OCfAVO THE PROGRAM MAGAZINE OF THE DALE WARLAND SINGERS October 26, 1986 December 7, 1986 December 14, 1986 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARTISTIC STAFF Margaret D. Ankeny Dale Warland tDuane Bell Music Director Dixon Bond Sigrid Johnson tArland D. Brusven Assistant Conductor James L. Davis tCharles W. Gaillard Jerry Rubino Thelma Hunter Pianist Jon N. Kietzer tTerry S. Knowles ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF tMichael W. McCarthy Marie B. Sathrum Estelle Sell General Manager Boake A. Sells Mary K. Steinke Amy Thirsten John R. Thomas Assistant Manager James R. Treanor Paul William Gerike tDale Warland Librarian tExecutlve Committee SOPRANO ALTO TENOR BASS Janet Johnson Roxanne L. Bentley Paul J. Anderson David Benson -Sigrid Johnson Linda Burk Larry Bach Steve Burger Deborah J. Loon -Joanne Halvorsen James Flskum Michael Dalley Barbara Nelson Karen M. Johnson Paul William Gerike Wayne Dalton Solvelg K. Nelson Christine Ludwig -John William WaynneB. Julie Ann Olson Joan Quam- Henley Horntcke Lea Anna Sams- MacKenzie Tim Johnson Fredrick Lokken McGowan Kay E. Sandeen Gary A. Kortemeler -Jerry Rubino Marie Spar Carrie Stevens Steve Pearthree Arthur Rudolph- Ruth Spiegel Denise Wahlln David Reece LaRue -Linda Steen Donelle Zimdars Timothy Sawyer Julian Sellers Claudia Zylstra Frank Steen Paul A. Theisen "Sectton Leader Thday's performance Is being recorded. No cameras or recording devices may be used during performances. Please turn off any electronic beeping devices (watches, pagers, etc.) or leave them with an usher prior to the performance. Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the house manager. As a courtesy to other patrons, please be aware that the excellent acoustics of this hall magnify sounds such as rustling programs, cellophane wrappers, and whispering. Published 1986 by The Dale Warland Singers, Inc., P.O.Box 16207/EIway Station, St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 612/292-9780 2 DALE WARLAND Dale Warland occupies a preeminent from 1967 to 1986. In addition, he is in place in this nation's choral life. A dis- demand as a guest conductor. Among tinguished conductor, sought-after clini- his many conducting honors are per- cian and lecturer, and frequently-per- formances with the Swedish Radio formed composer/arranger, Warland Choir (Stockholm), the Danish Radio and his choirs have made a significant Choir (Copenhagen), the Houston Con- contribution to choral music both at cert Chorale, and many All-State Cho- home and abroad through concerts, ral Festivals throughout the United tours, broadcasts, recordings and pro- States and Canada. fessional affiliations. A graduate of St. Olaf College, Dale Dr. Warland is the founder and direc- Warland holds a master's degree from of The Dale Warland Singers, an the University of Minnesota and a doc- ensemble he has brought to national tor of musical arts degree from the Uni- and international acclaim. He has versity of Southern California. Other toured abroad with the Singers in Swe- academic honors include a Tanglewood den, Norway, and Germany. In the scholarship, a Ford Foundation grant United States, he frequently appears which enabled him to study choral with his Singers on American and music in England, Sweden, and Nor- National Public Radio, including the way, and a Bush Foundation grant to "St. Paul Sunday Morning" program research English choral literature. Dr. and "A Prairie Home Companion Warland is a member of the American Show." Dr. Warland has produced Society of Composers, Authors, and eleven recordings with the Singers, Publishers (ASCAP)and is former co- including the first digital recording of chair of the National Endowment for choral music in this country. the Arts Choral and Recording panels. Dr. Warland is also music director of He is currently a director of the Associa- the Rapid City Festival Chamber Sing- tion of Professional Vocal Ensembles ers, and is a leading force in college cho- (APVE)and a life member of the Ameri- ral music, having held the position of can Choral Directors Association professor of music at Macalester College (ACDA). 3 THE DALE WARLAND SINGERS Paul J. Anderson Is a charter member Linda Burk received a bachelor of of the Singers. A graduate of Mankato music degree from the Lawrence Uni- State University, he holds a bachelor of versity Conservatory of Music and a science degree In music education and master of music degree from the Univer- history, and a master's In guidance and sity of Minnesota where she re-estab- counseling. lished and conducted the University Women's Chorus. She also served as assistant conductor of the University Larry Bach Is an assistant professor of Chamber Singers. Linda Is a voice music at North Central Bible College Instructor and a soloist with the House where he serves as department chair- of Hope Presbyterian Church choir and man. He conducts the college's choral Is serving her second season as assis- ensembles and his chorale has toured tant conductor with the Macalester Col- in the United States and Europe. He lege Festival Chorale. holds a vocal performance degree from W. Virginia Wesleyan and a master's Michael Dailey received a bachelor of degree in choral conducting from the music degree In music education from University of Minnesota. Larry has also Concordia College, Moorhead and studied at the American Institute for received his master of music degree In Musical Studies in Graz, Austria. applied voice from the University of South Dakota, where he performed the lead role in Dominick Argento's opera David Benson Is a graduate of Trlnlty "The Boor." Michael has been a regional College in Deerfield, Illinois, where he finalist In the Metropolitan Opera Audi- received a bachelor of arts degree In tions, a district winner In the NATS music education. He Is presently pursu- Young Artist Competition, and an Ing a graduate degree In choral con- apprentice artist with the Des Moines ducting at the University of Minnesota. Metro Opera. He teaches vocal music at Watertown High School, and conducts the choir at Cross of Glory Baptist Church In Wayne Dalton teaches at several Twin Hopkins. Cities colleges, and has performed In recital and as a soloist with the Bach Society of Minnesota, Plymouth Music ROlalnne Bentley has been a member Series, and the choruses of Macalester of The Dale Warland Singers for seven and Kalamazoo Colleges. He studied years. She has been an alto soloist for Lieder performance In Los Angeles and several1\vln Cities churches as well as Vienna and was a finalist In the Metro- for the Macalester College Festival Cho- politan Opera Western Regional Audi- rale, the Bemidji Oratorio Society, the tions. After receiving his doctorate at Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, and the Claremont College, he taught at Middle- Europa Cantat In Lucerne, Switzerland. bury and Dartmouth Colleges and per- formed throughout New England and New York. Steve Burger has been featured as a soloist with the Singers as well as with James Fiskum Is the vocal music the Minnesota Chorale. A graduate of director at Big Lake High School. He Luther-College, he continued his studies holds a bachelor of science degree In with Donald Holness at St. Olaf College. vocal music education from Bemidji Steve traveled through Europe as a State University. Jim has sung with the member of the Seventh Army Chorus Bemidji Chorale and has served as while he was stationed in Germany. assistant conductor of the Bemidji State 4 Classical Mornings with John Zech beginning at six WCALfm 5 University Choir. He has also attended Macalester College, where she was a the Europa Cantat in Namur, Belgium. member of the Concert Choir under the direction of Dale Warland. She studied Paul William Gerike works as a free- voice at the MacPhail Center for the lance musician, performing, arranging, Arts and has been active as a church and composing. He also is the director of soloist In the Twin CIties. This is her music at Lake Nokomis Lutheran seventh season with the Singers. Church in Minneapolis and sings with the Adelphol ensemble. Paul received a Karen M. Johnson Is a charter mem- bachelor of music degree from Hartt ber of The Dale Warland Singers. She College of Music In Hartford, Connecti- has been featured as a soloist, and has cut, and an associate of arts degree also sung with The Dale Wariand from S1. Paul's College in Concordia, Chamber Singers, Family Singers, and Missouri. Symphonic Chorus. Karen studied voice with her father, Edwin G. Amundson, Alto section leader Joanne Halvorsen and also Paul J. Christiansen of Concor- holds a bachelor of arts degree In music dia College, Moorhead, and at Bemidji from Hamline University. She has been State College. She has been a soloist a soloist at S1. Paul's United Church of with church choirs, has appeared In Christ, the Oratorio Society of Hamline oratorio productions, and has served as University, and the Saint Paul Chamber alto soloist with the Twin Cities Catholic Orchestra. Joanne has also performed Chorale at The Church of S1. Agnes in with the Lakeshore Players, Patchwork S1. Paul. Theatre, Masquers Theatre, and Is cur- rently singing with Paragon, a variety Sigrid Johnson is the assistant con- dance band, and the quartet Fourte, ductor of The Dale Warland Singers and also serves as a soprano section leader. John William Henley, a music educa- A resident of Northfield, Sigrid teaches tor and conductor, Is the tenor section at S1. Olaf College where she conducts leader and Italian coach for the Singers. the Manitou Singers. A graduate of S1. He has studied at S1. Olaf College, the Cloud State University where she University of California-Los Angeles, received a bachelor of music degree, the Aspen Choral Institute, and the Sigrid completed her master of music University of Minnesota. He has served degree In the area of vocal performance as a soloist with the Singers, and Is In at the University of Michigan.
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