THE COMMUNITY OF ST. ANNE When they had their fill, he said to the disciples, “Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted.” —Jn 6:12 CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL TOMBALL JULY 25, 2021 1111 S. Cherry St. Tomball, TX 77375 | 281-351-8106| [email protected] Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston www.stanne-tomball.org July 25, 2021 page 2 St. Anne Catholic Church ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON 1111 S. Cherry St Tomball, TX 77375 For most effective communication, please Tel: 281-351-8106 use email addresses or Direct Inward Dial phone numbers shown below. Website: www.stanne-tomball.org Thank you. Email: [email protected] PASTOR After Office Hours Emergency Only REV. THOMAS W. HOPPER Phone Number 281-205-1183 Business Administrator Leave a detailed message: This line will be [email protected] monitored after office hours and on the weekend. ___________________________________ DEACON Jose Gutierrez St. Anne Catholic School [email protected] PRINCIPAL SUPPORT STAFF KENDALL SHAMAS Amy Apt Reception 281-205-1173 | [email protected] Email: [email protected] Cheryl Wise Tel: 281-351-0093 Executive Assistant Website: saintannecs-tomball.org 281-205-1172 | [email protected] ______________________________________ Cynthia Simper Parish/School Accounting Coordinator 281-205-1180 | [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Sr. Marcela Perez Food Pantry Liturgist/Hispanic Ministry 281-205-1178 | [email protected] By appointment only - make one via Website at www.svdpstanne-tomball.org Rosalinda Navarro or phone 281-255-2894 CCE Pre-K to 5th Grade 281-205-1175 | [email protected] If you prefer to view the bulletin online and are Lizzie Moore/Adore Ministries not receiving an email indicating when it is Jr. High & High School Ministry Coordinator uploaded each week, please provide a current [email protected] email address to [email protected]. Billy Schmidt Maintenance/Custodian The bulletin can also be accessed through our website, www.stanne-tomball.org. MISSION STATEMENT St. Anne, a Eucharistic Catholic Community, baptized in the Holy Spirit, is united with Jesus Christ in glorifying the Father and in teaching and serving the people of God. Declaración de Mision Santa Ana, una commidad Catholica, Eucaristica, Bautizada en el Espiritu Santo, estamos unidos con Jesuscristo en la glorificacion al Padre y al servicio a la gente de Dios. SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 ~ SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME www.stanne-tomball.org July 25, 2021 page 3 WEEKLY GIVING MASS FOR THE WEEK OF June 28—July 4, 2021 Wednesday through Friday 8:30 AM Anointing of the Sick after Mass on Friday PARISH SUPPORT Saturday 5:00 PM English OFFERTORY . $ 15,580.00 MAINTENANCE . 15,380.00 Sunday 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM English Total $ 30,960.00 12:00 PM Spanish (Includes an extraordinary annual contribution—THANK YOU all!) RECONCILIATION ARCHDIOCESAN SUPPORT IN THE PARISH HALL PETER’S PENCE .. $ 146.00 Thursday 5:00 PM—6:00 PM SVDP SUPPORT. $ 51.00 PATRIOTIC ROSARY (Does not Include checks made payable directly to SVDP) Thursday—7:00 PM Figures include online giving, CHURCH AVAILABLE FOR which helps sustain our financial stability PRIVATE PRAYER regardless of attendance. Thank you to those who are willing and able to contribute in this manner. Monday through Wednesday stanne-tomball.weshareonline.org 9:30 AM—Noon & 1:00 PM— 4:00 PM We truly appreciate all support— Thursday* no matter how it is received. After Mass—7:00 PM Bless you for sharing your gifts! Friday 1:00 PM—4:00 PM *Please note: The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the Sanctuary for Adoration on Thursdays. St. Anne Commitment — $100,000.00 Received— 52,867.00 Balance— $ 47,133.00 Registered Parishioner Families 2,413 DSF Donors (5.5% of Families) 136 Families still needing to participate 2,277 We need your participation! Please resolve to make this the week you support St. Anne in its DSF efforts. Thank you to all those who are already participat- ing and for your prayerful consideration of joining if you have not already done so. SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 ~ SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME www.stanne-tomball.org July 25, 2021 page 4 SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 ~ SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME www.stanne-tomball.org July 25, 2021 page 5 SUNDAY'S READINGS REFLECT First Reading: First Reading: “For thus says the LORD, ‘They shall eat and there The prophet Elisha was able to feed a crowd of a shall be some left over.’” (2 Kgs 4:43) hundred people with only twenty barley loaves and some fresh grain. Why do you think God empowered Psalm: Elisha to perform this feeding miracle? The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our Second Reading: needs. (Ps 145) Paul taught the Ephesians that as believers we are Second Reading: called to live by the moral imperatives of humility, One body and one Spirit, as you were also called to gentleness, patience, love, and peace. Which of these the one hope of your call; one Lord, one faith, one virtues do you think you do well? baptism; one God and Father of all. (Eph 4:4-6) Gospel: Gospel: The people mistakenly thought of Jesus as “the Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distrib- Prophet who is to come into world” after the multi- uted them to those who were reclining, and also as plication of the loaves and fishes. What are some much of the fish as they wanted. (Jn 6:11) times when you have seen others misuse or mis- represent Jesus? Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. ©LPi INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK St. Therese of Lisieux made a point of going the extra mile in kindness towards those people who really got under her skin. It was part of her own brand of Everyday Stewardship — thanking God for all His creation, even the parts with which, in her own humanness, she struggled to cope. I think about this a lot when I challenge myself to give thanks for things that bother me and people who challenge me. When I do this, I envision Christ giving thanks over those insufficient loaves. How many of us would see that paltry little basket and kick a rock in frustration because we can’t feed all our people? “You didn’t give me enough, Lord! You didn’t give me enough patience, enough money, enough creativity, enough stamina to be a good steward. If you had given me more, I could also give more!” In those moments of despair, we need to take a good look at the life God has given us. We need to look at the trials and the challenges and the shortcomings. The hopes that didn’t pan out, the disappointments that keep cropping up. Somewhere therein lies what we need to be the steward God asks us to be, just as St. Therese’s own stewardship was defined by the people she simply couldn’t stand. God does not give us all we want. He does not give us all we ask for. He does us one better: He gives us all we need. It’s all in the basket. — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 ~ SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME www.stanne-tomball.org July 25, 2021 page 6 Masses This Weekend July 24-25, 2021: Sat 7/24 5:00 PM ~ Kathryn Dawson Sun 7/25 8:00 AM ~ Steve Evans Sun 7/25 10:00 AM ~ People of St. Anne Parish Sun 7/25 12:00 PM ~ Josefina Amaro Weekday Masses Wed 7/28 8:30 AM ~ Wally David O St. Anne, you are my spiritual grandmother. Thurs 7/29 8:30 AM ~ Lee Stoecker Please pray for me! Fri 7/30 8:30 AM ~ Maria Vargas I come to you today knowing that you know what it’s like to wait on God to answer your heart’s greatest desires. Upcoming Weekend Masses I come to you today Asking that you will ask God to grant my petition July 31– August 1, 2021: the way that He granted yours. Sat 7/31 5:00 PM ~ Monte Willis I ask that you pray, St. Anne, to ask Our Lord to have Sun 8/1 8:00 AM ~ Cruz Family mercy and favor on me. Sun 8/1 10:00 AM ~ Maggie & Joseph Kainer Please pray for our Mass Intentions. Sun 8/1 12:00 PM ~ Le Gente de la Parroquia de Santa Ana But most of all, please pray that I may be open to God’s will the way that you were, and that I will be able to wait with patience, perseverance in faith and hope, and with absolute trust in the Lord’s plan for me. Amen. SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 ~ SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME www.stanne-tomball.org July 25, 2021 page 7 MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO CATÓLICO/USA MFCC/USA ¿Qué es el MFCC? Es una agrupación de familias cristianas a nivel mundial que unen sus es- fuerzos para promover los valores humanos y cristianos de la familia. Propo- nemos sea la comunidad formadora de personas educadoras de la fe y com- prometidas en el desarrollo integral de la comunidad a través de familia y sus miembros. ¿Qué ofrece el MFCC? • Comunicación y dialogo entre los esposos • Promueve el dialogo entre padres e hijos • Comprensión de los problemas de la comunidad • Desarrollo de un estilo de vida familia, de acuerdo con los valores humanos y cristianos ¿Como funciona el MFCC? El programa consiste en un ciclo de cuatro etapas basados en los aspectos fundamentales de la formación religiosa, conyugal, la educación y el compromiso comunitario ¿Qué oportunidades ofrece el MFCC para crecer? El MFCC ofrece a sus miembros oportunidades (vida espiritual, personal, familiar y so- cial) que juntas son el camino para lograr la verdadera transformación de la familia, y a través de ellas de la sociedad en su conjunto.
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