■»* -Jr* ' tV/T * PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Oct. 9, 1975 Two state men face air piracy charges The weather TAMPA, Fla. (UPI) - The he was on drugs at the time of Pilot Larry Adams told the drug addiction. the Increasing cloudiness tonight with lows FBI held two Connecticut men the hijacking. waiting on a street comer to TbankF. FBI Ralph, Burke and another He also said he had only $16 to in the 40s. Mostly cloudy Saturday with a in custody today and searched man chartered the four- his name and could not surrender. When he gave “I was high when I took the himself up, Burke handed an of­ chance of showers; highs in the lower 60s. iianrhp0tpr Give the United Way for a third man involved in the passenger Cessna 177 for a plane and I’ve been high ever remember when he last worked V. armed take-over of a single­ ficer a .22-caliber weapon, but Right from Greensboro, N.C., since,” he said while sitting or what type work he did. engine plane in North Carolina did not say what he was wanted MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1975— VOL. XCV, N(). 9 to Atlanta. He said Ralph slouched in a chair. ‘T was told Connecticut authorities said Manchester—A City of Village Charm ’Tuesday night. for. EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS produced a .32-caliber weapon this morning a nurse would see Ralph was given a 30-day The FBI Wednesday arrested Police charged Burke with C3C®6nATIONS three minutes into the flight me and give me something to suspended sentence and placed Ronald Edward Ralph, 27, of carrying a concealed weapon, and ordered him to fly to bring mo down. But I have not on one year probation Aug. 18 Manchester, Conn., and David but a federal computer check '^^'■***“*‘***********^•***^•’^•^*^^2*^fSX•^^•!•5•W!%^^ Florida. seen a nurse yet.” after he pleaded guilty to It seems that every put it through a chipper and Paul Burke, of Enfield, Conn., stealing a woman’s handbag turned up the air piracy charge newspaper and magazine we compost it for a garden plot. I and charged both with air Ralph, who was taken into Ralph said he had been ad­ from a Manchester restaurant against him. pick up has articles about asked no one’s permission piracy. Ralph, an admitted custody at Tampa International dicted in the past to bar­ The FBI said Ralph accom­ TEAM table. News I Bicentennial celebrations. before starting to yank out drug addict who has an arrest Airport early Wednesday, told biturates, heroin and codeine Burke called police later panied Adams to the main ter­ Bribe probe Many of the planned events are those big weeds. record dating back to 1969, is U.S. Magistrate Paul Game Jr. and has been treated twice for Wednesday and said he was minal at the Tampa Air Center re-enactments of some I think I learned my lesson in being held under $30,000 bond after the plane landed while the I summary | historical happenings or le$s time than George the Third while Burke’s arraignment is other two men fled. developments. With all that and his Lord North learned scheduled today. Jurors picked for Shelton arson trial Adams then called officials of going on we couldn’t be left out theirs. I am sure I was much Atlantic Arrow Inc., the com­ 0^ Compiled from % moves ahead of the parade, so staged our quicker to respond to what I pany which owned the plane, innocent to guilty and was use of interstate commerce in g United Press International learned.. NEW HAVEN (UPI) - A and they alerted the FBI. own little demonstration as a expected to appear as a aid of racketeering. HARTFORD (UPI) — State police been observed consorting with an alleged A large and very energetic Utility drops jury of 10 men and two women Adams said Ralph kept lesson for all to learn. prosecution witness in the trial Judge Newman automatical­ investigators say an inquiry into a organized crime figure, John "Buster” It so happened that according colony of yellow-jacket hornets was chosen Wednesday for the debating whether to turn that is expected to last from six ly eliminated any of the I State I Bridgeport jai alai fronton which Ardito of New York, and with a convicted to man-made laws and were busily preparing their contributions federal court trial scheduled to himself in and finally allowed to eight weeks. prospective jurors from Shelton already has uncovered a possible bookie, Vincent Pollina of Bridgeport. customs, I had come into winter shelter in the form of a begin next week for nine defen­ Adams to make the call to HARTFORD — The state Social -if, to charities The 10 also face state con­ or the surrounding com­ $200,(K)0 cash payoff and organized A SOCTIF spokesman said the in­ possession of a few acres of grey paper condominium the dants in the firebombing of the police. •jj Services Department says food spiracy charges in the case. munities of Seymour, vestigation was continuing and would not land in an adjoining town. And size of a large man’s head. They NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Sponge Rubber Products Co. A preliminary hearing for |;j; stamp sales in Connecticut have ;$ WWW crime ties is continuing at “full plant in Shelton. Shaw pleaded guilty to con­ Naugatuck, Ansonia, Oxford g skyrocketed in recent months, speed.” elaborate on commission claims. The just because I had paid some had no respect or fear of size, United Illuminating has Ralph is scheduled Friday. commission's charges are not a criminal U.S. District Court Judge Jon spiracy to commit arson and and Derby. JJ: primarily because of increases in iji- The fronton’s president admitted he money (also mere man-idea) nor were they about to be decided not to donate about indictment, but a form of civil complaint. for it, seemed to feel that I cowed by any self-constituted $120,000 in corporate con­ 0. Newman chose the panel and :j: the cost of living and an intensive ;i|; p v e $200,000 to a state “political official" owned it and by a divine right authority. They were well tributions to charities this year four alternatives after three JOHN W. THOMPSON publicity drive. Sj in return for help in securing a gambling The commission saTU Friend told was entitled to own and manage armed and skillful in placing as a way to help hard pressed days of questioning 112 prospec­ Three plead innocent to kidnaping Mayor ;j: TRUMBULL — A Trumbull girl’s permit and its director met with an SOCTIF he paid the money to avoid com­ it as I wished without con­ their shots on hands, bare arms customers. tive jurors and amid defense Board of DIrectora report that she was kidnaped last alleged organized crime figure and a con­ plying with a Department of Environmen­ sideration for any others who and even up inside of trouser A UI spokesman said objections the process moved :i: week is unfounded, Fairfield Police S victed bookie, the state gaming commis­ tal Protection pollution regulation. Had WINDSOR (UPI) - Three reduced to second degree un­ and tried to force her to might think they had some legs. A person would have Wednesday the decision won’t too fast. •j;: said Thursday. The FBI and police sion said Thursday. the regulation been enforced, Friend's men Wednesday pleaded inno­ lawful restraint and attempted sw allo w a d o se of a claim to it. strained their eye-muscles lower rates but will help to keep Newman said he would con­ :;| have stopped investigating the S The commission did not identify the firm could have been required to bear the cent and asked for a jury trial assault and unlawful ad­ tranquilizing drug. The van was Own it? That land was there trying to follow our retreat. rates down for its 270,000 tinue to hear pretrial political official, saying the admission by cost of extensive road changes around the on charges connected with the ministration of drugs. stopped by police just before alleged kidnaping of Celia $; long before 1 was. I didn’t This report is late because customers in the New Haven arguments up to the start of the Petrocelli, 20. Connecticut Sports Enterprises Inc. Presi­ 22-acre jai alai site nearing completion in Sept. 4 kidnaping of Tamara Miss Schuppin’s parents said reaching the Massachusetts I^idgeport.. create it. It was not known how last week our right hand and and Bridgeport areas. trial either on Tuesday or dent David Friend, of Hollywood, Schuppin, 19, of Jericho, Vt., they were respnsible for the state line. :|; STRATFORD — Sikorsky Air- $; many people of how many arm were too big and clumsy to About half of the utility’s con­ Wednesday. had not been proven. ••’"‘^ h e commission also charged Connec­ from a Windsor shopping plan to abduct the girl from the 1:1 craft says it is laying off 140 people ;:i; ticut Sports with misrepresenting its races, or generations of other operate a pen. tributions would have gone to The nine defendants have Gov. Ella T. Grasso told newsmen the center. Unification Church, a religious this week and will lay more off in assets to lending institutions in Bridgeport beings had lived there before. A few days ago a son came the United Way, which received pleaded innocent to conspiracy official wasn’t in her administration. The The three — Collin Huessy, sect she joined in January.
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