Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Barberino, Francesco da Documenti d'Amore 1309-1313 (ca.) Poetry Italian Boccaccio Teseida 1339-1341 (ca.) Poetry Italian Gower, John Confessio amantis 1390 (ca.) Poetry English; Latin Hoccleve, Thomas Regiment of Princes 1410-11 Poetry English Lydgate, John The Siege of Thebes 1420-22 (ca.) Poetry English Lydgate, John The Fall of Princes 1430-39 (ca.) Poetry English Brandt, Sebastian Narrenschiff 1494 Poetry German Seite 1 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Emser, Hieronymus Eyn deutsche Satyra vnd straffe des 1505 Poetry German Eebruchs unnd in was wurden unnd Erenn der eelich Stand vorczeiten gehalten : mit Erclarung vil schoner Historien [sic] Jodocus Badius Ascensius Nouis stultifera ( . ) ab Jodoco Badio 1507 Poetry Latin Ascensio uorio corrninum genere non sine eorundem familiari explanatione illustroto Erasmus Moriae Encomium / The Praise of Folly 1511 Prose Latin Bouchet, Jean La déploration de l'église militante 1512 Poetry French Skelton, John Speke Parrot 1521 (ca.) Poetry English Bouchet, Jean Le Labyrinthe de fortunes 1522 Poetry French Skelton, John A Garlande of Laurell 1523 Poetry English Seite 2 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Bouchet, Jean L’Épître de Justice 1525 Poetry French Berni, Francesco Capitolo della primiera 1526 Poetry Italian Skelton, John A Replycacion 1528 Poetry English Lando, Ortensio Confutazione dei Paradossi 1544 Poetry Italian Baldwin, William Beware the Cat 1561 Prose English Gascoigne, George Adventures of Master F. J. 1573 Poetry English Whetstone, George Rocke of Regard 1576 Poetry English Seite 3 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Breton, Nicholas Floorish upon Fancie 1577 Poetry English Breton, Nicholas Workes of a Young Wyt 1577 Poetry English Spenser, Edmund The Shepheardes Calender 1579 Poetry English Watson, Thomas Hekatomphatia 1582 Poetry English Anonymous Historia von D. Johann Fausten / dem 1587 Prose German weitbeschreyten Zauberer vnnd Schwartzkünstler / Wie er sich gegen dem Teuffel auff eine benandte zeit verschrieben / Was er hierzwischen für seltzsame Abentheuwer gesehen / selbs angerichtet vnd getrieben / biß er endtlich seinen wol verdienten Lohn empfangen. Mehertheil auß seinen Nashe, Thomas Pierce Penilesse his Supplication to the 1592 Prose English Devil Chapman, George Ovid's Banquet of Sence 1595 Poetry English Seite 4 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Drayton, Michael England's heroical epistles, written in 1597 Poetry English imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's Epistles with annotations of the chronicle history Vega, Lope de El Isidro 1599 Poetry Spanish Jonson, Ben Sejanus His Fall 1603 Drama English Jonson, Ben Part of King James His Royall and 1604 Drama English Magnificent Entertainment Vega, Lope de El peregrino en su patria 1604 Prose Spanish Jonson, Ben Hymenaei 1606 Drama English Jonson, Ben The Masque of Queens 1609 Drama English Seite 5 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language de la Ceppède, Jean Théorèmes sur le sacré mystère de 1613-1621 Poetry French nostre redemption Tassoni, Alessandro La secchia rapita 1622 Poetry Italian Donne, John Devotions upon Emergent Occasions 1624 Prose English Opitz, Martin [Various poems, e.g. "Vesuvius"] 1633 Poetry German Fletcher, Phineas The Purple Island 1633 Poetry English Sorel, Charles L'Anti-Roman ou l'histoire du berger 1633 Poetry French Lysis Smith, James [attributed The loves of Hero and Leander : a 1653 Poetry English to] mock poem: with marginal notes, and other choice pieces of drollery. Got by heart, and often repeated by divers witty gentlemen and ladies, that use to walk in the New Exchange, and at their recreations in Hide Park Seite 6 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Cowley, Abraham Poems 1656 Poetry English [Includes: Davideis, a Sacred Poem of the Troubles of David in Four Books; Pindaric Odes] Gryphius, Andreas Carolus Stuardus 1657 Drama German Angelus Silesius [pseud. Cherubinischer Wandersmann oder 1657 (rev. Poetry German of Scheffler, Johannes] Geist-Reiche Sinn- und Schluss-Reime 1675) Gryphius, Andreas Großmüttiger Rechts-Gelehrter / Oder 1659 Drama German Sterbender Aemilius Paulus Papinianus. Lohenstein, Daniel Cleopatra 1661 Drama German Casper von Scudamore, James Homer à la Mode : a mock poem upon 1664 Poetry English the first and second books of Homer's Iliads Cotton, Charles Scarronides: or, Virgile travestie A 1664–65 Poetry English mock-poem. Being the first book of Virgils Æneis in English, burlésque Seite 7 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Zesen, Philipp von Assenat 1670 Drama German Saint-Réal, César Vichard Dom Carlos 1672 Prose French de Grimmelshausen, Hans Galgen-Männlein 1673 German Jacob Christoffel von Anonymous Poesis Triumphans. Oder SiegesPracht 1676 Poetry German der Dichtkunst/ gegen die übelgesinnte Zeit : In dreyen Strafgedichten abgehandelt/ Und mit nöthigen Anmerkungen erkläret Hierbey ist angefüget Musica Incantans, Das ist Die Bezaubernde Music / Durch ein Mitglied der Durchleucht. Pope, Walter The Salisbury ballad: with curious, 1676 Poetry English learned and critical notes alternative title: The Salsbury-Balld [sic] With the learned commentaries of a friend to the authors [sic] memory Knittel, Christian v. H. a. S. Poetische Sin[n]enFrüchte : 1677 Poetry German durch Lob- Sitt- und Tugend-Oden/ Nebst eintheiliger Auszierung nüzlicher Anmerkungen/ ans Licht gediehen Scherertz, Friedrich Perennander Oder/ Von der 1678 Poetry German Unsterblichkeit der Seele/ Und der Auferstehung des Leibes : Mit einigen Anmerkungen Seite 8 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Bunyan, John The Pilgrim's Progress 1678 Poetry English Zesen, Philipp von Simson 1679 Prose German Zesen, Philipp von Des Hochdeutschen Helikonischen 1679 Poetry German Liljenthales / das ist der Hochpreiswuerdigen Deutschgesinneten Genossenschaft Zweiter oder Siebenfacher Liljen-Zunft Vorbericht / ausgefaertiget durch Den Faertigen Bunyan, John The Holy War Made by King Shaddai 1682 Prose English Upon Diabolus, to Regain the Metropolis of the World, Or, The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul Dryden, John Religio laici: or, A layman's faith. A 1682 Poetry English poem. Wood, Thomas Juvenalis redivivus, or, The first satyr 1683 Poetry English of Juvenal taught to speak plain English Behn, Aphra A Letter to a Brother of the Pen in 1684 Poetry English Tribulation Seite 9 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Redi, Francesco Bacco in Toscana 1685 Poetry Italian Stanisławska, Anna Transakcja albo opisanie całego życia 1685 Poetry Polish jednej sieroty przez żałosne treny od tejże samej pisane roku Dryden, John A poem, in defence of the Church of 1688 Poetry English England; in opposition to the Hind and panther Dryden, John Annus mirabilis. The year of wonders, 1688 Poetry English M.DC.LXVI. An historical poem. Also a poem on the happy restoration and return of His late Sacred Majesty Charles the Second. Likewise a panegyrick on His coronation. Together with a poem to my Lord Chancellor presented o New-Years- day. 1662. Farewell, James The Irish Hudibras, or, Fingallian 1689 Poetry English prince : taken from the sixth book of Virgil's Æneids, and adapted to the present times Lohenstein, Daniel Großmüthiger Feldherr Arminius 1689-1690 Prose German Casper von D'Urfey, Thomas Collin's walk through London and 1690 Poetry English Westminster, a poem in burlesque. Written by T. D. gent Seite 10 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Weber, Immanuel Poetische Lust-Kinder : bestehend in 1695 Poetry German Liebes-Lust/ Hochzeit-Lust/ Glückwünschungs-Lust/ und allerhand vermischten Lust-Gedichten/ nebst einigen Anmerckungen Garth, Samuel The Dispensary 1699 Poetry English Wernicke, Christian Ein Heldengedicht, Hans Sachs genannt 1702 Poetry German Wernicke, Christian Poetischer Versuch, In einem Helden- 1704 Poetry German Gedicht Und etlichen Schäffer- Gedichten, Mehrentheils aber in Uberschrifften bestehend, Als welche letztere in zehn Bücher eingetheilet, aufs neue übersehen, in vielen hundert Oertern verändert, und nebst den zwey letzten Büchern mit vielen neuen Uberschrifften hin und her vermehrt Swift, Jonathan A Tale of a Tub 1704 (notes Prose English only added in 1710, 5th ed.) Bordelon, Laurent Mital ou avantures incroyables, et 1708 Prose French toute-fois, et caetera Swift, Jonathan A Famous Prediction of Merlin, the 1709 Poetry English British Wizard, Written Above a Thousand Years Ago, and Relating to the Present Year, 1709. With Explanatory Notes. By T.N. Philomath Seite 11 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 20.01.2021 Author Title First Published Genre Language Anonymous The fall and restoration of man : a 1710 Poetry English poem, occasion'd by St. Paul's words, I Cor. XV. 22., As in Adam all die; even
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