Harold deisherg Ht 8, Fred rick, M. 21701 12/2/74 Dear-Jo. Goulden, Nhan we net au ABA convention, / think, ocveral $eare also, you were going to come up and get copieo of Bose F131 reports I have on you from the Jii1C. asuassination file I have, probably the world's largest private one. I've published then, in a context I could not have given them as fully, in the fourth of Ay "underground" Whitewash serien, along with those relating tp Lonnie Hudkins. A 90—page Tui,:;iamer executive cession of the Warren Commission includes their deliberation on that flap. It, too, is in facsinile in this new book. I was rerrindwl of thin in just rending your H K piece in the October Washingtonian. Good piece. It appears to represent more work than one would ordinarily invent in a nagszins piece. If you intend doing with p.r. firms what you did with lawyers, I can help. Especially with part of the H & K past they will not talk about. Back in the 1930a when I was a Senate investigator 1 started investigating one of their clients. I was un unsophisticated kid and by the time they did their deed behind the scenes I wao wondering how I'd z*anaged to cone through a meat—grinder. Finally, if less effctively than I'd have liked, that comit*es did investigate their anti—labor work. I was then the committee's editor and not actively part of the follow—up investigation. I don't think either Hill or Gray are proud that in those days they worked in harness with the most notorious strikebreaker of the period, Pearl Berghoff. In Akron, through a "citizens' ocerlittee" front. Hill wan pretty imaginative. lie "civilized" strikebreaking. Sincerely, Harold Weinberg I Am Robert K( I Have Social CI I Represent Poi I Get Things Dc By Joseph C. Goulden One of Ralph Nader' s young associates testified earlier this year at hearings- on the industrial use of vinyl chloride, which is supposed to do awful things to one's body. Later, an account executive for Hill and Knowlton, the public relations firm representing the manufacturer, went over to the young lady. "I complimented her on a good presentation and asked if I could have a copy of her text. She asked who I represented. When I told her H& K, she sniffed and looked away." H&K didn't get the text. ill & Knowlton, however, can't be Hdismissed with a sniff. It is the largest public relations firm in the world, with At left, Robert Keith Gray and his per- sonal aide, Jim Jennings, in the Senate reception room of the Capitol. Below, the low-key. high-powered Gray in his com- fortable tenth floor office on K Street. 78 RIMEABBIBBASSABBABAnlaRAVAMBIamearamsamovasou....... pith Gray. mnections. I Have Political Connections. werful Companies. I WorkVery Quietly. me. Expensively and Well. _ . 500-plus employees in 17 countries, of- puffed-up paper dragon kept big by emis- pointments secretary (between November fices in 36 US cities, and an extensive sions of its own hot air; a ménage of flacks 1957 and May 1958, Gray has boasted, "I Washington operation. Nothing quite like and pastured political hacks, nimble-toed had more hour-by-hour, day-to-day con- H&K exists anywhere else in the city's performers of that old Washington hustle tacts with the President of the United lawyer-government-lobbyist establish- known as the rain dance that gets them States than did any other man in govern- ments. What H&K sells—fora minimum many dollars for convincing naive corpo- ment"), finally as secretary to the cabinet of $4,000 a month for corporations. rate poohbahs they can perform miracles? (in those days, cabinet members actually $5.000 a month for trade associations - Or is it simply a nicely furnished office on came to the White House and sat at a table is manipulation of the governmental proc- K Street that offers a high-class guide ser- with the President and discussed matters ess — in Congress, the regulatory agen- vice for industfialists who don't know the of state). More recently, Gray regularly cies, the executive departments. People FTC from the FPC, and churns out back- dated Rose Mary Woods, Richard who have been brushed by the public rela- ground sheets putting clients' cases into Nixon's secretary, and people who know tions colossus say it is porerful indeed, A-B-C simplicity for the edification of him say he enjoyed access to the former yet H&K can be near invisible. Its forte is Congressmen, regulators, and the press? President's ear — via phone and quiet making things happen, but without fan- The surface evidence points to real personal visits — even during the final fare or credit. power. H&K's Washington chief, Robert isolation of Watergate. And as a Republi- And to be candid, after weeks of poking Keith Gray, is as well wired a Republican can fundraiser Gray collects money in around and talking both with people in the as you can find outside the White House. six-figure globs. firm and others who have had experiences He spent the last five years of the Because of Gray's prominence and with it, I'm uncertain what to make of it: Is Eisenhower regime in the White House political connections, most people see H&K a certifiable menace, capable of west wing—first as patronage assistant to elephants when they look at H&K. But the corrupting the commonweal? Is it a Sherman Adams, then as Presidential ap- firm also has Liz Carpenter, a Johnson Administration intimate and easily one of the most popular Democrats in town. Al- though Liz never carried a title higher than press secretary to Lady Bird, the LBJ White House used her as an idea generator, and she had more impact upon events than is generally recognized. Gray insists he hired her for her wit and ideas, not her political contacts, and adds that H&K has more Democrats than Republi- cans among its 34 Washington staff peo- ple. And until recently, Gray's number- two man here was Larry Merthan, onetime administrative assistant to former Senator Eugene McCarthy. Consider, too. H&K's client list. Gray once exclaimed to an underling, "Do you realize the corporations we represent pro- duce 14 percent of the gross national pro- duct?" H&K services the corporate in- terests that dominate the American economy: steel ( American Iron & Steel Institute and a number of member com- panies): oil (American Petroleum Insti- tute, along with four major oil companies and El Paso Natural Gas): aerospace (Aerospace Industries Association of America): marketing (Grocery Manufac- turers' Association): consumer goods (Procter & Gamble): communications (National Association of Broadcasters, which paid H&K half a million dollars in a single cable TV fight): and other corpora- tions ranging from A vco to Transamerica. Further, according to Bob Gray. "There is hardly a Congressional district or a state in which we do not have a client PHOTOGRAPHED BY SUSAN NE ANDERSON 79 who is a big employer, and by that I mean of significant size in the district or state." Where is a picture of party giver-PR Good will is not necessarily transferrable man Steve Martindale? Ever since in Washington, and the fact that H&K Martindale talked too much to the works for Client A, who is powerful in a Post's Sally Quinn, Hill & Knowlton Congressman's home district, does not has all but locked him in his office: no necessarily mean the Congressman will interviews, no photographs, no more be friendly to Client B, located three lunches at Sans Souci. states away. The important point is that H&K's wide range of clients gives it a committee scheduled hearings in July, the wide range of Congressional and bureau- panel's general counsel, Charles Crom- cratic contacts: During any given year, well, said H&K didn't pester him at all. rare is the Congressional office or gov- `'They called twice to see when the hear- ernment agency that does not receive at ing was scheduled, and that's it. They did least one contact from H&K. seem disappointed they were not the first Political connections. Rich, important to know." There are times when even clients. Professional expertise— because H&K men feel an identity problem. Jerald of its size, H&K has resources for chores Blizen, with the firm since 1969, notes, C ief press contact George Warden ranging from extensive attitudinal studies "When you deal with committee staffs, Gray sat under framed Ike-Nixon photo about a client's image to production of there's seldom a problem. But in a heck of memorabilia (including a Nixon letter film strips and computer analyses of who a lot of Congressional offices, the girl thanking him for a cigarette lighter that is reading its press releases. A broad net- who answers the phone asks you to spell plays "Hail to the Chief"). Gray work of contacts, both on the Hill and in 'Hill and Knowlton,' then wants to know apologized to me for the Senate business the regulatory agencies and the executive whether you are a law firm or a pub- that had delayed him for almost an hour. departments. In short, they trappings of lisher." "Most days are like that," he said. power and influence in WaAtington. So what does H&K do— if anything - "Something comes up. and you must Yet what does H&K actually accom- to warrant its reputation for being the move in a hurry.
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