Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1973 Daily Egyptian 1973 11-13-1973 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 13, 1973 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1973 Volume 55, Issue 42 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 13, 1973." (Nov 1973). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1973 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1973 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T.....,. NcM:mbt'r 13. I~Vol , ss. No, .c2 I ~----------------~-------------_/ .AISG stands against boosting tuition rat~ for university students By John Morrissey mainly from the federa l governm ent, Dally Egywpau Staff Wriler and he said these funds are fa r fro m guara nteed. Tbe Association of 1I1 inois Student Hypothesizi ng further. Gilz said, " If Governments (AISG ) took a stand we raise tuition and grants remain the Flag u'Ot'P-l'lI Saturday against raising tuition, coo· same, money has to come rr om Aagbe....... from American leg;;;" PoSt lll6 march in a Veteran '$ Day program M0n­ tending that the persons makjng somewhere." He said some advocates day. The crtMd was slim as Col. ~ R. SiM o( Stu's Air Fofp! ROTC program financial decisions are not sympathetic or a bigger student shaLe in educational spoke about changes in the Southeast Asian confUct and the return of the Veteran's . to the p!Pl>lems of middle and low in· costs " are big on lo;iii)oI. to cover ad· Day celebration to Nov . 11. (Staff photo by Riel< Levinel come groups. ditional costs.' " Loans are good for some Rkbard Carlsen, education director of pePl!l'OPle, but not for others." Gill said. .- - - .., the Illinois Bw-eau or the-sua2et, had He said two main problems arise tall<ed last month of a " nationa1 !rend" concerning loaDS. Some disciplines. , b ,.. ard ino~ased tuition rates coupled such as medicine and engineering, "are Credit union ~et8 delay; .,.. h" .... i ftu~ r rates of student financial a good hel':..to return the cost 01 a loan in &if' :, , a,short time. But other interests, such . AlSG recommended a more as art, may not he fmancially rewarding deto.. :'i ~.. study oil!>" efI~oI tuition enough to risk a loan. fr" '. >e5 on all income . Another drawback of the loan logic is ~directo~8 'unacceptable' JIm Giu, AlSG~xecli tive . ector, that " a 191 of people have a hard tiq)e ~ concern over recent reports getting loans, Giti said. " A bank would By Debby Ralerm... because we want students to bu)"shares oflh. Counc:j) for Economic Develop­ rather give out car loans than low· Dally EcYPtiaa 8&aIJ Wriler in the union , and !bey won 't have as ment (CEDl and !be Carnegie Com· interest educa tiOll loans." much money to invest after the begin· mlnl.on, wblcblle said favor raising Ken Midkiff; 'a staff member of the 1be charier {or a Carbondale credit nillll<of !be quarter." he said. tjlltioq to the limits students are per. Office..nt the Superintendent 01 Publi~ union to serve students. townspeople 300 signatureS required foc the cbar· c:ei\'eCI to he willing to pay. "The CEO lnstrucUOII wbo attended the conference . and local businesses has been returned ter wiJI carry over. he said. says student... re not paying enougb in Chicago, said low income students to its originators by a federal agency LohrmaM said a new boanl 11 per· coota " Gitz said. may shy away from a college education which declared the credit union's or In ~y to the CEO's contention, Gilz sons has been drawn UP . but there if tuition is increased, simply because proposed board of directors " unaccep· ''have been hassles fmdi,,!! community ..aid the IotaI cost 01 education must he ,they may not he aware of scbolarsbip table." kept in mlnd. He said the Illinois State people to serve on the credit union com· oppjlrtunities available to them . "The federal agency doesn't want mittee and supervisory committee." SchoIanbIp Commission (lSSCl grants "They'll look at the higb cost and decide people on !be board who belong to only tuitiOll coota, leaving room, board, they can't arfl""l it." he said. faculty and staff credit unions." Jeff " We're tryin8 to make the credit tr.... podat ion and book cost. to the Gill was cnticaJ 01 the way JlO6Sibl~ Lohrmann. a student involved in for­ union our No. 1 priority right now," ibIdeat. tuition increases' are considered by ming the ,,"ion, said Monday. " Right Lohrmann said in discussing Student Gitz abo railled the point that .tudenIs decisinn-making agencies. now we're working as hard as we can to Government's role in forming the credit are livinl up income fram a f ull-time "'lbe Bureau 01 the BudgetJ,Iays with get a new list of boanl members and union, '''ut we got sidetracked by the job fiIr the time they attend scbooI. All facls and fijplres," he saicf. ·"i)lef. don't committee members so we can return student trustee referendum." o..e coasideraliooS. he said, "edd up to care what students think. U the rlcures !be charter as soon as possible. LohrmaM said he is " still aiming for a real personal ..crif'lce ." With a hike :lti~ tuitiOll, they .....t to raise "We were surprised when '"" got it completion of the cbarter this quarler," i. tuitioa, the lSSC would need a larger back," Lohrmann said. " We stiU hope but needs student help. Anyooe in· budIIet. Giu said. to supply students Students are likely to receive we can get it approved by !be end of fall tereaed can COIItact Student Govern· eIiIJ'bIe for lCboIarships and grants inadequate consideration, Giu con­ quarter, so the credit union can get UD' ment. with the extra money !bey would need tended, "If you leave decisions to der way by Jan. I, 1974- "I want to come up with resu1ts, not Ie remain in scbooI. Additiooal funds, (~on_3) ' "Tbe Jan. 1 ~ate is important more plans," Lormann said. GiU coatmded. would haft to come Se~n men students first to talk O,I,t Gw Bode petitiom for student trustee position B, 'hny Mutia Those students who haft applied are: SUDday in the Student Government 01· ~ u.u, t:oJIII- 8Iafr W_ Larry Ralferty ;' Guy M. ZajoDc ; l:.arTy lice. Weiler. senior in marketing; RoIIaId J . "U ...y candidate is unable to attend Se¥en men stuiieats woere the fIrSt to Rusltey. senior ' in (inancial this /Meting, be must aead • ...-. take out petitioN Wonday for student IlUlJl8lelDeDt ; Gary Sastrin. eenior. in tatift." NucIda said. trustee. engineeriDg ; W.tther D. Ricb. 'lbe student trustee election is ""Candidate .pplicatioas are available ~ in jOumaIi8n; and DaDiit ocbeduIed for Dec. 5. Lulel and <:aD­ from • a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Student P . Scbuering. sophomore. in ad· didate q"aUfic:a'jeww haW! .,.. .. miniat.ratioa 01 ~ and ..,.__ . prvved by the IIudoDt SeDate but __ Govenament for retur· offiee~' abo be aeapted .. "'....,.•• Dille .~ wiIJI Iipatureo is AdditiooaI jcIontjf..... jon 01 Ralferty 5 the de _._ Graduate at... t eo..eU (GIlC) e:;.;.. first and ~ .... not aY8ilable. ___ before ... ........ GuI _ .......... fIds wauId _ tboaIILbaft .... 01 the Nuc:kiea aid Ibore wID he a ...... AU -.Iid8Ie .dl' 11 .. IIIe .... If .. 0wdIt unIan ~ ...... ....., ••• 9teft~, eIec:tioDs ~ ....... ClIIIICeI10IIIc ..... 01 the c.dact 0I1ile ........... lie .... ~ IIgn up SlU'a tap ~ ....... ,aid. ...... for ab' ea.IidIfa .. I ..... .... 1IIeG8C ....... Plans if) aid, students Hartigan, AISG ~ork problems .,. B,. ...... _,. .Ili ven to the ~ outlook in various receive 3 to 5 hourS of academic credit . evaluation by professionals. A norm D-'1,. EcYPdaa Staff Writer disciplines to ,"form students in ad­ and the legISlator would receIve ac- could be estabilshed and the public ,/ vance of graduation so they can make curate researeh. would know how the available facilities U . Gov. Neil Hartigan and the better career choices. Most schools have provisions for in­ compare to lhat norm. Association of Dlinois Students Govern­ .. It's not in an (university ) in­ dependent study. O'Grady said. and A major recommendation to Hartigan ments (AISG) are worlUng together to stitutioo's best interest to say yoU're this outside wori< could be matched will be to get stalistical backing to con­ isolate problems students have in get­ going to be unemployed." O'Grady with research needs of a legislalor In­ firm the existence of these and Q{hpr ting a practical education. living on or said. "Someone else has to say it." stead of culminating in a term paper student problems to legislators. arotmd campuses. and choosing a wor­ - An internship clearinghouse should filed away. O'Grady said. thwhile career. be'e5lablished to preserve and promote -In the area of housing . the Cham­ ''The scope of actual projects IS just 1bese problems headline a repOrt the worthwhile internships throughout the paign-Urbana Tenant Union should be immeflse," he-.explained. "We need to AISG producetl Saturday to present to state. highlighted as a model. be able to prove everything we recom· Hartigan Tuesday in Springfield. '"There are internships all over the O'Grady said the union. made up of mend." The report details ways in which plac.e . tucked into departments." student tenants. was formed three To do this. the AISG has asked that a students and the state can use each O'Grady said, " No one knows how years ago on the promise thaI st udenlS detailed statewide survey be made to other's resources beneficially.
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