DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS SON OF PHILIP TABER Compiled by GEORGE L. RANDALL ViNING PRl!SS, Printers NEW.BEDFORD, MASS. 1924 COAT OF ARMS OF THE TABER FAMILY DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS, SON OF PHILIP TABER 1 Philip Taber came from Essex, England, to Plymouth, Mass., in 1630; resided Watertown, Mass., 1634; Yarmouth, 1640; Martha's Vineyard, 1653; New London, 1654; Portsmouth, R. I., 1654; Provi­ dence, 1659; and in Tiverton (then a part of Dart­ mouth), 1667, where he d. 1672; mar. 21 Dec., 1639, Lydia Masters, dau. of John and Jane; mar. 2d Jane Latham (deed dated 1651 calls Carey Latham, a brother-in-law); in 1669 Philip Taber testifies in drowning accident, age 64; as also wife Jane, same age (Pope's Pioneers mentions John Taber, 1629; an., other record mentions Thomas Taber, wife Jane and several daughters; perhaps brother of Philip?) ch. bap. Yarmouth (or Barnstable). 2 John, ·8 Nov. 1640/; mar. (1684, sells land to Peter Place; in 1702 his house and goods were burned and · was given life lease of 20 acres by the town of Provi­ dence) ; no ch. ------ 3 Lydia; mar. 16 Feb. (or Apr.) 1664/5 Rev. Pardon Tillinghast, who b. Seven Cliffs, Eng., 1622·; d. Provi­ dence, 20 Jan. 1718; ch. Lydia, 18 Apr. 1666; mar. John Audrey; Pardon, Jr., 16 Fe'b. 1668; d. E. Greenwich, 1743; zn a r. Mary Keech; Philip, 1 Oct. 1669; mar. Mrs. Martha (Holmes) Tillinghast; Benjamin, Feb. 1672; mar. Sarah Rhodes; Abigail, 1674; mar. Nich- olas Sheldon; Joseph, 1677; mar. Freelove Stafford and 2d Mary Mercy, 1680; mar. Nicholas Power; Hannah, mar. John H.all; Elizabeth, mar. Philip Taber (perhaps son of Jos~ph). 4 Joseph, hap. 1646; mar. ''Hannah C..roj • ._;,,,.i _Mon' ,] laoJe,. (:Jr 1t2-1 5 Philip, hap. Feb., 1646; mar.. &lifer. Cooke. ,, 'J ... *6 · Thomas, bap. Feb.,' i646. 7. Esther----; mar.>; Ma·y- • ----; 1 ~ ' i<1· hew. 6 Thomas (Philip), hap. Yarmouth, Mass., Feb. 1 ~ Lt{,, ~; d. Dartmouth, Mass., 11 Nov.; mar. 1667, Esther Cooke; b. Plymouth; Mass., 16 Aug.i650; d. Dartmouth, Mass., 167,l./2, dau. John and ~'(iw"ar­ ren); mar. 2d Dartmouth, June 1672, Mary Thomp­ son; b. aj),1;. 1650; d. 1-ig.s ;h~'ltu. John and Mary (Cooke). ~\vas in Dartmouth, 1672; was Select­ man, Surveyor, Town Clerk, Assessor, Captain of Militia; his house was burned ·in 1675, and he after­ wards built a stone house near Oxford in Fairhaven, Mass'., a part of the chimney of which is still standing; children b. Dartmouth, now Fairhaven, Mass. 8 Thomas, 29 Oct. 1668; d. young.. *9 Esther, 17 Apr. 1671. *10 Lydia, 8 Aug.1673. *11 Sa:rah, 28 Jan. 1674. *12 Mary, 18 Mar.. 1677. *13 Joseph,.1.Mar. 1679.. ' *14 Thomas, 22 Feb. 1681. *15 John, 22 Feb. 1681. *16 Jacob, 26 July, 1683. 17 Jonathan, 22 Sept.1685; said to have died in woods, his mind impaired. 7 *18 Bethia, 2 Sept. 1687. *18 Philip, 7 Feb. -1689. 20 Abigail, 2 May 1693; mar. Ebenezer Taber, son of .Joseph. 9 Esther (Thomas-Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass., 17 Apr. 1671; mar. Sandwich, Mass., 23 Oct. 1689, Samuel Perry, who b. 2 Mar. 1665-8, son Edward and Mary (Freeman) ; ch. 21 Elizabeth, 17 July 1690; mar. Peleg Barlow. 22 Dl3borah, 6 June 1692. 23 'Thomas, 4 Feb. 1694. 24 Sarah, 5 June 1696. 25 Nathan, 11 Jan. 1700. 26 Mary, 10 Feb. 1702. 27 Ebenezer, 5 Mar. 1706; mar. Abigail · Fessenden; 2d Abigail Hammond. · 28 Seth, 4 Feb. 1708. 29 Mercy, 8 Dec. 1710. · IO Lydia (Thomas-Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass .. , 8 Aug. 1673; mar.----, John Kinney, who d. be­ fore 5 June 1738; ch. 30 Ruth, 3 Aug. 1696. 31 Thomas, 9 Sept. 1698. 32 Jonathan, 12 Mar. 1703. 33 · Mary, 22 Nov. 1705. 34 Hanna~, 27 May 1709. 11 Sarah (Thomas-Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass., 28 Jan. 1674; d. after 1735; mar. Dartmouth, Mass., n~,.J. Dec. l'l1:2, William Hart, who b. Portsmouth, R. I., abt., 1677; d. abt. 1735, son of Richard and Hannah (Keen); ch. b. Dartmouth. 35 Archippus, 24 Jan. 1702; mar. Sarah Clifton, dau. Savory. 36 Richard. 8 37 Thomas, 18 Aug. 1706; d. 8 Nov. 1729. }. 38 Luke, 25 Sept. 1~08; mar. Mary Hud- dlestone, dau'. Henry. 39 William, Jr., 1 Dec. 1710; mar. Mary 40 Hannah, 9 June 1713. 41 Mary, 7 Nov. 1715. 12 Mary (Thomas-Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass., 18 Mar. 1677; mar. ---- Manasseh Morton, who b. Plymouth, Mass., 3 Feb. 1668; son of George and Joanna (Kempton) ; ch. b. Dartmouth. 42 Ruth, 8 Feb. 1713/4. 43 Seth, 20 Jan. 1721/2. 44 Elizabeth, 10 July 1704, in Plymouth. 45 Zephaniah, 6 Jan. 1707. 46 Taiber, 3 Mar. 1709. 13 Joseph (Thomas- Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass., 8 Mar. 1679; d. there 1752; mar. there 12 Aug. 170i/27' Elizabeth Spooner, b. Dartmouth 19 June 1683; d. there 14 July 174~ (1734?); dau. of John; mar. 2d, Sandwich, Mass., 30 Nov. 1738, Lydia Gifford, wid. of Jonathan; ch. b. Dartmouth. *47 Amos, 29 Apr. 1703. *48 Sarah, 2 Mar. 1704/5. *49 Benjamin,. 2 Dec. 1706. *50 Mary, 6 June 1708. *51 Joseph, 15 Feb. 1709/0. *52 Rebecca, 11 Oct. 1711. *53 • Eleanor, 28 Mar. 1713. *54 · John, 8 Aug. 1715. *55 Thomas, 20 Sept. 1717. *56 Elizabeth, 2 Nov. 1718. *57 . Peter, 6 Apr. 1721. *58 William, 15 Mar. 1723. *59 .Nbigail, 16 Apr. 1725. 9 14 Thomas (Thomas - Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass., 22 Feb. 1681; d. Dartmouth before 1724; mar. there, 4 July 1700, Rebecca Harlow, who b. Plymouth, Mass., 27 Jan. (or Feb.) 1678; dau. Samuel and Pris- cilla; ch. b. Dartmouth. · 60 Priscilla, 28 June 1701; mar. 7 Oct. 1724 Nathan Jenne. *61 Jonathan, 24 Feb. 1702/3. 62 Amaziah, 9 July 1704. 63 Esther, 6 Mar. 1709/0; mar. 15 Feb. 1727 William Palmer. 64 Mary, 12 Nov. 1'.711; perhaps mar. Nicholas Crapo. 65 Samuel, 4 Oct. 1718; d. 9 Oct. 1718. *66 Seth, 5 July 1719. 15 John (Thomas-Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass., 22 Feb. 1681; d. after 1760; mar. Phebe Spooner, who b. Dartmouth, 11 May 1687; dau. John owned a fulling mill; ch. b. Dartmouth. *67 Thomas, 18 July 1712. 68 Deborah, 29 Apr. 1714; d. young. *69 Rebecca, 24 Jan. 1715/6. 70 Mary, 25 May 1717; d. unm. *71 Elnathan, 15 Sept. 1720. *72 Phebe, 6 Mar. 1723. *73 Amaziah, 23 Nov. 1724. *74 Ja'bez, 22 June 1727. *75 Deborah, 25 May 1731. 16 Jacob (Thomas-Philip), b. Dartmouth, M .. ss., "26 July 1683; d. there 4 Apr. 1773; mar. ---­ Sarah West, who b. 1 Aug. 1686; d. Dartmouth, 5 Dec. 1775; dau. Stephen and Mary (Cooke); ch. prob. b. Dartmouth. *76 Eunice, 10 July 1711. *77 Stephen, 22 Feb. 1712/3. 10 *78 Jerusha, 23 Aug. 1715. *79 Lois, 23 Aug. 1719. 80 Sarah, 23 July 1721; d. 16 Apr. 1745. *81 Jacob, 21 May 1723. *82 Bartholomew, 11 Sept. 1717. 83 John, 28 Nov: 1726; d. 27 Aug. 1761; captured by French Privateer. 18 Bethia (Thomas- Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass., 2 Sept. 1687; d. Rochester, Mass., 6 Aug. 1758; mar. Caleb Blackwell, who d. Rochester, 23 Nov. 1762; age 77.; ch. perhaps b. Rochester. 84 John 21, Mar. 1717/8. 85 Mary, 20 June 1720. 86 Bethia, 31 Dec. 1722; mar. Ichabod Nye. 87 Alice, 18 May 1725; mar. 14 Sept. 17 49, Nicholas Crapo. 88 Seth, 1 Nov. 1729. 19 Philip (Thomas-Philip), b. Dartmouth, Mass., 7 Feb. 1689; mar. Susannah Tucker (or Wilcox?) and removed to New Jersey after 1730. He was called Philip, 2d, and in 1751 he, then of Middletown, N. J., personally appeared in regard to land "laid out to my father, Thomas, late of Dartmouth." Ch. b. Dartmouth. 89 Richard, 25 Nov. 1711. *90 Thomas, 18 Nov. 1713. *91 Zephaniah, 1 Oct. 1715. 92 Tucker, 10 Oct. 1717; d. 25 June 1749; was pub. to his cousin, Lois Taber, but prob. did not marry; was a mariner and owned part of sloop Rainbow. *93 Jesse, 21 Nov. 1719. 94 Peace, 22 Feb. 1722; mar. 22 Jan. 1748, Wm. Chadwick. *95 Huldah, 3 Mar. 1724. 11 *96 Noah, 7 July 1727. 97 Philip, 31 Oct. 1730. 47 Amos (Josep~-homas- Philip), b. Dart- mouth, Mass., 29 Apr. ' 0 ; d. there before 1753; per- haps a mariner, as he owned several shares in whaling vessels; mar. Dartmouth, 13 June 1724, Elizabeth Lapham, who d. there, 22 Sept. 1727; dau. John and Mary (Russell) ; mar. 2d, 21 Apr. 1730, Elizabeth Eastland; ch. b. Dartmouth. 98 Hannah, 25 May 1725; mar. William Bennett, son William and Desire (Manchester), 27 Oct. 1748. _99 Jethro?., 18 May 1727. 100 Rebecca, perhaps mar. 18 Apr. 1754, John Bennett. *101 Antipas. 48 Sarah (Joseph - Thomas - Philip), b. Dart­ mouth, Mass., 2 Mar. 1704/5; mar. there 2 Apr. 1727, Peregrine or Preserved Merithew, who b. Dartmouth, Mass., 30 Mar. 1704, son of Josiah and Hope --­ ch. b. Dartmouth. 102 Elizabeth, 30 July 1728. 103 Rebecca, 5 July 1730. 104 Ruth, 3 July 1732. 105 Mary, 21 Apr. 1734. 106 Abner, 2 Sept. 1738. 107 Amos, 13 Mar. 17 42. 49 Benjamin (Joseph-Thomas-Philip), b. Dart­ mouth, Mass., 2 Dec. 1706; d. abt. 1782; mar. there, 5 Dec. 1729, Susanna Lewis, dau. of John----; ch. b. Dartmouth. 108 Elizabeth, 17 Sept. 1730. *109 Joseph A., 8 Feb. 1731/2. *110 Benjamin, 10 Oct. 1733. *111 John, 9 Oct. 1735. 112 Archelaus, 26 July 1736. 12 113 Joshua, 28 Jan. 1740; d. 23 Feb. 17 53.
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