The Southeastern Staff Nun-Profit Organization U.S."POM \(,l PAID Adviser Jason Hicks Durant, Oklahoma Permit No. 11 7 Managing Editor Kami Allen Advertising Manager Juliet Smith E.OcS.U. LIBRAE i Volume 81 Number 29 Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, Oklahoma 74701 Friday, July 20.2001 Sweetheart SOSU's newest Inside Review star? Southeastern Page 4 Page 6 NCAA elects President First Vice Chair Glen D. Johnson takes the reigns of the Lone Star Conference Durant - Dr. Glen D. Johnson, presi­ Vice Chair of the Executive Committee for Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence dent of Southeastern Oklahoma State the upcoming academic year and will as­ and the Jasmine Mo ran Children's Mu­ University, was elected First Vice sume the position of Chair for the 2002- seum in Seminole, Okla. He is also a Chair of the NCAA Lone Star Confer­ 03 academic year. member of the American Council of ence by the Council of Presidents at "I look forward to working ctosel) w uh Education's Commission on Govern­ their biannual meeting in the members of the Lone Star Conference mental Affairs. Southeastern (Oklahoma Dallas June 21. The Lone Star Con­ as we continue to uphold the high stan­ State.University joined the Lone Star ference Council of Presidents is the dards of intercollegiate athletics, scholar­ Conference in 1996, bringing the LSC governing body for the NCAA confer­ ship and competitive sports that has been to 15 members representing three slates: ence and is comprised of the chief ex­ the tradition of this conference." said Oklahoma. Texas and New Mexico. ecutive officer of each member insti­ Johnson. Other positions filled at the meeting July 23- Band Concert with tution. President Johnson is also Chairman of were Chair, Dr. James Hind man. The Council of Presidents has the the Council of Presidents Legislative Com­ Angelo Stale University; Second Vice lemonade and cookies, 7p.m., power to review, revise, initiate, deter­ mittee. Chairman of the Oklahoma Small Chair. Dr. Keith McFarland, n mine and repeal any legislation, policy Business Development Center Advisory A&M University - Commerce; and Front Lawn or activity pertaining to the Confer­ Board, serves on the Board of Directors Third Vice Chair. Dr. Larry Williams. ence. Johnson will serve as the First of the Oklahoma Heritage Association, the Northeastern Stale University. July 24- Chorale Union Con­ cert, 8p.m., Recital Hall FEATURE Paper Airplane contest, lla.n^ to 1p.m., Cafeteria BSecretary Canda Estes y by morning, Taekwondo mom by night Newsriting I Student were married for over twent) years. Throughout her time it takes to complete the cleaning. July 27- Last Day of Class Do you enjoy childhood, she doesn't remember her parents arguing Bells enjoys spending time with her family. She is sleeping in on the or disagreeing. She believes her parents taught her great weekends, or proud of her five children, ranging from age 15 to 21 values and morals. Their famih always attended years, and is always delighted to talk about her two standing in the yard church, and she is grateful that she has these ethical August 13- Fall Preview, year old grandson. When asked her greatest accom­ with your friends principles, which she has been able lo pass on to her plishment, she was quick to respond. "My children.'' and family waiting own children. Freshmen Orientation Later on she expressed that she would like to add some­ anxiously for the All ol these many interests help Bell lo have a good thing to her greatest accomplishments. She placed first ice cream man to time and make her happy. II you are ever in the com­ come by? How in forms and first in sparring in 1998 at the Taekwondo munications office on ihe second floor of the line Arts August 14- General Enroll­ World Championships. about packing up a Building, stop in and say hello. She will help you in Another of Bell's hobbies is riding her motorcycle. lunch and driving an\ way that she can. and I'm sure she would love to ment She has a Honda Nighthawk that she enjoys riding for until you come to a talk lo you about her famih ami friends place you think now. However, before she takes a big motorcycle trip looks like a good or goes to a motorcycle rally, she would like to own a August 15- First Day of Class place for a picnic Harley Davidson. then stopping and Bell also enjoys photography. She has worked as having lunch? Or the campus photographer here at Southeastern Okla­ August 27- Lady Savage maybe you enjoy photographing your family and homa Slate University and has also been the photogra­ friends. These are some of the ways that Dana Bell. pher for "The Southeastern." When answering the Volleyball, 7 p.m. secretary for the Department of Communications and question of a personal goal, she would like to o\\ n her Theatre, spends her free time. own photography studio. She takes pleasure in photo­ During the week. Bell is very busy. She not only graphing her family and friends, and those are her la- works as the secretary, but she also cleans the First vorite pictures. She also would like to travel one day United Bank in Durant and the University Medical and take scenic pictures of Germany and Alaska Group Building. She leaves her campus office at 5 Bell's dream vacation would be a trip to Europe, bill 7 sne What's going on: p.m and only an hour later she has to be at her other - doesn't want to sightsee the ordinary featured at- jobs ready to work again. At times, she doesn't get tractions Europe has to offer. She would like to travel Dana Bell has a never-ending job of home until 11 p.m. has been known to be at work as al°ng the backroads and see how the people live. keeping the Comm/Thtr Dept. running late as 1 a.m. depending on the amount of work and Be" sPoke of her parents. Bill and Helen Bell, who The Master Plan of The Campus of A Thousand Magnolias. By Burney Anoatubby Newswriting I Student Hallman said. The plant also wants to make our learn­ analysis of the major campus issues that have been iden­ The section names some of the new areas of campus ing experience as pleasant as possible, and as cost effi­ tified. and renames some of the old. What is the master plan? As I walked into the of­ cient as possible. The Physical Plant has a total of Section 3: Master plan policies, principles, and pro­ Section 7: Parking. It is expected that iwo parking fice of Fred Hallman, director of the Physical Plant. thirty-five employees who work very hard in order to cedures. This section covers seven different policies lots will be completed by September complete with this was the question on my mind, the walls of keep our university in the best shape as possible. "The and three design principles. The last part of this sec- curbs and gutters. All parking lois will be redesigned Hallman's office are covered with many different plant still needs improvement, but we are making a lot tion contains project review procedures in order to en­ to provide an opportunity lo control access. plans. Some were plans of new buildings, streets, of progress," Hallman said. sure the development and construction to the highest Section 8: Development of the campus entrances .mo1 and new landscape projects. The campus master plan is a big step, which addresses standards. edges. University. First Street, and Seventh Street will Hallman, who is a very busy man, willingly shared all critical issues the university faces on a physical Section 4: Architectural harmony of the campus: all be redesigned. plenty of information on what the Physical Plant does standpoint. The document contains sixteen sections. preserving the past while designing for the future. This Section 9: Landscape design and improvements. for our campus. The plant itself is in charge of op­ Section 1: Master planning within the university section has many great looking computer simulated There will be a tree planting master plan. erations and maintenance of all the physical aspects context. This section contains the university mission photos of the new campus. Section 10 and I I have not been released at this time. of our campus. The first goal of the plant is to sup­ statement and many objectives that are the foundations Section 5: Land use and development sites. Only Section 12: Auxiliary Services: This section will port the mission statement of the university. The plant for long range planning. two future building sites have been identified on the address all of the issues of campus housing, food also wants to rebuild the campus back to a respect­ Section 2: The Campus of A Thousand Magnolias. site plan. Others will be identified as the master plan able level. This is a two-part section, which covers a summary of develops. "Without a campus we will not have a university," the development of the campus. The second part is an Section 6: Pedestrian and vehicle traffic circulation. See Plan, page 3 2 THE SOUTHEASTERN FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2001 art, Campus Crime Capers don't censor it The University Police Department in cooperation with the Department of Criminal Justice will be offering a new program beginning this upcoming fall semester The program will be a "CSO" program, or more specifically Campus Safety Officers. It will be geared for anyj criminal justice majors and/or minors.
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