UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday July 12, 2005 Volume 52 Number 1 www.upenn.edu/almanac Faculty Senate Leadership for 2005-2006 Arlin Adams Professorship In Constitutional Law With the Annenberg Foundation taking the lead among several donors, the Law School has established a professorship in Constitutional Law in honor of former Federal Appeals Court Judge Arlin M. Adams. “I am most grateful to the University, to Mrs. Annenberg and the Annenberg Foundation, as well as the other generous donors who have made this honor possible,” said Arlin M. Adams. “Nothing could mean more to a graduate of the Penn Law School than to have a professorship, especially in Constitutional law, bear his name.” Judge Adams has had a long and distinguished ca- reer on the bench and in public service, having served The Faculty Senate announces its leadership for the coming academic 18 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third year: (left to right) Charles Mooney, (Law) past chair; Neville Strumpf, Circuit and three years as secretary of public welfare Arlin Adams (Nursing) chair; and Vincent Price, (Annenberg) chair-elect. under Pennsylvania Governor William W. Scranton. (continued on page 2) Law School Teaching Awards Voted by Penn Law students, Bruce H. Mann, Leon Meltzer Professor of Law and Professor of History, received his second Harvey Levin Memorial Award for Teaching. His teaching has been previously recognized with the University- wide Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foun- dation Award for Distinguished Teaching and another Law School award. Dr. Mann holds an A.B. and M.A. from Brown and a J.D., M. Phil. and a Ph.D. in history from Yale. Dr. Mann, one of the nationʼs foremost le- gal historians, teaches primarily in the areas of “American Legal History”, “Trusts and Estates”, and “Property Law”. Known for his Socratic method, he actively engages students and teaches them how they can reason their way to answers Bruce Mann Amy Wax Nathaniel Persily Steven Urice themselves. He is the author of the award-winning Repub- Nathaniel Persily, professor of law and po- a seminar in “Museum Law.” Dr. Urice holds a lic of Debtors: Bankruptcy in the Age of Ameri- litical science, has been awarded the Robert A. B.A. from Tufts and a M.T.S., Ph.D., and J.D. from can Independence (Harvard Univ. Press, 2002). Gorman Award for Excellence in Teaching for Harvard. He is also the Director of the Project for Associate Dean Michael Knoll bestowed the his courses, “Constitutional Law” and “Con- Cultural Heritage Law & Policy and is an interna- following teaching awards for 2004-2005 on the temporary Issues in Law & Politics Seminar.” tionally recognized expert in cultural property law basis of teaching evaluations: Dr. Persily is a nationally recognized expert and a former trusts and estates practitioner. Amy Wax, professor of law, has been named on election law, a frequent media commentator, “Urice is an amazing professor. Clear, engag- this yearʼs winner of the A. Leo Levin Award and a practitioner in law and politics. Most re- ing, and effective are all the adjectives that I would for Excellence in an Introductory Course for her cently, courts in Georgia, Maryland, and New use to describe him to another student.” “…ob- course in “Civil Procedure”. Dr. Wax, who spe- York have appointed him to draw legislative viously loves his topic and his enthusiasm is in- cializes in civil procedure, social welfare law, districting plans, and he has served as an expert fectious.” “…is particularly good at stimulating and the economics of work and family, joined witness in redistricting plans. He holds a B.A. independent thought.” The “instructor had a great the Penn Law faculty in 2001. She holds a B.S. and M.A. from Yale, a M.A. and Ph.D. in politi- attitude toward students—sincerely respectful and from Yale, a M.D. from Harvard, and a J.D. cal science from UC Berkeley, and a J.D. from encouraging—and was very accessible.” from Columbia. Stanford. He joined the Penn faculty in 2001. Several sample quotations capture the Student comments praise Dr. Persily as IN THIS ISSUE knowledge and enthusiasm that she demon- “hands down the best law professor I have had.” 2 Trusteesʼ Annual Stated Meeting Coverage; His “enthusiasm for the subject is infectious OF RECORD: Computing Policy strates in the classroom. “…she is without a 3 Government Affairs Update; PPSA Board; doubt a commanding force on the material.” and inspiring.” He is “passionate and commit- WPSA Board; Penn Medicine #2 for NIH Awards “She has inspired me to pursue litigation and as ted to both the subject matter and teaching.” 4 Deaths: Ms. Adams, Dr. Cortner, Mr. Frost, many procedures courses as I can fit in. She is “It is wonderful to learn from a man with not Mr. Rhodes, Dr. Rochberg, Mr. Tarnopol 5 Response to London Bombing passionate and brings an interesting perspective only such amazing expertise, but also such un- 6 Honors & Other Things; Alumni Reunion Gifts to the material.” “Very accessible, always will- abashed enthusiasm for what he teaches—and 8 Research Roundup ing to entertain questions.” “Professor Wax did for the act of teaching itself.” 9 Business Services Update Steven Urice, lecturer in law, has been named 10 F/S Telephone Directory; ATLAS Database; a fantastic job of not only teaching the law, but UCD Ethnic Dining Guide; Oprah Lectures also pushing students to think beyond it.” “Best the winner of the Adjunct Teaching Award for 11 Update; CrimeStats; Classifieds; World Cafe Live teacher I have ever had.” his courses, “Trusts & Estates,” “Art Law,” and 12 Three-Year Academic Calendar ALMANAC July 12, 2005 www.upenn.edu/almanac 1 Trusteesʼ Annual Stated Meeting Coverage At the Annual Stated Meeting of the Trust- President Gutmann took a moment to re- the schoolʼs ranking in NIH funding is up from ees last month, Chairman James Riepe said that member “George Rochberg, a distinguished #3 to #2 in the U.S. President Amy Gutmann “hit the ground run- member of the Penn faculty and great 20th cen- In the Admissions Report, Dean Lee Stetson ning last July” and has been “pushing Penn to tury composer” who died recently. Dr. Gutmann said there were nearly 19,000 applicants for the greater heights.” He also added that the Penn also noted that an agreement has been reached incoming freshman class, with a 20% admit rate, community has “embraced her vision” and the between WXPN and NPR which will bring and a yield of 66% which is up three percent. “momentum has accelerated.” two ʼXPN shows to listeners of 185 public ra- There are students from all 50 states and a dozen The Trustees passed a memorial resolution dio stations across the U.S. President Gutmann Native Americans among the incoming class. for alumnus and trustee Anthony “Skip” Mini- also thanked Dr. Peter Conn, a “great citizen of The Academic Policy Committee present- si, a “quintessential Quaker” who died on May Penn” for “serving extraordinarily well as In- ed a resolution to approve revisions in the Re- 5 (Almanac May 24). terim Provost.” search Faculty Track to benefit the faculty and A resolution of appreciation was passed for Dr. Gutmann presented, and the trustees ap- Pennʼs ability to compete for NIH funding; the trustee Dr. Edward T. Anderson, an interven- proved resolutions of appreciation for revisions became effective July 1. The School tional cardiologist who maintains “a special Michael Masch, who had served as the vice of Nursing proposed establishing four new po- place in our hearts through his readiness to serve president for budget and management until be- sitions to provide for advancement within the his alma mater.” coming the secretary of budget and administra- academic support staff; the total number of such A resolution of appreciation was passed for tion for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; positions shall each be limited to no more than Dr. Stanley B. Prusiner, trustee, winner of the for Kenneth B. Campbell , who recently retired 20 percent of the standing faculty of the school. 1997 Nobel Prize in Medicine, and a triple-de- as comptroller and associate vice president for The School also proposed establishing the un- gree Penn alumnus. financial systems, having served Penn for 33 tenured rank of Practice Professor, whose pri- A resolution of appreciation was passed for years; for Carol R. Scheman, vice president mary activity is to teach on a full-time basis; trustee and alumnus Michael D. Zisman, who for government, community and public affairs with a limit of not more than 20 percent of the “helped to develop the infrastructure that has since 1994; and for Leroy D. Nunery II, vice standing faculty. made e-mail accessible to countless users.” president for business services since 1999, who The trustees also approved a resolution to The Statutes of the Trustees were amended, has left Penn to become president of the Edison establish in the Graduate School of Education a establishing a new class of trustees —Special Schools in New York. Master in Philosophy (M.Phil.) in professional Trustees—up to two in number, to serve for a The Trustees approved the appointment of counseling and psychology to supplement the term determined by the chair at the time of their Ronald J. Daniels as Pennʼs provost and of John existing M.S.Ed. in psychological services . election, whose service meets a particular need F. Horn as comptroller; both appointments be- The Operating Budget for the University for or purpose. came effective July 1. FY 2006 was approved, along with the Capi- Vice Chairman Jon Huntsman presented the Dr.
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