B BCWorld Service LO N CALLING From left: Nigel Anthony (Bessmertny), Jane Wenham (Anna Petrovna). David Timson (Lev Ivanovich Sergeyev) and Bernard Hepton (The Investigator) in Vladimir Gubaryev's COP NEW LOOK FOR Can Comn;unism a 1 0/7;-ave FREQUENCY CHARTS Al! /Sport 19/Other languages. English by Radio 24 pages 20-22 Whenyou arein Ban Pan Phan how do youhaveawindfall from US Mining Equities? ...by selecting aportfolio profile from the NM International Portfolio Management Service in sympathy with your own position. We believe in flexibility and therefore offer you a very wide range ofprofiles from which to choose. Furthermore each portfolio benefits fromfirstclassmanagement We invest throughout from our own investment team. World- the globe for those who live wide the NM Group manages assets in around the world. excess of £8,000 million. Invest now before markets bounce back. To Peter Metcalf, Whereveryou live, whatever your NM Schroder Financial Management International Limited, PO Box 273, Guernsey, Channel Islands Please send me details of NM Schroder IPMS. situation, bank on the strategy which suits Name Address you best (minimum £10,000). Just fillin the coupon to find out more. LC4/881 AiSchroder Financial Management International LIMITED LONDON CALLING APRIL 1988 CAN COMMUNISM COPE? EFORE the Bolshevik Revolution in Can Communism Cope? is a new series of half-hour programmes written November 1917, few peoplein Russia (and even fewer outside it) and presented by Chris Cviic. Chris, a Croat from Yugoslavia who has had heard of Lenin and his com- lived in Britain for more than 30 years, has for many years been The Brades, a small militantsectionof the Economist's specialist on Eastern European affairs and is a regular broad- badly fragmented socialist move- ment in the then tsarist empire. Even fewer caster on World Service. Here he provides the background to the series. would have believed that this obscure band of from crisis to crisis while so many of the revolutionaries would not only capture power free-market ones, particularly in Asia, seem in Russia but also end up in charge of a able to cope both with modernisation and powerful, worldwide movement ruling many generation of wealth. other countries, including China, the world's The growing conviction that communism - most populous state. at least in its present form - does not work, just over seven decades since the Bolshevik has persuadedtheleadersof most revolution, few would dispute that Marxism- communist -ruled countries of the need for Leninism, the ideology of Lenin and his heirs, wide-rangingeconomicreformsaffecting has proved to be the most influential set of planning, price policy, management of enter- beliefs and precepts for action in our century. prises, pay, employment and -much else. Both Equally, the system of rule set up by Lenin Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union and , and perfected by his successors has proved Deng Xiaoping in China are in the forefront of extremely durable. Wherever it has extended Lenin: the reform movement. from Russia, it has successfully resisted all most influential But can communism be reformed? There are attempts to uproot it, apparently confirming ideologist those who say that it cannot, that to reform the communist assertion that its revolution's of the ideological regimes such as the communist triumphs are irreversible because they are part century ones in which everything is carefully written of history's forward march. down is impossible unless there is a new Marxism-Leninismisstillgaining new theoretical justification for the change. And adherents, particularly in parts of Africa, Asia that would mean undermining the party's rule and Latin America. These annual gains in byadmittingthatithadbeenwrong. communist party membership worldwide are "Reforming communism is like frying snow- proudly chalked up in Moscow, the oldest Whatever balls," according to Professor Leszek Kola- communist capital. But all is not well in those kowski, a distinguished Polish -born philo- parts of the world that are under communist sopher and the world's leading authority on rule. Some even speak of "the crisis of Marxism, which he once embraced. communism". Marxist-Leninist ideology is being criticised HOSE not in top positions of power by communist party members themselves as happened in communist countries believe that being too rigid, even out of date. Not only the communism has no choice: it must theory but also the practice is under attack. reform or bust. They would claim The gapbehindtheclaimsandthe Tthatitis possible for the ruling achievements is being publicly discussed. The Communist parties to reform and old, confident belief that communism would stay in power. But reformers such as Mr "bury" capitalism and that world revolution to Lenin's Gorbachev and Mr Deng face tremendous would triumph has faded as capitalism, for all opposition, not just from diehard Marxist - its accompanying drawbacks such as unem- Leninists but also from those many people ployment, seems able to outperform commun- who have managed to adapt to the system, ism in almost every field. however inefficient and corrupt, and make it work for their benefit. HE market economies of the non- dream? Talk of closure, of money -losing factories, communist world seem totake of dearerbread,electricity,ptiblic-sector technological change in their stride. housing and above all greater pay differentials In contrast, the centrally -planned, Gorbachev: related to effort worries people who have come state -run economies seem unable reforming to believe that their jobs at least, however T inheritor even to convert the brilliant innova- of the badly paid, are safe under socialism, and who tions of their own scientists into new products Leninist expect the state to subsidise their basic needs, and machines fast enough. legacy even if at a low level. Humiliatingly, regimes that once prided The outcome of the great debate about themselves on having bothhistory and reform in the communist world is uncertain. science on their side find themselves in- The result will not be known for a long time. creasingly obliged to rely on the supposedly But whether or not communism can cope has doomed capitalist west for imports of technol- enormous significance for the rest of the ogy and know-how as well as capital. The world. communist superpower, the Soviet Union, and The great reform drama is not just an its allies face the prospect of being left ever absorbing spectacle to be followed from a farther behind by their capitalist adversaries, distance by detached observers; it concerns with important consequences for the east - everyone, communist and non-communist west balance of power. alike. In the third world, Marxist-Leninist states Can Communism Cope? Suns from 10th such as Ethiopia and Vietnam seem to lurch 1615 rep Mons 0730, Tues 2115, Thurs 0330 DOG World Service Advertising Consultant: Joshua B Powers Ltd, 46 Keyes House, Dolphin Square, London SW1V 3NA. Tel: London 834 5566 LONDON London Calling is available in all parts of the world at an annual subscription rate of £10 (USS15). For a free copy and subscription form, write to Rosemarie Reid at this address CALLING Vol 1 7 No 4 London Calling, London Calling is the programme journal of the BBC World PO Box 76, Service. To listen to our world-wide transmissions you will Bush House, Strand, need, in most cases, a short-wave radio set, although in London, some areas we also broadcast on long and medium wave and England, VHF. On the frequency pages of this edition you will find a guide to the current recommended transmission and WC2B 4PH frequency times for your area. As you will see, we work in Regular readers have a reference number, which can be found on the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) so you will have to convert this address slip inside the plastic wrapper, above their name and to local time. address. Please use this in all correspondence. Editor: Steve Weinman Edited and compiled by the British Broadcasting Corporation, External Editorial Assistant: Jill Thomas Services Publicity Department, Bush House, London: set by Link Print Editorial Secretary: Diane Faulls Services Ltd, London: printed by The Riverside Press Ltd, Whitstable, Kent; despatched by In Line Posting Ltd of Bedford. England. ALL TIMES GMT LONDON CALLING APRIL 1988 3 SOVE REGULAR PROGRAVMES The transmiss,on tmes of regular pro- grammes given on this page are intend- ed only as a general guide. Some changeswillinevitablyoccur,and readers are asked to check the timing of Ataglance individual programmes on the Day -to - Day pages. Album Time - presented by Ken Bruce Sets meeting point between religion and life daily 1715 rep Suns 0230, Mons 1130. 0445 rep 0809, 2240, Suns only 1709. World News Anything Goes -a variety of music and much Religious Services - a celebration for the Broadcast daily in the World Service 0000. more. Write to Bob Holness at World Service feastof the Resurrection: Father Herbert 0200. 0300, 0400, 0500. 0600. 0700, 0800, Mons 0330 rep 0830, 1330. McCabe of Blackfriars, Oxford concludes his 0900, 1100, 1300,1600, 1700 (ex Sats). Assignment - a weekly examination ofa series with a special act of worship to mark 1800. 2000. 2200, 2300: 5 -Minute News topical issue Weds 2030 rep Thurs 0230, Easter Day 3rd: a servicei from the Queen 1001, 1615. Victoria School, Dunblane, Stirlingshire 10th; 1400 (Mons-Fris): News summary 0100, Book Choice - short book reviews with three a service looking at the past ministries to 1000, 1400 (Sats and Suns only). 1700 editions each week - Sets 1709 rep Suns which a central city church is called, from St (Sats only), 1900, 2100. 0745. 2225; Mons 1709 rep 2225, Weds Martin -in -the -Fields, led by the Rev Canon 0440; Weds 1740 rep Thurs 0140, Sets Geoffrey Brown 17th, an act of worship held 2225.
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