Colby Magazine Volume 83 Issue 1 January 1994 Article 1 January 1994 Colby Magazine Vol. 83, No. 1: January 1994 Colby College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/colbymagazine Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Colby College (1994) "Colby Magazine Vol. 83, No. 1: January 1994," Colby Magazine: Vol. 83 : Iss. 1 , Article 1. Available at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/colbymagazine/vol83/iss1/1 This Download Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Magazine by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @ Colby. Volume 83, No. l January 1994 "IT'S FOR you!" Colby students are calling alumni because they ha\'e an imronant 1nessage for all those \\'ho care about the future. Today, Colby is nationally ranked a - one of the top 25 rri\'ate liberal an- colleges in the nation. But without the -urrort of past generations we wouldn't he a1nong the best-there\\' re times in our history when the \·ery existence of the College depended on the generosity of alumni and friends. We asked them to preser\'e the future, and they re-ponded. Each generation of Colby students b nefits frorn their gifts. Because the actual cost of a Colby education i- $ 7 ,000 more th.an tuition and fees, e\'ery student who attend - Colby recei\-e- -upport. Nearly one quarter of all financial aid funds conles from unrestricted annual gifts of alunu1.i, parents and friends and from endO\vment. We're asking you to strengthen Colby by making ure we can continue to pro\·ide all the things that make us one of the best colleges in the country: a challenging environnlent in which to teach and learn, programs and facilities that attract outstanding faculty and the resources to admit and support promi ing students. When Colby calls, it's for you. Please join generations of caring alumni by adding your gift to the 1994 Alumni Fund. INSIDE C 0 LB Y COLBY Cover Story Volume 83 Number 1 6 Colby Staff: Flight of Discovery Tom Claytor '85's voyage around the world has taken him from Sally Baker executiveeiliwr the coldest to the hottest places on earth, fromjoy to despair, from wonder to anger to a deep and abiding sen e of self. Roben 0. Spurrier managing eiliwr Brian Speer Features designer page 6 12 Roben Gillespie SHOC Therapy Alumni atLargeeiliwr A creative and committed group of students and professionals is sending imponant messages about health to Colby tudents. Contributing Photographer: Is anybody listening? John McKeith (inside front cover); (cover photo counesy of 16 Tom Claytor) Storybook Careers Contributing Reporter: Five Colby alumnae in children's book publishing share their Michelle Severance '94 insights into one of the most exciting realms of current litera­ Administration: ture-it's not all fun and games. William R. Cotter, president; page 3 Peyton R. Helm, vice presidentfar developmentand alwnni relations; 22 Earl H. Smith, dean of cheCollege; Call of the Wild Susan Conam Cook '75, director A detour led Nick Jans '77 to the small Alaskan village of of alumni relations Ambler, where, as he writes in his new book, he panicipates in Alumni Council Executive an uneasy marriage between traditional culture and the influ­ Committee: ence of the Lower 48. Alben F. Carville Jr. '63, chair, Elizabeth J. Corydon-Apicella '74, vice chair,Cynthia L. Auman '80; Thomas M. Dailey '80; Solomon]. Hartman '67; Mary Alice Campbell Kozen '47; Ronald L. Lupton '71; Beverly Departments Nalbandian Madden '80; 2 36 William E. Marvin 65; Carol G. page 16 Sly '80; Thomas P. LaVigne '58 Periscope Alumni at Large 3 Profiles: Colby is published five times 3 7 Fletcher Eaton '39 yearly for the alumni, friends, From the Hill 44 Anhur Goldschmidt '59 parencs of studencs, seniors, 28 faculty and staffof 4 7 Peter Jensen '67 Gifts & Grants Colby College. 53 Kenneth Melvin '74 Address correspondence to: 29 55 David Epstein '86 Book & Authors Managing Editor, Colby 62 Colby College 31 Obituaries Waterville, ME 04901-4799 Mules on the Move 34 • Student Life page 22 JA NUAR Y 199 4 COL BY P E R I SC 0 PE � .- ___.---;fJc" c ......., , � � �::-----. � �· r ·/ .·--... � Gleaned fry Dean Earl H. Smith fromhis weekly campusnewsletter, FYI. What They Say About Us coach at Waterville High and holds the the RooseveltAdministration. ln Decem­ New England, Big East and ECAC colle­ Everybodyprobably knows by now that, in ber, 50 years later, she took her leave and a giate women's pentathlon records. its hugely popularAmerica's BestColleges well-deserved retirement. The veteran li­ edition, U .S News & World Report pegged brary secretary was the last remaining sup­ Colby l 7th among the nation's 140 most Sensational Speakers port staffmember to serve the College on two campuses.The fact that she had a nine­ selective colleges.The rating was down two While much of the rest of the country was year leave in the 1960s does not diminish place from the year before, ahead of Bates probably watching Seinfeld, senior Hung and behindBowdoin. ln a later edition, the Bui (Bartlesville, Okla.) held a smaller her astonishing record of service or the news magazine cited Colby among audience spellbound in taking first prize in gratitude of the legions of faculty and stu­ "America's bestcollege values." ln order to the annualLouiseCobumspeaking contest dents whom she served.We wish her well. be considered in the "best buy" category, in November.Senior Kendra King (Provi­ colleges had tofinish at or near the top of its dence, R.I.), took second place and first­ To Secure COOT category in academic quality. Elsewhere, year student Kimberly Parker (Lexington, The Classof 1994 Senior Parent Giftcom­ we should note, the Princeton Review cites Ky.) was an impressive third. Others who mittee has chosen the Colby OutdoorOri­ Colby among the 20 collegeswith the ''hap­ made excellent presentationswere Jonathan entation Trip program as the focus of their piest" students, however that was derived Kaye'97 (Avon,Conn.),LauraMiller'94 fund-raismg efforts.Sara Waisanen of the and whatever it means. (Worthington, Ohio ), Matthew Lapides annual giving staff will coordinate the ef­ '94 (Hamden, Conn.) and Elizabeth fort to create a $100,000 endowment to Staying Hot Labovitz '94 (Lexington, Mass.).We sa­ help underwrite the annual cost of the Applications to Colby in the first "early lute them all and we thankDavid Mills'57, program and to provide COOTscholarship decision" round that ended in November who coachesthe debate team and, among funds for students with need. Co-chairs of were up nearly 50 percent fromthe previous other things, sustains this fine program. the committee are Penn and Cornelia year. Dean of AdmissionsParker Beverage Kavanagh, parents of Alex '94, and Allan reports that 166 such applications were Small World and Ginger Miller, parents of Laura '94. filed this year compared to 112 in 1992. We salute them. Dana Professorof Governmentemeritus Al Some part of the increase, he said, could be Mavrinac was in Japan last fall, lecturing attributed tothenewpolicyofnot requiring on and teaching American law and busi­ Moosecellaneous achievement testscores as part of the appli­ ness ethics. As he took a van from Narita Mavrinac's cation process. much as one third of the Al tory of a chance encounter As Airport and began the trip through heavy next entering class may be admitted from with a Colby alum in Tokyo trafficis not so trafficto downtown Tokyo, a fellow jumped the two rounds of early decision applicants. surprising considering that the College has on the vehicle and demanded that the During November, a record-breaking 376 20,000 alums throughout the U.S. and in driver stop. "Hi, Professor Mavrinac," he prospective students had interviews in the some 70 foreign countries. Still, these are said, thrusting a card into Al's hand. "Call handsome new Lunder House facilities. interesting tales.lf you have one, please tell me; we'll have lunch." Then he disap­ u .. ..We don't remember another triple peared quickly into the crowd as the van Let's Welcome overtime in basketball at Colby. Dick moved on. The card was from Joe Meyer Whitmore'smen's squadnipped Wheaton Bruce McDougal has joined the person­ '79, Al's former student and now treasurer 107-104 on November 20 after three five­ nel office as director of safety.He held a of Morgan Stanley in Japan. Al took him minute extras to open the new seasonwith similar position at Irving Tanning in up on the offer and they were joined for a bang ....The Colby Eight was invited by Maine and hi focus will be on safety lunch by Bob Stevenson '78 and Yoichi LL Bean to entertain holiday shoppers in training and accident prevention, keep­ Hosoi'79, both also working in Tokyo. ing Colby up to snuff with OSHA An­ Freeporton a December evening. gela Frame is newly appointed as an assistant women's track coach.A gradu­ Tenure of Tenures ate of WatervilleHigh and the University EarlaRobertson came to work at Colby on of Connecticut, she had been an assistant the old downtown campus, in 1943, during CO LBY JA NUARY 1994 2 FR 0 M E HI LL ShanahanReceives Lovejoy Award ileen Shanahan, Washington some hideous greenish-yellow hue that often will see very little local coverage. bureau chief of the St. Peters­ makes everything it touches look Those newspapers are saving money, and burg Times, told a Colby audi­ sick .... [W]hat I am increasingly con­ short-changing their readers, by running ence in November that the cerned about is my sense that we in jour­ wire copy.
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