MODERN CHINA An International Quarterly of History and Social Science Editor: Philip C.C. Huang, History, University of California, Los Angeles Co-Editor: Kathryn Bernhardt, History, University of California, Los Angeles Associate Editor: Clayton Dube, Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, Los Angeles Editorial Board: Lucien Bianco, History, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Norma Diamond, Anthropology, University of Michigan Benjamin A.Elman, History, University of California, Los Angeles Joseph W.Esherick, History, University of California, San Diego Linda Grove, History, Sophia University Stevan Harrell, Anthropology, University of Washington Jeffrey C.Kinkley, History, St. John’s University Diana Lary, History, University of British Columbia Perry Link, East Asian Studies, Princeton University Colin Mackerras, History, Griffith University Neville Maxwell, Politics, Oxford University Edward A.McCord, History, George Washington University Louis Putterman, Economics, Brown University Bradly W.Reed, History, University of Virginia William T.Rowe, History, Johns Hopkins University Vivienne Shue, Political Science, Cornell University Terry Sicular, Economics, University of Western Ontario Dorothy J.Solinger, Politics and Society, University of California, Irvine Matthew H.Sommer, History, University of Pennsylvania Frederic Wakeman, Jr., History, University of California, Berkeley Andrew G.Walder, Sociology, Stanford University James L.Watson, Anthropology, Harvard University Martin King Whyte, Sociology, George Washington University Alexander Woodside, History, University of British Columbia Zhang Longxi, Literature, City University of Hong Kong/UC Riverside For Sage Publications: Amy Landru, Gillian Dickens, Katinka Baltazar, and Kendra Kimball MODERN CHINA An Interdisciplinary Journal Volume 27, Number 4 October 2001 Contents Villagers, Elections, and Citizenship in Contemporary China KEVIN J.O’BRIEN 407 Unearthing Popular Attitudes toward the Opium Trade and Opium Suppression in Late Qing and Early Republican Fujian JOYCE MADANCY 436 “Jumping the Dragon Gate”: Storytellers and the Creation of the Shanghai Identity LAURA MCDANIEL 484 Index 508 Sage Publications Thousand Oaks • London • New Delhi The editors of MODERN CHINA welcome articles based on original research; articles devoted to new inter- pretations, new questions, or new answers to old questions; and substantial review articles on particular ar- eas of scholarship. 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The publisher will supply missing copies when losses have been sustained in transit and when the re- serve stock will permit. Change of Address: Six weeks advance notice must be given when notifying of change of address. Please send old address label along with the new address to ensure proper identification. Please specify name of journal. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Modern China, c/o 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. Printed on acid-free paper MODERNO’Brien / VILLAGERS, CHINA / OCTOBER ELECTIONS, 2001 CITIZENSHIP Villagers, Elections, and Citizenship in Contemporary China KEVIN J.O’BRIEN University of California, Berkeley More than five months had passed, but in December 1995, the over- sized characters scrawled on a storefront on Wangjiacun’s main street were still legible: “We’re citizens.Give us back our citizenship rights. We’re not rural labor power, even less are we slaves.Former village cadres must confess their corruption.” The village leadership had little doubt who was behind this infuriating graffiti—namely, one of the twenty complainants who had accused Wangjiacun’s Communist Party secretary and his predecessor of engaging in graft—but felt it was unwise to take any action.The corrupt cadres were said to be afraid that whitewashing the wall would only add fuel to the complaint and confirm their guilt.Instead, they would tough it out: they would refuse to turn over the accounts, stick with their story that the books had been destroyed in a fire, and wait for the summer rains to weather the charges away.But in the meantime, the allegations would stand unrebutted, there for all to see (Lianjiang Li, personal communication,
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