JADIO NEWS ANDHo JUNE SHIRT WAVE RADIO www.americanradiohistory.com NCB AGAIN We Thank You! THIS issue marks the 17th Anniversary of RADIO NEWS -radio's oldest semi -technical publication. And we, the staff of RADIO NEWS, wish to extend to you, our readers and advertisers, our sincere thanks for your valued patronage which has made this long life possible. EVER since 1919 -a year before regular broadcasting began -when a crystal receiver that brought in a few, weak, nearby stations amidst the roar of static was something to brag about -RADIO NEWS has been the alert observer for tens of thousands of radio men -accurately reporting and de- scribing each new development in the saga of radio progress. NOW, we stand at the threshold of a new era -the age of television. And again, RADIO NEWS stands prepared to bring you each new development as it springs into being. You may rest assured that so long as the fertile minds of radio experts create new radio devices and theories, RADIO NEWS will report them to you accurately and concisely. WE consider it a solemn trust to ever aid in the advance- ment of radio. The past has proven the value of this - many of our readers who were "beginners" 17 years ago are now leaders of the radio industry. AT this, the beginning of our 18th year, we again pledge to continue our editorial policy of publishing all the impor- tant news of every branch.. of radio -in the same friendly,, factual manner as we have always done. W E like to think of RADIO NEWS not as a commercial proposition but as the "eyes and ears" for our many radio friends. It is your publication -without your constant patron- age it could not exist. Help us make it even more valuable -by telling your friends and neighbors about the features you like. Only thru this cooperative spirit can we continue to advance -for you, our radio friends, are the batckbone of this publication. Radio News www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO NEWS FOR JUNE, 1936 705 MADMAN! MAII4TIIOiV/ through the streets of Die* gel it direct from Aayue - with a Sil/JI! f ü Ìifimro,tt1 /¡ n I t ! k 4, irtt l lll u66,0 °i ïTgÌ i Miiltï{liït iiI itt.tí.Ìt..lii FROM ALL THE WORLD- INTO YOUR OWN HOME Crowds line the streets - lean from is SCOTT foreign reception that SCOTT the windows -laughing- excited. receivers are now being installed in lead- Thrill of the year for seacoast Diepte! ing American universities to aid students You hear the throbbing roar of the in the study of foreign languages. racers long before you see them. But Years of planning and research have here they come! One- two -four- put the SCOTT years ahead. The SCOTT ten- twelve! Frenchmen at a mad- is, we believe, the only receiver today man's pace -roaring toward us down with a high fidelity overtone range prov- the crooked crowded streets! Skidding ably 30 to 16,000 cycles. You miss the around corners, bumping curbs - i full beauty of programs if your radio missing the crowd by inches -brakes misses those vibrant ringing overtones screaming, goggles gleaming - mad- which alone enable the human ear to man's marathon! Car out of control! distinguish one instrument from another. Look out! -he's going to crash! -Wait The SCOTT today gives you domestic -he's straightened out again. Shriek- programs with pre - microphonic tone ing tires -as the mad pack dodge past truth -achieved with the new exclusive him with a deafening roar and rush. SCOTT Volume Range Expander. Mile after mile this flirting with death SCOTT 23 tube Full Range Hi- Fidelity YOU ARE INVITED -thrills, spills, chills! Radio with the Laureate Grand Console The skill and daring of these flying to compare the SCOTT on a 30 -day trial Frenchmen send the blood charging in your own home anywhere in the United through your veins! Time was when States. Nationwide installation. Five all sporting France flocked to Diepte year guarantee. Strictly custombuilt to for this historic the highest known precision standards. yearly event, run through more fascinating and friendly place to Send today for the illustrated booklet, the city itself where the streets are lined live because of the astonishingly brilliant "PROOF OF CONSISTENT FOREIGN with people risking their lives to watch it. worldwide reception the SCOTT gives. one Now it's broadcast over all the world RECEPTION" - of the most - - more daring, more hair -raising than even RECORDS GALORE astounding records of world our own Indianapolis Speedway classic. Owners in U.S.A. alone logged in detail wide performance in all radio! If you aren't going to France this summer 19,257 programs from 320 foreign stations Mail the coupon -NOW- the next best thing is to hear this famous in a short six months time. Here is a frag- for this extraordinary story! race in your own home - with a SCOTT ment of C. H. Weyrich's list. 4BH and 4BC direct from T P A Colonial France! - (both 600 Watts) and 2BL in Australia; The celebrated custom built SCOTT has KGU and KGMB (250 Watts) Hawaii -all made world with verifications (see SCOTT News April, adventurers of thousands of 1935, P. 10). E.H.Scott Radio Laboratories,Inc. amateur radio enthusiasts, DX fans, broad- 4440 Ravenswood Av.,Dept. 5K6, Chicago casters, radio stars, famous musicians and CIRCLE THE WORLD Send "94 PROOFS" of the SCOTT'S Princes superior tone and DX performance and and Presidents in more than 146 Argentine -Java- Spain -Germany- particulars of 30 -day home trial anywhere countries. They have all found the world a England and dozens morel So dependable in U.S. A. E. H. SCOTT RADIO LABORATORIES, INC. Name 4440 Ravenswood Avenue, Dept. 5K6, Chicago, Illinois Street 1150 Filth Avenue, New York City e 1l5 N. Robertson Boulevard, Los Angeles City State www.americanradiohistory.com Edited by LAURENCE MARSHAM COCKADAY S. GORDON TAYLOR WILLIAM C. DORF Managing Editor Associate Editor JOHN M. BORST JOHN H. Porrs Technical Editor Assoc. Tech. Editor JOSEPH F. ODENBACH Art Editor Vol. XVII June, 1936 No. 12 1 Serviceman's Diary Anonymous 707 Reading Guide 2 DX Hints for the Beginner William H. Fraser 709 __.+. to this Issue- 3 New Receivers and Equipment William C. Dorf 711 4 "Radio Nations" S.W. Stations R. H. Tomlinson 712 AMATEURS -3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28 5 Testing a 23 -Tube Superhet....S. G. Taylor and L. M. Cockaday 713 BROADCAST FANS -2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 22, 24 6 The DX Corner for Short Waves The S.W. DX Editor 713 DEALERS -1, 3, 7, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28 7 World Short -Wave Time -Table The Editor 716 DESIGNERS-28 8 Wavelength- Frequency Conversion Chart The Staff 719 DX FANS -2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 20, 23, 28, 30 9 World Distance Map (St. Louis) John M. Borst 720 ENGINEERS-16, 18, 2S and Addresses 721 EXPERIMENTERS -3, 7, 8, 9, 18, 10 S.W. Station Slogans 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 11 World Short -Wave Station List The Technical Editor 723 MANUFACTURERS -16, 18 OPERATORS -9, 11, 28, 29 12 New Amateur Transmitter Everett M. Walker 727 SERVICEMEN -1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, The Amateur Editor 728 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28 13 The "Ham Shack" SET BUILDERS -3, 8, 16, 19, 21, 28 14 5 -540 Meter "Ham" Superhet Donald Ames 729 SW FANS -2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 14, 20, 28, 30 15 5 -Meter X'mitter- Receiver Maurice E. Kennedy 730 STUDENTS -1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, E. Jay Quinby 731 17, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 16 A New Idea in Sound Systems TECHNICIANS -1, 3, 16, 18, 19, (Part 4) A A. Ghirardi and T. S. Ruggles 732 21, 25, 26, 27, 28 17 Selling Service 18 New Vibration Pick -Up John H. Potts 733 Com ing- 19 Making Your Radio a Hearing Aid Samuel B. Simer 734 Next Month 20 The Radio Beginner (Part 2) John M. Borst 736 21 The Radio Workshop The Associate Editor 738 The July issue will be a spe- cial Vacuum Tube number with 22 Stunt Aviation Directed by Radio Stanley Kent 739 "dope" on new tubes, tube charts including all types and makes, 23 The DX Corner for the Broadcast Band S Gordon Taylor 740 etc. For the summer broadcast fan there will be a "How to 24 Backstage in Broadcasting Samuel Kaufman 742 Build" article on a truly portable a.c: d.c. superhet with built -in 25 The Service Bench Zeh. Bouck 744 antenna. A swell 5 -meter "M.O.P.A." rig will be presented 26 Servicemen's Prize Contest The Service Editor 746 with full construction details for the amateur. A little 1 -tube am- 27 Students' Radio Physics Course Alfred A. Ghirardi 748 plifier to be added to the 1 -tube receiver described in the begin- 28 The Technical Review Robert Hertzberg 750 ner's series this month will be described in detail. Plus a num- 29 QRD? By GY 752 ber of other features for the serviceman, the s.w. fan and the 30 Captain Hall's Short -Wave Page Horace L. Hall 758 technician. South Avenues, Dunellen, N. J. Published Monthly by Teck Publications, Inc., Washington and EDITORIAL AND EXECUTIVE OFFICES Lee Ellmaker 461 EIGHTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, N.
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