SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH 1975 - 76 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ... VK 369 . 8 . C2 C37 1975-76 c.2 D LIBR\rli VI{ THE LIBRARY FISl iL .l ,..; AND OCEANS BEDFORf> lN .:;Tl""!!TF. OF BIBL!O iHt..QUE 31.cfl. </ OCEANC.i :.r. .r.r':·l 'i PECHES ET OCEANS 'C, L BOX 100 6 DARTMOU'ld, 1-l.S. 132Y 4A2 c3'7 ;qtJt)- 7(,p SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH c .i, p INDEX 1975-76 Expenditure Statements Wharf Revenue and Expenditures Chart 1 Summary of Expenditures by Region .. 2-3 Expenditures by Standard Object •••••..•.• 4 Administration Expenditures by Standard Object and Region. 5 Total Expenditures by Standard Object and Region.. .. .• 6 Summary of Expenditures by Project: Newfoundland . 7-26 Prince Edward Island ... 27-29 Nova Scotia . •• 30-38 New Brunswick ...•.........•......... 39-44 Quebec . 45-55 Ontario . 56-67 Manitoba . 68 Saskatchewan . 69 Alberta 70 British Columbia .71-77 Expenditures by Constituency .......•.....•.•..•• 78-83 Summary of Wharf Revenue by Province .•........ 84 Summary of Revenue Collections and Expenditure paid from Revenue by location 85-117 SMALL CRAFT HARBO)RS BRANCH 1975-76 Financial Statement Summary of Expendi tu.::-es by Region ($000} I Region Administration Ha~bour Development I Total Percentage 1. Proqram i 0 & M Equipment 0 .~ M Construction i -- I I I Newfoundland 201. 9 2.0 I 1,351.2 2,708.5 4,263.6* 14.8 I. Mari times 141. 5 ! 5.0 ! 146.5 P.E.I. 276.2 444.3 720. 5 N.S. 1,044.6 3,580.8 I 4,625.4 N.B. I 889.3 715.5 I 1,604.8 1 SUB-TOTAL MARITIMES I i I 7,097.2 24.6 ' I Quebec l 116.3 I .7 I 843.3 9,040.5 I 10,000.8 34.6 Central I 243.8 I 3.5 1,139.0 1,353.6 2,739.9 9.6 ;' I I Western 43.l i 1. 6 44.7 (I ! ; I! ! J Man. ! 108. 6 106.6 215.2 Sask. 6.5 6.5 'I I - Alta. l l 131.6 37.9 169.5 I SUB-TOT.11T f.TlO'C'T'l:'Dll.T I II I 435.9 1. 5 Pacific 12.8 I!I l1 '1 Headquarters i! 612.3 • 8. U, II 613.1 2.1 l' I TOTAL ,, 28,848.3 100.0 ,1 .1 ~t: I , *Not included in tr.is amount are O.G.D. funds totall : ~ng $85,000 provided by MOT to carry out construction on their behalf at Black Tickle ($48,882) arid Davis Inlet ($33,963). ?-..J SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH Summary of 1975-76 Expenditures by Region ($000) Percentage of Lapsing Region Allotment ExEenditure Bud9et S12ent Balance Newfoundland 4,260.8 4,263.6 100.0 ( 2. 8) Mari times 7,220.3 7,097.2 98.3 123.1 Quebec 10,001.4 10,000.8 100.0 0.6 Central 2,678.5 2,739.9 (102.2) (61. 4) Western 451. 3 435.9 96.6 15.4 Pacific 3,799.5 3,697.8 97.3 101. 7 Headquarters 661. 0 613.1 92.8 47.9 Unallocated funds 13.2 13.2 TOTAL 29,086.0 28,848.3 99.2 237.7 SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH 1975-76 Financial Statement Expenditure by Standard Object ($000) Harbour Development Standard Object Administration Pro9:ram Total Salaries & Wages 988.5 92.1 1,080.6 Other Personnel Costs 3.9 • 2 4.1 Travel 104.1 55.3 159.4 Other .Transportation & Communication 41. 6 9.1 50.7 Information 12.0 9.5 21. 5 Professional & Spec. Services 262.4 439.0 701.4 Rentals 35.3 87.7 123.0 Purchase, Repair & Upkeep 4.0 6,194.6 6,198.6 Materials & Supplies 30.0 25.2 55.2 Capital Construction 20,431.9 20,431.9 Equipment 16.1 • 3 16.4 All Other Expenditures 5.5 5.5 1,503.4 27,344.9 28,848.3 Small Craft Harbours Branch ~975-76 Administration Expenditures by Region Sal. Other Other Prof. & Repair Mat. All & Personnel Transp.& Information Special & & ot:-.er Region _....__Waaes Costs Travel CoI'.'~'11. Services Rentals Upkeep ~ Ex::iend. Equip. Total Headquarters 418.2 2.1 19.7 14.1 3.4 136.6 8.8 1. 8 7.6 - .7 613.0 Newfoundland 132.1 - 18.0 5.7 - 29.0 13.2 . 5. 3.2 • 2 2.0 203.9 Mari times 96.3 .1 14.1 5.3 3.3 15.6 1.9 . 4 3.9 .6 5.0 .146. 5 Quebec 88.5 1.1 8.8 2.9 - 8.9 3.8 • 7 1. 6 - .7 117.0 Central 125.2 . 6 22.7 9.1 4.8 65.7 5.7 • 5 9.5 - 3.5 247.3 Western 24.4 - 10.1 1. 5 .5 3.8 . 5 - 2.3 - 1. 6 . 44. 7 Pacific 103.8 - 10.7 3.0 - 2.8 1.4 .1 1. 9 4.7 2.6 131. 0 --- -- --- -- --- --- -- - Total 988.5 3.9 104.1 41. 6 12.0 262.4 35.3 4.0 30.0 5.5 16.l !..r503.4 ~ Small Craft Harbours Branch 1975-76 Financial Statement Total Expenditures by Sta~d&rd Ob)ect by Region ($000) Sal. Other Other Pl:"of. & Repair Mat. Cap. All & Personnel Transp.& Spec. & & Const'n Other Region Wages Costs Travel Comm. Info. Svces. Rentals UEkeeE ~ Equip. Expend. Total Headquarters 418.2 2.1 19.7 14.1 3.4 136.6 8.8 1.8 7.6 - .8 - 613.1 Newfoundland 132.1 - 18.0 5.7 - 29.4 13.2 1,351.5 3.2 2,708.5 2.0 - 4,263.6 Mari times 96.3 .1 14.1 5.3 3.3 15.6 1. 9 2,210.3 3.9 4,740.7 5.0 .7 7,097.2 Quebec 180.3 1.1 60.8 11. 5 8.4 373.6 90.8 699.5 8.3 8,565.8 . 7 - 10,000.8 Central 125.2 • 6 22.7 9.1 4.8 65.7 5.7 1,139.3 9.7 1,353.6 3.5 - 2,739.9 Western 24.4 - 10.1 1.5 .5 3.8 . 5 246.7 2.3 144.5 1. 6 - 435.9 Pacific 103.8 - 12.3 3.2 - 66.8 1. 8 562.7 20.7 2,919.2 2.6 4.7 3,697.8 -- --- -- -- --- --- -- -- -- Total 1,080.3 3.9 157.7 50.4 20.4 691. 5 122.7 6,211.8 55.7 20,432.3 16.2 5.4 28,848.3 = = = 0-..... SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH Summary of Projects and Expenditures 1975-76 Province: Newfoundland Estimated Actual O & M (16) Expend. Exf?end. Name Constituency Project Cap. (17) 1975-76 1975-76 Admiral's Beach St. John's West Wharf Repairs ( 16) 8,164 Anchor Point Humber-St. Georges- Wharf Repairs (17) 12,124 St. Barbe Aquaf orte St. John's West Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 1,590 Arnold's Cove St. John's West Wharf Repairs (16) 18,685 Fishermen's Wharf (17) 86,500 86,246 Avondale St. John's East Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 2,375 Bank Head Cove Humber-St. Georges- Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 64 St. Barbe Dredging (17) 200 361 Barr'd Islands Gander-Twilling ate Dredging (16) 2,000 5,000 Wharf Reconstruction (17) 30,000 44,231 Barr'd Harbour Humber-St. Georges- Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 4,040 St. Barbe Bartlett's Harbour Humber-St. Georges- Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 3,063 St. Barbe Bau line St. John's East Slipway Repairs (16) 100 421 Bay de Verde Bonavista-Trinity- Minor Construction (17) 861 Conception '.J SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH Summary of Projects and Expenditures 1975-76 Province: Newfoundland Estimated Actual 0 & M (16) Expend. ExJ?end. Name Constituency Project Cap. (17) 1975-76 1975-76 Bear Cove Grand Falls-White Dredging (16) 4,000 3,200 Bay-Labrador Beaumont North Gander-Twillingate Wharf Repairs (16) 11,162 Bellevue Bonavista-Trinity­ Monor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 1,600 1,675 Conception Bell Island St. John's East Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 2,222 Benoit's Cove Humber-St. Georges­ Wharf Repairs (16) 34,649 St. Barbe Black Duck Brook Humber-St. Georges­ Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 1,093 St. Barbe Blackhead Bonavista-Trinity­ Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 5,500 5,385 Conception Black Tickle Grand Falls-White Wharf (deferred) (17) 150,000 588 Bay-Labrador Blue Beach Humber-St. Georges­ Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 4,324 St. Barbe Minor Capital Project ( 17) 938 Bonavista Bonavista-Trinity­ Marginal Wharf Reconstruction(l6) 81,000 85,109 Conception & Wharf Repairs Longliner Haulout & (17) 71,000 84,435 Storage Area c/o ~ SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS BRANCH Summary of Projects and Expenditures 1975-76 Province: Newfoundland Estimated Actual 0 & M (16) Expend. ExJ:>end. Name Constituency Project Cap. (17) 1975-76 1975-76 Boxey Burin-Burgeo Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) - 700 Branch St. John's West East Breakwater Reconst- (16) 93,300 84,513 ruction & Repairs Bridgeport Gander-Twillingate Hoist Installation (16) 100 1,945 Minor Capital Project (17) - 2,122 Brigus Bonavista-Trinity- Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) 3,000 700 Conception (Rock Removal) Brooklyn Bonavista-Trinity- Minor Repairs & Upkeep (16) - 7,630 Conception Brownsdale Bonavista-Trinity- Slipway Repairs (16) 1,500 1,601 Conception Burgeo Burin-Burgeo Wharf Haulout (def erred) (17) 330,000 9,587 Burnside Gander-Twillingate Wharf Repairs (16) 3,500 3,052 Burnt Cove St.
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