THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. V ) u UME VIII.—No. 27. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. FEHRUARY 25, 1897. Whole No . 443 STRANGE COINCIDENCE. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. 3356 VillaKe Caucus. The liiiriMi of Two I’layiimteM In Krliik .Mrs. Dr. J()ix>s has a sister from (Jrund .\ Democratic lVo{)k*H Union Silver (toluol ery To<ii«y L(*dge visiting her. Party chucuh for the {>ur{)OH(‘ of placing A LADIES! in nomination candidat^m for the variouH The remains of (ieo. Hornung, who Solomon L. Itichards, (*f St. Johns, has vilhige otfi(*t*H, and for the truiiBaction of dicsl at Toleilo last Friday, were brought b( ‘en granted a {lensiou. A FORMEB CLINTON COUNTY Huch other buHiix*HH as may {»ro{)erly to St. Johns this noon. The funeral will CHOSEN BY THE REPUBLICANS K.J. Frost, of Bellevm*, H{)ent Sunday ARA THE MEMBERS OF THE LIT­ come before it, w<ll be lx*ld at the PJigine GIRL'S SAD END. be held at the .Meth(*dist church this LAST FRIDAY. in the home of L. 0. Mead. ERARY CLUB. houBe in St. Johne, Monda.v (evening, afternoon and the burial will take {ilace AlanJi 1, 1897, at 7:80 {>. m. The com­ at the Frink cemetery in Bengal. Young .Mrs. F. -A. Travis and .Mrs. Dr. Weller were in Detroit Wedu(*H(lay. mittee urge that all whoHym|iuthize with WAS FATALLY BURNED AT .Mr. Hornung who was hut uineteen years of age, formerly lived in Bengal town- TO RUN FOR COUNTY SCHOOL H. V. .Abbot iss{)Hnding the we«*k with HELD A SPECIAL EVENING TO the {)rinci{il(*H advocut(*d by thiH party ITHACA. COMMISSIONER. INSPIRE IT. turn out and nee that u strong ticket is shit* strangely enough his remains his {lareuts at Sarnia, Canada. {ilaced iu the Held. were brought to this city on the same Carl LeBaron returmal to work Mon ­ Hodney Bkede , train with those of Miss .Vmsiioker (men­ day after a two weeks si(*ge with m(*asleH. L. D. i'AUU, FOR TEN YEARS A RESIDENT OF tion of whose death is made in another THE CONVENTION ADOPTED AND MANY GOOD PAPERS WERE column) and thebiirial takes{dacealinost “Jolly Friends” is the latest and pret- O. A. Whitdock , BENGAL TOWNSHIP. RESOLUTIONS. ti(*st march on the market. At all music READ. L’ommittee, at the same time. .Vs voiing (leojile and dealers. children they were neighttors and {ila.v- Silver Voters Attention. ENDORSING W. H. BRUNSON FOR .Miss Clara Po{)(* of Chicago, is the BURIED TODAY IN THE FRINK mat«‘s and from diverg* ‘nt jioints have All who are not registertnl or who have their bodies btx'ii brought to be laiil DISTRICT ATTORNEY. gu(*st of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holton of STARS AND STRIPES ON AT.T. CEMETERY. this city. changed tlx'ir voting (irecinct since the away in the same cemetery on the same SIDES. hint village election, {ilease hand your da.v. J. AV. Fitzg(*rald delivi'rixl an address name to the village clerk or to some Ill .vouth I HHked of PcHtlny to the soldiers at .Milford on Washing- memb(*r of the committet* and we will set* Word WHH n*CHived Jioro Monday of the WIiHt end for me lie piniiiied. The repiihlicaiiH of Clinton eounty met Ah In the aiiHwer of the HturM in uonvention Friday aftermx>n to aeleet t<*n ’s hirtluJay. Once a y(»ar the Ladies Literary Club that you ai-f* {)ro{x*rly registered. This awful death which befell MisH Ada Ain I fulled to Hfi* Ociith ’H hiiiid. delegatcH to the etate convention and .Mrs. C. H. Ueid, of (Jtand Uajiids, is honor th(*ir hiishands and g(*ntl( ‘men is iiiqiortunt for if .you are not registeri'd spoker, dauj^hter of .1. W. .\inspoker, NOTARIES PUBLIC. to nominate a candidate for (he office of visiting her {larends, K. L. Nichols and friends with invitations to one of their 3'ou cannot vote. oow of OwOHHO, but who formerly lived county commissioner of schools. The wife, of this city. sp(*ciul me(*tiugs, and last evi*ning they Bo D.NEV a . liKKHK, gather(*d at the home of .Mrs, T. Bromley L. D. Park , in HeuKal towiiHhip. having Hpent about Twenty-three Clinton County Alen Ifiive lolloM ’ing gentlemen were ehostm dele- Marion A*. N(‘y, of the Detroit Busiix'ss gat(*H. \V. 11. Brunson, \V. 10 .Hamilton, Jr. and .Mrs, H. H. Fitzgerald to (uijoy A. O. Whitlock , ten yearn there. He«‘ii Appointed liy iluzeii .S. University, s{)ent Sunday with her {lar- (). B. Swain, H. P. Huge uik JS. B.Daboll, ents in St. Jolins. (his annual {irivilege. The subject of the Silver Committee. Minn .\inspoker who was about 21 Since January first the following Clin ­ {irogram “I’atciotism” was quite befit­ ton <!onnty gentlemen have been a{)- Bingham; .V. S. West, DeWift; L. (J. The F]{)wortli League will give a social yearn old was livinji; in the family of At­ Bab'S. Diqilain; J, T. Danmlls, lOssex; ting at this time of the y(*ar, so near • Your attention is culled to tlie {irogram {lointed notaries {iiililic by his honor, at the home of H. A. Sage, Bailroad St., Washington ’s birtixlay and not far from of the High School Literary Society to torney (leor^fo Stone, of Ithaca. Mon ­ (ioveriior Hazen S. Pingnx*, and filed their D. S. French, (Ireenlmsh, C. C. Taylor, Friday evening, .March Ovid: S. C, Brunson, Victor and C. N. inauguration day. aixl {larticularly w(*II be given Tix'sday ev(*ning, Alarch 2d. day afternoon about thr**e o’clock she bonds with County (,’lerk Smitli: Don ’t forgi*t Boss Brooks auction sale chosen to entertaifi the sH*rrx*r sex who Albert .1. Maldwiii. Win. .\. Stocker, Bace, .Vrthiir Johnson and B. F. Young. Music....................................................Mandolin Club was working in the laundry and discov­ I. .V. Einfle, Win. .1. Smith, The following resolution was ado|)t(*d: '/( mile east of Brown school housi* in as a whole havi* little interest in the Recitation ............................................Alice Dniueli Olive tow nship tomorrow. Essay .................................................... Adah .Sturgis ered that her skirts were on tire. She ran John 11. Fedewn. Win. M. Smith, Hestilved, hv the repuhllcans of ('llntiin themes {iiirsix*d in the clubs of women. Reel t a Mon ..............................Warner Vredenburj? W. K. Warner, Edwin 11. Lyon, county. In convention assemhUxl, that we The h()us(* was {irofusi'Iy decorated to a clow't which set fire to the clothing II. E. Walhrldge, H.J. PtitterHon, hereby Inihirse ihe caiiillilacy of Will H. Boot. Buck, Louis Henderson, Bichard A’oeal Hob) .........................................................Thiirza Juild Frank I). (irouni. Samuel M. Ilont, Hrniison, of St. .fohiis, for the position of Baylis and Miss Winafred Daboll were with the national colors, and the stars ReadliiK.................................................................... Alice Kelly therein and then run out doors with her J aiiieH CortrlRlit, Wm. Il.i’antle. Dlstrift Attorney for tfie eastern district of home from the University ou Washing ­ and stri{)(*H wen* there in abuixlance. Newspaper ..........................................................Rertha Keys FI'nil, .Fohn J. Kelser, .Michigan. We re<’omnienil him for this po ­ T. Broml(*y Jr. in the garb of Unde Sam Admission three cents. clothing a mass of Hames. Bradley H. II. Fitzgerald, .\lm iid tJ. Shepard. sition hecanse we believe him to he a gooil ton ’s birthday. Stone who met her at tin* door endeav ­ Commissions for the following gentle­ lawyer and fit for the iilaee, anil herunise of Mrs. Thos. Davis(*n of Sumner, Gratiot r(H;eiv(*(l (he guests at the door and U{)on his loyal service to tin* repiihllean party entering the {larlor .Mrs. Al. A. Hulse as ored to extinguish the tlniiies by rolling men have Ixcn n*ceived at the clerk’.s For five state campaigns he has coniliieteil county, was called to St. Johns Monday BUSINESS LOCALS. office Imt no lionds as yet tiled : Samuel owing to the s(*riouH illix'ss of her moth ­ tlx* Godess of Liberty {ires(*nted a {iretty her in the snow, but her clothing was en­ the canvass In this coiint.v, each time to suc­ {lict II re as she stood at the foot of the F. IVarl, W’m. 11. Faxon. W’m. H. Uosi*, cess, and workeil h>r the reiuihlican party In er, Mrs. Wm. Waldron. E. 1. Hull, funeral furnisher and em- tirely burned Ix'fore the flanu's w(‘re (Jeo. B, Faxon and Paul B. Jamison. seuson anil out of season, lie condiicteil the stairs. campaign last fall with such ahllity that, ih*- Mrs. Kiinice K. Baylis, who has been The {irogram (){)ened with an (*nter- balmer. No. 1(5 ( linton avenue. Night quenched. Her tong Iwautiful hair was splte the large majority tliat fusion showeil. ({uiti* dangerously ill for some time is n*- calls answered from tlie residence at 105 NOT TO CLINTON. every miui on the repulilieaii ticket was ehn*- taining {ia{)(.*r “Oar Flag” by Mrs. (). W, entirely burned and the body badly ted except himself, and fie faileil only hecanse {lorted as no better at {ir(*sent with but Munger. She told the t*tory oi the first Wight street. Store and residence con ­ little ho{ies for bet recov(*ry. nected by tele()hoix.*. 7tf charred. Her face atone escaped the ef­ Young lloliiieH Ciiiiiiot lt<' Tried in TIiIh he entirely neglected his own ciinvns to flag which though not new will never carr.v on the CMiiipalgn for the whole ticket.
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