe, the living freize "Geor- tion. The Georgia History Museum, those students on the, campus gianna," the love story of the Dr. Theodore H. Jack and Dr. First colony to plant cotton. located on the second floor of who are planning to write, or are frogs, the tea in the Trustees Harold Gosnell, both of Emory, First to strike Spanish ambi- the Ina Dillard Russell Library, writing for publication When garden, the Liberty boys, the .In- were in charge of the program. tions to seize the southern Atlan- is something G. S. C. W. is proud writing, Mrs. Harris contended dian Trek Westward, the hilai'- Mr. Glenn Rainey, professor of tic seaboard. (Oglethorpe anil of. It was started in 1.929 by that "one should write from ous Nitrous Ozide party of Dr. political science at Georgia Tech, S00 men defeated 5,000 Spaniards the History Club, and has been personal knowledge or exper- Crawford Long, the stirring Se- acted as chairman at the con- at Bloody Marsh and halted thei»' constantly added to since that ience and if knowledge is the cession Convention that occured vention. march northward from Florida.) time . by numerous donations. source of information one should here in Milledgeville, the Masked First to invent aij Indian al- In the main room of the mus- be well acquainted with that, Ball, and the Tomson episode. eum there is one large show case RUSSIA DISCUSSIONS phabet. source." Invitations were sent to friends and seven smaller ones in which CONTINUE IN CLUB First to teach tMe Bible to the "Editors have a right to re- and educators over the state, and such valuables as Indian relics, Indians. ject manuscripts," Mrs. Harris due to the large number of spec- ancient documents, old currency, Activity Council held its reg- First to establish a state uni„ said, '<and-it is useless to try to tators on Monday night, it is and weapons are displayed. ular meeting last Wednesday af- versity—at Athens in 1785. influence editors by outside sug- likely that the performance will ternoon in the biology lecture First Sunday school. (John The larger case contains fire- gestions in favor of your manu- be repeated to-night for the ben- arms and swords of several war room In the business discussion Wesley established it in, Savan- script for they are singly sus- efit of those not securing seats periods; Indian arrowheads, which preceded the program a nah soon after the colony was picious to such actions." last night and for the members grinding stones, tomahawks, and representative of each of the founded.) To encourage those authors of the student body.
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