January 25, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 1 879 SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS ond-team All-American, and Jeff Tyrrell and SENATE RESOLUTION 429—HON- Spencer Warden were selected as third-team ORING THE BRAVE MEN AND All-Americans for their exceptional con- WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE RESOLUTION 426—CON- tributions during the 2007 season: Now, COAST GUARD WHOSE TIRELESS GRATULATING THE STANFORD therefore, be it WORK, DEDICATION, AND COM- UNIVERSITY WOMEN’S CROSS Resolved, That the Senate congratulates MITMENT TO PROTECTING THE COUNTRY TEAM ON WINNING the University of California at Berkeley UNITED STATES HAVE LED TO THE 2007 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE men’s water polo team for winning the 2007 THE CONFISCATION OF OVER ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DIVI- National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- 350,000 POUNDS OF COCAINE AT SION I CHAMPIONSHIP vision I Championship. SEA DURING 2007 Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and Mrs. DOLE (for herself, Mr. f Mrs. BOXER) submitted the following LIEBERMAN, Mr. BURR, Mr. KENNEDY, resolution; which was considered and Ms. SNOWE, and Ms. CANTWELL) sub- agreed to: SENATE RESOLUTION 428—CON- mitted the following resolution; which S. RES. 426 GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY was referred to the Committee on Com- Whereas the Stanford University Cardinal OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WOM- merce, Science, and Transportation: won the 2007 National Collegiate Athletic As- EN’S SOCCER TEAM ON WINNING S. RES. 429 sociation (NCAA) Women’s Cross Country THE 2007 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE Championship on November 19, 2007, in Terre Whereas the estimated import value of the Haute, Indiana; ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DIVI- 350,000 pounds of cocaine confiscated by the Whereas the Cardinal won every SION I CHAMPIONSHIP United States Coast Guard in 2007 is more postseason race and maintained a top rank- than $4,700,000,000, or nearly 1⁄2 of the Coast ing throughout the 2007 season; Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and Guard’s annual budget; Whereas in 2007 the Cardinal won a Divi- Mrs. BOXER) submitted the following Whereas the Coast Guard’s at-sea drug sion I women’s cross country title for the 3rd resolution; which was considered and interdictions are making a difference in the lives of United States citizens, as evidenced year in a row and the 5th time in school his- agreed to: tory; by the reduced supply of cocaine in more Whereas Arianna Lambie, Lauren S. RES. 428 than 35 major cities throughout the United States; Centrowitz, and Katie Harrington were hon- Whereas the University of Southern Cali- Whereas keeping illegal drugs from reach- ored as All-Americans for their exceptional fornia (USC) Trojans won the 2007 National contributions during the 2007 season; and ing our shores, where they undermine Amer- Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) ican values and threaten families, schools, Whereas the 2007 Stanford women’s cross Women’s Soccer Championship by a 2-0 vic- country team members are players Arianna and communities, continues to be an impor- tory over the Florida State University Semi- Lambie, Lauren Centrowitz, Katie Har- tant national priority; noles on December 9, 2007, at the Aggie Soc- rington, Alexandra Gits, Teresa McWalters, Whereas, through robust interagency cer Complex in College Station, Texas; Lindsay Allen, Kate Niehaus, Alicia Follmar, teamwork, collaboration with international Maddie Omeara, and Lindsay Flacks, and Whereas the USC Trojans, in the 2007 sea- partners, and ever more effective tools and coaches Peter Tegen and David Vidal: Now, son, had a 20-3-2 overall record, with 13 goals tactics, the Coast Guard has removed more therefore, be it allowed, 15 shutouts, and a perfect 6-0 mark than 2,000,000 pounds of cocaine during the Resolved, That the Senate congratulates in the NCAA Women’s Soccer Tournament, past 10 years and will continue to tighten the the Stanford University women’s cross coun- including 5 shutouts; web of detection and interdiction at sea; and try team for winning the 2007 National Colle- Whereas the USC Trojans won a Division I Whereas the men and women of the Coast giate Athletic Association Division I Cham- women’s soccer title for the first time in Guard who, while away from family and hun- pionship. school history in 2007; dreds of miles from our shores, execute this dangerous mission, as well as other vital f Whereas Marihelen Tomer and Janessa Currier each scored a goal in the champion- maritime safety, security, and environ- SENATE RESOLUTION 427—CON- ship game; mental protection missions, with quiet dedi- cation and without need of public recogni- GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY Whereas Amy Rodriguez was named the tion, continue to display selfless service in OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY tournament’s Most Outstanding Offensive protecting the Nation and the American peo- MEN’S WATER POLO TEAM FOR Player, Kristin Olsen was named the tour- ple: Now, therefore, be it WINNING THE 2007 NATIONAL nament’s Most Outstanding Defensive Play- Resolved, That the Senate— COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- er, and Marihelen Tomer, Kasey Johnson, (1) honors the United States Coast Guard, TION DIVISION I CHAMPIONSHIP and Janessa Currier were named to the All- with its proud 217-year legacy of maritime Tournament Team; Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and law enforcement and border protection, Whereas Ashley Nick and Kristin Olsen along with the brave men and women whose Mrs. BOXER) submitted the following earned All-American Honors for their excep- efforts clearly demonstrate the honor, re- resolution; which was considered and tional contributions during the 2007 season; spect, and devotion to duty that ensure the agreed to: and parents of the United States can sleep sound- S. RES. 427 Whereas the 2007 USC women’s soccer team ly knowing the Coast Guard is on patrol; and Whereas the University of California at members are players Kristin Olsen, Brittany (2) recognizes the tireless work, dedication, Berkeley (California) Golden Bears won the Massro, Nini Loucks, Alyssa Da´ vila, Laura and commitment that have allowed the 2007 National Collegiate Athletic Association McKee, Kat Stolpa, Lauren Brown, Shannon Coast Guard to confiscate over 350,000 pounds (NCAA) Men’s Water Polo Championship, 8-6, Lacy, Ashli Sandoval, Jamie Petrossi, of cocaine at sea in 2007. over the University of Southern California Stacey Strong, Karter Haug, Amy Rodriguez, f Trojans on December 2, 2007, at the Avery Kasey Johnson, Jacquelyn Johnston, Janessa Aquatics Center at Stanford University; Currier, Ashley Nick, Marihelen Tomer, SENATE RESOLUTION 430—DESIG- Whereas the California Golden Bears had a Meagan Holmes, Megan Ohai, Kelley Finch, NATING JANUARY 2008 AS ‘‘NA- 28-4 overall record during the 2007 season; Briana Ovbude, Amy Massey, Kate Gong, and TIONAL MENTORING MONTH’’ Whereas in 2007 the California Golden Monique Gaxiola, and coaches Ali Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, Mr. Bears won a Division I men’s water polo title Khosroshahin, Harold Warren, Laura Janke, for the 2nd year in a row and the 13th time MCCAIN, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. BAYH, Mr. Alicia Lloyd, and Rosa Anna Tantillo: Now, in school history; BURR, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CARPER, Mr. therefore, be it Whereas Michael Sharf was named the 2007 CASEY, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. COLEMAN, Ms. NCAA Tournament Most Valuable Player, Resolved, That the Senate congratulates COLLINS, Mr. DODD, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. Zac Monsees, and Jeff Tyrrell were named to the University of Southern California wom- FEINGOLD, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. ISAKSON, the NCAA Tournament 1st team, and Spen- en’s soccer team for winning the 2007 Na- Mr. KERRY, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. cer Warden was named to the NCAA Tour- tional Collegiate Athletic Association Divi- LEAHY, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mrs. nament 2nd team; and sion I Championship. Whereas Michael Sharf, Zac Monsees, and LINCOLN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Ms. MUR- Mark Sheredy were named as first-team All- KOWSKI, Mr. OBAMA, and Mr. SPECTER) Americans, Adam Haley was named a sec- submitted the following resolution; VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:13 Sep 24, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S25JA8.001 S25JA8 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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