Harassment and Assault Reports Oxford. In addition, Michael Liu ’19, Mat- The University Title IX Office and Office tea Mrkusic ’17, and Olga Romanova ’19 for Dispute Resolution reported in De- Brevia have been awarded international Rhodes cember that reported incidents of poten- Scholarships. American Repertory Theater tial sexual and gender-based harassment master’s graduate Yan Chen also won an had increased by 55 percent during the aca- international Rhodes. demic year ending last June 30, with formal complaints Doomed to Repeat? rising 7 percent. The con- Amplifying his earlier data tinuing increases in reports on students’ shifting inter- and complaints reflect some ests (see “Hemorrhaging combination of underlying Humanities” November-De- conditions; greater training cember 2018, page 31), Benja- and outreach to the com- min M. Schmidt ’03, now at munity that raise aware- Northeastern University, says ness of norms, standards, enrollment in history (con- and reporting procedures; sidered a social science at and news headlines high- Harvard, but not elsewhere) lighting such abuses na- has collapsed. His new work tionwide. Detailed findings, on fields of concentration, re- including data on disposi- ported in November by the tion of Harvard disclosures American Historical Asso- and complaints, may be ciation’s Perspectives on History, found at harvardmag.com/ shows a sharper drop than title9&odr-report-18.… for any other discipline since Separately, following re- the 2008 recession; in abso- ports in The Harvard Crimson 360B/ALAMY STOCK PHOTO lute numbers and as a share and The New York Times that Lee professor of MERKEL IN MAY. Harvard’s guest of degrees being sought, interest in history economics and professor of education Ro- speaker following the Commencement appears to be at new lows not seen at least exercises on May 30 will be Angela land G. Fryer Jr. was under investigation Merkel, chancellor of Germany since since the 1950s. Winning fields from 2011 for alleged sexual harassment, the Ameri- 2005. President Lawrence S. Bacow (the first post-recession year when students can Economic Association announced on called her “one of the most widely could easily establish new concentrations) December 18 that he had resigned from its admired and broadly influential states- are exercise science and computer science. people of our time. Over her four terms executive committee, to which he had been as Germany’s chancellor, her leadership elected earlier in the year. has done much to shape the course not “Best of…” only of her nation, but also of Europe and Two year-end lists of accomplishments Single-Gender Suit the larger world. She continues to play a cited Harvard-related people and work. central role in confronting some of the A group of sororities, fraternities, and un- great challenges of our era, and I very The Chronicle of Higher Education’s list of 2018 dergraduates has filed federal and state much look forward to…a memorable “influencers” includedEdward J. Blum, the suits against Harvard’s policy (adopted by address.” Details appear at harvardmag. organizer of and attorney for Students for com/comm-merkel-18. the Corporation in late 2017) that imposes Fair Admissions, the plaintiff in the lawsuit sanctions on members of unrecognized challenging the College’s practices (see “Ad- single-gender social organizations, such Senate to nine, and the total Harvard con- missions on Trial,” January-February, page as final clubs and Greek organizations. The tingent in the House and Senate to 53 (see 15); Massachusetts attorney general Maura plaintiffs argue that the policy constitutes “Crimson on Capitol Hill: 116th,” January- Healey ’92, for opposing Trump administra- unlawful sex-based discrimination. A re- February, page 67). tion efforts to relax regulation of for-profit port detailing the claims appears at har- colleges; and Terry Karl, the Stanford facul- vardmag.com/usgso-lawsuit-18. More U.K. Scholars ty member who raised anew old charges of Following the initial announcement of sexual misconduct against Harvard faculty Congressional (116th) Update Rhodes Scholars (Brevia, January-Feb- member Jorge Domínguez, now retired (see Republican Martha McSally, M.P.P. ’90, the ruary, page 28), four seniors learned that harvardmag.com/dominguez-18). That Arizona representative who lost a race for they had been awarded Marshall Schol- publication’s separate survey of the most in- Senator Jeff Flake’s seat in November, has arships. Lyndon Hanrahan will study at fluential books of the past 20 years elicited been named to fill the Senate seat formerly the Royal College of Art, Justin Lee at Ox- academics’ nominations of The Better Angels of held by Senator John McCain. That raises ford, Manny Medrano at the University Our Nature, by Johnstone Family professor of the number of Harvard GOP affiliates in the of St. Andrews, and Vaibhav Mohanty at psychology Steven Pinker; Bowling Alone, by Harvard Magazine 27 Reprinted from Harvard Magazine. For more information, contact Harvard Magazine, Inc. at 617-495-5746 JOHN HARVARD'S JOURNAL Malkin Research Professor of public policy ARTS HONORAND. Tracy K. Smith ’94, poet laureate of the United States, will receive the Harvard Arts Robert D. Putnam; and The History Manifesto, Medal at the opening of the University’s Arts First co-written by Blankfein professor of history festival on May 2. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2012, David Armitage. for her collection Life on Mars, Smith most recently published Wade in the Water. The Arts Medal is awarded each year to a “Harvard or Radcliffe graduate Making Money on MOOCs? or faculty member who has achieved excellence in the EdX, the Harvard-MIT online-learning ven- arts and has made a contribution through the arts to ture, in need of revenue to upgrade and sus- education or the public good.” Read more about Smith and the medal at harvardmag.com/smith-medal-19. tain its platform, has announced that audi- tors’ free access to courses will be limited in duration (typically to six weeks) and that graded assessments will be offered it too will exclude home equity from fam- to a full 12 months (from nine), and adding only to enrollees who pay fees. Class Cen- ilies’ aid calculations. The announcement to research funds. A separate Yale priority tral, which evaluates online courses, found came amid reports that student-loan debt may be evolving a teaching program, the that “edX’s paywall will now be higher than is nearing $1.5 trillion—more than double Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, into a Coursera’s”—a surprising outcome because the level outstanding at the end of the last small school focusing on global and interna- the latter enterprise is an investor-backed, decade, when public institutions, pressed tional policy issues. And following the Elis’ for-profit venture.…Separately, the Business by recession-reduced state budgets, began pioneering campus-based system of carbon PHOTOGRAPH © RACHEL ELIZA GRIFFITHS School reflagged its fee-based HBX offerings raising tuition sharply. fees to reduce global-warming emissions, as Harvard Business School Online—mak- Yale is now piloting a by-building “pay-as- ing the most of its iconic brand, and suggest- On Other Campuses you-throw” charge to encourage recycling. ing that it is now a core part of the educa- The University of Virginia will create a new tional enterprise. School of Data Science, backed by a $120-mil- The Square Scene lion gift, the largest in its history, from the With Harvard Square awash in new pur- Financial-Aid Frontiers foundation of its alumnus Jaffray Woodriff, veyors of caffeine and sweets (Blue Bottle, The announcement last summer that New a hedge-fund manager.…Ronald Perelman, Flour, Pavement Coffeehouse, and Tatte Bak- York University School of Medicine had the head of MacAndrews & Forbes for ery and Café), an older, indigenous outlet raised sufficient funds to go tuition-free elic- many years, and his daughter Debra Perel- closed just before Christmas: Crema, after a ited criticisms that it was subsidizing up- man, now CEO of the enterprise and a 1996 10-year run. In an irony of commerce, it will per-income applicants and those who would Prince ton graduate, have given her alma ma- be succeeded by a Bluestone Lane—another go on to have lucrative careers. But an early ter $65 million as the naming gift for a sev- premium coffee chain. Separately, in the new indicator suggests one strategic success: In- enth residential college—a key element in year, Tealuxe shuttered after more than two side Higher Ed reported that the school’s ap- that university’s plan to expand undergradu- decades, as did the adjacent Urban Outfit- plications rose 47 percent, and that appli- ate enrollment, focusing on first-generation, ters, Sweet Bakery (the cupcake purveyor), cants from members of underrepresented lower-income, and other underrepresent- and other merchants; the buildings at the groups—black, Latino, and Native American ed cohorts, including veterans and transfer triangle between Brattle and John F. Ken- students—more than doubled…Stanford, students.…Northeastern University has re- nedy Streets are nearing extensive renova- which has had a more limited financial-aid ceived a $50-million naming gift for its Col- tion into a retail mall. The Brattle Square policy than some peer institutions, includ- lege of Computer and Information Sciences Chipotle also closed, leaving a mere three STEPHANIE MITCHELL/HPAC STEPHANIE ing Harvard, announced in December that from alumnus and trustee Amin Khoury.… choices for fast-Mexican food. Having outlined sciences pri- orities that may require as Nota Bene much as $2 billion in new re- Health honcho. Paul J. Barriera, director sources from its capital cam- of Harvard University Health Services since paign, Yale began extending 2012, will step down at the end of the aca- graduate-student fellowships demic year, June 30.
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