FEBRUARY 2020 - ISSUE 102 www.marnhullmessenger.org.uk MARNHULL THE MESSENGER Original illustration by George Cox PAGE5 PAGE VILLAGE HALL MARNHULL REPAIR CAFE 13 SUPPORTERS CLUB We have a goal in sight... New Dates Available At Marnhull Hub DEFIBRILATOR PAGE 13 AWARENESS SESSION PAGE PAGE PAGE 7 16 18 THE SURGERIES IN OUR CHURCHES AT OUR SCHOOLS What’s new from our local doctors surgeries All the latest news from the churches The latest from our village schools MARNHULL MESSENGER WELCOME TO YOUR DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE MARNHULL MESSENGER MID-DAY 14th MARCH E-mail all texts, announcements and other requests to: CHRIS RYU [email protected] Messenger Editor WELCOME TO YOUR NEW LOOK MESSENGER MARNHULL MESSENGER CONTACT DETAILS A huge thank you to those that took the time to reach out and provide EDITOR: feedback on the new look Marnhull Messenger. Chris Ryu - [email protected] 01258 808577 (option 1) - 3 Corner Close, Marnhull, DT10 1PB You've all been remarkably positive about the change and I really WEBMASTER: appreciate it! Chris Ryu - as above It was so great to see such a good turnout for the Marnhull Panto, what ADVERTISING: a supportive bunch you all are! I understand that due to outstanding Rosie Gall - [email protected] generosity, the Village Hall Stage has now been saved too! Thank you so TREASURER: much whoever you are... Bill Shannon - [email protected] RECYCLE YOUR MESSENGER 01258 820890 CIRCULATION: I had a few enquiries over whether the Messenger can still be recycled The Eveleighs - [email protected] and I'm pleased to confirm that yes it still can be. Place it in your kerbside 01258 821049 - Weavers House, Burton Street, Marnhull, DT10 1PS collection box like normal. The Gloss feel is from the "coating" on the CHAIRMAN: paper, much like the Silk Coating it had previously. Ian Gall - [email protected] 01258 820484 NEW LOOK MESSENGER WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR: Fiona Nelson - [email protected] It's been 5 years since I built the current one, so it's certainly due a 01258 821036 refresh! MARNHULL MESSENGER WEBSITE Work has now started on the new site, which will be a bit cleaner and more visual. Village Clubs/Groups and even advertisers will be able to WHO DO I CONTACT? update their own information with ease. Any amendments or proposals for new pages in the messenger web site The focus of the new website will be "Real Time" allow for clubs to share should be made to: news immediately and they'll feature in the printed Messenger like Chris Ryu Email: [email protected] normal. Rosalind Eveleigh Email: [email protected] MARNHULL MESSENGER DELIVERIES It takes about 40 people, all of whom are volunteers, to collate and deliver The Marnhull Messenger to every home and business in the village. We are extremely grateful to this dedicated team, without whom the magazine simply would not flourish. Whilst we always aim to deliver the magazine by the 1st of the month, from time to time illness, family commitments and a myriad of other personal issues can sometimes get in the way, resulting in the occasional late delivery. Recently, there have been a few complaints from villagers, because they felt their copy of The Marnhull Messenger was delivered late. It might be worth pointing out that if it is essential to you to receive the Marnhull Messenger by a particular date and it hasn’t arrived, then the Church, the two pubs and all the businesses in the village have spare copies available. Ian Gall – Chairman, The Marnhull Messenger Steering Group. Disclaimer The opinions expressed in the articles and on the pages of the Marnhull Messenger are not necessarily those of the Marnhull Messenger. All the dates and details are as supplied by the contributing organisations.. The Marnhull Messenger is not responsible for errors or omissions, accuracy of the content, nor the failure of any published event to go ahead. The letters and articles published in this magazine are accepted in good faith and the views expressed therein are not necessarily the views of the Messenger Steering Committee, whose decisions on publication are delegated to the Editor and are final. This publication is provided for your use "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied; inclusion of an advertisement for an event or service does not imply that they are endorsed by the Marnhull Messenger. The Marnhull Messenger will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the content is socially and morally acceptable. Privacy Policy The Marnhull Messenger respects the privacy of organisations and persons who submit information for publication. Personal details, including photographs, will only be published if approved and submitted by organisations or individuals. No personal details will be given out or sold to any third parties, whether individuals, organisations or companies.. www.marnhullmessenger.org.uk | Issue 102 | February 2020 3 ANNUAL FOR VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS PLEASE CALL 07376 911 878 DIARY 2020 All events are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise stated. FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL 2nd - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 1st - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 1st - Marnhull Lunch Club @ 12:00 3rd - Pilates classes @ 09:30 Methodist Hall 1st - Fit Steps @ 11:00 4th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 3rd - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 1st - Marnhull Music Society - BSO concert in 4th - Bingo At the Legion @ 19:00 4th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 Poole @ 18:00 5th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 4th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 4th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 1st - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 6th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 5th - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 2nd - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 6th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 5th - Marnhull Craft Club @ 10:00 2nd - Marnhull Craft Club @ 10:00 6th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary Methodist Hall Methodist Hall 7th - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 6th - Marnhull Lunch Club @ 12:00 3rd - Marnhull Lunch Club @ 12:00 7th - Jumble Sale @ 10:15 British Legion Club 7th - Marnhull Craft Club @ 10:00 Methodist Hall 7th - Just Bertie @ 20:00 British Legion Club 6th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 8th - Blackmore Vale Art @ 10:00 9th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 6th - Bingo At the Legion @ 19:00 9th - Bingo At the Legion @ 19:00 11th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 9th - Women's Institute - Vietnam- Mike 7th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 Spencer @ 19:30 11th - Women's Institute - Resolutions and 8th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 Beetle Drive @ 19:30 10th - Pilates classes @ 09:30 Methodist Hall 8th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 10th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 12th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 10th - Garden Club - Ascension Island - A Drop 8th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 13th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 in the Ocean - Martin Young @ 19:30 9th - Blackmore Vale Art @ 10:00 13th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 11th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 13th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 11th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 10th - Blackmore Vale Art @ 10:00 11th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 13th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 14th - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 12th - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 15th - Marnhull POPPin Cafe @ 10:00 14th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 12th - Bridge Afternoon @ 13:00 16th - Help the Heroes Coffee Morning @ 10:00 13th - Blackmore Vale Art @ 10:00 15th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 Church Cottage 14th - Elvis 56 @ 20:00 British Legion Club 15th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 18th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 16th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 15th - Women's Institute - Annual Meeting 18th - Bingo At the Legion @ 19:00 16th - Marnhull Music Society presentation by Social with Cheese and Wine @ 19:30 Mike Wilkins @ 19:15 18th - Marnhull Music Society presentation by 15th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary Pam Sheraton @ 19:15 17th - Pilates classes @ 09:30 Methodist Hall 17th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 17th - Marnhull POPPin Cafe @ 10:00 19th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 18th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 19th - Marnhull 12k and Children's Fun Races 20th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 18th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 @ 10:30 St Gregory's primary school 20th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 18th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 20th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 20th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 19th - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 20th - Bingo At the Legion @ 19:00 21st - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 20th - Marnhull POPPin Cafe @ 10:00 21st - 2 Foot Moose @ 20:00 20th - Marnhull Music Society "Gentlemens' 22nd - Figure Drawing @ 10:30 British Legion Club Choice" @ 19:15 25th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 23rd - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 21st - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 26th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 23rd - Bingo At the Legion @ 19:00 21st - For a Greener Marnhull - trees, hedges, 27th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 24th - Pilates classes @ 09:30 Methodist Hall meadows & more @ 19:30 24th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 27th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 22nd - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 24th - Moviola The Good Liar @ 19:30 27th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 25th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 22nd - Fit Steps @ 11:00 30th - Quiz Night @ 19:00 British Legion Club 25th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 22nd - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 25th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary 23rd - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 26th - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 SUBMIT YOUR 27th - Figure Drawing @ 10:30 24th - Figure Drawing @ 10:30 EVENTS INTO A 28th - Childrens free tennis coaching @ 09:00 27th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 Recreation Ground LIVE CALENDAR 28th - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 28th - Karma Alarm @ 20:00 On the messenger website and British Legion Club 29th - Pilates Evolution @ 09:30 they’ll be added to this diary in the 30th - Pilates with Shirley @ 11:30 29th - Fit Steps @ 11:00 next issue! 30th - Renewable Energy at Home @ 19:30 31st - Pilates classes @ 09:30 Methodist Hall 29th - Zumba @ 19:30 St Gregory's Primary www.marnhullmessenger.org.uk 31st - Art for Everyone @ 10:00 30th - Baby and Toddler group @ 09:30 4 December 2020 | Issue 101 | www.marnhullmessenger.org.uk MARNHULL All events are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise stated.
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