CAMPUS MAP -University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, Mo. 65211 Access Map t Columbia, Missouri N I ~~/l~,M5auesr D ENTRANCE ~ "C I: cc VISI TOR dJ FROM PARKING ONLY PROVIDENCE AD ELM ST. ........ 740 63 s E 5 5 ! -~ ..o wrr :.:0 LEGEND D Buildings ~~~tt• Visitor Parking (metered) ····· Pedestrian Campus Streets 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Mon.-Fri. when UMC classes in session To University of -from North: Hwy 63N, south -from East: I-70 west to Hwy -from South: Hwy 63S north Missouri-Columbia to Interstate 70, east(left) on 63S, south(left) on 63S to Stadi- to Stadium Blvd., west(left) on 1-70 to Hwy 63S, south(right) um Blvd., west(right) on Stadi- Stadium Blvd. to College(763), -from West: I-70 east to Stadi- on 63S to Stadium Blvd., west um to College(763), north(right) north(right) on College(763) to um Blvd., south (right) on Stadi- (right) on Stadium Blvd. to Col- on College(763) to Rollins St., Rollins St., west(left) on Rollins um Blvd. to College(763), north lege(763), north(right) on Col- west(left) on Rollins to Hitt St., to Hitt St., north(right) on Hitt to (left) on College(763) to Rollins lege(763) to Rollins St., West north(right) on Hitt to Visitor Visitor Parking Lot(*) St., west(left) on Rollins to Hitt, (left) on Rollins to Hitt, north Parking Lot (*) north(right) on Hitt to Vistor (right) on Hitt to Visitor Park- Parking Lot(*) ing Lot(*) 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 VGR-BFM-0086 toEltenslon DowntownColum~• A P11bticalions Dl1trlbutlonC1nter l0D11ryfum(32) (45) wtslonl-7010 Fayetteuil.2ml nwon40, enlrance onrlgh1 B El Pedestrian campus streets 8:15 am-3:45 pm Mon-Fri C during school term l§l Visitor parking -one way streets © Outdoor emergency phones to University Police D © Outdoor pay phones Access legend • accessible entrances curb cuts 1st first floor E G ground floor Parking for Visitors Central Campus Visitor Parking Lots - (1) Corner Hitt and Rollins streets (metered, four-hour time limit). (2) Corner Conley and Gentry avenues, F (metered, one-hour time limit). (3) Limited parking adjacent to Heinkel Building, site of Visitor and Guest Relations Office, 201 South Seventh St., (in marked parking spaces only). General Parking Lots - (1) East of Hearnes Multi- purpose Building which is east of Providence Road on Stadium Blvd. (2) East of Trowbridge Livestock Center, which is east of College Avenue on Ashland Rd. Buses run to central campus when classes are in session. Bus departure points at 116 and LB. G Information about Special Parking Arrange- ments for Visitors is available from Parking and Transportation Services, 107 Swallow Hall, (314) 882-4568, 8-5 Mon-Fri, or from University Police, (314)882-7201 at any time. Restrictions on some faculty-staff parking lots are lihed at certain times. Please Check Information on Signs at En- trances to Parking Lots to Avoid Towing. H For the safety and convenience of students, Central Campus Area Is Limited to Pedestrian Traffic betwe·en 8 :15 am and 3:45 pm Mon-Fri when classes are in session. See map for boundaries. II -:--l ~·~1Fc~======~=====~===;;;;;=: 4 - r-- --- --·-· I l!!ll i J :J: I an equal opportunity 1nslltut1on K L / ( IDDDDOO[ ( ~r M / \'-_..ll)""'m,.,~,ic-~""',,.b!2..-.. " 1 i / ), I \ ,) laEJ,IIRICfllllon An1111dPlcnlc toHlnklanCralk N q: __ :___ -1 111111111(43) Rtcra1UOnAn1(&2) ]' )- ID,-. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES A Note: Several offices, classrooms and labora- 38. Eckles (Food Science and 86. Medical Science and Addition 163. Stankowski Recreation Area ...... G9-1 O tories are temporarily located in build- Nutrition) ................. .. ....... ...... ......... F14 (Medicine) ........... .. ............ ...... ... .. ... Ht o 164. Stanley and Addition (Home ings which are residential or leased, 39. Education (Townsend) ... ............... .... 09 87. Memorial Stadium (Faurot Economics) ..... ....... ...... .. ... ... .. D12 and not shown on the map. They may 40. Electrical Engineering Field) ........ ......... .. ............... ...... .. .. J7-8 165. Stephens (Fisheries and be found by street numbers. The streets (Geographic Resources 88. Memorial Union and Wrench Wildlife) ............................................ C13 are named on the map and several Center) .......... ...................... ,. .. CB Auditorium (Bengal Lair, Benton/ 166. Stewart (Geography, Library and also are in this index. 41. Ellis Library and Auditorium: State Bingham Ballroom, Cafeteria, Informational Science) . .. ...... D12 lo8radlordF;mn(16) Historical Society of Missouri; Faculty/Alumni Lounge, Student 167. Student Health Service ... .. .. ... ....... C9 6mieastonWW Western Historical Lounge, Twain Ballroom) . 011 168. Student Parent Center ·(Day sauth2ml north 1 . Academic Support Center ............... ca Manuscripts D-E11 D Mick Deaver Drive ......................... J-LS Care) ................... ............................. 811 s1dealroad 2. Agriculture (Agriculture Laboratory; O Elm Street ...................................... 87-11 89. Middlebush (Business and Public 169. Swallow (Museum of Anthropology, B Entomology Museum; Forestry, 42. Engineering Complex (Design Administration) .............. ......... ... C10-11 Parking Operations) ...................... D10 Fisheries and Wildlife; Productivity Center, Industrial and D Middtebush Farm, see Equine 170. Swimming Pool (Natatorium) ... ......... F9 Horticulture) ......................... E-F11-12 Technical Referral Center, Center, 44 171 . Switzler (Anthropology, Speech and 3. Agricultural Engineering .............. .... F15 Engineering Experiment 90. Mid-Missouri Mental Health Dramatic Art) ............ ... ... ..... .. .......... C9 (Temporarily in T-12, see 172) Station) ...................... ............... ......... C9 Center . H10 172. T-12 (Agricultural Engineering) ... ... G14 D Agricultural Experiment Station, see 43. Epple Recreation Area and Picnic D Missouri Avenue ... .. ....................... E-F10 T-14, see Poultry, 105 Bradford Farm, 16 and South Farms, Shelters ............................................. N4 D Missouri Cultural Heritage Center in 173. Tate (Law) .. ..... ... ............................... 010 162 44. Equine Center (Middlebush Conley House, see 28 174. Taylor, Tom N ., Sports Complex ..... ... 15 D Allen Auditorium in Arts and Science, Farm) ...... ... ...................................... K14 91. Missouri Department of Conservation D Teaching Hospital, see Hospital and see 6 45. Extension Publications Distribution (Fisheries and Wildlife) .................. J13 Clinics, UMC, 63 4. Alumni Center (Alumni Relations, Center .... .. ...... .. ........... .. .. ..... .... ..... ..... AS 92. Missouri Ingenuity (T16) ..... .. .... .. .. .... KS 175. TelecommuniCations Center ......... H13 Development) .................................. 12 D Eye Clinic, see 97 D Monk Drive ... .................. ........ .. .... .. I-J11 D Townsend (Education), see 39 C 5. Anim~I Sciences Center (Climatic D Faurot Field in Memorial Stadium, 93, Mumford (Agronomy, Agricultural D Trowbridge Livestock Center, see 75 Lab, Dairy, Livestock, Poultry) .... H16 see 87 Economics) ............. .... .. ... ..... ..... C11-12 176. Tucker (Biological Science, Botany D Art in Fine Arts, see 46 46. Fine Arts (Music, Drama and Art, D Music, Drama and Art in Fine Arts, Greenhouses and Herbarlum) .... E12 6. Arts and Science and Allen Fine Arts Gallery, Recital Hall, see 46 Twain Ballroom in Memorial Union, Auditorium (English, History, Rhynsburger Theatre) ... C-D11 D Natatorium, see 170 see 88 Learning Laboratory) ................... E10 47. Fire Station and Training ........... H14 94. Neff and Annex (Journalism) ........ 810 177. USDA Biological Control of 7. Arts and Science Malt ................. E-F10 48. Football Practice Field ................. I-J4-5 95. Noyes (Career Planning and Insects ................................. L3 8. Ashland Wildlife Area K 14 49. Francis Quadrangle .... .......... .. C9-10 Placement. Counseling) . C9 D Union, Memorial, see 88 Athletic Dressing Room, see 50. Gannett (Journalism) B10 96. Nursing, School of ...................... G-H10 178. University Half (UM) ....... .. .... .. ... .. .. .... .. 13 Brookfield, Dutton, Athletic 51. Garage, University ... .. .... .. ................. K11 97. Opthalmology, Mason Institute of, and 179. University Place .... ..................... C12-13 Facility, 19 52. General Classroom (German and Eye Clinic _. .. ... .............. ... .... ... .......... H 11 180. Vest Pocket Park ......... .. .... ...... ..... .... E1 O D 9. Athletic Maintenance ......................... K7 Slavic Languages, Philosophy, 98. Parker (Testing and Counseling) .... C9 181. Veterans Administratior, Hospital, 10. Atmospheric Science .............. .... .... E11 Religious Studies, South Asian D Parking, see Visitor Parking, 189 Harry S. Truman 11 . Band Practice Field .......................... M6 Studies) .......................................... F1 o Special Events Parking by Direction Memorial ................................... I-J9-1 o 12. Barn, Old (Storage) ..... ..... .... ............ K11 53. General Services (University Police, 99. Pavilion, Old (Storage) .................... G15 182. Veterinary Medical Diagnostic 13. Baseball Field and Bleachers Campus Facilities) ............. K-L10-11 100. Peace Park .......................................... 89 Lab .............................................. G15-16 (Simmons Field) ................. , ............ JS 54. Gentry (Gentry Studio D Personnel, see 60 183. Veterinary
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