§ 101.3 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–12 Edition) Titles I through III of the Communica- This power is specified by the Commis- tions Act of 1934, as amended, which sion in the station’s authorization. vest authority in the Federal Commu- Automatic Transmitter Power Control nications Commission to regulate com- (ATPC). ATPC is a feature of a digital mon carriers of interstate and foreign microwave radio system that adjusts communications, to regulate radio the transmitter output power. ATPC transmissions and issue licenses for allows the transmitter to operate at radio stations, and to regulate all less than maximum power for most of interstate and foreign communications the time. In a radio employing ATPC, by wire and radio necessary to the ac- the transmit power is reduced during complishment of the purposes of the normal operation conditions. When the Act. receiver detects a reduction in signal [61 FR 26677, May 28, 1996, as amended at 62 level, a control signal is sent to the far FR 23163, Apr. 29, 1997; 63 FR 68981, Dec. 14, end transmitter, instructing it to in- 1998; 65 FR 59357, Oct. 5, 2000] crease the power output to compensate for the signal reduction. The power § 101.3 Definitions. output is limited to the licensed (max- As used in this part: imum) transmit power. Guidelines for 24 GHz Service. A fixed point-to-point, use of ATPC are set forth in the TIA point-to-multipoint, and multipoint- Telecommunications Systems Bulletin to-multipoint radio system in the TSB 10, ‘‘Interference Criteria for 24.25–24.45 GHz band and in the 25.05– Microwave Systems (TSB 10).’’ 25.25 GHz band consisting of a fixed Bandwidth occupied by an emission. main (nodal) station and a number of The band of frequencies comprising 99 fixed user terminals. This service may percent of the total radiated power ex- encompass any digital fixed service. tended to include any discrete fre- Antenna power gain. The ratio of the quency on which the power is at least maximum radiation intensity to that 0.25 percent of the total radiated of an isotropic (omnidirectional) radi- power. ator in the far field of its main (for- Bit rate. The rate of transmission of ward direction) lobe. information in binary (two state) form Antenna power input. The radio fre- in bits per unit time. quency peak or RMS power, as the case may be, supplied to the antenna from Carrier. In a frequency stabilized sys- the antenna transmission line and its tem, the sinusoidal component of a associated impedance matching net- modulated wave whose frequency is work. independent of the modulating wave; or Antenna structure. The antenna, its the output of a transmitter when the supporting structure and anything at- modulating wave is made zero; or a tached to it. wave generated at a point in the trans- Assigned frequency. The center of the mitting system and subsequently mod- frequency band assigned to a station. ulated by the signal; or a wave gen- Assigned frequency bandwidth. The erated locally at the receiving ter- frequency band within which the emis- minal which when combined with the sion of a station is authorized; the side bands in a suitable detector, pro- width of the band equals the necessary duces the modulating wave. bandwidth plus twice the absolute Carrier frequency. The output of a value of the frequency tolerance. transmitter when the modulating wave Authorized bandwidth. The maximum is made zero. bandwidth authorized to be used by a Central office. A landline termination station as specified in the station li- center used for switching and inter- cense. (See § 2.202 of this chapter) connection of public message commu- Authorized frequency. The frequency, nication circuits. or frequency range, assigned to a sta- Common carrier fixed point-to-point tion by the Commission and specified microwave service. A common carrier in the instrument of authorization. public radio service rendered on micro- Authorized power. The maximum wave frequencies by fixed and tem- power a station is permitted to use. porary fixed stations between points 624 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:45 Dec 06, 2012 Jkt 226209 PO 00000 Frm 00634 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Federal Communications Commission § 101.3 that lie within the United States or be- in accordance with a digital signal, tween points to its possessions or to e.g., one consisting of coded pulses or points in Canada or Mexico. states. Communication common carrier. Any Drop point. A term used in the point- person engaged in rendering commu- to-point microwave radio service to nication service for hire to the public. designate a terminal point where serv- Control point. An operating position ice is rendered to a subscriber. at which an operator responsible for Earth station. A station located either the operation of the transmitter is sta- on the Earth’s surface or within the tioned and which is under the control major portion of Earth’s atmosphere and supervision of the licensee. and intended for communication: Control station. A fixed station, the (1) With one or more space stations; transmissions of which are used to con- or trol automatically the emissions or op- (2) With one or more stations of the erations of a radio station, or a remote same kind by means of one or more re- base station transmitter. flecting satellites or other objects in Coordination area. The area associ- space. ated with a station outside of which Effective Radiated Power (ERP). The another station sharing the same or product of the power supplied to the adjacent frequency band neither causes antenna and its gain relative to a half- nor is subject to interfering emissions wave dipole in a given direction. greater than a permissible level. Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Coordination contour. The line enclos- Power (EIRP). The product of the power ing the coordination area. supplied to the antenna and the an- Coordination distance. The distance on tenna gain in a given direction relative a given azimuth from a station beyond to an isotropic antenna. which another station neither causes Exchange. A unit of a communication nor is subject to interfering emissions company or companies for the adminis- greater than a permissible level. tration of communication service in a Digital Electronic Message Nodal Sta- specified area, which usually embraces tion. A fixed point-to-multipoint radio a city, town, or village and its envi- station in a Digital Electronic Message rons, and consisting of one or more Service providing two-way communica- central offices, together with the asso- tion with Digital Electronic Message ciated plant, used in furnishing com- User Stations. munication service in that area. Digital Electronic Message Service. A Exchange area. The geographic area two-way end-to-end fixed radio service included within the boundaries of an utilizing digital termination systems exchange. for the exchange of digital information Fixed satellite earth station. An earth in the frequency bands 10,550–10,680 station intended to be used at a speci- MHz, 18,820–18,920 MHz, and 19,160–19,260 fied fixed point. MHz. This service may also make use Fixed relay station. A fixed station as- of point-to-point microwave facilities, sociated with one or more stations, es- satellite facilities or other communica- tablished to receive radio signals di- tions media to interconnect digital ter- rected to it and to retransmit them mination systems to comprise a net- automatically on a fixed service fre- work. quency. Digital Electronic Message User Station. Fixed service. A radio communica- Any one of the fixed microwave radio tions service between specified fixed stations located at users’ premises, points. lying within the coverage area of a Fixed station. A station in the fixed Digital Electronic Message Nodal Sta- service. tion, and providing two-way digital Frequency tolerance. The maximum communications with the Digital Elec- permissible departure by the center tronic Message Nodal Station. frequency of the frequency band occu- Digital modulation. The process by pied by an emission from the assigned which some characteristic (frequency, frequency or, by the characteristic fre- phase, amplitude or combinations quency of an emission from the ref- thereof) of a carrier frequency is varied erence frequency. 625 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:45 Dec 06, 2012 Jkt 226209 PO 00000 Frm 00635 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 101.3 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–12 Edition) NOTE: The frequency tolerance is expressed of receiving one-way communications as a percentage or in Hertzs. from or providing two-way communica- General communication. Two-way tions with the Local Multipoint Dis- voice communication, through a base tribution Service Hub Station. station, between: Local Multipoint Distribution Service (1) A common carrier land mobile or System. A fixed point-to-point or point- airborne station and a landline tele- to-multipoint radio system consisting phone station connected to a public of Local Multipoint Distribution Serv- message landline telephone system; ice Hub Stations and their associated (2) Two common carrier land mobile Local Multipoint Distribution Service stations; Subscriber Stations. (3) Two common carrier airborne sta- Local television transmission service. A tions; public radio communication service for (4) A common carrier land mobile the transmission of television material station and a common carrier airborne and related communications. station. Long haul system. A microwave sys- Harmful interference. Interference tem licensed under this part in which that endangers the functioning of a the longest radio circuit of tandem radionavigation service or of other radio paths exceeds 402 kilometers. safety services or seriously degrades, Master station. A station in a multiple obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a address radio system that controls, ac- radiocommunication service operating tivates or interrogates four or more re- in accordance with these regulations.
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