E499 Volume 5 ENVIRONMENTAL Public Disclosure Authorized IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF NINE PHASE I ROAD LINKS Of the KERALASTATE TRANSPORTPROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared on bel_alf of Public Works Department Government of Kerala ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OCTOBER 2001 Public Disclosure Authorized Louis Berger International, Inc. in association with: Sheladia Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineering Services (1) Ltd. Intercontinental Consultants & Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. l l 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Of The NINE PHASE I ROAD LINKS KERALA STATE TRANSPORT PROJECT Kerala Public Works Department October 2001 . TABLE OF CONTENTS ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I LIST OF ACRONYAINIS CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 I 1.1 Purpose 1.1 1.2 Earlier Studies 1.2 1.2.1 Strategic Option Study (SOS) 1.2 1.2.2 Feasibility Study 1.2 1.2.3 Additional Feasibility Study 1.2 1.2.4 Reconnaissance Work For Additional Feasibility Studies 1.2 1.2.5 High Priority Roads 1.3 1.3 CONSOLIDATED PHASE -1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 1.4 1.4 ORGANIZATION OF THE DOCUMENT 1.5 CHAPTER 2 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 2.1 LOCATION OF NINE PHASE I PROJECT ROADS 2.1 2.2 PHYSICAL DETAILS OF NiNE PHASE I PROJECT ROADS 2.1 2.3 iidPROVEMENT ALTERNATIVES CONSiDER-ED 2 2.3.1 Definitions Of Terns Used In The Project 13 2.4 PROPOSED ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 2.4 2.5 DESIGN CROSS SECTION 2.5 2.6 OBJECTIVES/BENEFITS 2.6 2.7 DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR FEATURES 2.6 2.7.1 Road Widening 2.6 2.7.2 Tree removal and Tree Re planting 2.6 2.7.3 Environmental Management Plan 2.6 2.7.4 Resettlement Action Plan 2.6 2.8 SUMMARY OF FEATURES 2.7 2.9 COST OF THE PROJECT 2.7 2.10 CONTRACT PACKAGES 2.7 2.11 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULING 2.8 l | LBI/'Sheladia/CESlC T l Kerala State Transport Project EIA for Nine Phase I Roads CHAPTER 3 3 PROJECT POLICY, LEGAL AND REGULATORY 3.1 FRAMEWORK 3.1 INSTITUTIONAL SETTING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL 3.1 | ANALYSIS 3.1 .1 Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) 3.1 3.1.2 Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) 3.1 I 3.1.3 MOEF Regional Office 3.2 3.1.4 State Forest Department 3.2 3.1.5 Kerala State Pollution Control Board 3.2 * 3.1.6 Municipalities and Panchayats 3.3 3.1.7 Other Entities with Environmental Responsibilities 3.3 3.2 NEW STATE LEGISLATION 3.4 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARENCE 3.4 3.3.1 World Bank Procedural And Regulatory Requirements 3.5 I 3.3.2- Indian National and Kerala State Policies. LegaTand 3.6 Environmental regulations 3.6 31.3.2.'GOI Social Impact Regulations 3.9 3.4 INDIAN NATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR 3.12 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REVIEW CHAPTER 4 1 4 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 4.1 4.1 Basic Approach 4.1 4.2 Main Concems 4.1 m 4.3 Steps in the Process 4.1 CHAPTER 5 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS 5.1 OF NINE PHASE -ILINIKROADS 5.1 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT (METEOROLOGY) 5.2 5.1.1 Temperature 5.2 5.1.2 Rainfall in the Region 5.2 5.1 '.Winds -Regional Pattern 5.3 I 5.1.1 Humidity 5.4 5.2 REGIONAL PHYSICAL SETTING 5.4 5.2.1 Physiography 5.4 I 5.2.2 Geological Characteristics of The Region 5.4 5.2.3 Seismic Characteristics Of The Region 5.5 5.2.4 Soils 5.5 1 5.2.5 Existing and Potential Erosion 5.5 5.2.6 Quarries and Crushing Operations 5.5 5.3 WATER RESOURCES OF THE REGION 5.7 5.3.1 Surface Hydrology 5.7 l -LBI Shel1idia'CES ICI l KeralaState Transport Project EIAfor NinePhase I Roads 5.3.2 DrainagePattern 5.7 | 5.3.3 WaterQuality In The Region 5.7 5.3.4 Water Quality Standards 5.9 5.3.5 GroundwaterIn The Region 5.9 X 5.3.6 FloodsDuring Monsoon Season 5.9 5.3.7 Cross Drainage Structures For The Nine Phase I Road Links 5.9 5.4 AMBIENTAIR QUALITY 5.10 5.5 AMBIENTNOISE LEVEL 5.12 5.6 FLORA, FAUNA AND ECOSYSTEMS 5.15 5.6.1 Ecology, National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Forest Reserves 5.15 5.6.2 ROAD SIDE (AVENUE)PLANTATION 5.16 5.7 HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY 5.19 5.7.1 Human Health 5.19 5.7.2 Highway Safety 5.19 5.8 CULTURALRESOURCES IN THE PIA REGION 5.23 I 5.8.1 ATchaeolotzicaland CulturalSites and Festivals 5.23 5.9 GENERALECONOMIC ENVIRONMVIENTOF THE REGION 5.24 5.9.1 Socio-economicConditions of PIA Districts 5.24 A 5.9.2 Industriesin the Region 5.24 5.9.3 Agriculture 5.25 5.9.4 Tourism 5.26 * 5.9.5 PUBLICSERVICES 5.28 5.9.6 Irrigation and Hydro Power Projects 5.28 5.10 GENERALSOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 5.29 5.10.1 Education 5.29 5.10.2 Population Including Tribal People 5.29 3 5.11 LANDUSE 5.31 5.11.1 Project Specific Land Use CharacteristicsAnd Issues 5.31 5.12 TRANSPORTNETWORK 5.32 3 CHAPTER6 6 POTENTIALIMPACTS DUE TO TIHEWIDENING AND 6.1 r Pr rVIMENTO F THE NINE PHIASEI ROZADVsL ILNK I 6.1 NATUTlRALENVIRONIMENT (METEOROLOGY/CLlMATIC 6.1 CHANGES) 6.2 PHYSICAL SETTING OF THE REGION 6.1 6.2.1 Physiographvand Drainage 6.1 6.2.2 Geology/SeismologyOf The Region 6.2 6.2.3 Soil Quality In The Region 6.3 * 6.2.4 Existingand Potential Erosion 6.3 6.2.5 Quarries and CrushersOf The Region 6.4 6.2.6 Borrow Pits in The Region 6.4 6.3 WATER RESOURCES OF THE REGION 6.4 6.3.1 Surface Water and Water Quality of the region 6.4 6.3.2 GroundwaterIn The Region 6.4 6.3.3 CrossDrainage Structures 6.5 6.4 AIR QUALITY 6.6 LBILShe]adia/CES ICI l Kerala State Transport Project EIA for Nine Phase I Roads 3 6.4.1 Construction Phase- Nine Phase 1 Road links 6.6 6.4.2 Operational Phase- Nine Phase 1 Road links 6.6 6.5 NOISE 6.7 I 6.5.1 Construction-Related Noise 6.7 6.5.2 Operational Noise -Nine Phase 1 Road Links 6.8 6.6 FLORA, FAUNA AND ECOSYSTEMS 6.9 6.6.1 Flora 6.10 6.6.2 Fauna 6.10 6.6.3 Social Forestry 6.10 6.6.4 Tree Plantation in the ROW 6.11 6.6.5 Private owned trees 6.11 1 6.7 HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY 6.11 6.7.2 Lack Of Parking Spaces For Auto Rickshaws And Jeeps 6.12 6.7.3 Dumping And Storing Of Road Construction Materials 6.12 I 6.7.4 UTnplanned. Illegal Digging on Roadsides 6.13 6.7.5 Vehicle Overloading 6.13 6.7.6 Partly covered/unevenly covered/open drains and drainage 6.14 I 6.7.7 Inadequate Embankment Height In Flash Flooding Areas 6.15 6.7.8 Encroachments Of Various Types 6.15 6.7.9 Parking Of Vehicles On Both Sides Of The Road 6.15 6.7.10 Trees/Forest/Vegetation/Wildlife 6.16 6.7.11 Utilities 6.16 6.7.12 Effects Of Monsoon On Accidents 6.16 6.7.13 Road Intersections 6.16 6.7.14 Over Taking Of Vehicles 6.16 6.7.15 Disposal Of Solid Wastes/Municipal Wastes In Market Areas 6.16 6.7.16 Temporary Fish, Vegetable Market and Automobile workshops 6.16 6.7.17 Speed Limits In Urban Areas 6.17 6.8 CULTURAL RESOURCES 6.17 6.9 GENERAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 6.18 0 .7 .1 lipayacOsonoi-.Ciniunities aiiu 'Ill1EoL -Ao.iViiii-uiu-riie 6.'i8 6.9.2 Employment Pattems 6.19 6.9.3 Industrial Scenario 6.19 6.10 GENERAL SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 6.20 * 6.10.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement 6.20 6.10.2 Indigenous Peoples 6.20 6.11 LAND USE 6.20 6.11.1 Potential Construction-Related Land Use Impacts 6.20 6.11.2 Potential Impacts upon Regional Land Use Patterns 6.20 * 6.11.3 Impacts to Parks, and Sanctuaries 6.21 6.12 TRANSPORT NETWORKS 6.21 LBI'Sheladia CES'ICT l Kerala State Transport Project EIA for NinePhase I Roads CHAPTER 7 7 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 7.1 7.1 Integration of Environmental Considerations in the Analysis of 7.1 Alternatives I 7.2 "With" and "without" scenarios +9 (no action alternative) 7.1 7.3 Design decision constraints for various alternatives 7.2 7.4 Engineering alternatives considered 7.3 7.4.1 Alignment And Widening Alternatives 7.3 7.4.2 Bypass Altematives Considered in the Project 7.3 7.4.3 Realignment Alternative Considered 7.4 7.4.4 Other Engineering Altematives Considered 7.4 7.4.5 Alternative Three 7.5 7.4.6 Junction Alternatives 7.6 7.4.7 Road Cross Section Alternatives 7.7 7.4.8 Co-relation with Engineering Studies 7.7 7.4.9 Road safety Audit 7.8 CHAPTER 8 8 IMPACT MITIGATION FOR THE NINE PHASE I LINK 8.1 ROADS * 8.1 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT (METEOROLOGY/CLIMATIC 8.1 CHANGES) 8.2 PHYSICAL SETTING OF THE REGION 8.1 8.2.1 Physiography and Drainage 8.1 8.2.2 Geology/Seismology Of The Region 8.3 8.2.3 Soil condition Of The Region 8.4 8.2.4 Erosion Pattern 8.4 8.2.5 Quarries and Crushers 8.4 8.2.6 Borrow Pits 8.5 8.3 WATER RESOURCES OF THE REGION 8.5 8 Su.+ce3.1 Wafer and WaterQualit I8.5 | 8.3.2 Groumndwater (Wells and Pumps) 8.6 8.3.3 Cross Drainage Structures 8.6 8.4 AIR QUALITY 8.6 I 8.4.1 Construction Phase - Nine Phase I Road Links 8.6 8.4.2 Operational Phase- Nine Phase 1 Road links 8.6 8.5 NOISE 8.7 *I8.5.1 Construction Phase - Nine Phase I Project Road 8.7 8.5.2 Operational Noise - Nine Phase I Project Road 8.7 8.6 FLORA, FAUNA AND ECOSYSTEMS 8.8 8.6.1 Flora 8.8 8.6.2 Fauna 8.8 8.6.3 Reserved Forest in the Study Area 8.9 8.6.5 Tree Planting in the ROW 810 8.7 HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY 8.10 8.7.1 Health 8.10 8.7.2 Road Safety 8.10 8.7.3 Lack Of Parking Spaces For Auto Rickshaws And Jeeps 8.10 U 8.7.4 Lack Of Sufficient Space For Bus Stops and (Bus L.ay-Bys) 8.11 LBI/Sheladia"CES/ICT l Kerala State Transport Project EIA for Nine Phase I Roads 8.7.5 Unplanned, Illegal Digging on Roadsides 8.11 8.7.6 Partly covered/unevenly covered/open drains and drainage 8.11 8.7.7 Inadequate Embankment Height In Flooding Areas 8.1 1 8.7.8 Encroachments Of Various Types 8.12 1 8-7.9 ParkingOf VehiclesOn Both Sides Of The Road 8.12 8.7.10 Trees/Forest/Vegetation/Wildlife 8.12 8.7.11 Utilities 8.12 8.7.12 Effects Of Monsoon On Accidents 8.12 8.7.13 Numerous Road Intersections 8.12 8.7.14 Over Taking Of Vehicles 8.12 8.7.15 Temporary Fish, Vegetable Market and Automobile workshops 8.12 8.7.16 Speed Limits In Urban Areas 8.12 8.7.17 Disposal Of Solid Wastes/Municipal Wastes In Market Areas 8.13 8.8 CULTURAL RESOURCES 8.13 8.9 GENERAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 8.13 I 8.9.1 Economic
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