Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Coordination Office, NSC: Records, 1983-1989 Folder Title: 156. To Geneva (11/16/1985 – 11/21/1985) File 2 (3) Box: RAC Box 10 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 1. cable (63138) From State re: Modalities of President Reagan's November 21 11/12/85 Pl Visit to NATO. (2 pp.) ~- memo (9147) From Jack Matlock, et al. to Robert McFarlane re: Access to 11/13/85 Pl Presidential area in Geneva. (1 pp.) B. memo From Executive Secretary, DOS to Robert Mcfarlane re: Post- 11/12/85 Pl Geneva briefings: Geneva Participation of Senior USG Officials. (1 p.) 4. memo (8927) From Peter Sommer to William Martin re: Participants for Geneva 11/13/85 Pl Events. (1 p.) 5. memo (8927) From William Martin to William Henkel re: Parti cipation in n.d. Pl Geneva Events. (1 p.) ~ 6. memo (8927) copy of doc. 4. (1 p.) 11/13/85 Pl r7 . memo (8927) From William Martin to William Henkel re: Participation in n.d. Pl Geneva Events. (1 p.) 8. cable (63088) From State re: Geneva Participation of Senior USG Officials . 11/12/85 Pl 2 pp.) COLLECTION: Coordination Office, NSC: Records, 1981-88 rs FILE FOLDER: 156 To Geneva (11/16-21/85) File 2 (3) 11/3/95 RESTRICTION CODES l'l'Hldentlal Re<:orm Act - 144 U.S .C. 22041•11 Freedom of lnfonnatlon Act - 16 U.S .C. 662lbll P-1 Nationol oecurity cluoifiad Information lla)(1 I of the PRAI . F-1 Notional aecurlty claaoified Information llb)(1J of the FOIAJ . P-2 Relating to appointment to Federal office l(a)(21 of the PRAI . F~2 Releeae could dacloae Internal peraonnel rule, end practice■ of an agency l(b)(2) of the P-3 Role"" would vlolete a Federal atetute lla)(3) of the PRAJ . FOIAJ . P-4 Rel .... would clacloM trade MCretll or confldendal commercial or financial F-3 RoleaH would violate a Federal atetute llb)(31 of the FOIAJ . lnfonnatlon l(a)(4) of the PRAJ. F-4 Releue would clacloae trade aecreta or confidential commercial or financial lnfonnatfon P-6 11■1 .... would clacloN confidential advice between the l'l'aoident and hi• advlaora, or llb)(4J of the FOIAJ . betwffn ouch adviaora lla)(6) of the PRA. F-11 Rele... would conatltuta a clearly unwarranted lnvaoion of peraonol privacy IIBKIIJ of P-1 Role"" would conadtute a cleerty unwerrantad lnvaoion of peraonol privocy lla)(8) of the FOIAJ the PRAJ. F-7 Role ... would clacloae Information compiled for law enforcement pur- J(bK71 of the FOIA) . C . CloMd In accordance with re•trtcdone contained In donor'• deed of gift. F-8 Role"" would cloclooe lnfonnadon concerning the regulation of finenclal Jnedtutiona llb)(SJ of the FOIAJ . F-8 R■I HN would clacloN geological or geophyelcol lnfonnatlon concerning wollo llbKIIJ of the FOIAJ . THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November 16 - November 21, 1985 Saturday, 11/16/85, Official U.S Delegation for --------------------------~--------------------§~~~~-~~~~~~!-~~~~~~~i THE PRESIDENT Mrs. Reagan Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Patrick Buchanan Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Paul Nitze Fred Ikle Ambassador Whittlesey Ambassador Carmen Mrs. Carmen Jack Matlock §~~~~i~_!!L!ZL~~-i!~~Q_E!~!L~-~~~~~~~~ THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Kenneth Adelman Paul Nitze Fred Ikle Ambassador Hartman Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer Robert Linhard THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Paul Nitze Edward Rowny Fred Ikle Ambassador Hartman SENSntvE--------- 11/13/85 11:30 a.m. Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer Robert Linhard t!<2.12.<!~l1.._!.!.l!.~l~I-l!.~:..!.~_e.:..IE..:..t_\.:!<2.~~~'21-~~'2£1l THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFanlane Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Paul Nitze Edward Rowny Fred Ikle Ambassador Hartman Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer Robert Linhard t!<2.'2<!.~l1.._!.!.L.!.~l~~1..-1.~:..Q.Q._e.:..~:..L!..-~-~~~'!.~!.-~-~~~~<2.12.t_~f!.<!_1l~±-~t~~~!. ~~-~~-~I!.<i.-~-~~~---~E-~~~<!~f!.t_rl!.£.<i.!.~£. THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Ambassador Whittlesey Assistant Secretary Ridgway Tyrus Cobb Tue_sd_a_r, ___11 / _1_9/ 8_5 ___l9 _: _l _O__ a. m•.L.!. Br ie_f _in<i. THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Paul Nitze Fred Ikle Ambassador Hartman William Henkel (scheduling/logistics only) Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer Robert Linhard - 2 - SENSITIVE 11/13/85 11:30 a.m. THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Ambassador Hartman Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer 1 (2nd notetaker - not seated at table) Interpreter !~~~q~yL-~~L!2L~~-i~~~1Q_E!~!LL-~~~~~~S-~~~~~ THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Kenneth Adelman Paul Nitze Edward Rowny Fred Ikle Ambassador Hartman Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer Robert Linhard !~~~q~yL_l~l!2L~~-i~~~Q_E!~!LL-~!~~~~Y-~~~~!~S-~!~~ General_Secretary_Gorbachev THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Paul Nitze Ambassador Hartman Jack Matlock Robert Linhard (2nd notetaker - not seated at table) Interpreter Tuesday,_11/19/85_(8:00_e.m.),_Soviet_Hosted_Dinner THE PRESIDENT Mrs. Reagan Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Ambassador Hartman - 3 - SENSITIVE 11/13/85 11:30 a.rn. THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Paul Nitze Fred Ikle Ambassador ijartman William Henkel (scheduling/logistics only) Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Ambassador Hartman Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer (2nd note taker) Interpreter Wednesdai,_ll/20/85_(12:40_E•m.),_Workin9_Lunch THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Paul Nitze Fred Ikle Ambassador Hartman Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack . Matlock Mark Palmer - 4 - SENSITIVE 11/13/85 11:30 a.m. THE PRESIDENT Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Ambassador Hartman Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock Mark Palmer/Robert L~nhard (second notetaker 1not seated at table) Interpreter Wednesday,--------------------------------------------------- 11/20/85 (8:15 p.m.), U.S. Hosted Dinner THE PRESIDENT Mrs. Reagan Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Ambassador Hartman Thursdai,_11/21/85,_Deearture_Ceremoni THE PRESIDENT Mrs. Reagan Secretary Shultz Donald Regan Robert McFarlane Patrick Buchanan Larry Speakes Dennis Thomas Fred Ikle Paul Nitze Ambassador Whittlesey Ambassador Carmen Mrs. Carmen Assistant Secretary Ridgway Jack Matlock - 5 - SENSITIVE 11/13/85 11:30 a.m. 11/13/85 AGENDA I. Events that Contained Unanswered Questions November 14 TV address November 18 Presidential Press Appearance (Speakes/Buchanan) November 21 Geneva Presidential Schedule 1Matlock) (Remarks, Joint Appearance, Signing Ceremonies) Joint Session Speech (Status, Drafter, State Input) Gorbechev Activities? Post Geneva Thoughts for Activities II. Geneva/Brussels Update III. Items that Should be Referred to Regan/McFarlane I 11/13/85 AGENDA I. Events that Contained Unanswered Questions November 14 TV address November 18 Presidential Press Appearance (Speakes/Buchanan) November 21 Geneva Presidential Schedule 1Matlock) (Remarks, Joint Appearance, Signing Ceremonies) Joint Session Speech (Status, Drafter, State Input) Gorbechev Activities? Post Geneva Thoughts for Activities II. Geneva/Brussels Update III. Items that Should be Referred to Regan/McFarlane I r draft of November 13, 1985 Public Diplomacy Strategy Post Geneva The immediate followup to the Geneva meeting will be as important as the preparations in shaping public perceptions of the event. Despite the inevitable decline in press and media interest following weeks of intensive coverage, we should maintain the momentum of our public diplomacy effort to ensure that our interpretation of the results is understood and accepted. Whatever our explanations about the purpose of the meeting, the media will focus on outcomes, and on whether there is demonstrable progress in key areas of the US-Soviet relationship, particularly arms control. The Soviets have attempted to focus attention exclusively on the threat of nuclear war in order to make the case that progress in arms control is the only progress that matters. They have been preparing to lay the hlame for lack of results at the US door, citing SDI as the main obstacle to arms reductions, dismissing the President's regional initiative, and muting criticism of their human rights practices by minimal getures and hints of further movement. Our approach therefore should be to focus on all four areas of the relationship, repeat the positive proposals we have made, discuss the importance of the process of reducing mistrust and narrowing differences -- which the Geneva meeting gave momentum to, and continue to stress that results of the meeting will be measured by what happens in the montQs and years to come. The President
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