FROM ANCIENT ISRAEL TO MODERN JUDAISM Intellect in Quest of Understanding Program in Judaic Studies Brown University BROWN JUDAIC STUDIES Edited by Jacob Neusner Wendell S. Dietrich, Ernest S. Frerichs, William Scott Green, Calvin Goldscheider, David Hirsch, Alan Zuckerman Project Editors (Projects) David Blumenthal, Emory University (Approaches to Medieval Judaism) William Brinner (Studies in Judaism and Islam) Ernest S. Frerichs, Brown University (Dissertations and Monographs) Lenn Evan (joodman. University of Hawaii (Studies in Medieval Judmsm) William Scott Green, University of Rochester (Approaches to Ancient Judaism) Norbert Samuelson, Temple University (Jewish Philosophy) Jonathan Z, Smith, University of Chicago (Studia Philonica) Number 174 FROM ANCIENT ISRAEL TO MODERN JUDAISM Intellect in Quest of Understanding Edited by Jacob Neusner Ernest S. Frerichs Nahum M. Sama FROM ANCIENT ISRAEL TO MODERN JUDAISM Intellect est Quest of Understanding Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox Volume Three Judaism in the Middle Ages: Philosophers Hasidism. Messianism in Modem Times The Modern Age: Philosophy Edited by Jacob Neusner Ernest S. Frerichs Nahum M. Sarna Managing Editor Joshua Bell Scholars Press Atlanta, Georgia FROM ANCIENT ISRAEL TO MODERN .nJDAISM INTELLECT IN QUEST OF UNDERSTANDING © 1989 Brown University The editors acknowledge with thanks the support of the Tisch Family Foundation in the publication of this volume. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data From ancient Israel to modern Judaism : intellect in quest of understanding: essays in honor of Marvin Fox I edited by Jacob Neusner, Ernest S. Frerichs, Nahum M. Sarna. p. em. -- (Brown Judaic studies; no. 159, 173-175) Contents: Y. 1. What is at stake in the Judaic quest for understanding. Judaic learning and the locus of education. Ancient Israel. Formative Christianity. Judaism in the fonnativc age; religion -- v. 2. Judaism in the formative age: theology and literature. Judaism in the Middle Ages: the encounter with Christianity, the encounter with Scripture, philosophy, and theology - - Y. 3. Judaism in the Middle Ages: philosophers. Hasidism, Messianism in modern times. The modern age: philosophy -- v. 4. The modern age: theology, literature, history. ISBN 1-55540-342-5 (y.3 : alk. paper) 1. Judaism--History. 2. Philosophy, J ewish. 3. Fox, Marvin. I. Fox, Marvin. II. Neusner, J acob, 1932- . III. Frerichs, Ernest S. IV. Sarna, Nahum M. V. Series: Brown Judaic studies no. 159, ctc. BM157.F76 1989 296'.09--dc20 89-6111l Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper § TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface xiii Bibliography of the Works of Marvin Fox xvii Part Eleven: JUDAISM IN THE MIDDLE AGES: PHILOSOPHERS: MAIMONIDES AND HIS HEIRS 31. Aspects of Maimonidean Epistemology: Halakah and Science 3 Isadore Twersky, Harvard University 32. Intellectual Perfection and the Role of the Law in the Philosophy of Maimonides 25 Howard Kreisel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 33. Maimonides and the Alternatives Concerning the World's Being Everlasting 47 Keith E. Yandell, University of Wisconsin 34. Maimonides' Fundamental Principles Redivivus 77 Charles M. Raffel, American Jewish Committee 35. Another More Nevukhim: The Italian Background and the Educational Program of Leon Modena's More Nevukhim Bikhtivah Bilshonenu Hakodosh 89 Howard Adelman, Smith College Part Twelve: JUDAISM IN THE MIDDLE AGES: PHILOSOPHERS: JUDAH HALEVI 36. Judah Halevi and Karaism Ill Daniel J. Lasker, Ben Gurion University of the Negev 37. The Superiority of Oral over Written Communication: Judah Ha-Levi's Kuzari and Modern Jewish Thought 127 Raphael Jospe, The Open University of Israel Part Thirteen: HASIDISM.: MESSIANISM IN MODERN TIMES 38. Hasidism as the Image of Demonism: The Satiric Writings ofJudahLeibMises 159 Yehudah Friedlai\der, Bar Ilan Ur\iversity 39. When a Rabbi Is Accused of Heresy: R. Ezekiel Landau's Attitude toward R. Jonathan Eibeschuetz in the Emden- Eibeschuetz Controversy 179 Sid Z. Leiman, Brooklyn College Part Fourteen: THE MODERN AGE: PHILOSOPHY 40. The Character and Status of the Concept of History in Three Twentieth Century Systems of Judaic Thought: Cohen, Rosenzweig, Levinas 197 Wendell S. Dietrich, Brown University 41. Heschel's Critique of Kant 213 Lawrence Perlman, Vassar College 42. Ararat and its Fortress: Excerpts from the Rawidowicz- Margulies Correspondence 227 Benjamin Ravid, Brandeis University Index 249 VOLUME ONE Preface xui Bibliography of the Works of Marvin Fox xvii PART ONE: WHAT IS AT STAKE IN THE JUDAIC QUEST FOR UNDERSTANDING 1. History as a Jewish Problem 3 Ben Halpem, Brandeis University PART TWO: JUDAIC LEARNING AND THE LOCUS OF EDUCATION 2. Judaic Studies and the College Curriculum 25 William Scott Green, University of Rochester 3. The University as a Locus for the Judaic Life of Intellect: Why the New Is Not Necessarily Better than the Old, but Only Different 41 Jacob Neusner, Brown University PART THREE: ANCIENT ISRAEL AND THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST 4. The Role of Inspiration Relative to Other Explanations of the Formation of the Hebrew Bible 59 Ernest S. Frerichs, Brown University 5. Genesis 21:33: A Study in the Development of a Biblical Text and its Rabbinic Transformation 69 Nahum M. Sama, Brandeis University 6. "He Should Continue to Bear the Penalty of That Case:" An Interpretation of Codex Hammurabi Paragraphs 3-4 and 13 77 Tsvi Abush, Brandeis University 7. Dealing with Fundamental Regime Change: The Biblical Paradigm of the Transition from Tribal Federation to Federal Monarchy under David 97 Daniel J. Elazar, Bar Ilan and Temple Universities PART FOUR: FORMATIVE CHRISTIANITY 8. The Transformation of a Religious Document: From Early Christian Writings to Canon 133 Mauro Pesce, University of Bologna 9. Anti-Semitism in John's Gospel 149 William A. Johi\son, Brandeis University 10. The New Testament, the Early Church, and Anti-Semitism 171 John T. Townsend, Episcopal Divinity School 11. Four Christian Writers on Jews and Judaism in the Second Century 187 Robert MacLennon, Hitchcock Presbyterian Church, Scarsdale PART FIVE: FORMATIVE JUDAISM: RELIGION 12. "Teach Us to Count Our Days:" A Note on Sefirat HaOmer 205 Harold Fisch, Bar Ilan University 13. Are Women Property in the System of the Mishnah? 219 Paul V. M. Flesher, Northwestern University 14. Three Stages in the Development of Early Rabbinic Prayer 233 Tzvee Zahavy, University of Minnesota 15. Architecture and Laws: The Temple and its Courtyards in the Temple Scroll 267 Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University Index 285 VOLUME TWO Preface xiii Bibliography of the Works of Marvin Fox xvii PART SIX: FORMATIVE JUDAISM: THEOLOGY 16. Judaism in Crisis? Institutions and Systematic Theology in Rabbinism 3 Roger Brooks, Univ'^rsity of Notre Dame 17. The Problem of On^inahty in Talmudic Thought 19 Robert Goldenberg, State University of New York at Stony Brook 18. On Man's Role in Revelation 29 David Weiss Halivni, Columbia University PART SEVEN: FORMATIVE JUDAISM: LITERATURE 19. Did the Talmud's Authorship Utilize Prior "Sources"? A Response to Halivni's Sources and Traditions 53 Jacob Neusner, Brown University 20. The Rabbis of the Babylonian Talmud: A Statistical Analysis 81 Harold Goldblatt, University of Maryland 21. Matching Patterns at the Seams: A Literary Study 95 Herbert Basser, Queens University 22. Recent and Prospective Discussion of Memra 119 Bruce Chilton, Bard College 23. The Am Ha'Arets as Literary Character 139 Peter Haas, Vanderbilt University PART EIGHT: JUDAISM IN THE MIDDLE AGES: THE ENCOUNTER WITH CHRISTIANITY 24. The Christian Position in Jacob Ben Reuben's Milhamot Ha-Shem 157 Robert Chazan, New York University PART NINE: JUDAISM IN THE MIDDLE AGES: THE ENCOUNTER WITH SCRIPTURE 25. Tradition or Context: Two Exegetes Struggle with Peshat 173 Martin 1. Lockshin, York University 26. "Introduction to the Commentary on Song of Songs Composed by the Sage Levi Ben Gershom" - An Annotated Translation 187 Menachem Kellner, University of Haifa 27. Late-Fourteenth Century Perception of Classical Jewish Lore: Shem Tob ben Isaac Shaprut's Aggadic Exegesis 207 Lester A. Segal, University of Massachusetts-Boston PART TEN: JUDAISM IN THE MIDDLE AGES: PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY 28. Creation in Medieval Philosophical, Rabbinic Commentaries 231 Norbert M. Samuelson, Temple University 29. Some Forms of Divine Appearance in Ancient Jewish Thought 261 Michael Fishbane, Brandeis University 30. Female Imaging of the Torah: From Literary Metaphor to Religious Symbol 271 Elliot Wolfson, New York University Index 309 VOLUME FOUR Preface xiii Bibliography of the Works of Marvin Fox xvii PART FIFTEEN: THE MODERN AGE: THEOLOGY AND TOEOLOGY 43. Samson Raphael Hirsch's Doctrine of Inner Revelation 3 Walter S. Wurzburger, Yeshiva University 44. Non-Jews in a Jewish Polity: Subject or Sovereign? 13 David Novak, University of Virginia 45. Tikkun: A Lurianic Motif in Contemporary Jewash Thought 35 Lawn-ence Fine, Mount Holyoke College 46. FromTanakh to Modern Times: Aspects of Jewish Religion 55 Moshe Goshen-Gottstein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 47. Universal Mission and Jewish Survivalism in American Zionist Ideology 61 Allon Gal, Ben Gurion University of the Negev PART SIXTEEN: THE MODERN AGE: LITERATURE 48. Paradise Lost as a Midrash on the Biblical Bride of God 87 Sylvia Barack Fishman, Brandeis University 49. "Sacred Sriptures or Bibles of Mankind" in Walden by Henry David Thoreau 105 Pier Cesare Bori, University of Bologna 50. L. A. Arieli and the Literature of the Second Aliyah 115 Gila Ramras-Rauch, Hebrew College 51. In Search of "Authentic" Anglo-Jewish Poetry: The Debate over A. M. Klein's Poems (1944) 125 Jonathan D. Sarna, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati 52. Tadeusz Rozewicz Faces the Holocaust Past 137 David H. Hirsch, Brown University PART SEVENTEEN: THE MODERN AGE: HISTORY 53. The Politics of Yiddish in Tsarist Russia 155 David E. Fishman, Jewish Theological Seminary of America and YIVO Institute for Jewdsh Research 54. From Yishuv to Sovereign State: Changes in the Social Structure of the Jewish State in the 1940s 173 Jehuda Reinharz, Brandeis University 55. The Ideology of Antisemitism: The American Jewish View 189 Gary A.
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