April 28, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E465 disposition of the motion to dismiss. On The Wildcats won the Southeastern Con- CONGRATULATING DR. SANDRA March 31, 2021, Contestant Hart announced ference for the fourth straight year. Defeating CARRAWAY ON HER RETIREMENT she would withdraw her contest. A letter of Texas in the title game in Omaha, Nebraska, withdrawal from Contestant Rita Hart, mailed on March 31, 2021, was transmitted to U.K. ended the season 24–1. These impres- HON. RICK W. ALLEN the Committee on House Administration by sive student-athletes stayed focused through- OF GEORGIA the Clerk of the House on April 8, 2021. out the 2021 season and earned the cham- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After a review of House and Committee pionship on April 24th. Madison Lilley was precedent in contested elections cases in named the tournament’s Most Outstanding Wednesday, April 28, 2021 which the contestant withdraws, I have de- Player and also the AVCA Player of the Year. Mr. ALLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to termined no further House or Committee ac- Coach Craig Skinner has led the Volleyball thank Dr. Sandra Carraway, Superintendent of tion is required to dismiss the contest. The Team at the University of Kentucky since the Columbia County School System, for her contestant’s letter of withdrawal was en- commitment to our students’ education, and to tered into the record of the Committee on 2005. He was named the AVCA Coach of the House Administration’s Markup on April 28, Year and brought great excitement to the congratulate her on her upcoming retirement. 2021, and the Committee will take no further volleyball program. I thank him for his leader- Dr. Carraway has dedicated her life to edu- action on this contest. ship and his dedication to these student-ath- cation, starting as a teacher and working her Sincerely, letes. He has built an excellent program of way up to superintendent. Both the county and ZOE LOFGREN, which all Kentuckians can be proud. school district saw growth while under her Chairperson. Congratulations to Coach Skinner, the staff, leadership, and she will be remembered for al- f and all the outstanding members of the 2021 ways prioritizing the well-being of our stu- dents—including in the midst of unprece- IN RECOGNITION OF JESU´ S NCAA Division I Volleyball National Cham- dented challenges. MORALES pionship team She led the school district as it was one of f the first in Georgia to reopen following the HON. MARIE NEWMAN COVID–19 outbreak. Thanks to her leader- OF ILLINOIS HONORING WILLIAM ‘‘BILL’’ ship, Columbia County students were able to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPRINGER continue learning and stay on track academi- Wednesday, April 28, 2021 cally. I know parents are eternally grateful for her actions to get students back in the class- Ms. NEWMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to HON. LARRY BUCSHON room in such a prompt and safe manner. honor my guest to President Biden’s Address OF INDIANA Congratulations, Dr. Carraway, on an in- to a Joint Session of Congress, Jesu´s Mo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES credible career. I wish her the very best as rales, who is a union hospitality worker in Illi- Wednesday, April 28, 2021 she enters a well-deserved retirement nois’ Third District and a member of UNITE f HERE Local 1. Thanks to the passage of the Mr. BUCSHON. Madam Speaker, I rise American Rescue Plan, laid off union workers today to honor my dear friend, William ‘‘Bill’’ CELEBRATING THE RETIREMENT are now able to stay on their employers’ Springer, for his more than thirty years of work OF MICHAEL SPELLMAN health plans until the fall, providing critical re- advocating for the betterment of his commu- lief to workers like Jesu´s who was struggling nity. HON. JOE COURTNEY to pay for the daily medicine and care his fam- A true son of Sullivan County, Indiana, Bill, OF CONNECTICUT ily needs. his two sisters, and two brothers were raised IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Millions of union workers like Jesu´s—who in that community. Bill and his beloved wife, Wednesday, April 28, 2021 have given decades to their work—saw their Rita, raised their two sons in Sullivan. He jobs taken away by this pandemic only to see demonstrated his dedication to the youth of Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise their employer health plans taken away too. the community each year by his involvement today to honor the outstanding 34-year career Without work and without relief from their gov- in annual events like the Easter Egg Hunt at in public safety of the City of Groton Police ernment, these workers struggled between City Park and the annual Halloween Walk Chief Michael Spellman. Chief Spellman re- paying their families’ urgently needed medi- Around the Square. cently announced his retirement, after serving cine and putting food on the table. Thanks to In recent years, Bill has operated the Sul- the public as a member of law enforcement in the American Rescue Plan, workers like Jesu´s livan County Indiana News on social media, a various capacities including resident state are now able to stay on their employer’s source that his community has relied on for trooper for 25 years, followed by a stint as a health plans at no cost through the end of important local information. detective in the statewide narcotics squad, September. Bill has been dedicated advocate for re- and culminating in his appointment to the Our union workers have given everything to sponsible government. He led his political Chief of the Groton force. Throughout that our city and country, and it is time we honor party for thirty years and assisted with federal, long tenure he upheld the highest standards of them in return. That is why I am proud to state, and local campaigns. His tireless efforts ethics, professionalism, and compassion, honor Jesu´s this week as my virtual guest to have helped several people take on leadership never losing focus on his mission ‘‘to protect President Biden’s Address to a Joint Session roles in Sullivan County. and serve.’’ A lifelong proud resident of the Pawcatuck of Congress. We will not stop fighting to en- I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring section of Stonington, Michael is a proud sure our workers and struggling families are William ‘‘Bill’’ Springer, a native son of Sullivan alumnus of Stonington High School where he receiving the relief they need to survive this County dedicated to improving the lives and was involved in student government, a multi- pandemic. communities of his fellow Hoosiers f sport Varsity letterman, and an honorable mention as an Offensive Guard on the 1980 f IN HONOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF New Haven Register All State Team. Michael KENTUCKY VOLLEYBALL TEAM PERSONAL EXPLANATION demonstrated his leadership skills early in life and took his talents to Central Connecticut HON. ANDY BARR HON. CHERI BUSTOS State University where he would earn his B.A. OF KENTUCKY in political science and public administration. OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After earning his degree, Michael decided to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedicate himself to working on the front lines Wednesday, April 28, 2021 to protect the public as a law enforcement offi- Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to cer. In 1987, Michael graduated from the 96th honor Coach Craig Skinner and the members Mrs. BUSTOS. Madam Speaker, I was un- Training Troop of The Connecticut State Po- of the University of Kentucky Volleyball Team able to vote on the Legislative Day of April 19, lice—the rest, they say, is history. Starting his on winning the 2021 NCAA Division I National 2021. For public safety reasons, had I been career as a state trooper at Troop E in Championship. This is the first national title for present for the roll call vote H.R. 1996—SAFE Montville, Michael served the community as a this outstanding program, located in Lexington, Banking Act of 2021, I would have cast the state police officer in East Lyme, Danielson, Kentucky. following vote: Roll Call 120: Yea. and Meriden. While simultaneously working as VerDate Sep 11 2014 21:29 Apr 29, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD21\APRIL\E28AP1.REC E28AP1 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 28, 2021 a state trooper—Michael was also active in man was joining Chief Spellman for a ride Chief Michael Spellman and his dedication to several community coalitions including the along in the city a couple of years ago. He serving the public. We thank Michael for ev- Quality-of-Life Task Force, The Women’s Cen- showed me parts of the community that were erything he has done as a first responder. ter of Northeast Connecticut Community Part- experiencing difficulty with the opioid crisis, Best wishes to him for a joyful retirement and nership Team, the statewide Casino Unit, and I saw him in action personally checking I wish his wife Heather Buffinton and two chil- among many other organizations. His hard for the health and safety of some the more dren, Michael and Hannah, continued happi- work and dedication was rewarded when he vulnerable citizens who clearly regarded him ness, and success. was named State Police Troop Commander in as a friend and neighbor, not a threatening Colchester, where he took command over 100 outsider. Police work is a difficult balancing act f sworn and civilian employees providing pri- for even the most talented experienced offi- mary law enforcement for 11 municipalities cers, and he showed me his almost effortless SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS and a population of over 100,000.
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