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Baruch Plans New Security System New Ideas Means Old 1D,s Are Out -----,-- Derailment Delays Students on First Day Accident leaves five dead and 260 injured By Eric Loyola pling 15 to 20 support beams. there was no evidence indicat­ For more than halfthe class Investigatorstheorize thatthe ing that emergency brakes to be late on the first day of front car struck a giant cylin­ were not applied by Ray nor classes is hardly inspiring for drical air compressor located that they were automatically ­ instructors whohadtocomein between the express and local triggered by the emergency prior to the Labor Day week­ tracks. Used in the ongoing brake system. A rumor that end. For students who had to construction work at the sta­ Ray hadbeen using drugs was wait for professors, reinforced tion, the heavy machinery is dispelled when blood-testre­ was the veracity of that little believed to be the factor which sults were released on Thurs­ voice thathadtold them,"Stay caused the car to split in two. day. horne; because everyone else The second car sustaining the The morning and afternon is." . heaviestdamagewasthe third found Marty Gill trying to as­ Buttardiness seldom hashad car which"also split in two. certain whether Baruch-secu­ a more convincing excuse and' To the surprise of many of rity department personnel tragic truth behind it then on the personnel involved in the were caught in the accident. Wednesday, August 28; a be­ rescue efforts, which contin­ The associate director of the ginning for those starting ued into the morning hours, department said, "It could be school andanendfor thefive of the front cab where motorman thatsomeofourpeoplegetting the 260 'people injured, who Ro~rtRayfell asleepsuffered off'tbe 11 o'clock shift were on died when a downtown ffiT little damage. The motorman the.train." The TAsuspended No. 4 train jumped a switch . who walked away from the Lexington Ave IRT service track north ofthe widely used crash dazed was apprehended southbound from 59th Street transit hub at 14th St. Union ashearrivedhomeatanapart­ toWall Streetandnorthbound Bquare Station at 12:10 am. ment building in the South servieefromWallStreetto86th CarryingaboutSOOpassengers BronxoverlookingtheHarlem Street and molbilized 280 ei ther comingfrom or going to - River. Ray admitted that he buses to. ~huttle passengers. work,the 10~trainderailed had been drinking all'day and The shutt1ewas·freebutnerves ataspeedestimatedashighas . was found to have more than were·· taxed nonetheless be­ 50 mph, excessive when con­ twice the state'slega11evel for . cause the buses could not sidered that a train should go driving' a car,waschargedwith handlethevolumeofstranded no more than 15 to 20.mph five counts ~f second-degree riders. But being late, many accordingtoTransitAuthority manslaughter. He feces a ¥e8~.!IU.tri~ .e.oaipared officials. maximum prison te~ or $ to -totDefateoftbefivewbowould . ~Y8r TIle first five ears buckled 15 ~ifeonvieteCL',.' be lategetting hOme « andjackknifedstraight,across . Laterinthe weekfecleral.in-· towork."·~~-~-7"-- ~ __ ----,- _ thetwo8Outhboundtraekstop- vestigators determin8a' that . ~ ... .. , , - , . '-- ." -~ ~ ~ _4-~",-:.L..' - • .JII _'." ••• : .... _--'. .....::• .c.., ...,. _:.:..' .~.~;:;;. _...... ~......... '~,._.: --~..'....:; :",~~~ ,~.~:.....~..---:.;~,....:..:....:s...,,,:, -*:. .. ;,.......-...;,~ .. 3 2 tain them to the best degree TT: There are.students -f that we can- that just don't belong in 001- ~ The Making of an Agenda We~re going to lose stu­ .lege, eitherbecause they were ~ centsnomatterwhatitisthat wrongly passed through high ·z -~_ ._~ An Interview with Matthew Goldstein . -_. -_. ... _._--_.. _- ._ .. _.__ -- we do, but I think we can do school without basic skills or :E .. better than we have until this for whatever reason, and it is ~ Matthew Goldstein, the tion as beinga whitemale and M.G:: I thinktheCollege time. realistic to acknowledge that. en newly-appointed president of (1) • -Jewish, I find that inconceiv­ is well on track. I think the "'C Baruch College, spoke with able in tennsofany particular Collegehascometopeace with TT: Howfar down do we M.G.; That's correct. -(1) RafaelA Olmeda, Jr., editor­ 3 college being associated with Middle States, largely. I think reach? Ifa studentcomesinto CT in-chief of The Ticker in any particular racial group or that Middle States is some­ ~ ~- the school and is completely . IT: Butthen why would Goldstein's office at the Re­ anyparticularreligiousgroup. thing that is behirid us now. ac- -~ Q) unprepared and just doesn't Middle States defer our. .D- search Foundation ofthe City We are in a society in which We have a plan to deal with a belong in college, how much creditationonthatbasis.know- co E University of New York. number of the issues that Q) people have become very very can Baruch dotobringhim up? ing that it's realistic? Has ~ Goldstein has served as presi­ concerned and very aware of Middle States has addressed.. .. Baruchnotdone enough in the a.Q) (f) dent ofRFCUNY since- 1982, racial issues andracism in the That plan is in the process of past, or has the school some­ during which time funding for City. I think it's very dysfunc­ beingimplemented,andI think how failed students who were sponsored research programs tional forourCollegetobeside­ that Middle Statesisreally an capableoffinishingbutdidnot increased by $80 million. In trackedbywho the people are, old issue' at. this particular receive adequate support ser­ this interview, he discusses his especially the president, what point. I'm notgoingtoletthat, vices? reasons for wanting to be the color of the skin or what also, distract me from moving , Baruch's president, his itiner­ the sex is or what the religion the place forward. M.G.: I can'tanswerthat ary for moving the College for­ is. I think that at this particu­ question having not been here IRS Spanish ward, and his goals for stu-· lar time we need leadership, 'IT: Doyouconsidertheir at the time that the visit took dents and faculty. we need somebody who's car­ complaints tohave been legiti­ place. But I would say that ingforall theconstituenciesin mate? partofthe problem withreten­ The Ticker: With an the the College, wJ10 was a vision tion at a place like Baruch has .. problems thatBaruchisfacing for the College. Who that per- . been the historic problem of now, why did you choose to son is, or who his ancestors adequateresourcesfor student seekandacceptitspresidency? are,really I thinkis notiinpor­ services. Going to college is tant, nor shouldbeinvolved in more than justattending col­ thedecisionofwhothatperson lege andpassing courses. It's should be. feeling comfortable in the in­ I think I was appointed stitution. It's being able to by the trustees because they . meet the faculty for guidance. believedaftera national search It's being able to meet with that]was theappropriate per­ counselors who can address son to lead the College in the some social or psychological years ahead. And I believe, problems. And it is really a and] hope, that that decision function also of people feeling was based not on who I am that they're wanted, and that becauseofmynameorthecolor they feel good about them­ ofmy skinorthatI'm male, but selves. So I think that it's because I have the ability to really anentire profile of what managethe College'smove for- it really requires for students o . ward. toberetainedinthis school. It is not just tq.eir academic defi­ ciency. Thereisa wholehostof social andpsychologicalissues andjusta caringenvironment. All of those things have to be includedwithintheconstraints .ofthe reality that the State of New¥erkae8SRetg:i¥eeAOugb . money fOT Baruch"College to do all of the things that it wishes and needs to do. And M.G.: I think no matter that's one. of the things that who would have been ap­ the president is. going to have pointed you would have heard toaddressknowingfirstthatit those comments. If it was a needs to have its fair share of woman thenshewasappointed . the amount of'dollars that is because she's a Woman. Ifthe provided -to the City Univer­ president was black, he or she sity. That fair share must be was appointedbecause he was given toBaruch. Wemustwork hard to fight for those re­ IT: This is a difficult black. I can't be burdened by Para ella el problema es la artritis: para sources. ...."lla quisiera preparar question to ask tactfully. A that. I have a job to do. I care 0 But even so, we need otro, podna ser la vista simplemente numberofpeopleintheBaruch aboutthe College. Andifpeople additional resources from preparar sus impuestos. Lo cierto es que, community last year felt that want to have certain percep­ sus propios impuestos, alumni, we need additional durante el pasado ario, 4rnillones de the appointment of Joyce tions like that, that's some­ resources from friends of the Brown as acting president, thing they will have to deal pero se Ie hace dificil hasta personas recibieron ayuda
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