rriiE PACIFIC rML ADVERTISER, c C . rVery Tfc-r-- J-y Mor.ln. at Six ., AVJil-A- iTO ADVERTISKRS AND SUBSCIIIBCXIS" Obituaries, funenil Invitnti is and notices or enmmanicatioos "r-,- r f" nl the expense of frwar.l--r Intended only lo benefit an individual's boainesa, will be charged h Al!!'!!rf pul.Ucati..n. All rPer for American ; as mlverthK-merit- . i ifc mrican poet-Mf- e rtaiiip" on them, Aiivertuemeuis atspiayea in larger type man usual, are aou-Jo- ct ireA - 'S!Jfef?-s'-SBm- w , - " Aav-ric-a collected A . u .. A" . to heartec ehargir.. nut f-- P"f,T "'can ly Suoscriptiou r thc Commercial Advertucr aitd Advet- -t K xei--u suberihrrs.oo h" nwiU. and will be re-- are payable xvariahly i . .. ; Hawaiian advaxck. V""",1-- lt- - of " 7 So transient advertisrBieuu will be inserted unices rai'r ,tl lt 111 riD. I III II II I XJ Ccrresiondence from ait parts of the Paerfle will always be very acceptable. t MT ""HDU (ft" iMrtion) per Iiiie....l0 ctr. ? 07 nW ' . V baV I & II ft II 'II III II III III III III .Vvn1I.'-"f j COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFICE. -- line.) - Wets. veh '"'.7;. in advai PLAIN AND FAKCT n ' BOOK AXD JOB PRINTING fc . (o " .n 60 arm as I c"r irTti TO, i st .lliiw inT - rate. rex . BOOKS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, '!r i CATALOGUES, BILLS Of LADING, 00 BILL HEADS, CONSULAR BLANKS, ' " ""r-e-r 00 CIRCULAR?, BLANK DEEDS, fci'Q . .m.liunn ...............SiO 00 ALCTION BILLS, HAND BILLS, ' ".. f37 50 FAMPULET3, 8II0P BILLS. Lima, t7 TIStTINO, BUSINESS AND ADDRESS CARDS prloted on a f Yankee Card Press," In the highest style of the art. umcrcial Advertiser. PCTBCISIIEn WEEKLY HV 5 SIX DOLLARS PERANXm. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, 'DECEMBER 23, 1853. (VOL.111, A', 20. WHOLE No. 130. Term, 1 838. tra Oelober Crt toTiT,1 nCe,of uch oement,ar.d bound himael T- Meek. clusively m 0ii - Jahn shown by the fact that the Legislature, at km U. c. bcbb. i. c uaaaiu. Let,. its next session, in 1851, torts, giucllings,. r.t la get. ileal (tstatc for mal. xranctsra 3bcrlistmci ts; snow pass on to the examinati-- n had its attention renewedly , o: delivered the decision of the of BEUT-- the directed to this subjec t, on which - c - j'va v iiiv.il kll occasion- it revised and par Lilly amended the section just quoted, by FOR SALE OR TO LET, Waikahalula Water Lets! SINGER'S FIRST PREMIUM COMMISSION MERCILaNTS. .riinn Tjinst the defendant. n act which commences with the following pream- THAT LARGE AD COMMODI -. OUS 110CS12 -- IInnoh.1- to recwer the ble, viz: Whereits, many diffie DWKLLI.NG on Kuku street, nuir FXDERSIGXED HAVING BEEN' Great Gold Medal Sewing Machines f 1 urt of ,;.le lties and com. Kale of G b,-.- by undersigned. THE aeut the and lease the tne elenaam on ni mtia at laints have niisen from the feeling existing on ocruDied the fr ATJOTIOrffEErt' AGENTS OF THE r"4 t tea hf Tlie House 3 nearly new, and one of the most convenient MACHINES took the Gold Medal at the U impounded and noli!, a i ccoiint of the k .nohikis forbidding the tenants on lioiiikrs contains Waikahalalu Lots! THESE Regnlar DUsmtch HobioIsjIbi j In Honolulu, aoJ on I Llaeof . ... att-ntl- great Paris Exhibition iu competition with all the machines Packet. ' jiKl-n.e- nt . ana Iiejrs to call the of Ship Ownnrs, Speculators "Ip. lata-reo- d that should " """ueu, nentiv the lands enjoyir the benefits that have been by la w hy 22 of Em. ipe and including & "uve '.ever ieen axprcsly repeaW Leiri-atur- e. r Parlor. 22 feet f other this finely situated of bind wuicU is now of- Axkkica, Wheeler Wilson's" aad ' bv the given ft. and t tract Grai-e-r Particular attention paid to f awarding and transhipment of in t e court helow. reserving pl.mitiif them ; Therefore." etc. It wns evidently the Pining UiKm, 11 hy 22 feet. fered in lots at reduced on liberal convenient & Baker's," and lhe French Government paid linger xchinngs, hi" lhe more particu'l fits-pi- rates and and merchandise, sale of whalemen's bills, and other sy relie. .rlv, upon Five UouniB, " Co. 600,000 Irancs f.w Iho use of the pateuts. In addition to appeal, in that the case, a intention of the Legislature, at the pas-sag- e t L lTUg. suranee of merchandise aitd spade under open policies, supply. t rler j.art of the farst of thoe resolutions, time o the Uresing HMin, Pantry, Store Rocin, this, we have taken the premium at sev n State Fairs, which read Plans may be seen and all particulars learned by application fikst and Ing chartering ships, , , 'L ITvne f g'ent im;iortance. as : of the net of ISoO, that the former right ..f whaleahips. otc q fdlows. the lliMim. S undt-rsittne- Fire-pro- and it hardly needs the verdict of Honolulu viz The rights of the hoaaina i , Ituth rvanl's Room, to the at Robert C. Jaulon's of Buildiasrs. a jury where the hoaaina to p House, Sewing Mucin. s are scarcely to at 120-- tf . iae-'VV- ; land consist his own sturo his horse and cow, and other Carriage X. B. Karlv applicatiiin should be made for ch'Joe known determine tu position 47 nasi 40 California reel. , cf taro patehe. and all as , Limine V" HuVT! p aces other animals, on the land, not in such as to Ami supplied wilh water from tlie Gorerninent Pipes. W. L. QUEEN, the best machine for all practical purposes in use All who BETl-- TOt which he himself e but numbers usi-- cultivates for hi own u-- The Lot is 75 feet frontace, with a depth of nhout 800 feet, and A L..tu have the different machines will say so, and none others Captain James Makee, H hi lulu; Captain D. C. Waterman wi-- h prevent thc cent for the Sale of Waikahaiulu t'ni court. and if he to hi.-- konohi i from pastujlng his." should Phfule are competent judges. Address Henoluiu; Oilman Ac Co., Lahalna. rv extend cultivation on contains a variety ! uml Ornamental Trwa. Honolulu, Oct. 21, 1853. 121-- tf Messrs. lJOf unocc. cease to . pied parts, he has thc right to do exist. It was inconsistent with the new For pHrilcul.-irs- ele apply to A. EVERETT, JSO. IL DCXNELL, Agent, so. lie has also 122-3- m e 0-- 151 Sacramento thr.-- -- sysfem and was therefore not on Honolulu, 22, IS.'., tf Street. 8. GRIFFITTS U0RQAX. C. S. KATBAWAT. a. r. BToaa r'."h..; U.n ur fcvrl lease, the right m the ras land, if there be anv under preserved th Valuable Heal Estate for Sale ! m-- y hi. change of the law. Thnt was un- . Lot t'.;e A'uipii'ia ti inouiiun. wiih care, and he take grass lor his own use such the general MORGAN, STONE & CO., ex;.re-l-y or for derstanding throughout country, after pas- TO LET. -, Califomia Preserved Meats, &c. ,n oi' .ert.iu ir:ioii reserved sale, and may also t .ke fuel and timber from the the -- TIIE RESIDENCE OF R. V. SPEI- mailc on the 16th the sage of the act of 13-50- , clearly appears from the COTTAGE AW PREMISES IX l DEN, siruHted on the AVaibiki Road, two miks out PRES'D MEATS. SOUPS, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Ban Franctaoo, Cal . t'r e ic:ie. tor himself He mar also jsTllEjj; Va'.L'y, .f School f.TJ CIALIFOKXIA References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. At A. R. Nye, l pasture his evidence given "it his-- Xuaanu nt tlie ror.ier uni Nunanu sts. J-- Via, of Honolulu. The premises contain about the American meats, by !.-,- . the plaintiff" is a in this case; and is matter of 1JIK let & k. New BedAwd, Messrs. Grinnell M In H5; that horse and cow and other unimds on the l.,nd, but t J""t, lately occupieil hy Mr. SmithiM. The house is In pood ACRES of well fenced Land, Pwelling Houe, and all other ne- I). R. FROVOfeT & CO. Swift Perry, turn 4 :l " ';!.!, ry that during several 1 wat-- r New York, H. Forbes Rs- a- BVntoa, Messrs. Pes Part of that not in such l KonohikiVrnm subsequent oessions of the repair, an 8uilied with from thc Uoverutnent Works. cessary There U also a (in-a-t variety of fruit trees Sau Francisco, California.' Co., John in-- - rliLrZ umbers as to prevent the Waterman Esq. Hon- '' Legislature, pQtition were presented for the enact, Rent low. For apply t Peaches, Apples, Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine, Mullierry, Mango, kins ft Smith, New Loudon, Daniel C. pasturing his. 12-- if . July 1,1856-t- , uinuii'iii Willi mert of a law granting xr. F. LADD. Quince, and a variety of native fruit, Cocoauuts, etc There D. R. P. & Co. have constantly on hand a general assort- olulu. t mi-i'- n, or otherwU ; and outers i r tne pasturage ot to the common pe plo the ae ment e Liu l their animals wii;;oilt tlie right of Pasturage on the f inds of kouohikis, but five fish ponds on the premises, containing :ilx.ut 20.000 fish, of of conxMit of his Konohiki, and the the FOR RENT. which one fourth are fit for use. The ponds are supplied by a Knglish Oilman's Stores. Minister of thc without success, n TIr.
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