Fosyth County Wills, 1838-1968 Abbott-Zimmerman C.R.038.801.1-C.R.038.801.132

Fosyth County Wills, 1838-1968 Abbott-Zimmerman C.R.038.801.1-C.R.038.801.132

Fosyth County Wills, 1838-1968 Abbott-Zimmerman C.R.038.801.1-C.R.038.801.132 Name Date A Abbott, Susie Mae 1952 Abbott, William L. no will Abee, John Tipton 1955 Acker, Swope 1957 Ackerman, Edward T. 1911 Ackerman, Romulus Alexander 1906 Ackerman, Sarah 1929 Ackles, Crider 1928 Adams, Carroll Reed 1966 Adams, Erastus M. 1887 Adams, Fannie M. 1941 Adams, George Houston 1962 Adams, James A. 1953 Adams, John M. 1959 Adams, John Q. 1954 Adams, Lillie Della Poindexter 1968 Adams, Lotta Bell 1943 Adams, Rebin Earl 1954 Adams, Rosa Lee 1948 Adams, Sallie T. 1967 Adams, Thomas date of will 1843 Adams, William Andrew 1918 Ader, Alice 1964 Ader, Burta Saunders 1967 Ader, Charles E. 1966 Ader, Mary 1924 Ader, Nannie 1961 Adeskey, Jacob 1893 Adgers, Lula 1961 Adkins, Addie 1961 Adkins, J. A. 1952 Adkins, James P. 1943 Agee, Hessie Carmichael 1967 Agnor, Homer M. 1953 Agress, Beatrice 1963 Agurs, John L. 1904 Aitchison, Ella M. 1949 Aitchison, Harry Fuller 1945 Akers, W. L. 1952 Albea, Eugene P. 1914 Albea, Eugenia E. 1898 Albea, W. W. date of will 1889 Alberson, Permelia 1917 1 Name Date Aldridge, Daniel 1961 Aldridge, Herbert 1962 Aldridge, Martha M. 1926 Aldridge, Mary 1891 Alexander, Charles J. 1927 Alexander, Harvey 1929 Alexander, J. E. 1935 Alexander, J. H., Sr. 1958 Alexander, Lilla Y. 1966 Alexander, Richard Frank 1953 Alexander, Ross 1948 Alexander, Steve G. 1959 Allen, Alice 1937 Allen, B. C. (Mrs.) 1957 Allen, Charles Henry 1956 Allen, Esau 1957 Allen, Green 1957 Allen, Grover M. 1958 Allen, Hercules 1956 Allen, Hessie 1963 Allen, Ida 1918 Allen, J. H. 1965 Allen, James 1957 Allen, James F. 1926 Allen, James Ventable 1965 Allen, Joel E. 1968 Allen, John J., Sr. date of will 1945 Allen, Laura L. 1908 Allen, Lizzie 1928 Allen, Mattie 1940 Allen, Minnie S. 1924 Allen, Myrtle Reed 1947 Allen, Oscar G. 1958 Allen, R. A. 1967 Allen, R. Worth 1966 Allen, Sarah C. 1931 Allen, Thomas W. 1939 Allen, Viola S. 1962 Allen, William 1909 Allen, William Allen 1943 Allen, William Peyton 1959 Allen, William Wilson 1951 Alley, Jesse Gilbert 1966 Alley, Robert L. 1967 Alley, Samuel Walter 1961 Allgood, John D., Sr. 1965 Allgood, L.G. 1963 Allgood, Ruby Steelman 1964 Allison, James W. 1898 Allison, John Foy 1955 Allison, Mary Jane 1962 2 Name Date Allman, George Hampton 1966 Allred, Doctor Franklin 1951 Allred, Earl 1964 Allred, Lydia Lona date of will 1936 Allred, Thomas, Jr. 1960 Alphin, Leslie 1958 Alspaugh, Alice 1963 Alspaugh, Bernard Eugene 1967 Alspaugh, Celeste 1908 Alspaugh, Edna J. 1947 Alspaugh, F. P. 1935 Alspaugh, Glenn M. 1968 Alspaugh, Hal P. 1954 Alspaugh, John 1894 Alspaugh, John W. 1955 Alspaugh, Kate S. 1954 Alspaugh, Mary 1966 Alspaugh, Robert Lee 1963 Alspaugh, Ruth 1966 Alspaugh, Samuel Buford, Sr. 1968 Alspaugh, Sandy Rufus 1938 Alston, Emma M. 1931 Alston, Junius C. 1946 Altice, Mildred 1966 Ammen, Russell Marcus date of will 1964 Ammons, Grady L. 1944 Amos, Jesse P. 1963 Amos, William Perry 1967 Anagnos, Viola Mitchell 1963 Anders, A. H. 1966 Anderson, Clarence E. 1965 Anderson, Clemmie Tise 1964 Anderson, Crawford 1914 Anderson, E.M. 1930 Anderson, Edward L. 1949 Anderson, Fannie Williamson 1961 Anderson, Fred 1957 Anderson, H. G. 1894 Anderson, Herbert F., Sr. 1955 Anderson, Jasper 1958 Anderson, John Q. 1962 Anderson, M.C. 1914 Anderson, Melvin B. 1965 Anderson, Neal L. 1931 Anderson, Ollie B. 1962 Anderson, Ralph P. 1959 Anderson, Ruth Tate 1963 Anderson, Thomas Wade 1958 Anderson, William Lee 1951 Andrew, Lacy Allen, Jr. 1967 Andrews, Thomas W. 1964 3 Name Date Angel, George Sample 1968 Angel, Harriett A. 1967 Angel, Kathleen J. 1966 Angel, Laura Frances Pegram 1935 Angel, William Addison 1945 Angell, C.F. 1960 Angell, Mabel Minish 1963 Angelo, Ernest James 1955 Angelo, Thomas J. 1964 Anscombe, Francis Charles 1968 Anthony, Martha J. 1952 Apostle, Charles I. 1933 Apperson, Henri Eugene 1962 Apperson, Thomas Bennett 1938 Applegate, Mary E. 1968 Archie, Walter Lee 1964 Armstrong, E.W. 1927 Armstrong, Eugene G. 1966 Armstrong, Thomas P. 1933 Arnold, J.E. 1914 Arnold, Lucile Royal 1945 Ashburn, Arthur L. 1962 Ashburn, E.W. 1925 Ashburn, G. Ellis 1958 Ashburn, J.A. 1916 Ashburn, Ollie Hastings 1968 Ashburn, Samuel Roscoe 1959 Ashbury, Lila Wanita 1954 Atkins, C. R. 1954 Atkins, Clifton C. 1940 Atkins, George Weyland 1946 Atkins, James Walter 1961 Atkins, John H. 1892 Atkins, Rush Byron 1965 Atkins, S.G. 1934 Atkinson, Ada 1944 Atkinson, Robert, Sr. 1964 Atwood, Virgil Conrad, Sr. 1955 Austin, Clay R. 1967 Austin, Frank W. 1935 Austin, Hattie L. Robertson 1968 Austin, Henry C. 1955 Austin, John Laird 1962 Austin, June 1959 Austin, Margaret Correll 1956 Avery, Edward S. 1968 Avery, R.S. 1965 Avery, William Bryant 1938 Ayers, Ida 1961 Ayers, J. T. 1967 Ayres, James E. 1959 4 Name Date Ayres, William Edward 1955 B Babalis, John 1936 Babcock, Charles H. 1968 Babcock, Mary Reynolds 1953 Backer, Louis 1965 Backer, Robert M. 1948 Bagby, Alonzo 1965 Bagby, Charles L. 1930 Bagge, Lucinda G. 1872 Bagley, LeRoy W. 1938 Bagnal, Cordelia Shaner 1968 Bagwell, Gertrude E. 1928 Bahnson, Agnew H. 1966 Bahnson, Agnew H., Jr. 1964 Bahnson, Elizabeth Hill 1966 Bahnson, Emma Fries 1945 Bahnson, Frederic Fries 1944 Bahnson, Henry T. 1917 Bahnson, Louisa A. 1887 Bailey, Aaron 1927 Bailey, Callie Hopkins McCrackin 1964 Bailey, Delpha 1950 Bailey, Emma 1954 Bailey, Hattie Crawford 1959 Bailey, Jane 1905 Bailey, Laura Benton 1937 Bailey, Octavia No date Bailey, Philip Nathaniel 1905 Bailey, Phillip Scott 1961 Bailey, Robert D. 1935 Bailey, Thomas 1921 Bailey, W. M. 1950 Bailey, Wilda F. 1964 Bailey, William David, Sr. 1968 Bain, J.F. 1928 Bair, Mina R. 1957 Baity, Calvin Nathan 1962 Baity, J. F. 1946 Baitz, Robah A. 1964 Baker, Clara Stultz 1968 Baker, George Thomas 1953 Baker, Hubert Sherrill 1968 Baker, Ida B. 1950 Baker, James Anderson 1940 Baker, Nannie Jane 1940 Baker, Paul K. 1951 Baker, Roy Cooper 1956 Baker, Thomas G. 1963 Balden, James M. 1967 5 Name Date Ball, G. Elmer 1956 Ball, George 1967 Ball, James Monroe 1967 Ball, John E. 1957 Ball, Lettie 1968 Ball, Mary 1941 Ball, R. F., Sr. 1958 Ball, W. M. 1966 Ball, W.H. 1910 Ball, William Harrison 1929 Ballard, Claude H. 1960 Ballard, Frank C. 1966 Ballard, Paul Edward 1967 Ballard, W. L. 1968 Bambalis, Katherine G. 1960 Bange, Sarah A. 1918 Banister, James Claude 1965 Bankes, William Joshua 1967 Banks, Alfonso A. 1950 Banner, Anna M. 1892 Banner, Charles M. 1892 Banner, Giles 1907 Banner, Joseph date of will 1846 Banner, Maggie Newsom 1925 Banner, Martha date of will 1854 Banner, Mary C. 1959 Barbee, D. P. 1951 Barbee, Helen G. 1963 Barbee, Joseph Seddon, Sr. 1968 Barbee, M. S. 1942 Barber, Clyde G. 1967 Barber, Floyd Don 1967 Barber, Thomas 1967 Barbour, Frances E. 1964 Barger, James J. 1965 Barker, Burley B. 1958 Barker, George Walker 1937 Barker, Mary Ellen 1954 Barker, Peter W. 1961 Barkley, Ernest L. 1947 Barkley, Robert E., Sr. 1965 Barksdale, Walter J. 1913 Barlow, Robert Carl 1957 Barnes, Frances A. 1928 Barnes, Frank date of will 1957 Barnes, G. C. 1965 Barnes, Henry H. 1956 Barnes, James Houston 1955 Barnes, Margie O'Neil 1951 Barnes, Mary Lasater 1967 Barnes, Mary Tucker 1954 6 Name Date Barnes, Paul L. 1965 Barnes, Roxie Boyd 1958 Barnes, Viola 1946 Barnes, William Dempsey 1951 Barnes, Willie Hanberry 1965 Barnett, Robert 1961 Barnette, Walker 1957 Barnhardt, William Wilton 1930 Barr, Cosba 1960 Barr, F.W. 1937 Barr, Mamie E. 1921 Barrett, Louis David 1968 Barringer, General 1904 Barron, Charles J. 1958 Barrow, Charles 1914 Barrow, Florence 1947 Barrow, Henry W. 1905 Barrow, J. M. 1953 Barrow, James D. 1960 Barrow, Jessie Pearl 1956 Barrow, Mary J. 1889 Barrow, Moses 1877 Barrow, Otelia 1955 Barrow, Pearl T. 1954 Barrow, Phillip 1872 Barrow, W. B. 1933 Bartlett, Archie 1965 Barton, Beatrice 1962 Barton, Catherine Augusta 1934 Barton, Lu Ella 1967 Barton, Mary Etta 1943 Barton, Robert E. 1967 Bass, Ellen Norman 1966 Bass, Loren C. 1967 Bates, Bobee G. 1965 Bates, Sam L. 1965 Batson, Emma Pollard 1930 Batten, Eva D. 1945 Batten, Flaura Mae Burch 1956 Batten, Gilmer Randloph 1967 Batting, Sudie Mae 1963 Bauguess, Ester 1966 Bauguess, Fisher H. 1965 Bauguess, Marvin B. 1966 Bauguss, R.G. 1963 Bauserman, Charles 1963 Bayless, Mabel S. 1958 Baynes, W.T. 1929 Beal, James 1932 Beaman, Robert C. 1967 Beaman, Shuller 1941 7 Name Date Beamon, J. E. 1964 Beard, Clay 1960 Beard, Fatie L. 1959 Beard, James W. 1897 Beard, Louise Seely 1950 Beard, M. O. 1944 Beard, Susan L. 1905 Beard, W. H. date of will 1909 Beard, W. M. 1945 Beasley, James W. 1967 Beatey, Lillian V. 1934 Beatey, Mabelle G. 1942 Beauchamp, Zack Annison 1963 Beaudry, Frank O. 1944 Beaver, Curtis P. 1959 Beck, Annie E. 1966 Beck, D. E. 1954 Beck, Eugene M. 1966 Beck, George Frederick 1944 Beck, George L. 1927 Beck, J. Marshall 1944 Beck, Lonnie Winfield 1958 Beck, Lucille N. 1961 Beck, Nellie G. 1918 Beck, Noah W. 1958 Beck, Sam E. 1963 Beck, Susie date of will 1928 Beck, Virgil I. 1905 Beck, William 1891 Beck, William H. 1866 Beckel, John Columbus 1966 Beckerdite, Hugh A. 1961 Beckerdite, Max E. 1962 Beckerdite, Rufus Brooks 1964 Beckle, Elizabeth 1904 Beckler, Robert M. 1964 Beckner, Myrtle Marie 1968 Bedenbaugh, Lillie Bell 1953 Bedenbaugh, W.F. 1912 Bedsaul, J. Kemper 1957 Bedsaul, Pete E. 1965 Beeson, Arthur Cyrus 1966 Beeson, B.R. 1912 Beeson, Ben H. 1954 Beeson, Branson 1905 Beeson, C. H. 1957 Beeson, C.S. 1935 Beeson, Christine H. 1966 Beeson, E. H., Sr. 1951 Beeson, Emma 1967 Beeson, Henry Dewitt 1966 8 Name Date Beeson, Ida G.

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