17698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE September 24, 2001 Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, it is House of Representatives. Lee Hamilton rep- national Relations Committee. In that capacity, with great pleasure that I rise today in full sup- resented the Ohio River counties of the State it was my distinct pleasure and honor to serve port of H.R. 1583, a bill designating the Fed- of Indiana and was first elected in 1964. Be- with and get to know our distinguished col- eral building and United States courthouse lo- fore retiring he served as the Chairman of our league, the former Chairman and Ranking cated at 121 West Spring Street in New Al- House Committee on International Relations. Democratic Member, Lee Hamilton. bany, Indiana as the ‘‘Lee H. Hamilton Federal While Chairman, I had the pleasure of work- Over the decade that I worked with Mr. Building and United States Courthouse.’’ ing with Lee as the Ranking Republican Mem- Hamilton, he was always looked to by Com- Lee Hamilton is a proud ‘‘Hoosier’’ through ber, where I learned of his extensive knowl- mittee members for bipartisan leadership, wise and through, and to this day he continues to edge and capacity for hard work in addition to insight and steady guidance in crafting Amer- work for the people of Indiana. Lee was the his sense of moral imperative. It is at this time ica’s foreign policy. star of his basketball teams in high school and that I also learned of his willingness to bring Mr. Hamilton’s voice was one marked by college, and earned induction into the Indiana back the pre-World War II era of bipartisan moderation, thoughtfulness and balance, and Basketball Hall of Fame. Lee attended Evans- foreign policy. he had the vision to look beyond momentary ville Central High School, where he excelled Lee Hamilton was born in Daytona Beach, international crises to seek and preserve the both in the classroom and on the basketball Volusia County, Fla. on April 20, 1931 and long-term interests of our Nation. court. As a senior, he led his team to the final moved with his parents to Evansville, Ind., in In a distinguished career in Congress which game of the Indiana state basketball tour- 1944. He graduated from Indiana University spanned 34 years, Mr. Hamilton, in particular, nament, and received the prestigious Trester School of Law in 1956 and was admitted to provided exceptional leadership in efforts to award for scholarship and athletics. After grad- the bar in 1957. He began the practice of law promote democratic reforms in the former So- uation, Lee attended Depauw University where in 1958 in Columbus, Ind. In 1968 he was first viet Union and Soviet bloc nations, as well his he studied history. Lee graduated with honors elected to the Eighty-ninth Congress and to strong support of balanced peace initiatives in in 1952 and was awarded the Walker Cup, the sixteen succeeding Congresses (January the Middle East. Mr. Hamilton was also a given to the most outstanding member of the 3, 1965 through January 3, 1999). major instrumental force in revamping our Na- senior class. He went on to study for a year In addition to serving as Chairman of the tion’s foreign aid and export policies, while in post-war Germany at Goethe University be- House International Relations Committee dur- championing the expansion of overseas mar- fore returning to law school at Indiana Univer- ing the One Hundred Third Congress, Con- kets for U.S. products. sity, from which he graduated in 1956. gressman Hamilton served as Chairman of the Mr. Speaker, all of us in Congress greatly While representing Indiana’s 9th Congres- Select Committee on Intelligence during the miss our former colleague, Mr. Hamilton. We sional District in the U.S. House of Represent- Ninety-ninth Congress; the Select Committee note, however, that he continues his tremen- atives, Lee Hamilton earned a reputation as a to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with dous contributions to our Nation’s foreign pol- leader in international affairs, serving as Chair- Iran during the One Hundredth Congress; and icy by serving as the Director of the Woodrow man of the House Foreign Relations Com- the Joint Economic Committee during the One Wilson International Center for Scholars, the mittee, the House Intelligence Committee, and Hundred First Congress. respected international and world affairs think the Iran-Contra Investigation Committee. Dur- Accordingly, I urge all of my colleagues to tank. ing his tenure in Congress, Lee Hamilton es- fully support this measure. Mr. Speaker, I urge our colleagues to adopt tablished a broad record of expertise and influ- Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to the legislation before us, which fittingly honors ence in foreign affairs. He focused substantial lend my support to H.R. 1583, legislation to and pays tribute to a great American and one attention on promoting democracy and market name the federal building and courthouse in of the most respected leaders in our Nation’s reforms in the former Soviet Union and East- New Albany, Indiana, after a very distin- capital. ern Europe; advancing peace and stability in guished former member of this body, Lee Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I urge the Middle East; expanding U.S. markets over- Hamilton. passage of this legislation. I have no seas; and overhauling U.S. foreign aid. While a Member of the House, Lee Ham- further requests for time, and I yield In addition to his impressive record on for- ilton earned a reputation as foreign policy ex- back the balance of my time. eign affairs, Congressman Hamilton also pert. With the recent tragic events that have Mr. KERNS. Mr. Speaker, I yield played an important role in reforming the insti- struck our country, Lee Hamilton’s advise and back the balance of my time. tution of Congress itself. He co-chaired the counsel are again being sought. He served for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Joint Committee on the Organization of Con- 34 years in this body before retiring in 1999. question is on the motion offered by gress where he worked to develop ideas like While his primary committee focus was in for- the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. the gift-ban tightening lobbying restrictions, eign policy, Lee also had a tenure as the KERNS) that the House suspend the and applying workplace laws to the United Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1583. States Congress. and on temporary panels to address standards The question was taken; and (two- In 1999, after serving in the House of Rep- of conduct and Congressional operations and thirds having voted in favor thereof) resentatives for 34 years, Lee Hamilton as- organization. the rules were suspended and the bill sumed the positions of Director of the Wood- Still although having a love of foreign policy, was passed. row Wilson International Center for Scholars in Lee Hamilton never forgot his constituents in A motion to reconsider was laid on Washington, D.C., and the Director of the Indiana. He worked hard for the well-being of the table. Center on Congress at Indiana University. The his constituents and reached across the aisle f non-partisan Center on Congress at Indiana on many items for the betterment of the Hoo- University aims to educate citizens about the sier State. GENERAL LEAVE operations and importance of the U.S. Con- Finally, it must be noted here, that perhaps Mr. KERNS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- gress, and it includes a special outreach pro- one of his greatest accomplishments, came imous consent that all Members may gram to the people of Indiana. not on the House floor or in committee, but on have 5 legislative days within which to I join my colleagues in honoring Lee by des- the basketball court. He was a star player on revise and extend their remarks and in- ignating the New Albany Federal building and his high school and college teams and has clude extraneous materials on H.R. courthouse as the Lee H. Hamilton Federal been inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall 1583. Building and United States Courthouse, and I of Fame. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there wish him well in his current endeavors. I support H.R. 1583 and urge its adoption. objection to the request of the gen- Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise tleman from Indiana? support of H.R. 1583, legislation introduced by in strong support of H.R. 1583, which recog- There was no objection. Rep. BARON HILL, to designate the Federal nizes our former colleague from Indiana, the f building and U.S. courthouse located at 121 Honorable Lee H. Hamilton, by naming in his West Spring Street in New Albany, Indiana, as honor a Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse SENIOR HOUSING COMMISSION the ‘‘Lee H. Hamilton Federal Building and in New Albany, Indiana. EXTENSION ACT OF 2001 United States Courthouse.’’ Mr. Speaker, ever since I was elected to the Mr. GREEN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speak- Former Congressman Lee Hamilton retired U.S. Congress in 1989, I have served as a er, I move to suspend the rules and in 1998 after 34 years of service in the U.S. member of the House Foreign Affairs/Inter- pass the bill (H.R. 1850) to extend the .
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