SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Development, Environment and Leisure Directorate REPORT TO CITY CENTRE, SOUTH DATE 14/11/2005 AND EAST PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS AREA BOARD REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS CONTACT POINT FOR ACCESS Bob Bryan TEL NO: 36329 Lucy Bond 34556 AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 05/01258/FUL 24 Victoria Road, Sheffield, S10 2DL 5 05/01307/REM Land At, Oxclose Park Road, Sheffield, 14 05/01681/ADV 418-420 Sharrow Vale Road, Sheffield, S11 8ZP 24 05/01895/CHU 85 Chesterfield Road, Sheffield, S8 0RN 27 05/02251/FUL 38 Rundle Road, Sheffield, S7 1NX 32 05/02498/FUL Sheffield United FC, Bramall Lane, Sheffield, S2 4SU 36 05/02819/FUL Site Of Cotleigh, 31 Four Wells Drive, Sheffield, 42 05/03166/OUT Within The Crtilage Of, 2a Cadman Street, Mosborough, Sheffield, S20 5BU 51 05/03226/FUL The Old Fire Station, Bar Coast, Division Street, 56 Sheffield, S1 4GF 05/03357/CHU 18A & 18B Victoria Road, Sheffield, S10 2DL 62 05/03698/CHU 342 Abbeydale Road, Sheffield, S7 1FN 69 05/03946/FUL Sheffield City Hall, Balm Green, Holly Street And, Barkers Pool, Sheffield, 75 05/03947/LBC Sheffield City Hall, Balm Green, Holly Street And, 77 Barkers Pool, Sheffield, 3 4 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Report Of The Head Of Planning, Transport And Highways, Development, Environment And Leisure To The CITY CENTRE SOUTH AND EAST Planning And Highways Area Board Date Of Meeting: 14/11/2005 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Area Board date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 05/01258/FUL Application Type A Full Planning Application Proposal Alterations to 3 apartments to form 6 apartments (In accordance with the additional details/drawings received on the 13th and 30th September 2005 and the 18th October 2005) Location 24 Victoria Road, Sheffield, S10 2DL Date Received 31/03/2005 Team SOUTH Applicant/Agent Styles Design Recommendation Grant Conditionally Subject to: 1 The development shall be begun not later than the expiration of five years from the date of this decision. In order to comply with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act. 2 The proposed facing materials shall match the facing materials to the existing building. In the interests of the visual amenities of the locality. 3 The shall not be occupied unless sound insulation measures have been implemented, details of which shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to installation. Thereafter the approved sound insulation measures shall be retained. In the interests of the amenities of occupiers of adjoining property. 4 The existing means of enclosure to the site shall be retained. In the interests of the amenities of the locality. 5 Before any work on site is commenced, a landscape scheme for the site shall have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details within 1 month of the occupation of the development or within an alternative timescale to be first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. When the above-mentioned landscaping has been carried out, thereafter the landscaped areas shall be retained. The landscaped areas shall be cultivated and maintained for 5 years from the date of implementation and any failures within that 5 year period shall be replaced in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise authorised in writing. In the interests of the amenities of the locality. 6 The building shall not be used unless the car parking accommodation for 6 vehicles as shown on the approved plans has been provided in accordance with those plans and thereafter such car parking accommodation shall be retained for the sole purpose intended. In the interests of traffic safety and the amenities of the locality. 7 The parking provision shall be entirely for use of the residents of the scheme and for no other purpose. In the interests of traffic safety and the amenities of the locality. 8 Before the development is commenced, full details of suitable and sufficient cycle parking accommodation within the site shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the accommodation shall not be used unless such cycle parking accommodation has been provided in accordance with the approved plans and thereafter such cycle parking accommodation shall be retained for the sole use of the development hereby permitted. In the interests of traffic safety and the amenities of the locality. 9 Prior to the development commencing, full details of the wheelie bin enclosure area shall have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, and thereafter, the approved enclosure details shall be implemented prior to any of the flats being occupied. In the interests of the amenities of the locality. 6 10 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in its entirety, in complete accordance with the approved plans/details prior to and of the flats being occupied. In the interests of the amenities of the locality and occupiers of adjoining property. Attention is drawn to the following justifications: 1. The decision to grant planning permission and impose any conditions has been taken having regard to the policies and proposals in the Sheffield Unitary Development Plan set out below, and to all relevant material considerations, including Supplementary Planning Guidance. H5 - Flats, Bed-sitters and Shared Housing H10 - Development in Housing Areas H14 - Conditions on Development in Housing Areas This informative is intended as a summary of the reasons for grant of planning permission. For further detail on the decision please see the application report by contacting the Planning Records section on 2734215 or by visiting Sheffield City Council's website at www.sheffield.gov.uk/your- city-council/council-meetings/planning-boards 7 Site Location PROPOSAL AND SITE DESCRIPTION This is an application for alterations to 3 existing self-contained flats (contained within one detached building) to form 6 self-contained flats. The proposal involves excavation of part of the front garden to expose the basement where new window openings are to be placed. The application site is at 24 Victoria Road which is a large detached stone-built property located in the leafy suburb of Broomhall. The property which is currently in use as three self-contained flats/apartments is set within an established garden with an “s”-shaped drive curling across the front garden. The drive serves a large hard surfaced car parking area at the rear of the building. The car parking area can accommodate approximately 6 vehicles. In addition to the hard-surfaced car parking area, there is also a single brick-built garage (used for storage purposes) 8 and a small raised grassed area. The small raised grassed area is enclosed by a one-foot high picket fence. Although the property stands elevated from the street level, it is fairly well screened from Victoria Road because of the existing mature landscaping within the front garden. Despite, part of the basement being exposed at the front, the property has a general appearance of being a two-storey building. A semi-concealed coal chute at the front of the property provides limited access (via a few steps) to the basement. The proposals envisage part of the front garden area being excavated to expose the basement and then by introducing new window openings in the exposed basement, natural lighting and improved ventilation would be possible for the basement rooms. The proposal also involves some excavation works being carried out at the side of the property (in the side garden adjacent to number 22 Victoria Road). This would enable a new access door to be created, allowing independent access to the basement accommodation. The level of accommodation being created as a result of the works would be:- - A self contained basement flat with a double bedroom, open plan kitchen/living room and a separate bathroom/toilet room. - Two ground floor self-contained flats, each flat having an open plan kitchen/living room, two bedrooms (each having a double and single bedroom) and each having a separate bathroom. - Two first floor self-contained flats, each flat having a kitchen/living room, separate bathrooms. One of the flats has two bedrooms (a double and a single) and the other flat only has one double bedroom. - At second floor level i.e. in the roof space, there is a further self-contained flat accommodating an open plan living/kitchen room, a separate bathroom and two separate double bedrooms. With the exception of the basement flat which has a new separate access (on the gable), and the two ground floor flats which each have a new access from each of the gable elevations, all the remaining flats (i.e. the two flats on the first floor level and the flat in the roof space) take their access via an internal staircase which would be accessed from the front of the property. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 41/1052 – Application for conversion into flats.
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