THE EVENING STAR their daughter Cynthia at ragua’s Ambassador Sevilla- C-2 Woihingtn, D. C., ftitloy, law 13, Hit Bryn Mawr, are staying at Sacasa. put In a brief their country place. Valley appearance House, at Brookevllle, Md. and others from Their first stop was In New Embassy Row Included the Orleans (Mr. Butterworth’s Turkish Ambassador and rl dpil »• ’ t * ¦'* *¦»" 'i ' |B» I home), and they willreturn Mrs. Urguplu, Canada’s Am- next Thursday there when bassador Heeney Dr. Hallstein makes an ad- and the dress in the Louisiana city. Swiss Ambassador and Mrs. de Torrents. Other Notables Present Atomic Energy Commis- gfr 1 M J 1 The Netherlands Ambassa- sioner W. F. Libby, Deputy dor and Mrs. van Roljen. Undersecretary of State and the Italian Ambassador and . Mrs. Loy Henderson, the F < > Mrs. Broslo. Luxembourg f /i;f Undersecretary of the Inte- MT- r^HL^ Ambassador Helsbourg, Ger- rior and Mrs. Elmer F. Ben- man Charge d'Aflalres Frans nett, District Commissioner * iL.)t Krapf Belgium’s Charge B .•OB iwß v jM and Robert E. McLaughlin and ,#»! d’Aflalres Jean de Bassom- President Samuel C. Waugh . i | r plerre were among the diplo- of the Export-Import Bank matic guests at the recep- and Mrs. Waugh were still tion. others in the throng of .... The dean of the corps, Nlca- several hundred. them Lens- ()S.J ¦ s C , i Wr & fZr B fapnation or pick-up messenger. W b EUROPEAN HOSTS— Mr. Wolter Hollstein, president of the Commission of European Economic Community (left); Mr. Etienne Hirsch, president of bb _ j/ ' European Atomic Energy Community, ond Mr. Paul Finet, president of tKe European a they gave * jtmSl 4 Coal and Steel Community (right), chat ot reception * f E i f ./• •.. BL m last evening at the Sheraton-Carlton Hotel. Speculation surrounding the i Tr\t v visitors is that there soon will be an embassy representing the group.—Star Staff Photo. : IIjzzmfzM. 4 mJ? I fl ¦LBfea// Ovw Sin 10, add \ Three European Economic Leaders In-*' ii 1 ? Greet Old and New Friends Here By FRANCES LIDE he was not performing his ploratory talks” have been Stir Staff Writer duties as a host. held on the subject of some The relaxed atmosphere The Coal and Steel Com- sort of Joint mission with yours—no motter \ \ ¦mdjv of the Joint reception they munity president formerly diplomatic privileges. gave yesterday was in con- headed the International None of the American of- whot size you wear trast to the rather formid- Confederation of Trade Un- ficials cared to say much on able titles of the visiting ions and found many familiar the subject, either, though it 2 to 12—AAAAA to C presidents of three West faces from various interna- was indicated such a mission * European economic organi- tional conferences he has at- is quite likely in a matter of zations who have been here tended in the past. months. A few problems WHISPERS by luchy Stride . desioned by Edith for discussions this week. Mr George M. Harrison, would have to be ironed out Henry who has mode slots the important fashion. Here's Hallstein, presi- Dr. Walter president of first, however, and probably of Commission of the Brotherhood just one from our terrific collection in Tall and Small dent the of Railway Clerks, and Mr. some would be re- the European Economic Com- George Delaney. quired. sizes. Choose yours in white, black, red or bone kid. munity: American Mr. Etienne Hirsch. of proposal president of the Commission member the governing The seemed nat- Geneva, logical Charge Accounts Invited of the European Atomic En- board of the ILO at ural and to Mr. W. ergy Community (Euratom). were among those who had Walton Butterworth. United and Mr. Paul Finet, president warm greetings for Mr. Finet. States representative to the High Authority of European communities, who of the the May Create Joint ‘Embassy’ European Coal and Steel has the personal rank of L. E. Community, received in that Reports that a Joint "em- ambassador. MASSEY order for about an hour at bassy" may be established in Mr. Butterworth arrived 606 13Hl—Whore The lus Stops et F the reception, held from 6 Washington by the three several weeks ago on home to 8 p.m. at the Sheraton- economio communities drew leave, but has been accom- I Carlton Hotel. guarded comments from the panying the three presidents hosts. since their arrival. He and Receiving • • • Take Turns Dr. Halstein would say Mrs. Butterworth. who at- Mayer At Ce. Downtown Seven Corners Spring Volley Then the three took turns only that the "very first ex- tended the graduation of doing the honors of greeting or bidding farewell to their guests. ( N For a while Dr. Halstein held the fort, so to speak, while his colleagues mingled with the throng in the Carl- Lreslau ton room. Finally it was Mr. Finet who stood alone in the "line.” having informal chats with old friends or new acquaint- rench ances in the intervals when Romulos Fete Sevilla-Sacasas history • Philippine Ambassador jt i n B J ...?ydi^B^ Carlos Romulo and Mrs. Summer DRESSES Romulo entertained at a din- ner at the embassy last night The grandeur of the seventeen eighties in honor of the dean of the diplomatic corps. Nicaraguan , . when nothing was tee good for Ambassador Sevilla - Sacasa * wonderful . and Mrs. Sevilla-Sacasa. vNy Louis XVI and Mario Antoinette . ond Other guests included Sen- ator and Mrs. Lister Hill. after on* hundred and seventy some yeors Engle, Senator and Mrs. Clair this wonderful Senator and Mrs. John Sher- chair still man Cooper. Senator Henry ond city dork*. M. Jackson. Representative and Mrs. Olin E. Teague, Col. or world history. and Mrs. M. Robert Guggen- heim, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morris. Mrs. Marie S. Mc- Nair. Mr. Jose McMlcking, Trons-Seoson COATS & SUITS 900 and the daughter- Clearance! Va|MfJ Romulos 6995 i yjg -¦' \ —iiww.t - in-law, Mrs. Carlos Romulo. ¦ j A Jr. j f . 'J ft - special purchase! Jerry Gilden summertimers newest styles in drip-dry cotton prints ’ 1090 Imported Fruihvood home, superbly upholstered Refreshing as air-conditioned comfort in the humid South- by Meyer Gunther Martini. Cloud-like down lands . Jerry Gilden prints in misses' sizes 10-18. cushion. Exquisite fabric soltction. a. Houndstooth check jacket dress with grosgrain trim. 369. b. Pert cooler with low scooped neckline. Black and brown. Meldana white and gold cigarette tablo, 69.50 c. Glen-plaid jacket dress with spaghetti shoulder straps. Black and white. d Cape-collared beauty with full skirt. Black. e. Double-breasted sheath with plastic patent belt. Black or brown. BEEPEUjH CASUAL DRESSES— Washington and Langley Park, Second Floor Downtown, 7th St NW bet D end E ¦ Spring Volley, 49th ond Mass N W. Seven Corner!, Foils Church, Va. shop tonight at Langley Park until 9:30 p.m, S' Jglopen 9 to 6 tomorrow • budget accounts invited * customer porking Washington store open until 6 p.m..
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