U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands Kwajalein Hourglass THE KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS Volume 40, Number 35 Tuesday, May 2, 2000 U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands OPSEC program draws new blood By Jim Bennett Its no secret how USAKA/KMR OPSEC officer Master Sgt. Raymond Bell feels about the program, or the people who work with him on the USAKA/KMR OPSEC Committee. You always think you can do more to cover the bases. Its a constant pro- cess, he said. But I do feel good about the trainers and the committee. OPSEC, or operational security, is a high-priority at USAKA/KMR, where missile testing and other tech- nological programs regularly gener- ate classified and sensitive but un- classified data. OPSEC deals more with econom- ics now, too, said Master Sgt. Billy (Photo by Jim Bennett) Jarrell, who will take over as OPSEC Crossing the line officer in June when Bell PCSes. If you can steal someone elses re- Sharon Greenbaum crosses the finish line Monday as the winner of the 2000 Rustman triathlon. Greenbaum completed the 1-kilometer swim, 42-kilometer bike ride, and 10- search and development, you dont kilometer run in 2:23:17. Greg Hogan finished first in the men’s master division with have to come up with it yourself. a time of 2:34:59. Fast.com — with members Katie DeLong, Jeff DeLong, and John Were not even talking about the bad Ross — led the team competition with a time of 2:11:53. For complete Rustman results guys anymore. The adversary could check out Friday’s Hourglass. be another company in competition. We probably have to be more secre- tive than others about what were Navy crew treated to unexpected vacation doing out here because it is the lat- est and greatest technology. after C-130 breaks down en route to Guam Bell, Jarrell, and government and By Peter Rejcek was scrubbed, Lt. Cmdr. Matt Max- contractor employees met last week A C-130 airplane en route to well said there are worse things than to review training and update com- Guam from Norfolk, Va. stopped on getting stranded on a tropical island. mittee members on related issues. Kwajalein April 23 to refuel. Thats It was a pleasant surprise for us, John Jorgenson, automated infor- where the trip ended. he said. The kids are having a mation security specialist, gave a lec- A hydraulics problem a blown blast. ture on computer security and Sgt. landing gear seal grounded the Maxwell said the crews two other 1st Class Donnell Jones discussed plane and stranded the flight crew and officers, nine elisted men, and civil- force protection and threats. the planes Navy passengers on Kwaj. ian were finding plenty on Kwaj to Jones described anti-terrorist pro- The unexpected vacation for occupy their time, from lazing on the tection measures, particularly use- theNavys Fleet Composite Squadron beach to fishing with the help of lo- ful for USAKA/KMR residents who Six (VC-6) members forced them to cal residents. Scuba diving was also travel abroad on their annual leaves. cancel their mission flight simu- on the agenda. He also said USAKA/KMR reduced lation tests for some 7th Fleet ships, Its a lot of fun here, he added. its current threat condition rating to including the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk, an- According to Maxwell, there was normal, last week, down from Al- chored at Guam because of time not another C-130 available to fly the pha, where it had been since a pair constraints crew to Guam. Their mission, BQM- (See OPSEC, page 2) While disappointed their mission (See NAVY, page 2) www.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html Tuesday Page 2 Kwajalein Hourglass May 2, 2000 Navy crew enjoys Kwaj hospitality for the week ... (From page 1) 74E, involves aerial and surface weapons training, ships self-defense Master Sgt. Ray- training, and radar tracking. mond Bell, left, ap- In part, the exercises involve the plauds as Lt. Col. use of drones that can buzz the ship Ray Jones, KMR commander, cen- at over 500 knots. The targets are ter, presents Paul capable of flying at altitudes between Hester with a cer- 30 and 40,000 feet. Launched off the tificate for complet- sides of the vessels, the drones offer ing OPSEC training Navy personnel a chance to test ca- last month. pabilities, including radar tracking. The Firebees, as the unit is called, was expected to fly out of Kwaj this past weekend on a different C-130 that had left Norfolk Thursday. Then its another 30 hours in the air be- fore the crew, tanned and rested, returns home. (Photo by Jim Bennett) We have no complaints, Maxwell OPSEC issues to be covered in survey ... said. (From page 1) My goal is to get an OPSEC point- of U.S. embassy bombings in Africa of-contact in as many areas as pos- Did You Know? in 1999. sible. These individuals will provide Kwajalein makes cents ... You probably wont see a differ- assistance in resolving security is- ence, he added. Everything [at sues within their respective areas, The average family of four in Hawaii, Kwaj] is checked coming in or out of with an annual income of $64,000, Blair said. I can tell you about pays over $15,000 in federal income here anyway. OPSEC, but you may not know how taxes, spends about $13,000 on food, The committee will conduct a sur- it applies to your department. $13,000 on housing, and over $4,000 vey that covers OPSEC issues on-is- Consequently, contractors may for transportation. land. Members will distribute the see more OPSEC training in the near survey to fellow employees over the future. Blair is working with Infor- coming months. mation Technology to combine The Kwajalein Hourglass This is just another tool in our OPSEC training with the mandatory Commanding Officer.......Col. Gary K. McMillen bag to determine what we need to do, computer security briefing now be- Public Affairs Officer..............Preston Lockridge Bell said. ing given to all computer account- Managing Editor.............................Pat Cataldo Editor..........................................Jim Bennett Committee members will also re- holding employees. Blair said she Associate Editor...............................Peter Rejcek view over the next 60 days the Es- plans to hold OPSEC training ses- Feature Writers.........................Barbara Johnson sential Elements of Friendly Informa- sions, as well. Bob Fore KW Hillis tion, or EEFI. These are key questions Added Jarrell, The more people Graphics Designer ...........................Dan Adler that adversaries are likely to ask so we share the OPSEC information Circulation Manager.................Bobby Lamug Sr. that they can obtain sensitive infor- with, hopefully, theyll share it with The Hourglass is named for the insignia mation, classified or otherwise. their friends. of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which It was the second OPSEC activity in Jeramon non kom liberated the island from the forces of Impe- as many weeks, the first being a four- rial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. day course for 11 government staff and Jeramon non kom is the Marshallese way to The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized say, Goodbye and good luck friends. publication for military personnel, federal em- contractor employees, who were drafted ployees, contractor workers and their families from various organizations to become Patricia Flickinger departs May 6 assigned to USAKA/KMR. Contents of the OPSEC representatives. on AMC, headed for Memphis, Tenn., Hourglass are not necessarily official views Through the semi-annual meet- after a two-year tour at Kwaj. She is of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, De- ings, once-a-year training course, administrative coordinator, LPN at partment of Defense, Department of the Army and refresher training, government Kwajalein Hospital. or USAKA/KMR. It is published Tuesdays workers and contractors remain In farewell she says, I will miss the and Fridays using a network printer by Raytheon Range Systems Engineering edito- abreast of issues, and apply OPSEC windy days, It will be on the next rial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. strategies in their own shops. barge, no cat litter on the island, Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. The OPSEC officer works with con- and dancing to Baby Got Back, It Printed circulation: 2,300 tractor security professionals such as has been a joy to be around all my Cristin Blair, RSE OPSEC specialist. Kwaj friends. Smile and be happy. Tuesday May 2, 2000 Kwajalein Hourglass Page 3 Message in bottle carries a meaning miles away By Bob Fore When 11-year-old Alyx Howard wrote a note and sealed it in a plastic bottle, little did she realize the result that would come of her actions. Howard and her friends had dis- cussed doing something like this before, so she finally sat down Jan. 22 and wrote a short letter on note- book paper. It began, Dear whoever gets this letter. Howard introduced herself and gave her age. She asked that the person finding the message respond by telling a little about themselves. I had been thinking of doing this for about a year, Howard said. I wondered what would happen if some- one found it and what their response would be. After sealing the note in the bottle, she rode to the west end of the (Photo by Bob Fore) island and threw it into the waves, When Alyx Howard decided to float a message in a bottle, she had no idea how much only to have it swept back onto the it would mean to the recipients. After a voyage of about a thousand miles, the bottle was retrieved by a woman on Weno Island, Chuuk, who had a special reason for shore.
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