1916S u m m e r M u s t a n g 2005 c: A 1 1 p: o U. N 1 A 1» o 1 Y 1 f c NIC S I A I I- U N I V Ei R S I 1 Y WEEKEND WEATEiEK M A R O O N 5 Steroids: Our ANE editor reviews Another Satiii'ciav 8 0 7 5 5 ’ Adam Levine and baseball great V Maroon 5 at the Fair falls victim S u n d a v 8 (i/5 4 ’ IN ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT. 4 IN SPORTS. S Volume LXIX, Number Aug, 4 - Aug. 10, 2 (MLa Mustangdatly^; calpoiy.edu COI I I C.l, Ol- l-N t.lM I k i m; COAG donates books C E N G has to Nang^har University w i íÜ iÜICi? new dean * li Karen Velie 20 years of War,” Shelton said, “hart "-î\- , ML s|\M, |)4i||V ot the problem they're t.icing now is Christopher Gunn rebuilLling the university.” MISIANL, D.MIS Imagine attending a iiniversitv Shelton,.! member ot the Kot,iry (^ll Foly president Warren J. where not only an ediieation and Cdub ot S.in Luis Obispo deTokisa, k commodations are tree, hut t'einale Baker has appointed a new dean tiir hosteil Mohammad Tahir Torak.iy, 't í , : ^tlldents are paid pocket inone\ to [M'otessor ot'agronomy at N.uigarhar the university's ('ollege of attend. UniversitN’, tor five d,iys in M.iy .NO * Engineering. Now imagine ckissrooms that are through the Rotary International . V- s ' ^ S s ' X Í5 " : Mohammad N. Noon will he bare, except tiir chairs and a hLkk (iix'up Stiuly Hxchange I’rogram. .issuming the full seope of his new hoard, electricity works intermit- Iui.ik.iy and other members ot his responsibilities as the dean of C3.il tently and there is a shortage ot prc^- parts spent a month touring univer­ I'oly’s College of Engineering tessors. I hat is the reality at sities and facilities in California .ind beginning mid-Oetober. Nangarhar University in An/ona. The search for a new dean Atghanistan. Rsit.iry International is a workT- began with the 1 hmugh the etiorts ot Mark wide organization consisting of retirement of Shelton, associate dean ot C'.al I’olys businesses and professional leaders Peter Y. Lee C ollege ot Agriculture, over 2(M) that provide humanitarian serxices. who led the textbooks have been donatcxl to The Croup Study Exchange pm- department m Nangarhar University. 1 he luniks gr.im otters opportumtits to study for the p.ist 17 ire rnnn the C'ollege ot Agriculture other cultures and promotes years. w ith subjects in weed sL ience, nat­ ‘‘friendly relations among the peo­ Noon, a ural resources, entoinologv, Initany ple of the world.” eurrent pnifes- .ind human nutrition. sor at North ■' rhev have lost so much atter see Books, page 2 Cianilina State UniverMtx; h.is Mohumniad 1 years of Noori e X p e r 1 e n e e leading multiple departments at the Tri-Cides Blood Bank state .iiul private levels. From the .ipplieant pool. Noon was hia-d hee.uise of his hre.ith of looking for donations Wra experience and .lecomplishment .is well as the manner in which he presents himself, said Interim Jennifer Gongaware because of cancer,” said Janna NICK H(M)VF.R .SS mh ia IH) I'RKss vu sisN(. I WHY Provost and Vice President for Nichols, marketing specialist for the Academic Affairs Robert bkKxl bank. “Also, Ixrcause they feel T he Tri-Ck)unties Blocxt Bank is I )etweiler. its the right thing to do, you can’t in dia* need of donations this sum­ “Nixiri is a well-qualified fellow manufactua*r it (bkxxl) and thea*’s mer, and is critically dependent on Canyon blaze and an outstanding fellow himself, " no other souae.” C'al Poly students. Defweiler s.iid in a‘fea*tice to why Only three to five percent of Scott Edwards. C'ommunity NtMiri W.1S chosen. those who are eligible actually A 3-acre brush fire, started by a power line, began burning Relations Dia-ctor for the blmKl Tuesd^ at 12 p.m. in Poly Canyon. The irefii was attended to by Cal Poly’s C College of bank. s.ud during the a'gular schotil donate. Nichols said. crews from the San Luis Obispo Fire Department and the County Engineering is currently the No. 3 year thea* is adiance on sponsorships To qualih’ to donate one must be Department of Forestry. The crews managed to extinguish the fire program within public schools faun fraternities, clubs and other at least 17 years old, at least 110 by 2:45 p.m. with help from overhead as a CE^ helicopter behind the U.S Military Academy pounds, feeling well and healthy, dropped water from a nearby reservoir on the blaze. No injuries gnnips to get a large number of were reported and there were no evacuations. donations. have no sore tlmiat or fever on see Noori, page 2 “ The support fmiii (\il Poly is donation day and be otf antibiotics high compared to th.it of other col­ for at least 24 hours. lege campuses,” Edwards said. The paxess is e.isy and takes Blooil type O, both positive and around an hour. Nichols said.-First, GRC endowment honors professor negative, is particularly in need, yet, the donor’s II) is verified and basic information is given. Then the phle- the supply ol other tx’pes is not Nick Hoover leader in the graphic arts community. our (iraphic Communication much greater. botoniist, a vein specialist, conducts a confidential interview and the MUSI ANO DAIIY " T he first Teny Bell (lecture) w ill Management laboratories,’’ I evensoii According to their Web site, the take place during the graphic com­ s,iid. “These facilities aa* where stu­ donor’s min level is checked by a blood bank is responsible for all of ('al Poly’s Ciraphic munication department’s dents learn and participate in man­ prick of the finger. Then thnnigh a the “collecting, pmcessing, testing, Communication Department will Intenutional Printing Week lectures,” agement experiential exercises. New prick close to the elbow, the actual storing and distributing of the blood establish an endowment honoring ( iraphic C kimmumcation computers and other simulation tech­ donation is given, which takes components used in Sant.i Barbara Terry Bell, a pmminent figua' in the I )epartnient 1 lead I )r. 1 larvev nology may he involved in the and Sail Luis Obispo (knmties, .mnind ten minutes. LSI» donors aa- graphic arts industry, and his company Leveiison s.iid. “This occurs during upgrades.” along w ith the cities of Salin.is and needeil every day b\- the blood b.ink ColoK'trapines Inc. the thiai w’cek of January. It will he 4 he endowment will also support King CitN’.” according to the Web site. Next year marks the department's conducted by a paiminent industry a Terry Bell/(kikir(traphics The blowl bank uses ilonations to “Really it conies down tr neople ()0th anniversary, along with a $2..3 leader (yet to be determined) who Scholarship .iwarded to a printing and s.ive the lives of those involved with, giving’ up an hour of 4icn time,” million program that will fund many will .iddress students on contempo­ imaging man.igement student within acciilents and surgenex, .ilong with Edwards said. “For a lot ot people aspects to the (»raphie rary management issues in gmpliic the gniphic communication major. those living with anemia, leukemia the hardest thing is the needle.” C'ommumcation major. In particular, communication.” ('hris M.idison, (ailor (iraphics’ and cancer. ,^t wAVW.blood4life.org, students the endowment will support the T he lab upgradi*s planned by the (T.O and pa*sident, m.ide the first “ lypic.illy people don.ite because can find a blood drive, schedule a printing and inuging man.igement department will support a tacilitv thatcontnhution to the endowment. ot personal experiences with those donation and check on their ctiticentration, lab upgr.ides and a is second to none in the industry. who need a lot of blood, usually appointment history. lerrv Bell lecture bv an industry “Tlie upgrades will be focused on .see Fmdowment, page 2 NEWS 2 Anglist 3 - Aug;ust IO. 2005 lorakay attended lectures, toured Mustang Daily from Afghanistan. "Terry Bell was an industry icon agricultural facilities and enjoyed “ 1 he time has been reached when Books Endowment 111 (fil Poly’s C ¡rapine sightseeing in the area tlie C'ollege of Agriculture continued from page 1 continued from page / ( aniimumcation Department, and "We don’t have modern resources (Nangarhar’s) must be developed .is Kotary International organized the umversitv is providing a visible tor the advantage of our students, soon as possible.” “ lerrv’s main objective was to various aetivities that would be niean- and lasting tribute to him and tlie including a librarv and laboratories.’’ 7 here is an international eflort to create an environment that all of us ingtul to each exchange nieinber. companv he helped build,” lorak.iv said in an interview with the eradicate the cultivation of poppies in ill printing could be proud taf,” said 1 luring his st.iy in San Luis Obispo, Levenson said.“... He served on the Afghanistan which accounts for more Madison, according to a press department advisory board and than 7(1 percent of the world’s opium release, “for 27 years he and I helped shape the way we think supply.
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