PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Fri., April 9, 1976 I ManchesteiL. AARP Chapter to hear H O S p i t f l l ........^ The weather Inside today Discharged Wednesday: Elvera Judge FitzGerald Mostly sunny today, mild, high in mid Area new s............9 Editorial .............. 4 Brazitis, Swamp Rd., Coventry; Doris 50s. Clear, cool, tonight, low 30-35, Fair Business............... 7 O bituaries...........14 Peck, Gilead Rd., Andover; Albert Sunday, warm, highs upper 50s, low Swtttnn Hrralii Churches ........... 8 S ports.............9, 10 Judge of Probate William Adams, 136 Pine St.; Virginia Stoyer, A few reservations still are open 60s. National weather forecast map on Classified — 11-12 Sr. C itizens.......... 2 FitzGerald will be the speaker for the April 21 trip to the Old Mill in Page 11. **The B right O ne’* Comics...............13 Week-Review ... 2 Wells Rd., Talcottville; Thomas Ray, FOURTEEN PAGES Colchester; Alice Robinson, 114 Maple Wednesday, when Manchester Westminster, Mass. They may be Dear Abby........13 W ings.................... 4 Chapter of the American Association St.; Erwin Hyson, 413 Woodland St.; made with Lucille Mahoney, 19 WEEKEND INSIDE MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1 9 7 6 - VOL. XCV, No. 163 P R lC E i FIFT E E N CENTS Guiseppi Adams, 110 Lake Rd., Andover; of Retired Persons (AARP) conducts Hamlin St. Charlene Dunn, 64G Spencer St. its next meeting. It will be at 1 p.m. The trip includes luncheon at the Also, Barbara Skoog, 151 Parker St.; in Cooper Hall of South United Old Mill Restaurant, a tour of the Kathleen Thompson, 4 Goslee Dr.; Methodist Church. Members are village shops associated with 'the Kathleen Riley, East Hartford; Patricia asked to note the 1 p.m. time. restaurant, and a short trip into Ream, 35 Haylin Dr., Vernon; Scott Ke­ Governor expected to sign nyon, 21 Birch Hill Dr., South Windsor; lower New Hampshire. Buses will Sharon Kelley, 5 S. Farms Dr.; William Judge FitzGerald will discuss leave South Church parking lot at Tuttle, 434 W. Middle Tpke,; Eugene wills, estate planning and probate 9:15 a.m. The total cost is $11 per Bailey, 33 E. Eldridge St.; Robin Tapper; procedures and will answer person. 31 Garden Dr. questions. $ 1.8 billion State budget The Manchester Evening Herald prints more Manchester news than any other newspaper. PLAZA DEPT. STORE (W« Hava A Notion To Pleaao) Next to Frank's Supormarkat Eaat Middio Tpka., Manchaitar approved by legislature The Easter Bunny Has TRASH INTO CASH HARTFORD (UPI) - A $1.8 billion The budget, which earlier in the Stevens, R-Millord, said Connecticut July 1, through two accounting Come To Plaza! budget, similar to one proposed by week received approval from was the only state to resort to such a methods, shifting to that fiscal year FOR MANCHESTER You’ll find a complete and color- Gov. Ella T. Grasso, today was on Democratic caucuses that have combination of accounting devices to tax revenues usually not received in futstock of:— her desk and, despite some disagree­ overwhelming control of both balance its budget. state coffers until the following fiscal (Herald photo by Pinto) Bring newspapers and glass EASTER 8ASKETS, GRASS, ment, there were indications she chambers, was about seven per cent “No other state has attempted this year. EGGS, DYE, FUZZY BUNNIES would sign it. higher than last year’s $1.68 billion type of bookkeeping shenanigans," About $35 million would come from Showing it like it was (minus metal rings) to Recycling and CHICKS; plus The House Friday, overriding budget or roughly equal to the rate of Stevens said, warning the corporate business taxes, $30.6 Bins at entrance to Landfill /\rea, Republican objections it was opening inflation. Democratic program would need “an million would be from utility taxes Showing it like it was, students of Unit B at Nathan Hale School presented a play recently DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE Olcott St., 8-5:00 Mon. - Sat.; BUNNIES and EGGS. the door to financial catastrophe, Gasoline tax increased unprecedented increase in the and another $4 million would be from entitled “The Story of Nathan Hale” for their parents and fellow students. At left, Ray gave final legislative approval to the economy” to avert a large deficit foreign insurance levies. • Motorists will pay most of the in­ Luce plays General Howe. Cap't. Nathan Hale, played by David Spaulding, center, has just except Holidays... package. crease, forking out over a penny-a- next year. Part of a $36 million gap forecast been captured by British soldiers played by Walter Weir, left, and Michele Rooke. Need Something? Ask Plaza! It was virtually the same at the bot­ gallon more on the gasoline tax and Rep. James Clynes, D-Southington, for the end of this fiscal year would tom line as Mrs. Grasso’s, but with higher tolls on state highways. House chairman of the Finance Com­ be fcridged with $27.7 million raised some adJustments in taxes and the Business, which said it needed tax mittee, defended the plan as respon­ by one of the accounting methods funding of certain programs. relief to spur the state’s ailing ding to the desires of state residents applied to levies on cigarettes, Mrs. Grasso earlier in the week economy, will receive $27.5 million in unwilling to pay additional taxes to alcohol and gasoline and a $7.3 DeMolays said she could not sign the proposal tax breaks, with the halving of the bail the state out of its financial million federal grant. unless the legislature closed what seven per cent levies on business ser­ problems. Drop income tax to host she said was a $7 million to $10.5 vices and purchases of machinery. “I think it is a good package and if Liberal Democrats withdrew an million gap. Renovation work would also be someone told me (at the beginning of amendment to institute a state in­ parade Daily lottery planned exempted under the business ser­ the session) we would leave this come tax because of technical But with plans to institute a daily vices tax. Capitol with only a one cent increase problems in drafting the legislation. John Mather Chapter, lottery to fill the revenue gap ap­ The H o u ^ which Thursday passed in the gasoline tax I would have told Rep. Irving Stolberg, D-New Order of DeMolay, will parently in the works, the governor the spendiflii side of the package, them they were off their rocker,” he Haven, its sponsor, acknowledged host the Connecticut De­ appeared likely to go along with the defeated nine Republican said. there was no support for the Molay Bicentennial Parade, legislature's spending and revenue amendments, most aimed at preven­ New revenue proposal, but said such a levy would Sunday in Manchester. package. ting the use of a series of The budget package, which calls eventually become a reality. State units of DeMolay Mrs. Grasso, who says she will sup­ bookkeeping devices to balance the for $116.8 million in new state Stolberg was one of seven will participate with port the new lottery despite her op­ budget. revenues, gets only $15.9 million Democrats, mostly liberals unhappy various other parade units position to some forms of legalized The Senate Thursday passed both from the gasoline tax and toll in­ with the tax structure, who crossed and dignitaries, including gambling, might wait until that portions of the package. creases. party lines to vote against the State Senator David M. proposal is closer to passage before Stevens critical About $70 million in revenue would budget. Rep, Abijah U. Fox of Barry. signing the budget, sources said. House Minority Leader Gerald F. be raised next fiscal year, beginning Greenwich was the lone Republican The Order of DeMolay is to vote for the package. a fraternal organization for young men between the ages of 13 and 21. The John { ■* Mather Chapter has been located in Manchester Carter hounded by double-talk eharges since 1928. (Herald photo by Dunn) Daniel Hanson is the Prepares for Palm Sunday By LEWIS LORD Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson Udall said Carter's phrase was state. However, United Auto parade marshal. Unilrii Press Intrrnaliunul said Carter “has been getting a “like someone pulling back the cur­ Workers Vice President Douglas % Jimmy Carter, hounded by double- Fraser said in Detroit that Hubert tremendous black vote ... basically tain on his attitudes." 9 The Rev. Bernard Killeen, assistant pastor, selects the palms he talk charges, has offered at least one because many people see him as the "These primaries are testing us, " Humphrey is closer to the UAW's will carry Sunday in the traditional distribution of the palms at plain statement about the flap over live alternative to George Wallace in Udall said. "They test us when we're philosophy than any of the declared Duplicate Masses at St. James Roman Catholic Church. his "ethnic purity" comment. the Southern states. tired and worn out, at all hours of the candidates. “Nothing," he said, "would please "I have warned people over and day and night, and this was one time Wallace's campaign manager, ^ bridge me better than to drop the subJect." over again," Jackson added, "that when we didn't get a stock phrase or Charles Snider, said the Alabama H6NB Morris Udall, for one, is in no the absence of Wallace is not a speech-writer's work. It was like a governor intends to campaign in at Muiirlic^li'r Ciiiiiiminily hurry to let it die. least 13 more primaries but money College necessarily the presence of justice." window into the man's thinking and "That comment has sent shock The “ethnic purity” phrase, will determine how hard he runs.
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