Goto hometowniife.com for a chance to win tickets m o I e Y career resolutions, Sesam e Street Live Elmo M akes Music SAVING GOOD AND BAD " k the Fox Theatre COUPONS CLASSIFIED, SECTION C TM/© 2013 SESAME WORKSHOR A U R iS ffS RESERVH l COURTESY OF VEE CORPORATION. WAYNE-WESTLAND A GANNETT C O M P A N Y SENIOR HEALTH r e p o r t PRICE: $1 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2013 • hometownlife.com USA WEEKEND C a r d .p a r t y Sts. SimonTion ancTJuancTJude Westland cuts spending, improves Church are hosting a Valentine Card Party 6:30-10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 8. The cost is $8 at the door including fund balance in fiscal 2011-12 cards, games, a light meal, snacks, door and By LeAnne Rogers That increase is the rating by Moody’s Inves- ° “Perhaps the most for­ Collaiioration table prizes and a 50/50 staff Writer result of keeping gener­ tors Service from Baa2 ward-thinking steps Westland has also been drawing. The church al fund expenditures $2.4 to Bal, M id said the Westland has taken has in discussions with bther is at 32500 Palmer in Westland’s tax revenues million below budget and audit reflects progres­ been the consolidation communities on methods Westland. Call (734) declined more than $1.3 successfully obtaining sive measures taken to and sharing of services,” to collaborate for addi­ 722-1343 for more million in 2011-12 — the new funding. reduce costs and con­ said M id. “We continue tional cost savings in the information. fourth consecutive year “I am excited that we trol spending, and inno­ to expand upon this mutu­ areas of emergency dis­ of falling revenues. were able to grow our vative endeavor, such as ally beneficial working patch and fire service. At the same time, the general fund surplus the recent consolidation relationship with Wayne Those changes in bity city’s unreserved fund beyond the expected $2.3 of fire and parks and rec­ as we explore consolida­ operations came af1[er a Black H istory balance,— savings that million to a healthy $4.8 reation departments with tion of emergency dis­ five-year financial pro­ aren’t designated for million,” said Mayor Wil­ the City of Wayne, and patch services and ser­ jection in 2009 which M onth events some expenditure — liam V^d. contracting of building vices aimed at the senior included multimillibn The William P. Faust increased from $2.3 mil­ Coupled with the recent inspection, assessing and citizens of oiu* communi­ Public Library will host lion to $4.8 million. upgrade in the city’s bond animal control services. ties.” Please see AUDIT. A2 a special presenta­ tion, Spirit of African American Artists, by the Detroit Institute of Arts at 7 p.m. Wednes­ Brothers day, Feb. 6, in meeting rooms A and B. Making a difference charged with The presentation will look at the lives and times of influential assault, theft African-American art­ ists from the late 19th of gun$ century to the present day. The artists include Romare Bearden, By LeAnne Rogers Benny Andrews and staff Writer Jacob Lawrence, as well as contemporary De­ Three Dearborn troit artists like Charles Heights residents have McGee, whose vyork been charged with can be seen at the DIA, assaulting a Westland Henry Ford Hospital, woman and stealing a the Detroit People number of guns from a Mover's Broadway sta­ trailer parked behind a tion and Eastern Michi­ home on North Hix. gan, Central fv'iicnigan The victun, 55, had and Michigan State been staying in a fifth- universities. wheel trailer with her Register on the boyfriend, Bernard Kud- library website at west- la, whose former wife, land.lib.mi.us. Refresh­ Virgie, lives in the home. ments will be served. The Kudlas are the par­ The William P. Faust ents of Jacob Kudla, Public Library is at 6123 18, who with his friend Central City Parkway, Jourdan Bobbish, 17, north of Ford Road. For were found murdei^ed in more information, call D etroit last July. (734) 326-6123. PHOTOS BY TOM BEAUDOIN Jason Gregory Zielin­ The Wayne Public Tayshaiin Payton waits to be honored as the Westland Youth Assistance Male Youth of the Year. ski, 25, his twin broth­ Library is holding a er Justin Jerome Zihlin- Black History Family ski and Candice M a^e Film Night 6-7:30 p.m. Stajda, 24, have been Thursday, Feb. 28, to Youth Assistance dinner honors chm'ged with armedrob- watch the PBS film bery, assault with ihtent series. Slavery and the to do great bodily harm, Making o f America: larceny of firearms and The Challenge o f Free­ outstanding youths and volunteers felony firearm. dom. As the country Stajda had visited the commemorates the By LeAnne Rogers the Year Tayshaun Payton, a sev­ growth and actively participat­ trailer several times in 150th anniversary of staff Writer enth-grade student. ed in the program, in karate and a the weeks preceding the the Civil War, this film “When I first met Tayshau^ I new girls group. Jan. 25 incident, provid­ examines the trans­ Volimteers and program partic­ noticed his million-dollar smile,” “Carolee is always polite and ing sexual favors to Ber­ formation of the Civil ipants were honored at the West- Youth Assistance Deputy Direc­ respectful,” Haase said. nard Kudla, said West- War from a struggle for land Youth Assistance annual rec­ tor Michele Bracy said. “He made Thanking her mentor, the Youth land Police Sgt. Robert union to a battle over ognition dinner. some poor decisions with friends. Assistance staff and her parents, Wysong. Kudla had giv­ slavery and the Recon­ “Our volunteers don’t get paid He made a mistake and took Carolee said, “I’m a bit of a trou­ en Stajda a gun in lieu of struction Years. because they are priceless,” said responsibility for what he did. He blemaker, but I’m learning from cash, Wysong said. This is a free family Youth Assistance Program Direc­ has shown impressive growth.” my mistakes.” “She Imew there were program, but not rec­ tor Paul Motz, who treated guests 'Tayshaun learned his lesson and Journey Mills received a spe­ firearm s in the trailer. ommended for children to his traditional repertoire of bad is on track for future success, cial recognition and spoke about She passed that informa­ under age 6. Guests jokes. Bracy said, noting the support he finding interests she shared with tion along to the Zielinski are welcome to bring a It’s the 19th year for the West- received from his family while her mentor after initially thinking brothers,” said Wysong. snack or beverage. land Youth Assistance Program, participating in Youth Assistance. they had nothing in common. “There IS to 30 gims of The Wayne Public which provides a range of pro­ Author and motivational speak­ all kinds. We’re still try ­ Library is a t 3737 S. grams for youths and parents. It’s Learn from mistakes er Delbert McCoy, who survived ing to track that doivn.” Wayne Road. For more probably best known for matching Carolee Mason was recognized bums on more thisui 90 percent of Ju st before 2 p.m^ on information, call (734) local youngsters with adult men­ as Female Youth of the Year. Clase his body, was honored as Agency Jan. 25, two men forced 721-7832. tors. Manager Jackie Haase said that of the Year. th eir way into the trail­ Thosd reci lized during the Mason, a high school junior, had e r and beat the victim, program me jed Male Youth of shown a tremendous amount of Please see DINNER, A2 who was there alone. At the time, Kudla was being held by Garden INDEX City police on unrelated Community Life........B5 charges. Crossword Puzzle.... C2 Education.................A4 “They found a time Health.......................B9 when the trailer wasn’t Homes..............■■......C2 occupied or ju st the Jobs .C l fem ^e was home. They Obituaries................. B8 were concerned about Services.................... C2 him (Kudla) being Sports........................B1 Wheels..................... C3 there,” said Wysong. “Ultimately, I don’t think she had anything bro­ © The Observer & Eccentric ken but these guys did a Volume 48 • Number 74 number on her. She was bruised and bumped up. Home Ctenvery: She was covered with , (866)887-2737' blood.” Retaim Addr^ the victim as about 5- 41304 Conispt Dr.' Journey Mills is all smiles as her mentor, Cathy German, talks about the won­ High school junior Carolee Mason foot-3 and weighing 120 Plymouth Ml 48170 derful accomplishments Journey has made over the past year. Germany has awaits announcement that she is the 1 been a mentor for seven years. Female Youth of the Year. Please see CHARGED, A2 A2 (W) Observer & Eccentric | Sunday, February 3,2013 LO CA L NEWS online at hometownlife.com reduce spending and seek A U D IT new funding sources, the Continued from page A1' city is also continuing to pay down debt, including a wastewater bond. dollar deficits annually, “If we’re not at the bot­ if changes weren’t imple­ tom (of declining proper­ mented. ty values), we are close. “Congratulations on all We are seeing pockets the mergers and consol­ of improvement,” said idations. Westland is a Camiller. “This was a model for the state,” said good year. The City Coun­ auditor Brian Camiller of cil came a long way in a Plante Moran. “Westland short time but the bud­ can be a regional leader get will continue to be an Mentor of the Year Jim Thomas, a counselor at John Glenn with its size, location and issue.” High School, talks about tells how he enjoys working with expertise.” The city received an youth in the community.
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