Relevé épidém. hebd. 1 1967, 42, 505-512 N° 45 Wkly Epidem. Rec. J ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENÈVE GENEVA RELEVÉ ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notifications et informations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the du Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatives à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases Service de la Quarantaine internationale International Quarantine Service Adresse télégraphique: EPIDNATIONS GENÈVE Telegraphic Address: EPIDNAHONS GENÈVE Télex 22335 Telex 22335 10 NOVEMBRE 1967 42e ANNÉE — 42nd YEAR 10 NOVEMBER 1967 MALADIES QU ARANTEN AIRES — QU ÀRANTIN ABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés an 9 novembre 1967 — Infected areas as on 9 November 1967 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of quarantinable de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 460). diseases was reported (see page 460). X *= Nouveaux territoires signalés. X = Newly reported areas. ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de rarticle 3 à la ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Pour les autres territoires» la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été For the other areas, the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a) pour la période se terminant à la under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a) for the period ending on the date indicated. date indiquée. PESTE — PLAGUE Shasta, C ounty............... a 10.VI.66 CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Gujarat, State Tulare, County............... a 10.VI.66 Ahmedabad, District . s.v n i Colorado, State Baroda, District .... ■ 4,m Elbert, C ounty................ a 28. VH Asie — Asia Broach, District............... 22.v n Afrique — Africa New Mexico, State Jamnagar, District . 26. VIII ■ i.v n De Baca, County , . 12.XU.66 Mchsana, District . Surat, D istrict............... ■ 17.VI CONGO, KÉP. DÉM./DEM. REP. McKinley, County . 30.VL66 INDE — INDIA Rio Arriba, County . m 28.VI.66 Kivu, Province . 26.V1U San Miguel, County . a 1.VIH.66 X Ahmedabad (A) .... 16.IX Kerala, State Santa Fe, County .... a 2.VHL66 Allahabad ( A ) ................ • 9.LX Orientale, Province . 26.VHI • 17.III.56 AUeppey, District. ■ 28.X Valencia, County » . 30.VI.66 Calcutta (PA) (excl. A) . ■ 29. VII Delhi (excl. A ) ................ ■ 14. VI Cannanore, District. ■ 31.Xn.66 Emakulam, District. ■ 2. IX MADAGASCAR PÉROU — PERU Hyderabad (A )............... ■ 5.VTH Lucknow ( A ) ................ a 10.VI Kozhikode, District. Piura, Dep. a 12.VI.65 Palghat, District .... ■ 22. vn Majunga, Province Madras (PA) (excl. A) ■ 30.IX Huancabamba, Province. 30.IX Nagpur ( A ) ................... a 24.VI Trivandrum, District . Bealantuia, S. Préf. Bealanana, Canton . ■ 8JC Madhya Pradesh, State Andhra Pradesh, State Asie — Asia Indore, District .... 29. vn Anantapur, District . ■ 29.IV BIRMANIE — BURMA Chittoor, District .... ■ 3.1X.66 Hyderabad, District. ■ 15.IV Madras, State Mandalay, Division Amérique — America Karimnagar, District . ■ 8.vn Chingleput, District . ■ 16.vn.66 Mandalay, District . 16.IX Krishna, District .... « 9.IX Dharmapuri, District . ■ 2.X.65 Myingyan, District . 4.XI Kurnool, District .... ■28.1 Madurai, District .... a 12.XII.64 BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Yamethin, District . 28.H Mahbubnagar, District ■ 6.V Ramanathapuram, District a 11.U Nellore, District .... ■ 6.V Sagalng, Division Salem, D istrict............... a 16.VIL66 Ceara, State Srikakulam, District . ■ 29.vn Shwebo, District .... 31. in Visakhapatnam, D istrict. ■ 19. VM Guaraciaba do Norte, Maharashtra, State Mim..................................... 31.V Ipu, Mun................................. 29.V VIET-NAM, REP. Assam, State Ahmednagar, District . a 6. VII Akola, District .... a 5. VIII Dalat ( A ) ....................... 21.X X Kamrup, District . ■ 28.X Danang(P) ................... 4.XI Amravati, District. a 12. via ÉTATS-UNIS D ’AMÉRIQUE Nhatrang (PA) .... 21.X Bhandara, District . a 18.111 Bihary State Buldhana, District . a 29.VH UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Saigon (excl. PA) .... 28.X Darbhanga, District . ■ 29.IV Chanda, District .... a 22. VII Binh-Dinh, Province , . 28.X Dhulia, District .... a 9. VI Arizona, State ' Hazaribagh, District . ■ 29.1V Darlac, Province . 21.X Monghyr, District. ■ 22.IV Jalgaon, District .... a I3.V Coconino, County . ■ 27. VI Lam-Dong, Province . 14.X Muzaffarpur, District . ■ 22. IV Kolaba, District .... a 12. VIII Navajo, County................ ■ 18.VII.66 Santal Parganas, District ■ 29.IV Nagpur, District .... a 17.IV Phu-Yen, Province . 7.X Nasik, District............... a l.rv California, State Saran, D istrict............... 17. VI PleUcu, Province . 21.X Shahabad, District . 10. VI Osmanabad, District . a 30.IX Ficsno, County .... ■ 10.VI.66 Quang-DucProvince . 28.X Singhbhum, District . n 22.IV Parbhani, District . a 27.V Kem, C o u n ty ................ ■ 10.VI.66 Poona, District................ a 6.vn Lassai, County............... ■ 10.VI.66 Tay-Ninh, Province . 7.X Sangli, District .... a 21.V.66 Madera, County .... ■ 10.VI.66 Tuyen-Duc, Province . 28.X Delhi, Territory . 14.X Satara, District................ a 5.VUI - 506 Sholapur, District . ■ 24.V1 Visayas, Group VARIOLE — SMALLPOX ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.51 Thana, District............... * 21 .X Negros occid., Prov.: Ba- Wardha, District .... * 22.VII c o lo d ........................... ■ 26. VIII Yeotmal, District .... ■ 22.VII Afrique — Africa GHANA Mysore, State THAÏLANDE — THAILAND Central Region Bangalore, District . ■ 3.VI Cape Coast, District . ■ 29. vm Belgaum, District . ■ 29.VII Bangkok (excl. PA) . 21.X AFRIQUE DU SUD 1 Bellary, District .... ■ 27.V SOUTH AFRICA 1 Upper Region Samut Prakan, Province Bijapur, District .... ■ 3.VI Bawku, District .... ■ 22.IX X Chikmagalur, District . ■ 28.X Samut Prakan, District . I4.X Natal, Province Chitradurga, District . ■ 4.m Ingwavuma, District . 7.V.65 Western Region Dharwar, District . ■ 22.VU Ahanta-Nzima, D. (excl. Gulbarga, District . ■ 5.V VIET-NAM, REP. Transvaal, Province Sekondi-Takoradi (PA)) ■ 2 9 ,V n i Hassan, District .... ■ 27.VI Barbeton, District . 7.VI.65 Kolar, D istrict............... ■ 18.11 Nhatrang (PA )................ 4.XI Saigon (PA) (excl. A) . Johannesburg, District . 26.IV.6S Mysore, District .... ■ 11.IV 4.XI Letaba, District .... 3.V.65 GUINÉE — GUINEA Raichur, District .... ■ 18.111 Binh-Dlnh, Province . 28.X Nelspruit, District . 7.V1.65 Shimoga, D istrict...................12.VIII Pilgrim’s Rest, District . 7.VI.6S Conakry, Rég. (excl. Tumkur, District .... ■ 27 .V Khanh-Hoa, Province Warmbaths, District . 4.VI.65 Conakry (PA)) .... 30.IX Mamou, Région .... 16.IX Orissa, State Camranh, District . 21.X Zoutpansberg, District . 4.VI.65 Balasore, District .... ■ 12.VIII Khanhhoa, District . 21.X Cuttack, Distria .... ■ 29.VH Vinhxuong, District . 21.X 1 Aucune information reçue depuis le/ HAUTE-VOLTA — UPPER VOLTA No information received since: 7.VÎ.65. Kalahaadi, District . ■ 22.IV Quang-Tri, Province . 21.X Diapaga, Cercle............... 2 9 .™ Koraput, District . * 9.IX Kaya, Cercle................... 15.™ Mayurbhanj, District . ■ 12.VIH ThuarThien, Province Fissila, C e rc le ............... 8.VUI Puri, District................... ■ 24.V1 Hué ............................... 28.X BURUNDI Huongdien, District . 21.X Punjab, State KENYA Amritsar, District . ■ 19.IX Huongthuy, District . 28.X Kitega, Province. 16.IX Huongtra, District . a 28.X Nyanza, Province Uttar Pradesh, State Phongdien, District . 21.X Ruyigi, Province Agra, D is tric t................ ■ 27.V Phuloc, District .... 28.X Rutana, A n ...................... 2.IX Central Nyanza, County . 4.XI Aligarh, District . .- . ■ 23.DC Phuvang, District .... 28.X Kisii, County (excl. Quangdien, District . 7.X Kisumu (PA)) .... 4.XI Allahabad, District . ■ 2.IX South Nyanza, County . Ballia, D istric t............... * 22.VII Vinhloc, District .... 28.X . 4.XI Banda, D istrict............... ■ 25.VIH CONGO (Brazzaville) Rift Valley, Province Deoria, District .... ■ 15.IV Etah, D is tr ic t............... « 21.X Brazzaville (PA) .... 5.IX.66 x Trans Nzoia, County . 4.XI Etawah, District .... * 22.1V Pointe-Noire (PA) . ■ 26.IX.62 Western Province Faizabad, District . ■ 20.V Bouenza-Louesse, Préf. X Famikhabad, District . ■ 28.X Bungoma, County. 2 8 .X S ib iti.............................. 1.VIII.65 Kakamega, County . 14.X Fatehpur, District . ■ 7.X FIÈVRE JAUNE — YELLOW FEVER Hamirpur, District . ■ 17.VI Lifini, Prif. Hardoi, District................ ■ 5.VIH LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . ■ 1S.UI.SS Jalaun, District............... ■ 26.VIH D jam bala....................... 5.XII.65 Afrique — Africa Jaunpur, District .... ■ 7.X Likouala.Préf. « 16.X.62 Jhansl, D istrict................ ■ 22.v n MALAWI Kheri, D istrict............... ■ 13.V Mossaka, Préf. Southern Province . 2 8 .X Lucknow, District . ■ 3.VI ANGOLA....................... a 27.V.59 Loukolela, S. Préf. 21.UI.66 Mathura, District .... ■ 26.VIII Mossaka, S. Préf.. ■ 13.VH.62 Mirzapur, District. a 2.IX Moradabad, District . ■ 14.X CONGO, RÉP. DÉM./DEM. REP. Niari, Prif. MAU Pilibhit, District . , ■ 19.VHI Territoire situé au nord du Kibangou, S. Préf. « 5.X.62
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