MAY 2020 TIME TABLE 5 2020.5.1 ▶ 5.31 J SPORTS 3 ★ First On Air Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4.00 Blank◇6.00 Information 4.00 Cycle 2019 Tour de France 5.30 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #2 5.30 MLB World Series Film 2005 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 6.30 J SPORTS STADIUM traversing the spectacular 6.30 Documentary -The REAL- 7.30 2013 World Matchplay Darts 6.00 Documentary -The REAL- 6.00 MOTOR GAMES #318 6.00 Information 「Eagles vs. Buffaloes scenery over 21 days 7.30 Documentary -The REAL- Semifinals◇HOOP! #5 Team Jumbo-Visma 6.30 BOOMER #121 6.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 (04/30)」(Miyagi) 6.00 Dance! Team Jumbo-Visma「LA FAMILIA」 9.00 Documentary -The REAL- 「Wout van Aert」 7.00 World Badminton 7.00 World Badminton 10.00 The REAL Rugby 99th High School 7.30 BOOMER #121 8.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 Team Jumbo-Visma「ROGLA」 7.00 REAL Team Jumbo-Visma Championships 2019 Championships 2019 Tournament「Gose Industrial High School」 8.00 Snowboard FIS World Cup 9.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 10.45 Dance! 8.00 MLB 2018「Houston @ 1st Round/2nd Round 2nd Round 11.00 Dance! 「Big Air Atlanta/ 「Buffaloes vs. Hawks 0.15 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 L.A. Angels(08/25)」 1.00 Documentary -The REAL- 1.00 Documentary -The REAL- 0.30 The REAL Team Jumbo- Halfpipe Calgary」 (05/02)」 0.45 Documentary -The REAL- 11.00 MLB World Series Film 2005 Team Jumbo-Visma Team Jumbo-Visma Visma「LA FAMILIA」 10.00 J SPORTS STADIUM (Kyosera Dome Osaka) 1.45 IFSC Climbing World Cup 「Chicago White Sox vs. 「Wout van Aert」 「LA FAMILIA」 1.30 Cycle 2019 Tour de France 「Buffaloes vs. Hawks 0.30★J SPORTS STADIUM 2019 Lead Round 1 Houston Astros」 ▽2.00 Sports Climbing 2.00 Documentary -The REAL- traversing the spectacular (05/01)」 「Buffaloes vs. Hawks 「VILLARS - SWITZERLAND」 1.00 MLB World Series Film 2007 3.00 IFSC Climbing World 3.00 IFSC Climbing World scenery over 21 days (Kyosera Dome Osaka) (05/03)」 4.45 J SPORTS HOOP! #5 「Boston vs. Colorado」 Cup 2019 Cup 2019 3.30 2013 World Matchplay 1.30★J SPORTS STADIUM (Kyosera Dome Osaka) 5.15 B.LEAGUE Week19 3.00 IFSC Climbing World Lead Round 3 Lead Round 4 Darts Semifinals 「Buffaloes vs. Hawks 5.00 MLB Digest◇Info 「RYUKYU vs. YOKOHAMA」 Cup 2019 「BRIANCON - FRANCE」 「KRANJ - SLOVENIA」 「M van Gerwen vs. A Lewis」 (05/02)」 6.00 Documentary -The REAL- 7.30 MLB Digest◇Info Lead Round 2 ▽6.00 Boulder Round 2 ▽6.00 Boulder Round 3 4.30 BOOMER #121 (Kyosera Dome Osaka) 7.00 BOOMER #121 8.30★ROLEX Spirit of Yachting #1 「CHAMONIX- FRANCE」 「MOSCOW - RUSSIA」 「CHONGQING - CHINA」 5.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 6.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 7.30 Mobil 1 The Grid #5 「Rolex TP52 World Championship」 6.00 Boulder Round 1 9.30 J SPORTS HOOP! #5 9.30 Mobil 1 The Grid #6 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM 6.30 BOOMER #121 8.00★FIBA 3x3 World Tour HL「Doha」 9.00★MOTOR GAMES #318 「MEIRINGEN - SWITZERLAND」 10.00 FIBA 3x3 World Tour HL「Doha」 10.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 「Buffaloes vs. Hawks 7.00 Mobil 1 The Grid #5 8.30 MOTOR GAMES #317 9.30★Mobil 1 The Grid #6 9.30 BOOMER #121 10.30 MLB 2018 10.30 MLB 2018 (05/01)」 7.30 SUPER GT 2019 9.00 J SPORTS Selection 10.00★WWE RAW #1405 HL 10.00 Snowboard FIS World Cup 「Colorado @ 「Texas @ L.A. Angels (Kyosera Dome Osaka) Season HL 10.30 J SPORTS STADIUM 11.00 WWE SMACK DOWN #1079 HL 「Big Air Atlanta/ L.A. Angels(08/27)」 (09/25) 10.00★WWE SMACK DOWN #1079 HL 9.30 SUPER GT Official Test 「Buffaloes vs. Hawks 0.00 Dakar Rally HL Halfpipe Calgary」 2.00 2010 Darts World 1.30 FIBA 3×3 World Tour HL 11.00 MLB 2018「L.A. Angels OKAYAMA Speedway「Session 1」 (05/03)」 1.30 Cycle 2017 Tour de France 0.00 MOTOR GAMES #318 Grand Prix Semifinals 2.00 WWE SMACK DOWN @ Cleveland(08/03)」 ▽11.30 「Session 2」 (Kyosera Dome Osaka) traversing the spectacular 0.30 MLB 2018「Houston @ 「A Lewis vs. P Taylor」 #1079 HL 2.30 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #2 ▽1.30 「Session 3」 2.00 MLB 2018「Detroit @ scenery over 21 days L.A. Angels(08/25)」 3.00 Documentary -The REAL- 3.30 J SPORTS HOOP! #5 ▽3.30 「Session 4」 L.A. Angels(08/07)」 3.30 BOOMER #121 3.30 FIBA 3×3 World Tour HL 「KIYO HEART BEATS」 3.00 WWE RAW #1405 HL 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4.00 Blank 4.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 4.00 WWE SMACK DOWN #1080 HL 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank◇6.00 Information 4.00 Blank◇6.00 Information 4.00 Blank 6.00 Documentary -The REAL- 4.30 J SPORTS HOOP! #5 5.00 WWE RAW #1405 HL 6.00 The REAL Team Jumbo- 6.30 FIBA 3x3 World Tour 6.30 Documentary -The REAL- 6.00 Information 7.00 BOOMER #121 5.00 REAL Team Jumbo-Visma「LA FAMILIA」 6.00 2013 World Matchplay Darts Visma「LA FAMILIA」 HL「Doha」 7.30 Information 6.30 Documentary -The REAL- 7.30 REAL Rugby 99th High 6.00 Dance! 7.00 Documentary -The REAL- 7.00 HAKA The pride of All Blacks 7.00 BOOMER #121 8.00 World Badminton Sports Climbing School Tournament 7.30 FIBA 3x3 World Tour HL「Doha」 8.00 FIBA 3×3 World Tour HL 7.30 J SPORTS HOOP! #5 7.30★MLB Championships 2019 7.30 MOTOR GAMES #319 8.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 8.00 BOOMER #121 8.30 MLB 2018 8.00★MLB (05/11) Quarterfinals-1 8.00 World Badminton 9.00 MLB 2018 8.30 MLB World Series Film 2008 0.00★MLB World Series Film 2014 (05/10) Championships 2019 「Texas @ 「Philadelphia vs. Tampa Bay」 「San Francisco vs. Kansas」 3.00 Cycle 2019 Tour de France 2.00 IFSC Climbing World Quarterfinals-2 L.A. Angels(09/26)」 10.30★MLB World Series Film 2009 2.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 0.00 Documentary -The REAL- traversing the spectacular Cup 2019 2.00 IFSC Climbing World 0.00★MLB World Series Film 2008 「N.Y. Yankees vs. Philadelphia」 2.30 Documentary -The REAL- 1.00 HAKA The pride of All Blacks scenery over 21 days Boulder Round 4 Cup 2019 「Philadelphia vs. 0.30 MLB Music #10・11 3.30 Dance! 1.30 Cycle 2019 Tour de France 5.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 「WUJIANG - CHINA」 Boulder Round 5 Tampa Bay」 0.50 J SPORTS Selection 5.00 Cycle 2019 Tour de France traversing the spectacular 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM 「MUNICH - GERMAN」 2.00 World Badminton 5.15 MLB Music #11 traversing the spectacular scenery over 21 days 「Buffaloes vs. Eagles 「Buffaloes vs. Eagles 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM Championships 2019 5.30 FIBA 3x3 World Tour HL「Doha」 scenery over 21 days 3.30 Documentary -The REAL- (05/12)」 (05/13)」 「Buffaloes vs. Eagles 3rd Round 6.00 The REAL Rugby World Cup 7.00 Motorsports Guide Rugby World Cup Special (Kyosera Dome Osaka) (Kyosera Dome Osaka) (05/14)」 Special「Luke Thompson」 7.15★FIM Supersports World Championship 「Luke Thompson」 10.00 Documentary -The REAL- 10.00 Documentary -The REAL- (Kyosera Dome Osaka) 7.00 Documentary -The REAL- Round5「Imola(Italia)」 4.30 IFSC Climbing World Sports Climbing 「KIYO HEART BEATS」 10.00★WWE SMACK DOWN 8.00 The REAL Sports Climbing 9.30 Mobil 1 The Grid #6 Cup 2019 11.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 11.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 10.00 SUPER GT Navi #1080 HL 9.00 ROLEX Spirit of Yachting #1 10.00 The REAL「KIYO HEART BEATS」 Lead Round 6 「Buffaloes vs. Eagles 「Buffaloes vs. Eagles 10.15 MLB Music #11 11.00 IFSC Climbing World 9.30 The REAL「KIYO HEART BEATS」 11.00 ROLEX Spirit of Yachting #1 「INZAI - JAPAN」 (05/12)」 (05/13)」 10.30 Mobil 1 The Grid #6 Cup 2019 10.30 MOTOR GAMES #318 11.30 HAKA The pride of All Blacks 10.00★MOTOR GAMES #319 (Kyosera Dome Osaka) (Kyosera Dome Osaka) 11.00 J SPORTS STADIUM Lead Round 5 11.00 Snowboard FIS World Cup 0.00★Documentary -The REAL- 10.30★WWE RAW #1406 HL 2.30 FIBA 3x3 World Tour 「Buffaloes vs. Eagles 「XIAMEN - CHINA」 「Big Air Atlanta/Halfpipe Calgary」 1.00 WWE SMACK DOWN #1080 HL 11.30★FIM Superbike World HL「Doha」 (05/14)」 2.00 Snowboard FIS World Cup 1.00 Dakar Rally HL 2.00 WWE RAW #1405 HL Championship 3.00 The REAL Rugby 99th High (Kyosera Dome Osaka) 「Big Air Atlanta/ 2.30 HAKA The pride of All Blacks 3.00 2010 World Matchplay Darts Final Round5「Imola(Italia)」 2.30 BOOMER #121 School Tournament 2.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #59 Halfpipe Calgary」 3.00 Documentary -The REAL- 「P Taylor vs. R van Barneveld」 2.30 Dakar Rally HL 3.00 Shinkyokushin Karate #316 「Gose Industrial High School」 3.00 WWE RAW #1406 HL 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4.00 Blank 4.30 Cycle* Warera World #2 4.00 Snowboard FIS World Cup 4.00 Blank◇6.00 Information 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 4.30 Blank 6.00 Information 5.00 The REAL Rugby 99th High 「Big Air Atlanta/Halfpipe Calgary」 6.30 J SPORTS STADIUM 6.00 Freeride World Tour 6.00 Information 6.00 Freeride World Tour 6.30 Shinkyokushin Karate #316 School Tournament 6.00 Shinkyokushin Karate #316 「Buffaloes vs.
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