Retenes Por Orden Numerico, Medidas, Diseños Y Marcas

Retenes Por Orden Numerico, Medidas, Diseños Y Marcas

Nº Ø Ø Nº Ø Ø DBHRETENESEje Aloj. PORAltura ORDENTipo NUMERICO,G Aplicación DBH Eje Aloj. Altura Tipo G Aplicación MEDIDAS, DISEÑOS Y MARCAS 5129 52.00 72.00 10.00 Lx L Opel - Mainero 5130 30.00 52.00 10.00 Lx L Opel EN QUE VAN UBICADOS 5131 11.00 30.00 10.00 Lx L M. Benz 5132 34.00 52.00 7.50 Lx L Bedford-Fiat-Renault 5133 20.00 30.00 7.00 Lz L Hanomag - Fiat - Pegaso 5134 17.00 30.00 7.00 Lz L M. Benz Nº Ø Ø Altura Tipo G Aplicación 5135 17.00 30.00 6.00 Lz L Fiat DBH Eje Aloj. 5136 12.00 30.00 8.00 Lx L Fiat - Someca - M. Benz 5025 20.00 40.00 6.00 Lx L Fiat - Someca 5137 12.00 30.00 8.0/13.0 A 245 L Renault 5027 48.42 81.00 11.90 Lz L Dodge - Met. Armstrong 5138 15.00 30.00 7.00 Lx L M. Benz 5029 35.00 62.00 10.00 Lx L Deutz-Fiat-Peugeot 5139 15.00 30.00 10.00 Lx L Sachs 5030 20.00 47.00 10.00 Lz L Scania - Rambler 5140 16.50 30.00 7.00 Lz L Zanella - Mainero 5031 28.00 40.00 7.00 Lx L Volkswagen- Pegaso 5141 50.00 72.00 10.00 Lz L Fiat - Hanomag - M. Benz 5032 44.45 62.15 6.35 A 159 L Dodge - IKA 5142 38.00 72.00 12.00 Lx L Ford - Margaria 5033 50.80 —.— 14.28 A 141 L IKA 5143 34.00 72.00 14.00 Lx L Opel 5035 52.40 81.00 11.50 Kx L IKA 5144 45.00 72.00 10.00 Lz L Porsche - Mainero 5036 52.40 81.00 11.50 Kz L Dodge - Ford - IKA 5145 48.00 72.00 10.00 Lz L Volkswagen - Marcibur 5038 39.42 80.27 14.25 A 005 L G.M.C.-Dodge - Ford - IKA 5146 55.00 72.00 10.00 Lx L Deutz - Fiat - Marani 5039 40.10 61.16 13.49 Kz L Gema-Giubergia-Vasalli 5147 50.00 72.00 12.00 Lx L Hanomag 5040 29.00 46.46 11.50 Lz L Máquinas Agrícolas 5148 40.00 52.00 7.00 Lx L Deutz - Yomel 5045 44.85 61.42 9.52 Mz L General Motors - Opel 5149 38.10 52.40 7.14 Lz L Ford 5047 47.63 75.33 6.35 Lt L General Motors 5150 38.10 52.37 11.11 Lz L General Motors - Dodge 5048 46.00 75.28 6.35 Lz L General Motors-La Atómica 5151 38.00 52.00 8.00 Lx L Hanomag - Opel 5050 17.00 40.00 6.00 Lx L Siambretta 5152 33.00 52.00 10.00 Lx L Borgward - Rastrojero 5052 22.00 40.00 7.00 Lz L Met. Armstrong 5153 32.00 52.00 9.00 Lx L Pegaso 5053 25.00 40.00 8.00 Lx L Isard - Fiat Camión 5154 32.00 52.00 7.00 Lx L Isard - N.S.U. 5056 22.00 47.00 10.00 Lx L De Carlo - Lezcano 5155 25.00 52.00 10.00 Lz L Jawa 5057 25.00 47.00 10.00 Lx L Fiat-Deutz-Scania-Pegaso 5157 22.00 37.00 7.00 Lx L M. Benz 5060 30.00 47.00 10.00 Lx L Scania 5158 24.00 37.00 7.00 Lx L Lambretta 5063 25.00 62.00 10.00 Lz L Industrial 5159 25.40 37.00 7.50 Lz L Opel - IKA 5065 38.00 62.00 10.00 Lz L Peugeot - Migra 5160 26.00 37.00 8.00 Lx L Volvo 5069 40.00 62.00 10.00 Lx L Dodge - Hanomag - Pegaso 5161 15.00 37.00 2.50 Lt L B.T.H. 5070 42.00 62.00 10.00 Lz L Fiat - Peugeot - Juber 5163 25.00 45.00 10.00 Lz L Isard 5071 45.00 62.00 12.00 Lz L Hanomag - Peugeot 5165 28.00 45.00 7.50 Lx L Fiat - Renault - Marani 5072 45.00 62.00 10.00 Lz L Fiat - Deutz - Peugeot 5167 30.00 45.00 10.00 Lz L Fiat - Ford 5074 15.00 24.00 7.00 Lz L Motos - Volkswagen - IKA 5168 32.00 45.00 7.00 Lx L Deutz - M. Benz 5075 28.50 34.92 3.10 Mt L I.K.A. - Willys 5169 41.28 73.02 11.90 Lz L International - Ardanaz 5077 19.00 47.00 8.00 Lx L Motos 5170 30.00 55.00 9.50 Lz L Fiat 5078 15.00 30.00 7.00 Lz L M. Benz 5171 32.00 55.00 8.00 Lz L Fiat 5079 34.93 53.49 12.30 Lz L Ford 5172 32.00 55.00 9.50 Lz L Alpino - Fiat 5080 62.00 100.00 12.00 Lx L Volvo 5173 35.00 55.25 10.00 Lx L Fiat 5081 17.00 —.— 3.00 A 007 L M. Benz - Fiat 5174 38.00 55.25 9.00 Lx L Guzzi 5083 20.00 —.— 3.00 A 007 L Fiat - M. Benz 5175 40.00 55.00 8.00 Lx L Isard - Ford 5084 20.00 40.00 10.00 Lx L Hanomag-Someca-Deutz 5176 40.00 55.00 10.00 Lz L Fiat 5085 17.00 28.00 7.00 Lz L Fiat-M. Benz-Citröen 5177 40.00 55.00 10.00 Lx L Isard 5086 20.00 40.00 7.90 Lx L Hanomag - Someca 5178 35.00 54.55 10.50 Lz L Fiat 5087 20.00 35.00 7.00 Lx L M. Benz- Bedford - Perkins 5180 35.00 58.00 10.00 Lx L Fiat 5088 17.00 34.00 4.00 Lx L Perkins 5181 40.00 58.00 12.00 Lz L Fiat 5089 17.00 28.00 5.0/8.0 A 081 L Rastrojero 5182 40.00 58.00 10.00 Lx L Graciela - Peugeot 5090 19.00 32.00 7.00 Lx L Mack 5183 42.86 57.93 12.70 Lz L G.M.C. 5091 66.68 112.70 11.11 Lx L International 5184 45.00 57.88 9.50 Lx L Volvo 5092 22.00 45.00 7.00 Lx L Fiat 5187 38.00 60.00 10.00 Lz L Fiat 5188 38.10 60.30 19.05 Mx L G.M.C. - IKA - Ford 5093 33.00 49.20 10.50 Lz L Opel 5094 48.00 68.00 14.00 Lx L Someca 5189 40.00 60.00 10.00 Lx L De Carlo - Fiat 5095 35.00 58.00 12.00 Lz L Opel 5190 50.80 80.11 9.52 A 011 L Dodge 5096 22.22 33.22 9.52 Lz L International 5191 64.00 80.00 8.00 Lx L Fiat 5097 35.00 52.00 10.00 Lx L Fiat-Ford-M. Benz-IKA 5193 64.00 80.00 8.00 Lz-R AH Fiat 600 - 1100 5099 48.00 72.00 12.00 Lz L Opel 5194 48.42 80.11 9.52 A 011 L G.M.C. - Chrysler - Dodge 5100 34.93 61.90 11.90 Lz L Dodge - Senor 5195 50.00 80.00 10.00 Lx L Fiat 5101 31.75 60.50 12.70 Lx L Máquinas Agrícolas 5196 50.00 80.00 10.00 Ls L Máquinas Agrícolas 5102 34.93 60.50 12.70 Lx L Dodge - Ford 5197 52.40 80.00 6.35 Lt L General Motors 5103 34.93 50.80 7.93 Mz L Máquinas Agrícolas 5198 55.00 80.00 10.00 Lz L Fiat - Pegaso 5104 34.93 53.97 11.11 Lz L Gema-Fiat-Cockshutt-Bedford 5199 56.00 80.00 12.00 Lz L Someca 5105 22.22 38.07 9.92 Lz L Dodge 5200 60.00 80.00 10.00 Lx L Hanomag-M. Benz-Deutz 5106 85.21 117.08 15.87 A 010 L Bedford 5201 60.00 80.00 13.00 Lx L M. Benz - Fahr 5107 82.60 107.92 12.70 Kx L Bedford - General Motors 5204 49.20 65.06 12.70 Mz-R H Bedford - General Motors 5108 93.64 142.88 12.70 Kx L Bedford - General Motors 5205 39.42 80.26 14.25 A 003 L Ford-G.M.C.-Dodge-IKA 7/2005 5109 63.50 82.58 12.70 Lz L Ford - Bedford 5206 40.10 61.16 12.70 Kx L Máquinas Agrícolas 5111 49.20 65.06 12.70 Mx L Bedford - General Motors 5208 40.00 60.00 10.00 Lz-H H Fiat 5112 25.40 44.50 5.00 Lz L Bedford - Perkins 5209 42.00 56.00 8.00 A 083 L Fiat 5119 25.00 52.00 7.00 Lz L Alpino - Fiat 5210 42.00 56.00 8.00 A 083 L Fiat 5120 39.42 63.55 12.70 Lz L IKA 5211 42.00 56.00 8.00 A 136-H H Fiat 5121 15.00 35.00 10.00 Lx L M. Benz 5212 45.00 65.00 10.00 A 079 L Fiat 5122 28.00 47.00 10.00 Lz L Fiat - M. Benz 5213 45.00 65.00 10.00 A 079-H H Fiat 5123 15.00 28.00 6.00 Lx L M.

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