E1478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 13, 2005 Mr. Speaker, in 1969, Judge Rodriguez found- ades of service to her Nation in uniform, and I know many of my colleagues will join me ed Fiestas Patrias, a non-profit organization for her future service to our community and its in thanking Colonel Haas for the many years dedicated to promote an awareness of their young people. of service he has given our country and in culture and heritage among young Hispanics. f congratulating him on retirement. I wish him all Judge Rodriguez has been the recipient of the best in his future endeavors. CORPORAL LYLE J. CAMBRIDGE the Alex Award from the Houston NAACP f Legal Program and the Benito Juarez Medal- lion from then President Luis of Mexico, the HON. TOM UDALL HONORING GAYLORD NELSON highest honor given a non-resident of Mexico OF NEW MEXICO for creating better goodwill and understanding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TAMMY BALDWIN between Mexico and the United States. Wednesday, July 13, 2005 OF WISCONSIN Finally, Mr. Speaker, I congratulate my Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friend, Judge Armando V. Rodriguez for thirty- rise today to honor the life of Corporal Lyle Wednesday, July 13, 2005 two years of outstanding service to our com- Cambridge. munity. Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Lyle lived a life rich in the traditions of his f pay tribute to the life and legacy of Gaylord family and Navajo Culture. Unfortunately his Nelson of Wisconsin. Since his death a little IN HONOR OF RETIRING MAJOR life was cut short last Tuesday, July 5th, when more than a week ago, at age 89, much has GENERAL JANET E.A. HICKS he was killed while on patrol in Baghdad at been written about this extraordinary states- the age of 25. This was his second tour of man, environmentalist, husband, father, and HON. CHARLIE NORWOOD duty in Iraq. friend. Lyle, a graduate of Aztec High School, Gaylord Nelson was a giant in Wisconsin OF GEORGIA joined the United States Army in May 2002. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES history. In a life dedicated to public service, He followed on the same military path as his Gaylord Nelson embodied the ethics of his Wednesday, July 13, 2005 brother Vernon, who has been in the Army for state: hard work, perseverance, honesty, in- Mr. NORWOOD. Mr. Speaker, today I rise 12 years, and his father Joe, a veteran of tegrity, compassion, and good humor. to recognize the lifelong dedication to our Na- Desert Storm. Gaylord Nelson was a patriot who, as a Surviving Lyle are his parents, Virginia and tion’s service of one of my constituents, Major young soldier, courageously served 46 months Joe Cambridge Sr., his wife Evonne, his two General Janet E.A. Hicks of Augusta, Georgia. in a just war, and then, as a U.S. Senator, sons, 3-year-old Wyatt and 1-year-old Nick, This week, Major General Hicks retires after courageously took a stand against a war he and many siblings. 30 years of service in the U.S. Army Signal believed was unjust. After learning of Lyle’s fate, they and other Corps. She ends her Army career as Com- As a State Senator and Governor of Wis- members of the Navajo community gathered mander of the Army Signal Center and Fort consin, Gaylord Nelson was an effective lead- to remember him and pray. Through their Gordon, in which position she has served er and natural-born politician who practiced heartache, they recalled Lyle’s generous spirit since 2002. the fine art of governing by always striving for and fun-loving personality. General Hicks graduated from Simpson Col- the common good, seeking common ground, Today and always, we also recognize the lege in Iowa, and received her Masters De- and practicing common decency. His political spirit, strength and sacrifice of Corporal Lyle gree from Georgia Southern University in battles were never personal, and his personal Statesboro. She was granted a direct commis- Cambridge. Our heartfelt condolences and prayers are friendships knew no political boundaries. sion in the Army in March 1975, and attended with Lyle’s family and friends during this time As a U.S. Senator, Gaylord Nelson brought the Women Officers’ Orientation Course at of great loss. We salute him for his courage his energy and activism to the national stage. Fort McClellan, Alabama. and bravery. His concern for the environment was visionary Her first assignment was to the 41st Signal and relentless. Gaylord Nelson’s efforts led to Battalion in Korea. She was subsequently as- f the Environmental Protection Act, the Clean signed to the 25th Infantry Division at TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Safe Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, where she taught COLONEL RICHARD ‘‘MOOSE’’ HAAS Drinking Water Act. In 1995, President Bill the Signal Officer Basic and Advanced Clinton honored him with the Nation’s highest Courses. She next served at Fort Richardson, HON. DENNIS. R. REHBERG civilian award: the Presidential Medal of Free- Alaska as logistics officer, followed by an as- OF MONTANA dom. signment with Central Command MacDill Air IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gaylord Nelson was an advocate for con- Force Base, Florida. sumers, small business owners, farmers, and She was promoted to command the 125th Wednesday, July 13, 2005 all who shared his belief in the promise of Signal Battalion, 25th Infantry Division in 1992. Mr. REHBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to America. After attending the Army War College, she as- salute one of the many brave men and women Above all, he was, as one report noted, ‘‘A sumed command of the 516th Signal Brigade who serve all of us in our great military. I voice crying out for the wilderness.’’ As the fa- with concurrent duties as deputy chief of staff would especially like to pay tribute today and ther of Earth Day, he leaves a legacy of envi- for information management of the U.S. Army, offer my personal thanks to Lieutenant Colonel ronmental awareness and action that has Pacific at Fort Shafter, Hawaii. Richard ‘‘Moose’’ Haas, of the United States changed lives and livelihoods for the better in She assumed command of Fort Gordon in Air Force, for a job well done. communities throughout the world. 2002. As a fellow Montanan, I’d like to take this Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin was a citizen Major General Hicks has been awarded the time to highlight Colonel Haas’ service to our of the world, a leader of the highest ethical Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service country. Today, he serves in the Pentagon, standards, and a model public servant whose Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, working at the leading edge of future National life’s work will continue to inspire Americans Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf Defense writing concepts outlining how the for many generations. I join with all of Wis- clusters, Army Commendation Medal with two Department of Defense will maintain the consin in saluting him today. oak leaf clusters, and the Humanitarian Serv- peace and security of this great Nation for f ice award. years to come. Mr. Speaker, after 30 years of distinguished Moose is a highly decorated combat veteran SIKH FLAG RAISED IN service to her Nation, Janet Hicks would be winning two Distinguished Flying Crosses with CALIFORNIA perfectly justified in taking some time off to Valor during missions in Operation Desert serve herself for a change. Storm. He has also served in Operations HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS But I am pleased to note that her service to Desert Shield, Deny Flight, Provide Comfort, OF NEW YORK others will instead continue uninterrupted, as and more recently in Enduring Freedom where IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES she assumes new duties as Headmaster of he helped plan the Air Campaign against Augusta Preparatory School. Taliban and Al Qaeda forces. He has logged Wednesday, July 13, 2005 Mr. Speaker, as representative of the peo- over 2500 hours in the F–111 and F–15E Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, on July 3 in ple of Georgia’s 9th Congressional District, I fighter aircraft, with over 300 of those in com- Turlock, California, the Sikh flag was raised at thank Major General Janet Hicks for her dec- bat. an event there. There were speeches from VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:55 Jul 14, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13JY8.019 E13PT1 July 13, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1479 many distinguished Sikhs, including Dr. Gurmit homeland that declared its independence Republic Day, January 26. 35 Sikhs were ar- Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of from India on October 7, 1987. The event was rested at that time. Some of them have been Khalistan, and many others. The event was shown throughout India on an Indian tele- denied bail. Cases were registered against vision channel called Aaj Tak on July 6. Dr. dozens of Sikhs for raising the Sikh flag at organized by Dal Khalsa America, the Amer- Aulakh was interviewed by a California rep- the Golden Temple on the anniversary of the ican branch of a Sikh political party that is resentative of Voice of America. Golden Temple attack in the presence of strongly in support of independence for As soon as Dr. Aulakh raised the flag, slo- over 30,000 Sikhs. Warrants have been issued Khalistan, the Sikh homeland. Leaders of Dal gans of ‘‘Khalistan Zindabad’’ (‘‘Long live for their arrest. Those charged include Dal Khalsa have been arrested in India, along with Khalistan’’) were raised.
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