^em-'rm^^vi^^'^ 1931 Colonial Echo CHARLES H. DUNKER ^ditor-in-Chief EARL G. SWEM, J. justness ^M.anager (olonialR:ho ^--^ 1931 PUBLISHED > BV > THE STUDENT > BODY > OF THE > COLLEGE > OF WILLIAM > AND > MARY WILLIAMSBURG > VIRGINIA V |m^(m^(^>-:r?^-y?^-'r<^t^y7:»^?»-yfW-^ ^m. DEDICATION #^ TO Dr. William T. Hodges DKAN OF MKN A.B., A.M., ED.D. We the members of the staff of the Colonial Echo dedicate this volume to you as an expres- sion of our appreciation of your long and distinguished service to the College and as a token, as well, of the admiration and affection in which you are held by the .students of WlLLLAM AND MaUV X5 jQin^ )im^<:m-'*'em-^e^^tm->rcm^r'em^rtm->*^cm^ " ^ ^^>u«v^'-»v^»^>^-^>-^v»'jyv>^r3^^^ ^JMI jy/j \m:T<m^(m^^<imJ¥7m.^<m^em^<9-Jtrim^ m^i^^em^em^rrm-'r-cm-^em^em^c^^'^wl^Wi^'^-m^'*!^^^ •H^CONTENTS Book I . The College Book II The Classes Book III . Athletics Book IV Fraternities Book V . Features Book VI . Activities \^^<^^(m^^<m^nm-¥im^(!m^rtm^fri^^ ^>>-^S^t^yr-»>>oys>-:^yv-^>>-*^>^ FOREWORD Wk wish to j)resent to you fellow stiidcnts this ^9'^\ Colonial Kcho It has heen our eiideax'or to puhhsh an iuterestino- book, to l)uil(l a nieiiiory not for the [)i"esent hut for the future, one that will reeall many ha|)i)\- hours spent at \\'iLLL\>i AND Mary '^t^ri*j«t»-«r*-«^>-*^>'-«v»-«^>.^v-»; Board of Visitors James H. Dillard Rector George Walter Mapp Vice-Rector The Visitors of the College A. H. Foreman Norfolk, Va. Lula D. Metz Manassas, Va. Miss Gabriella Richmond, Va. Sterling Hltcheson Boydton, Va. John A. Wilson Roanoke, Va. John S. Bryan Richmond, Va. James H. Dillard .... Charlottesville, Va. Charles J. Dl ke Norfolk, Va. George W. Mapp Accomac, Va. J. Douglass Mitchell . Walkerton, Va. Harris Hart Member Ex-Officio L. W. L.'^NE. Jr. Secretary to the Visitors \^«9^(m^^(m^¥7m~>frfmj^(m^f79u*^im^ i<^>>-»j'»^5v.»»o»sv.»sv-»s>.^^>-«: FTF^iTTTr^ -J^^JT-gCT y'/TiU:^^^ 175" FACULTY r^7>5^iJ><-i-^<"'^ - Dr. Kremer J. Hoke, M.A., Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty uSSua i•tt<KM^\ ,^ g^v »/ ^\ w >K?. ^inrc :Fyiry^wy^i^7/'Jiir ^^v^^A^^J)resSg fj'M-.fy^i^iJii^UTiMy^K ?ff Dr. Julian Alvix Carrol Chandler president ^rflC^» A».V^ltg^ W ^c5J^» L ^g^^T^ •^^JJ^\T/Ji\t77i'^tJJi\ kjm\ f/?^f/M-kijrH\iyyf^\jy^ dUACI' \V'.\KRi:\' La^'DRL'.M Dt'ttfl of ll'oint'r E. (i. SwrM Librariiin D. j. King Collif/r I'liyshian Bessie P. T.\\i.or Social Dirtcliir uj It'oiiun Charles M. Robixsox CoUeije .Ire hit I'd \V. W Cook Slr^-iiiit III Colli'i/r Rificlory r7ki/^\{A^\i// r.^T\t ^yn-k^Ji \Uyf:^lJJi^iyynK^ DR.R.G.ROlBB DR. GRACE LANDRUM MR.H.LBRIDGES Facuility Kathleen Alsop Albert S. Corbin, B.S. in M.E. Instructor in Sliortliand and Typewriting Instructor in Mathematics Department Martha Barksdale, M.A. HiBBERT D. COREV, M.A. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor in Pliysical Education of Business Administration Theodore Sullivan Cox, A.B., LL.B. Melvin Bengston, M.A. Professor of Law School Assistant Professor in Ancient Languages Eleanor R. Craichill, M.A. B.D., D. J. Blocker, A.M., D.D. Associate Professor of Art Assistant Professor of Sociology and Psychology Lillian A. Cummings, M.A. George Brooks, B.S., B.L.I., M.A. Professor of Home Economics Associr'te Professor of Public Speaking Donald W. Davis, A.B., Ph.D. Kathleen Bruce, Ph.D. Proftssor of Biology Professor of History ZoE Anna Davis Instructor Biblical Isabel Brudaca in Literature Instructor in Modern Language A. Willis Dearixc, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry Eleanor Calkins, A.B. Instructor in Mathc-matics Department A. F. DoLLOFF, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology J. D. Carter DOCTORATE, U. OF TOULOUSE Joseph Ecker, M..'\. As.^ooiate Professor of Modern Language Associate Professor of History Joseph Chandler, B.S., M.A. John R. Fisher, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Physical Education Professor of Modern Languages Glenwood Clark, M.A. Floyd Flickinger, B.S. Assistant Professor of English and Journalism Instructor in History Paul A. Clement, Ph.D. Rov J. Geiger, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Ancient Languages Professor of Philosophy JL •7y^tJjn\^A»\tJ7i\tJjf\iyjfA Ky\>fgLJ(r DR.R.C.YOUNG DR.D.W.DAViS^ DR.R.L.MORTON Facility \\ . A. R. Goodwin, M.A., B.D., L.L.D., B.D. J. R. I.. Johnson, AM., M.,\. I'roffSsor of Biblit-al Literature Piofessor of I':nKlisIi Wayne F. Gibbs, M.S. VVm. Melville Jones, M.A. Associate Professor of Business Adniiiiistratiori Associate Professor of English C. DuNXAX Gregory, M.A. Associate Professor of Matiiematios Tucker Jones, B.S. Prol'essor of Physical Education George E. Gregory, A.B. Instructor in Englisli H. C. Krebs, A.m. Associate Professor of Education Wm. G. Guy, Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry Grace Warren Landrum, Ph.D. Prol'essor of English E. M. GVVATHMEY, PH.D., M.A. Professor of KuKlisli J. Paul Leonard, Ph.D. Professor of Education Emily M. II.m.i.. A.H.. M.A. Instructor in English Ann Briggs Loughin, B.M. Inslru.lor A. Edward Harvey, Ph.D. in .Music Asdociatc Prol'essor of Modern Languages H. 1). McCary Inca Olla Helskth, Ph.D. DOCTORATE. U. OF TOULOUSE Associate Professor Pmrcssor of Kdui-ation of Modern Languages Robert C. M. Teagle llii'i's, H.D. McClelland, A.B. Instructor Director of HcliKious Activities in .Vncient Languages L. Vaughan Howard, M.A. Frank McLean, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Government Associate Professor of English Althea Hunt, M.A. Charles F. Marsh, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Knglisli -Associate Professor of Business A<ln)inlslration Victor Itturai.de, Ph.D. Agnes L. Melgard, B.S. Assistant Profi-ssor of .Moilern Languages .Assistant Professor of Art 23 >„ /a w y.yi\eyjy^t.^:v\t/rr^u^L^?r^ DR.E.G.SWEM DRE.M.GWATHMEY^ DR. J.R.GEIGER^ Faculty Wm. W. Merrymon, Ph.D. John M. Stetson, B.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Plij'sics Professor of Mathematics Richard L. Morton, A.M., Ph.D. JEAX J. Stewart, M.A. Professor of History Associate Professor of Home Economics Bauman Mundie, B.S. T. J. Stubbs, A.B., A.M. Instructor in Clicmistry .Associate Professor of History James E. Pate, Ph.D. E. G. SwEM, A.B., L.L.D. Professor of Government Professor of Library Science Peter Paul Peebles, A.M., L.L.M. A. G. Taylor, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Law Professor of Eoononiics Mary K. Quick, B.S. Lucy A\n Taylor, B.S. Instructor in Physical Education Instructor in Biology Horace Reynolds, A.M. ViTO G. ToGLiA, A.M., A.B. Associate Professor of Englisli Associate Professor in Modern Languages Robert G. Robb, B.A., B.S., M.A. A. Pelzer Wagener, Ph.D. Professor of (Jhemistry Professor of Ancient Languages Marguerite Roberts Paul A. Warren, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Pli>sical Education Professor of BioIog>' ,^' Beulah Russell, A.M. Helen Foss Weeks, PilD. Associate Professor of Matfieniatics Professor of Education Archie G. Ryland, M.A. Alma Wilkin, M.A Professor of Modern Languages Assistant Profi-ssor in Home EH»non tP" George M. Small, Mus.B. Donald W. Woodbridge. J.D. Associate Professor of Music Associate Professor of Law Shirley D. Southworth, Ph.D. R. C. VouNG, Ph.D. Professor of Eeononiics Professor of Physics 24 fiin^ ?Kv^^v,^y?g.H^H.vwy^^.>rr ^^JJ^\tAh\eJT$},e/J:r,*7Z^ f7?T^iy7i\iJiT^u:K^wj^\ iTST Til© Allium mi Associatioe of till- COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY IN VIRGINIA Board of Managers Frank Ar:misti:.\l). '99, PnsiiUnt Willianisburg, V'a. Llcv Mason Holt. '24, I'ia-I'riudcnt .... Norfolk, V'a. '02, Wm. T. Hodges, Scc-'l'ii/is. Williamsburg, V^a. James Hlrst. '99 Norfolk, Va. Dr. Amos R. Koontz. 'm Haltimore, Md. Edward T. Jlstis, '29 Chester, \'a. Channinc, M. Hai.l, 'oS .... Williamsburg, Va. Cornelia S. Adair, '23 Richniond, Va. Robert ^,1. Ni:\vton. '16 Hampton, Va. C}. W. (il \. '02, Executive See. ^^'illiam>burg, V'a. In rhf certificate of incorpoiatioii of the .Alumni Association of tlie College of William and Mary in Virginia, Article j gives the purposes of the Association as: The purposes for which the Association is formed are to aid. strengthen and expand in e\ery proper and useful way the College of V\'illiam and .Mary in Virginia and its work, and to de\elop, strengthen, and utilize the bonds of interest, sympathy and affection existing between the said college and its almnni, and among the alvmmi themselves. The Alumni Association is fast becoming a very important part of the organization of the College. In fact, it is one of the four wheels upon which it runs. A\'e ha\e our Presidents, and Hoard of Managers, Faculty and Student Hod\', and the .Alumni Association. The plan is to organize VVilliam and Mar\ Chapters in e\ery city and county of Virginia and in every state in the I nion. for in e\ery state William and .Mar\ alumni are found and we usuall\ have among them leaders of our various civic and educational groups. If you are interested in a William and Mary Club in \our comnumity write to (leo. W. (niy, executive secretary of tin' .Alumni .Association, Williamsburg, Va.
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