2020 Mother's Day Sweepstakes Contest OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCE OF WINNING. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. 1. Promotional Period: The 2020 Mother's Day Sweepstakes Contest, which may be conducted under a different name as specified in the chart below, (the “Promotion”) begins on or about Monday, April 13th, 2020, unless otherwise announced by the station, and ends on or about Sunday, May 10th, 2020 (the “Promotional Period”). 2. Entry Deadline: The deadline to submit the last entry is Sunday, May 10th, 2020 at 11:59pm in the time zone where the Participating Station (listed below) or Sponsor (listed below) is located. 3. Eligibility: The Promotion is open to all legal residents of the U.S. and Canada, 21 years of age or older, except employees of Aptivada, Participating Stations and other Sponsors (collectively, the “Promotion Entities”), other television or radio stations located in the same market as a Participating Station, and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising or promotion partners (if any), and members of their immediate families or persons living in the same household. This Promotion is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Void outside the United States and where prohibited. Entrants who do not meet the eligibility requirements will be disqualified and unable to win. The 2020 Mother's Day Sweepstakes Contest may be conducted under the following names by the stations specified: Call Letters Station Name Contest Name 95.3 KGY KGY Win $1000 for Mom 96.9 KAYO KAYO Win $1000 for Mom KAAN-AM Sports Radio 870 Mother of the Year KAAN-FM Regional Radio 95.5 Mother of the Year KAIM-FM The Fish 95.5 FM Mother's Day Sweepstakes KALL ESPN 700 $1K Mother's Day KATZ-AM Hallelujah 1600 Win $1,000 for Mom KATZ-FM 100.3 The Beat Win $1,000 for Mom KATZ-HD2 Majic 103.7 Win $1,000 for Mom KBFF Live 95.5 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KBIQ-FM Q102.7 KBIQ Mother's Day Sweepstakes KBJD-AM Radio Luz 1650 AM Mother's Day Sweepstakes KCBQ-AM The Answer FM 96.1 AM 1170 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KDAR-FM 98.3 FM The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes KDIS-FM FaithTalk 99.5 FM Mother's Day Sweepstakes KDIZ-AM AM 1570 Wellness Radio Mother's Day Sweepstakes KDMT-AM Money Talk 1690 KDMT Mother's Day Sweepstakes KDNN-FM Island 985 Win $1000 for Mom KDOW-AM AM 1220 KDOW Mother's Day Sweepstakes KDXE-FM 101.1 FM The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KDXY 104.9 The Fox Mother's Day Giveaway KDZR-AM AM 1640 The Patriot Mother's Day Sweepstakes KEAG Kool 97.3 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KEGA 101.5 The Eagle $1K Mother's Day KEXB-AM 620AM KEXB Mother's Day Sweepstakes KFAX-AM AM 1100 KFAX Mother's Day Sweepstakes KFBD-FM Regional Radio for the Ozarks Give your Mom a Grand KFIA-AM 710 AM The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes KFIS-FM 104.1 The Fish Mother's Day Sweepstakes KFSH-FM 95.9 The Fish Mother's Day Sweepstakes KGBX-FM 105.9 KGBX $1,000 for Mom KGFT-FM FM 100.7 The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes KGLO AM 1300 KGLO 1,000 for Mom! KGNC-AM NewsTalk 710 $1000 For Mom KGNC-FM 97.9 KGNC Win $1000 For Mom KGNW-AM 820 AM The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes KGNW-IR The Fish Seattle Mother's Day Sweepstakes KGU-AM Real Country 95.1 FM/760 AM Mother's Day Sweepstakes KGU-FM 99.5 FM The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes KHCM-FM Country 97.5 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KHNR-AM AM 690 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KIAI 93.9 The Country Moose Mother's Day Giveaway! KIKX 104.7 Bob Fm Mothers Day Sweepstakes KINK KINK Mother's Day Sweeptstakes KINK-HD2 We 102.9 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KIRK Mother's Day Sweepstakes KIRQ Q-106.7 Mothers Day Sweepstakes KIXX KIXX 96 Mothers Day Sweepstakes KJBX Mix 106.3 Mother's Day Giveaway KJEL-FM Regional Radio for the Ozarks Give your Mom a Grand KJXK Jack-FM Mother's Day Money KKBB-FM Groove 99.3 Groove Money for Mom KKDV 92.1 KKDV Win $1,000 for Mom KKFS-FM 103.9 The Fish Mother's Day Sweepstakes KKHT-FM 100.7 FM The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes KKIQ 101.7 KKIQ Win $1,000 for Mom KKLA-FM 99.5 KKLA Mother's Day Sweepstakes KKMS-AM AM 980 The Mission Mother's Day Sweepstakes KKMS-IR The Fish Twin Cities Mother's Day Sweepstakes KKNT-AM 960 The Patriot Mother's Day Sweepstakes KKOL-FM Kool Gold 107.9 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KKOT 93.5 The Hawk Mother's Day Giveaway KKSP-FM 93.3 FM The Fish Mother's Day Sweepstakes KKWK Classic Rock 100.1 Mother of the Year KLAK 97.5 KLAK $1,000 For Mommy KLFE-AM AM 1590 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KLIR KLIR-101 Mother's Day Giveaway KLLT-FM ALT 104.9 Win $1,000 for Mom KLLY-FM Energy 95.3 Money For Mom KLOU-FM 103.3 KLOU Win $1,000 for Mom KLSS-FM Star 106 Win $1,000 for Mom! KLTY-FM 94.9 KLTY Mother's Day Sweepstakes KLTY-HD2 102.5 El Pez Mother's Day Sweepstakes KLUP-AM 930 AM The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KMAD Mad Rock 102.5 $1,000 For Mommy KMKT Katy Country $1,000 For Mommy KMRN US Country 1360 Mother of the Year KMXS Mix 103.1 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KNTH-AM AM 1070 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KNTS-AM Radio Luz Seattle Mother's Day Sweepstakes KNUS-AM 710 KNUS News/Talk Mother's Day Sweepstakes KOVO ESPN 960 $1K Mother's Day KPAM-AM KPAM News Talk 860 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KPDQ-AM TrueTalk 800 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KPDQ-FM 93.9 KPDQ Mother's Day Sweepstakes KPRZ-AM K-Praise FM 106.1 AM 1210 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KPXQ-AM Faithtalk 1360 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KQYB KQ98 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KRDY-AM Freedom 1160 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KRES Mother's Day Sweepstakes KRIB 1490 96.7 KRIB Win $1,000 for Mom KRKS-FM 94.7 FM The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes KRLA-AM AM 870 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KRYP-FM 93.1 El Rey Mother's Day Sweepstakes KSAC-FM Money 105.5 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KSD-FM 93.7 The Bull Win $1,000 for Mom KSKY-AM 660 AM The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KSLR-AM AM 630 The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes KSLZ-FM Z1077 Win $1,000 for Mom KSSK-FM 923 KSSK Win $1000 for Mom KSWF-FM 100.5 The Wolf $1,000 For Mom KTCM Mother's Day Sweepstakes KTEK-AM Business AM 1110 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KTFM Energy 94.1 Don’t Forget About Mom KTIE-AM AM 590 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KTKZ-AM AM 1380 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KTNO-AM Radio Luz Dallas Mother's Day Sweepstakes KTOZ-FM Alice 95.5 Win $1,000 for Mom KTPZ Music Monster 92.7 Mothers Day Sweepstakes KTRB-AM 860 AM The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes KTSA KTSA Mother's Day Money KUBT-FM 939 The Beat Win $1000 for Mom KUCD-FM Star 1019 Win $1000 for Mom KUDD Mix 105.1 $1K Mother's Day KUIC 95.3 KUIC Win $1,000 for Mom KUPL 98.7 The Bull Mother's Day Sweepstakes KURR Mix 103.1 Mothers Day KUUU U92 $1K Mother's Day KVWE-FM WE 102.9 Win $1000 For Mom KWHL Kwhale 106.5 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KWIX Mother's Day Sweepstakes KWRD-FM The Word 100.7 FM Mother's Day Sweepstakes KXGL-FM 100.9 The Eagle Win $1000 For Mom KXHT-FM HOT1071 Mother's Day Sweepstakes KXRK X96 $1K Mother's Day KXRO KXRO Mother’s Day KXTG 750 The Game Win $1,000 for Mom KXUS-FM US97 Win $1,000 for Mom KXXT-AM Family Values Radio Mother's Day Sweepstakes KYCR-AM AM 1440 KYCR Mother's Day Sweepstakes KYMV Rewind 100.7 $1K Mother's Day KYTC Super Hits 102-7 Win $1,000 for Mom! KYUN-HD2 Magic 95.1 Mothers Day Sweepstakes KYUN-HD3 I-Rock 105.1 Mothers Day Sweepstakes KZDC ESPNSA Mother's Day Money KZEN KZ-100 Mother's Day Giveaway KZNT-AM AM 1460 & FM 101.1 The Mother's Day Sweepstakes Answer KZTS-AM Rejoice Little Rock Mother's Day Sweepstakes W240-CX 95.9 The Fish Mother's Day Sweepstakes WAFS-AM Biz 1190 WAFS Mother's Day Sweepstakes WAVA-AM/FM WAVA 105.1 Mother's Day Sweepstakes WAXX WAXX 104.5 Win $1000 for your mom this Mother's Day WBAZ REFRESHING AND RELAXING MOTHER'S DAY WBEA 101-7 THE BEACH MOTHER'S DAY WBUZ 102.9 The Buzz Mother's Day Sweepstakes WBZW-AM 1520 WBZW Mother's Day Sweepstakes WCCQ 98.3 WCCQ 98.3 WCCQ's Mother's Day Sweepstakes WCEN-FM 94.5 The Moose Moose Country's Favorite Mom WDLD-FM Live 96-7 Money Makin’ Mamas WDTK The Patriot Mothers Day WDWD-AM FaithTalk Atlanta Mother's Day Sweepstakes WEHM WEHM MOTHER'S DAY WERV 95.9 The River Mother's Day Cash WESE-FM 92.5 The Beat 2020 Mother's Day Sweepstakes Contest WEZE-AM 590 AM The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes WFFH-FM 94FM The Fish Mother's Day Sweepstakes WFHM-FM 95.5 THE FISH Mother's Day Sweepstakes WFIL-AM WFIL AM 560 Mother's Day Sweepstakes WFLS 93.3 WFLS Mother's Day Sweepstakes WFSH-FM 104.7 The Fish Mother's Day Sweepstakes WGER Mix106.3 $1000 for mom WGHL Alt 105.1 Mother's Day Giveaway WGKA-AM AM 920 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes WGTK-FM 94 5 WGTK The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes WGTK-HD Rejoice 96.9 FM Mother's Day Sweepstakes WGUL-AM AM 860 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes WGZB B96.5 Mother's Day Giveaway WHAJ J104 Win $1,000 For Mom! WHBC News-Talk 1480 Win $1,000 for Mom WHBC-FM Mix 94.1 Win a GRANDMom WHBQ-AM Sports 56 Mother's Day Sweepstakes WHBQ-FM Q1075 Mother's Day Sweepstakes WHK-AM AM 1420 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes WHKW-AM 1220 AM/96.9 FM The Word Mother's Day Sweepstakes WHKX Kicks Country Win $1,000 For Mom! WHKZ-AM The Word 1440 Mother's Day Sweepstakes WHTF HOT 104.9 Mother’s Day Sweepstakes WIAL I-94 Mother's Day Sweepstakes WIND-AM AM 560 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes WIZM AM WIZM Mother's Day Sweepstakes WIZM-FM Z93 Mother's Day Sweepstakes WKAT-AM Radio Luz Miami Mother's Day Sweepstakes WKKT-FM 96.9 The Kat Win $1,000 for Mom! WKMQ-AM News Talk WKMQ 2020 Mother's Day Sweepstakes Contest WLQV FaithTalk Detroit Mothers Day WLSS-AM AM 930 The Answer Mother's Day Sweepstakes WMBX-fm
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