© 2008 by Alan Lester. All rights reserved. Pleasant Word (a division of WinePress Publishing, PO Box 428, Enumclaw, WA 98022) functions only as book publisher. As such, the ultimate design, content, editorial accuracy, and views expressed or implied in this work are those of the author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without the prior permission of the copyright holder, except as provided by USA copyright law. Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptures are taken from the New International Version of the Bible, the Bible Society of South Africa edition. ISBN 13: 978-1-4141-1204-6 ISBN 10: 1-4141-1204-1 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2008901486 One imagines that a book on addiction is for someone else. As I began to read the opening words, for a fl ickering moment my wicked heart was ignited, but immediately convicted and at that moment I realized this book is for a heart like mine, addicted to sin. —Kevin Lester CONTENTS { Foreword ix Introduction and Acknowledgments xiii 1. You Are Biased 1 2. What Flavor Is Your Desire? 11 3. You Have Everything You Need 25 4. Deliberate Freefall 37 5. But God Hasn’t Helped Me 49 6. Lifesaving Conviction 59 7. The Tame Jesus Delusion 69 8. Universal Hero Mauled 79 9. The Holy War 89 10. Things Are Not What They Seem 97 11. Screaming Against Your Lusts 113 12. Grinning With A Belly Full of Knives 121 13. Compelling Liquid Beauty 129 14. Persisting in Holy Violence 147 15. Asylum in the Inferno 161 Conclusion 171 Appendix 173 Bibliography 195 Endnotes 197 FOREWORD { O MATTER WHERE you travel in the world, you will Nfi nd there are certain problems human beings encounter that are not limited to people of certain cultures, nationalities, economic or educational status, race, or gender. One of them is the problem of drug abuse on which this book focuses. In this book, Alan Lester helpfully describes what the person who is enslaved to drugs is experiencing; the nature and causes of drug addiction; and a biblically based practical solution to the problem. All of this will be useful to the person struggling with the problem and also to those who want to help the drug abuser to overcome the problem. Much of what is written in this tome is addressed to the person struggling with the drug-abuse issue. Hence, you will frequently fi nd the author using the word “you.” So this is the kind of book that a person who is addicted to drugs should carefully read. Nevertheless, the information found in this volume will be equally valuable for anyone who ix UNENDING HOPE FOR THE EXHAUSTED ADDICT wants to be more effective in helping people to put off their enslavement to drugs. The approach Alan Lester explains and recommends in this book is not merely a behavioristic, moralistic, or simplistic approach. He gives insights and perspectives that go to the root of the problem in a thoroughly biblical and very practical way. One of the things that make this book unique is the fact that the perspectives on drug abuse presented in it are in keeping with a biblical anthropology. As you read through this volume, you will fi nd solid material that exposes the inaccuracy of the very popular concept that alcoholism and drug abuse are genetic in origin or that they are to be regarded as a disease. Furthermore, since accurately defi ning a problem is essential for solving a problem, Alan presents a clear, convincing, and accurate biblical defi nition of the true nature of drug abuse. Another valuable factor provided by this book for dealing successfully with the problem of drug abuse is having an understanding of the characteristics of the person who is most likely to become enslaved to this kind of addiction. One of the caricatures that is often given to those who reject the popular ideas about drug abuse and insist on using a biblical approach is that all they do is call it a sin and, therefore, give very superfi cial and unhelpful counsel. Anyone who will carefully read this book will understand that effectively promoting biblical change involves much more than that. They will be encouraged to facilitate what I call in the biblical counselling courses I teach the key elements of the biblical counselling process. The material found in this manuscript will emphasize and illustrate factors that will provide hope for change, the importance of gathering suffi cient information about the person, and properly x FOREWORD interpreting what the data indicates about the person and his problem. It will also clarify the kinds of instruction a drug abuser needs and the kind of commitment he must make. It will also give many valuable strategies and practical ideas for putting off the enslavement to drugs and putting on a new pattern of freedom and godly living. I commend Alan Lester for providing the material found in this volume on what has become and is becoming, even more so, a very common and destructive problem. I am grateful that throughout this book he has manifested an unswerving confi dence and unshakable trust in the practical reliability and suffi ciency of God’s Word. In this manuscript your attention will be redirected away from the failed and fl awed human solutions to the infallible Word of God. It does not fl oat one more theory in an endless barrage of theories on how to solve the problem of drug addiction. Rather, it points to the certainty of God’s eternal truth as the absolute basis by which to live and succeed. —Dr. Wayne Mack Professor of Biblical Counselling Grace School of Ministry in Pretoria, South Africa Professor of Biblical Counselling Expositor’s Seminary in Little Rock, Arkansas Member of the Academy of the National Association of Nouthetic Counsellors xi INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS { N THIS BOOK you will not fi nd lofty words but a personal Iappeal from my heart. Its substance has been brewed in the furnace of temptation to sin and the struggle toward personal purity. The words are direct, without euphemism, and they are designed specifi cally for those who are truly exhausted in their addiction—as the title suggests. I have worked hard to make this book gripping and realistic and to deal with issues that many are too fearful to admit are in their hearts. Read carefully and you will discover many confessions I have made in an attempt to demonstrate solidarity with you as you struggle. I write absolutely convinced that there truly is hope for you, even though you are too tired to fi ght any more. In fact, the more exhausted you are with your sin, the more hope I see for you. In this book you will discover how it is that you can be so trapped by things you know are wrong. You will be challenged to deal with them as you read. You will be exposed to a world-view that is far greater than that of your present slavery. In this book xiii UNENDING HOPE FOR THE EXHAUSTED ADDICT you will fi nd real hope, God’s hope, God’s unending hope for you, exhausted addict. I owe the greatest debt of gratitude to Dr. Edward T. Welch for his book, Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave. Dr. Welch has surpassed my expectations in his understanding of addictions. I have used his book as a textbook for addicts under my care, and it has proved to be an invaluable source of wisdom. All who read this book and Dr. Welch’s book will notice his infl uence in my material. While I lean heavily on Dr. Welch’s material, I don’t imply that I have any personal relationship with him or that he would even agree with what I write. I would also like to thank Dr. Wayne Mack for his kind readiness to read my manuscript and write a foreword. This expression of confi dence and his highly valued friendship have given me great motivation in the writing of this material. I am also grateful to others who have read through my work making valuable comments and suggesting modifi cations. My mother, Jill Lester, waded through the fi rst draft and suggested modifi cations on almost every page. Thank you! My brother, Kevin, read it and encouraged me immensely by grasping the exact import of what I am saying in this book. Thank you! My brother in Christ, Pieter Swart, encouraged me continually by his enthusiasm and honest comments not only on the initial draft but on the edited version as well. Pieter also put his heart into the work he did on the cover design. Thank you! David Wade put signifi cant effort into the cover and author photographs in his studio. Thank you! Others have encouraged me in the writing of this book, including my dear wife, Charleen, and my father, Clinton Lester. Thank you all! xiv INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To my brother-in-law and sister, Shaun and Jean Schutte, I am grateful for the fi nancial resources necessary to publish this book. I receive this blessing as from the hand of the Lord. May the God who has saved me by His grace and who drives me on toward personal holiness, so work in your life that you will be rescued from sin and its consequences and will surge ahead in the Christian life delighting in your blessed Savior, for His glory! xv Chapter 1 YOU ARE BIASED { ANDI COULD FEEL the blood rushing to her face, her Cwhole body pulsating in the alarm of the moment.
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