15794 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 20, 1979 ( 4) In section 1611 (b) , proposing an ducted !rom the amount that would other­ members will not be nominated or selected amendment to subsection (9) of section wise be appropriated by the Congress under by the governing body.". 212(d) o! the Immigration and Nationality this subsection !or the first fiscal year begin­ -Page 27, strike out line 24 and all that fol­ Act, strike out "(E), (F), or (G)" and insert ning after the report of the Secretary of the lows through line 7 on page 28 and insert "(E)"; and Treasury is received pursuant to this para­ in lieu thereof the following: (5) strike out subsection (c) o! the graph. (b) The second sentence of section 1&12 amendment, and renumber subsection (d) (b) (3) (A) is amended to read as follows: accordingly. H.R. 3917 "Any other health systems age~cy shall have -Page 187, strike out line 19 and all that By Mr. LIVINGSTON: a governing body composed, in accordance follows through page 189, line 20, and on -Page 21, add after line 3 the following: with subparagraph (C), of not less than ten page 192, lines 18 and 19, strike out "1601, SEc. 108. (a) Section 1512(b) (1) (A) is members and not more than thirty mem­ and 1611" and insert "and 1601". amended to read as follows: bers.". ByMr.RUDD: "(A) a public agency which is established -Page 148, line 1, insert "(1)" after "(c)". in that portion of the State in which the H.R. 4440 Page 148, after line 5, insert the following: largest part o! the population of the health By Mr. DINGELL: (2) No funds may be appropriated to or service area resides and which agency only -Page 33, after line 21, insert the following !or the use of the Panama Canal Commission e .1ga.ges in health planning and development new section: !or any fiscal year in excess o! the amount of functions;". SEc. 317. (a) None of the funds provided revenues deposited in the Panama Canal -Page 26, line 18, strike out "Each" and in­ in this Act may be used to implement or en­ Commission Fund during such fiscal year, as sert in lieu thereof "Except as otherwise force any standard or regulation which re­ such amount is estimated by the Secretary provided in this subparagraph, each". quires any motor vehicle to be equipped with o! Defense and certified by the Comptroller Page 27, insert before the close quotation an occupant restraint system (other than a General at the time the budget request for marks in line 4 the following: "In the case belt system). the Commission !or such fiscal year is sub­ of a health systems agency which is a public (b) Nothing in this section shall be con­ mitted to the Congress. Not later than thirty agency described in subsection (b) (1) (A), strued to prohibit the use of funds provided days after the end of such fl..so:il year, the 25 percent of the members of the governing in this Act for any research and development· S.:cretary of the Treasury shall report to the body shall be selected by the Governor of the activity relating to occupant restraint sys­ Congress the actual amount of revenues de­ State in which the agency is established, 30 tems. posited in the Panama Canal Commission percent of the members shall be selected by (c) For purposes of this section, the terms Fund during such fiscal year. Any amount o! t:Pe chief governing authority of each polit­ "belt system" and "occupant restraint sys­ funds appropriated to or !or the use of the ical subdivision within the health service tem" have the meanings given them in sec­ Paname. Canal Commission for such fiscal area for which the agency is designated. The tion 125 (f) of the National Trame and Motor year in excess o! the actual amount of reve­ remaining members shall be selected under Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (15 u.s.c. 1410b nues so deposited in the Fund shall be de- a process which assures that such remaining (f)). EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WAKING UP TO THE HORRORS "People are used as human mine detec­ your country for more than a century con­ OF COMMUNISM tors, clearing live mine fields with their tinue today under the present regime. Thousands o! innocent Vietnamese, many hands and feet." whose only "crimes" are those of conscience, HON. JOHN M. ASHBROOK That is the reality of communism. Op­ nre being arrested, detained and tortured in pression, slave labor, executions for po­ prisons and re-education camps. Instead of OF OHIO litical "crimes." All Communist regimes bringing hope and reconciliation to war-torn IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are alike in this regard. The "moderate" Vietnam, your government has created a Tuesday, June 19, 1979 Communist government of '!'ito's Yugo­ painful nightmare that overshadows signif­ icant progress achieved in many areas of e Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Speaker, I call slavia is different only in degree from the Vietnamese society. my colleagues attention to the ad on "extremist" Communist government of Your government stated in February 1977 page A17 of the Washington Post for Pol Pot's Cambodia. In this context that some 50,000 people were then incarcer­ May 30, 1979. Joan Baez led a whole "moderate" and "extremist" and differ­ ated. Journalists, independent observers list of people, most of them entertainers ences in the quantity not the quality of and refugees estimate the current number the repression. of political prisoners between 150,000 and and others of the "chic" crowd in an 200,000. open letter to the Communist regime While millions of Cambodians were Whatever the exact figure, the facts form in Vietnam condemning their human murdered by Pol Pot, the Tito dictator­ a grim mosaic. Verifed reports have appeared rights violations. ship jails dissidents and uses its secret in the press around the globe, from Le Monde Most of the signers were active in police to murder political opponents out­ and The Observer to the Washington Post the anti-Vietnam war movement. I side of Yugoslavia. The slave labor camps and Newsweek. We have heard the horror remember in June of 1972 when Miss of the Soviet Union, Red China, and stories !rom the people of Vietnam-from Cuba make those regimes less oppres­ workers and peasants, Catholic nuns and Baez led a group of 2,000 women who Buddhist priests, from the boat people, the marched around the capitol to protest sive than Pol Pot and more repressive artists and professionals and those who American involvement in Vietnam. She than Tito-at this time. The apparatus fought alongside the NLF. even withheld part of her income tax of mass murder remains in place in every The jails are overflowing with thousands during the 1960's, because the money Communist state. upon thousands o! "detainees." was used for military purposes. In 1967, It is late for Miss Baez and her friends People disappear and never return. to wake up. Too late for the Vietnamese People are shipped to re-education centers, she filed suit seeking the refund money fed a starvation diet of st:lle rice, forced to seized from her bank account by ms. victim'>. But, perhaps it i 3 not too late squat bound wrist to ankle, suffocated in Staughton Lind, another signer of the for other potential victims. The next "connex" boxes. Post letter, had also withheld part of his time the radical chic opinion molders People are used as human mine detectors, taxes. assure us of Communist benevolence we clearing live mine fields with their hands and During the heyday of the anti-Viet­ should remind them of the late awaken­ feet. nam demonstrations we were continually For many, life is hell and death is prayed ing of Joan Baez and her fellow travelers. for. assured that the North Vietnamese The text of the open letter and list of Many victims are men, women and chil­ Communists would not persecute the the signers follow: dren who supported and fought for the South Vietnamese after conquest. Now WAXING UP TO THE HORRORS OF COMMUNISM causes o! reunification and self-determina­ Miss Baez and company admit that tion; those who as pacifists, members of re­ Four years ago, the United States ended its ligious groups, or on moral and philosophic "thousands of innocent Vietnamese, 20-year presence in Vietnam. An snniversary many whose only crimes are those of grounds opposed the authoritarian policies that should be cause for celebration is, in­ of Thieu and Ky; artists -and intellectuals conscience, are being arrested, detained, stead, a time for grieving. whose commitment to creative expression is and tortured in prisons and reeducation With tragic irony, the cruelty, violence, and anathema to the totalitarian policies of your camps." According to the open letter, oppression practiced by foreign powers in government. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or inserti ons which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. June 20, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15795 Requests ·by Amnesty International and John T. Hitchcock, Professor of Anthro­ views of placement are inadequate or others for impartial investigations of prison pology, University of Wisconsin. nonexistent. conditions remain unanswered. Families who Art Hoppe, Journalist. A substantial number of children inquire about husbands, wives, daughters or Dr. Irving L. Horowitz, President, Transac­ maintained at taxpayer expense in foster sons are ignored. tion/Society. Henry S. Kaplan, M.D., Stanford Medical care, the report concludes, could and It was an abiding commitment to funda­ should be adopted.
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