Intro Parker´s Mood tommy louis Arstrong New York ludde goes pop musik från 1929 Louis Armstrong [A5632‐13] Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Louis Armstrong (tp,vcl) Homer Hobson (tp) Fred Robinson (tb) Jimmy Strong (cl) Bert Curry, Crawford Wethington (as) Carroll Dickerson (vln,cond) Gene Anderson (p) Mancy Carr (bj) Pete Briggs (tu) Zutty Singleton (d) New York, July 19, 1929 402534‐B Ain't misbehavin' (la vcl) Ok 8714, 41276, Voc 3040, Jolly Roger J5014, Parl (E)R462, PMC1195, PMC7098, Swaggie (Aus)S1265 Od (F)165814, 7MOE2258, XOC174, (G)A286002, 284474 CBS (Eu)RM52027, Amiga (G)850070, Smithsonian 2012 Time Life STLJ01,ASV Living Era (E)AJA5049,(E)5049 [CD], Saville (E)109 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD], Col CK46148 [CD], C4K57176 [CD], CK64613 [CD], CK64927 [CD], JSP (E)315 [CD], Avid 541 [CD], Black & Blue (F)59.226‐2 [CD], Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1355 [CD] Seger Ellis [E2584‐13] Seger Ellis (vcl) acc by Louis Armstrong (tp) Tommy Dorsey (tb,tp) Jimmy Dorsey (cl,as) Arthur Schutt (p) Eddie Lang (g) Joe Venuti (vln) Stan King (d) New York, August 23, 1929 402881‐B Ain't misbehavin' OKeh 41291, Col 3CL35, CBS 65251, Smithsonian 2012, Neatwork (Au)RP2020 [CD], Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1355 [CD], Columbia CK 46148 [CD], CBS (Eu)466965 2 [CD], TOM MB131 [CD], Azure AZCD22 [CD] Edith Wilson [W7403‐13] Edith Wilson (vcl) acc by Charlie Gaines (tp) Wilbur DeParis (tb) Emerson Harper (cl) Harry Brooks (p) Sam Speed (bj) New York, c. November 1929 E‐31558 (What did I do to be so) Black and blue Br 4685, Smithsonian 2012 E‐31559 My man is good for nothing but love ‐ Note: Both above titles also on Document (Au)DOCD5451 [CD], Archeophone ARCH6006 [CD]. Louis Armstrong [A5633‐13] Gene Anderson (p,celeste‐1) rest same New York, July 22, 1929 402535‐B Black and blue (la vcl,1) Ok 8714, 41276, Voc 3115, Col 38952, ML4386, Parl (E)R1573, CBS (Eu)RM52377, Od (F)165814, OS1080, OSX144, (G)026935, A286076, Time Life STLJ01, Col C4K57176 [CD], HRM 6002 [CD] Jazz Archives (F)158132 [CD], (F)158722 [CD], Black & Blue (F)59.226‐2 [CD] 402540‐C That rhythm man (la vcl) Ok 8717, 41281, Voc 3205, Parl (E)R1494, Od (F)165815, 7MOE2258, A286071, GOJ (It)LPJT53, Biog BLP‐C5, Time‐Life STL‐J01, Col C4K57176 [CD], Saville (E)198[CD], Giants of Jazz (It)CD53088 [CD], Tring (Eu)VAR044 [CD], Masters of Jazz (F)MJCD805 [CD] 402541‐B Sweet Savannah Sue (la vcl) Ok 8717, 41281, Voc 3136, Jolly Roger J5008, Parl (E)R1573, Od (F)7MOE2258, (G)A286076, 026935, (G)A286076, 026935, Saville (E)198 [CD] Note: All above titles also on Disques Swing SW8450 titled "Louis Armstrong and the Big Bands 1928‐ 1930"; see flwg sessions to May 4, 1930 and Carroll Dickerson for rest of LP. Biograph BLP‐C5 titled "The Great Soloists 1925‐1932 featuring Louis Armstrong"; see flwg sessions to March 11, 1932 and Clarence Williams, Butterbeans and Susie, Victoria Spivey for rest of LP. Giants of Jazz (It)LPJT53 titled "Louis Armstrong and his orchestra 1929‐1940"; for the rest of LP see flwg sessions to March 14, 1940. Tring (Eu)VAR044 [CD] titled "The Louis Armstrong Collection 4"; see flwg sessions to October 1‐ 2,1959 for rest of CD. Giants of Jazz (It)CD53088 [CD] titled "Louis Armstrong"; see flwg sessions to June 10, 1947 and "Esquire All‐American Award Winners" for rest of CD. All above titles also on Odeon (F)XOC174, Parlophone (E)PMC7074, Swaggie (Aus)S1253, Columbia CK46148 [CD], CK64927 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD], Disques Swing CDXP8450 [CD], Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1355 [CD], JSP (E)315 [CD]. Louis Armstrong [A5634‐13] Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Louis Armstrong (tp,vcl) Homer Hobson (tp) Fred Robinson (tb) Jimmy Strong (cl,ts) Bert Curry, Crawford Wethington (as) Carroll Dickerson (vln,cond) Gene Anderson (p) Mancy Carr (bj,g) Pete Briggs (tu) Zutty Singleton (d) New York, September 10, 1929 402923‐C Some of these days Ok 8729, Parl (E)PMC7074, CBS (F)65251, Disques Swing SW8450, Time Life STLJ01, Swaggie (Aus)S1253 Col CK46148 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD], JSP (E)315 [CD], King Jazz (It)KJ151FS [CD], Phontastic (Swd)PHONT9308 [CD] 402943‐A Some of these days (la vcl) Ok 41298, Voc 3202, Jolly Roger J5008, Parl(E)R520 PMC7074, Swaggie (Aus)S1253, Od (F)165848, XOC174, OSX144, (G)A286004, OS1080, Disques Swing SW8450, Book of the Month Club 21‐6547, JSP (E)315 [CD], Jazz Archives (F)158132 [CD], (F)158722 [CD], Disques Swing CDXP8450 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD], Col CK46148 [CD] Note: Dickerson not audible on the above session, may only be conducting. liner of Phontastic (Swd)PHONT9308 [CD] lists matrix number as 402943‐C but is actually 402923‐C. For a discussion of the matrix and take designations on this and following sessions see Michael Brooks' notes for Col CK46148 [CD]. Both above titles also on Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1355 [CD]. Louis Armstrong [A5634‐13] Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Louis Armstrong (tp,vcl) Homer Hobson (tp) Fred Robinson (tb) Jimmy Strong (cl,ts) Bert Curry, Crawford Wethington (as) Carroll Dickerson (vln,cond) Gene Anderson (p) Mancy Carr (bj,g) Pete Briggs (tu) Zutty Singleton (d) New York, September 10, 1929 402923‐C Some of these days Ok 8729, Parl (E)PMC7074, CBS (F)65251, Disques Swing SW8450, Time Life STLJ01, Swaggie (Aus)S1253 Col CK46148 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD], JSP (E)315 [CD], King Jazz (It)KJ151FS [CD], Phontastic (Swd)PHONT9308 [CD] 402943‐A Some of these days (la vcl) Ok 41298, Voc 3202, Jolly Roger J5008, Parl(E)R520 PMC7074, Swaggie (Aus)S1253, Od (F)165848, XOC174, OSX144, (G)A286004, OS1080, Disques Swing SW8450, Book of the Month Club 21‐6547, JSP (E)315 [CD], Jazz Archives (F)158132 [CD], (F)158722 [CD], Disques Swing CDXP8450 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD], Col CK46148 [CD] Note: Dickerson not audible on the above session, may only be conducting. liner of Phontastic (Swd)PHONT9308 [CD] lists matrix number as 402943‐C but is actually 402923‐C. For a discussion of the matrix and take designations on this and following sessions see Michael Brooks' notes for Col CK46148 [CD]. Both above titles also on Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1355 [CD]. Louis Armstrong [A5635‐13] New York, September 11, 1929 402924‐B When you're smiling Ok 8729, Parl (E)R671, PMC7074, CBS (F)65251, Franklin Mint GJR001, Disques Swing SW8450, CDXP8450 [CD], JSP (E)315 [CD], Avid 541 [CD], Col CK46148 [CD], C4K57176 [CD], CK64613 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD], King Jazz (It)KJ151FS [CD] 402947‐A When you're smiling (la vcl) Ok 41298, Voc 3202, Jolly Roger J5008, Parl (E)PMC7074, R1286, PMC7006, Od (F)165844, XOC174, OSX144, (G)031749, Phontastic (Swd)NOST7608, Discs Swing SW8450, JSP (E)315 [CD], Col CK46148 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD] Note: Parlophone (E)R671 as "The Philadelphia Melodians". Both above titles also on Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1355 [CD]. Chet Baker [B853‐13] Chet Baker Orchestra: Chet Baker (tp,vcl) Bud Shank (fl) Russ Freeman (p) Red Mitchell (b) Bob Neal (d) + string section, Corky Hale (harp) Ed Lustgarten, Ray Kramer, Eleanor Slatkin, Kurt Reher (cello) Johnny Mandel, Marty Paich, Frank Campo (string‐arr) Los Angeles, February 28, 1955 This is always (cb vcl,mp arr) Pacific Jazz PJ1202, EP4‐30, Vogue (E)EPV1137 Someone to watch over me (cb vcl,jm arr) Pacific Jazz PJ1202, EP4‐30, Vogue (E)EPV1137, Pacific Jazz (Jap)TOCJ‐5350 [CD] Grey December (cb vcl,fc arr) Pacific Jazz PJ1202, EP4‐33, HFS1, Vogue (E)EPV1138, Pacific Jazz CDP7‐89292‐2 [CD] 1720 I wish I knew (cb vcl,mp arr) Pacific Jazz PJ1202, EP4‐33, Vogue (E)EPV1138 Note: Pacific Jazz PJ1202 titled "Chet Baker Sings and Plays with Bud Shank, Russ Freeman and Strings". All above titles also on Pacific Jazz CP32‐5352 titled "Chet Baker Sings and Plays". All above titles also on Pacific Jazz (Jap)K23P‐6703, GXF3111, Vogue (E)LAE12018, Pacific Jazz CDP7‐ 97160‐2 [CD], Gambit (And)69236 [CD], Diskport (Jap)FPC‐87321/22/23 [CD], Phoenix Records (Sp)131515 [CD]. gunnar Min upplevelse på konserthuset på 60‐talet friedrich goulda Friedrich Gulda (Austrian) [G7183‐13] Friedrich Gulda And His Sextet: Idrees Sulieman (tp) Jimmy Cleveland (tb) Phil Woods (as) Seldon Powell (ts) Friedrich Gulda (p) Aaron Bell (b) Nick Stabulas (d) Pee Wee Marquette (m.c.) Live "Birdland", New York, June 28, 1956 G2JB‐5835 Quintet Vic LPM1398, Decca (E)LK4189 G2JB‐5836 Dark glow LPM1355 G2JB‐5838 Introvert LPM1398 ‐ G2JB‐5839 Scruby LPM1355 G2JB‐5840 Teheran LPM1398 ‐ G2JB‐5841 Air from other planets LPM1355 G2JB‐5842 New shoes ‐ G2JB‐5843 Cool hill LPM1398 G2JB‐5844 Vienna discussion LPM1355 G2JB‐5847 A night in Tunisia (1) ‐ G2JB‐5848 Out of nowhere LPM1398 ‐ G2JB‐5849 Lullaby of Birdland ‐ ‐ Note: (1) Gulda, Bell and Stabulas only RCA Victor LPM1355 titled "At Birdland". Decca (E)LK4189 titled "A man of letters". RCA Victor LPM1398 assigned but never released. All titles from RCA Victor LPM1355 also on Victor (Jap)RA5419, Fresh Sound (Sp)NL46059, RCA (Jap)BVJJ‐2817. All above titles also on Fresh Sound (Sp)FSRCD648 [CD] titled "Friedrich Gulda at Birdland + A Man of Letters"; see following session for rest of CD. All above titles also on Universal (Eu)060249847128 [CD] titled "At Birdland"; see following session for rest of CD. Friedrich Gulda (Austrian) [G7184‐13] same "Birdland", New York, June 29, 1956 G2JB‐5837 Dodo Vic LPM1355 G2JB‐5850 All the things you are LPM1398, Decca (E)LK4189 G2JB‐5853 Bernie's tune LPM1355 Note: All titles on RCA Victor LPM1355 also on Decca (E)LK4188.
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