De Grave & Fransen. Carideorum catalogus (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zool. Med. Leiden 85 (2011) 407 Fig. 48. Synalpheus hemphilli Coutière, 1909. Photo by Arthur Anker. Synalpheus iphinoe De Man, 1909a = Synalpheus Iphinoë De Man, 1909a: 116. [8°23'.5S 119°4'.6E, Sapeh-strait, 70 m; Madura-bay and other localities in the southern part of Molo-strait, 54-90 m; Banda-anchorage, 9-36 m; Rumah-ku- da-bay, Roma-island, 36 m] Synalpheus iocasta De Man, 1909a = Synalpheus Iocasta De Man, 1909a: 119. [Makassar and surroundings, up to 32 m; 0°58'.5N 122°42'.5E, west of Kwadang-bay-entrance, 72 m; Anchorage north of Salomakiëe (Damar) is- land, 45 m; 1°42'.5S 130°47'.5E, 32 m; 4°20'S 122°58'E, between islands of Wowoni and Buton, northern entrance of Buton-strait, 75-94 m; Banda-anchorage, 9-36 m; Anchorage off Pulu Jedan, east coast of Aru-islands (Pearl-banks), 13 m; 5°28'.2S 134°53'.9E, 57 m; 8°25'.2S 127°18'.4E, an- chorage between Nusa Besi and the N.E. point of Timor, 27-54 m; 8°39'.1 127°4'.4E, anchorage south coast of Timor, 34 m; Mid-channel in Solor-strait off Kampong Menanga, 113 m; 8°30'S 119°7'.5E, 73 m] Synalpheus irie MacDonald, Hultgren & Duffy, 2009: 25; Figs 11-16; Plate 3C-D. [fore-reef (near M1 chan- nel marker), 18°28.083'N 77°23.289'W, from canals of Auletta cf. sycinularia] Synalpheus jedanensis De Man, 1909a: 117. [Anchorage off Pulu Jedan, east coast of Aru-islands (Pearl- banks), 13 m] Synalpheus kensleyi (Ríos & Duffy, 2007) = Zuzalpheus kensleyi Ríos & Duffy, 2007: 41; Figs 18-22; Plate 3. [The Pinnacles (Sand Bores), SW of Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, 6 m] Synalpheus kuadramanus Hultgren, MacDonald & Duffy, 2010: 240; Figs 10-13; Plate 5A. [Piscadera Baai east, 12°07'15.96''N 68°58'11.64''W, in Xestospongia subtriangularis] Synalpheus kusaiensis Kubo, 1940e: 87; Fig. 10. [Kusaie, Malem, Caroline Islands] Synalpheus lani Hermoso & Alvarez, 2005: 522; Figs 1-2. [Punta de Mita, Nayarit, México] Synalpheus laticeps Coutière, 1905b: 874; Plate 72, figs 11-11d. [North Male Atoll] Synalpheus lockingtoni Coutière, 1909: 21; Fig. 1; nomen novum for Alpheus leviusculus Lockington, 1878b nec Alpheus edwardsi var. leviusculus Dana, 1852b. [Port Escondido, Mulege Bay, and other points on the Californian shore of the Gulf of California; Albatross stn 4421, eastern point of San Nicolas Is- land, N. 26° W. 3.8 miles, 229-298 fms] 408 De Grave & Fransen. Carideorum catalogus (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zool. Med. Leiden 85 (2011) Synalpheus longicarpus (Herrick, 1891) = Alpheus saulcyi var. longicarpus Herrick, 1891: 383; Plate 21, figs 5-7; Plate 22, figs 3, 11, ? 14, 17; Plate 24, ? figs 2, 4-9 (partim). [Bahamas, assumed to be Nassau, New Providence] = Synalpheus longicarpus approxima Coutière, 1909: 57; Fig. 32. [Gulf of Mexico, 26 fms] Synalpheus lophodactylus Coutière, 1908: 197. [Lagon de Diego] Synalpheus macromanus Edmondson, 1925: 9; Fig. 1. [Lisiansky Island] Synalpheus mcclendoni Coutière, 1910: 487; Fig. 3. [Dry Tortugas, Florida] Synalpheus merospiniger Coutière, 1908: 195. [Amirante, 20-44 brasses] Synalpheus mexicanus Coutière, 1909 = Synalpheus townsendi mexicanus Coutière, 1909: 34; Fig. 17. [southern part of Gulf of California, 9.5 fms] Synalpheus microneptunus Hultgren, MacDonald & Duffy, 2011: 8; Figs 3-6. [Cement Factory, 13°17'21.84''N 59°39'27.72''W] Synalpheus minus (Say, 1818) = A.[lpheus minus] Say, 1818: 245. [coasts of the southern states, and of East Florida] = Synalpheus morinus Coutière, 1898f: 189. [nomen nudum, lapsus for Synalpheus minus (Say, 1818)] = Synalpheus minus bahiensis Coutière, 1909: 45; Fig. 26. [Brazil, Plataforma, Bahia] = Synalpheus minus antillensis Coutière, 1909: 46; Fig. 27. [St. Thomas, 20-23 fms] = Synalpheus minus var. somersi Verrill, 1922: 108; Plate 33, figs 4-4a; Plate 34, figs 1-1u; Plate 36, figs 1-1e, 2. [Bermuda, on the coral reefs] Synalpheus modestus De Man, 1909a: 115. [Banda, reef-exploration] Synalpheus mortenseni Banner & Banner, 1985: 47; Fig. 5. [Kei Islands, Ambon, 13-18 m] Synalpheus mulegensis Ríos, 1992: 9; Fig. 6. [Bahía Concepción, 22 m] Synalpheus mushaensis Coutière, 1908 = Synalpheus Mushaensis Coutière, 1908: 202. [Iles Musha] Synalpheus neomeris (De Man, 1897) = Alpheus neomeris De Man, 1897: 734; Plate 35, fig. 61. [Atjeh] = Synalpheus Gravieri Coutière, 1905b: 870; Plate 70, figs 2-2c. [North Male Atoll] = Synalpheus Bougainvillei Coutière, 1905b: 871 [lapsus for Synalpheus Gravieri Coutière, 1905b] = Synalpheus miscellaneus De Man, 1909a: 118. [8°25'.2S 127°18'.4E, anchorage between Nusa Besi and the N.E. point of Timor, 27-54 m] Synalpheus neptunus neptunus (Dana, 1852a) = Alpheus neptunus Dana, 1852a: 22. [Tictabon Island, near Zamboanga, Philippines, Sulu Sea, scat- tered coral heads, 4-20 ft; neotype selection by Banner & Banner, 1972a] Synalpheus neptunus germanus Banner & Banner, 1975c: 321; Fig. 12. [Cottesloe, Western Australia] Synalpheus nilandensis Coutière, 1905b = Synalpheus Nilandensis Coutière, 1905b: 871; Plate 70, figs 4-4d. [North Male Atoll; Suvadiva Atoll; South Male Atoll; South Nilandu Atoll] = Synalpheus Nilandensis var. oxyceros Coutière, 1905b: 871; Plate 70, Figs 5-5a. [South Nilandu Atoll] = Synalpheus Nilandensis var. bandaensis De Man, 1909a: 121. [8°23'.5S 119°4'6E, Sapeh-strait, 70 m; Banda, 9-36 m] Synalpheus nobilii Coutière, 1909: 40; Fig. 22. [St. Helena, Ecuador] Synalpheus obtusifrons Chace, 1972: 99; Figs 37-38. [Bahía de la Ascensión, just behind center of Arrecife Nicchehabin, 1-5 ft] Synalpheus occidentalis Coutière, 1909 = Synalpheus goodei occidentalis Coutière, 1909: 60; Fig. 34. [Bermudas] Synalpheus odontophorus De Man, 1909a: 113. [very near Siboga stn 65, 7°0'S 120°34'.5E, 120-400 m; 5°36'.5S 132°55'.2E, 2.3 miles N, 63°W from the north point of Nuhu Jaan, Kei-islands, 90 m; 9°0'.3S 126°24'.5E, 112 m] Synalpheus orapilosus Hultgren, MacDonald & Duffy, 2010: 246; Figs 14-17, Plate 5D-E. [Caracas Baai, Curaçao, 12°04'11.64''N 68°51'43.56''W, in an unidentified white web-like sponge embedded inMa - dracis sp. rubble] Synalpheus osburni Schmitt, 1933: 1; Fig. 1. [inside Cayo Maria Langa, near Guayanilla Harbor, Porto Rico] De Grave & Fransen. Carideorum catalogus (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zool. Med. Leiden 85 (2011) 409 Synalpheus otiosus Coutière, 1908: 195. [Coevity] Synalpheus pachymeris Coutière, 1905b = Synalpheus biunguiculatus var. pachymeris Coutière, 1905b: 873; Plate 71, figs 9-9a’. [South Nilandu Atoll] = Synalpheus pachymeris var. Cargadosi Coutière, 1921: 417; Plate 61, fig. 10. [Cargados Carajos] Synalpheus pandionis Coutière, 1909: 67; Fig. 39. [St. Thomas, 20-23 fms] = Synalpheus pandionis extentus Coutière, 1909: 69; Fig. 40. [St. Thomas, 20-23 fms] = Synalpheus grampusi Coutière, 1909: 62; Fig. 36. [Gulf of Mexico, 26°33'N 83°10'W, 28 fms] Synalpheus paradoxus Banner & Banner, 1981a: 68; Fig. 10. [Negus Salomon, 15°37'N 40°43'E, 15 fms] Synalpheus paralaticeps Banner & Banner, 1982a: 299; Fig. 92. [Rudder Reef, off Port Douglas, Queens- land, outer reef flat, 200 yards from edge] Synalpheus paraneomeris Coutière, 1905b: 872; Plate 71, figs 7-7e. [Goidu Atoll, Minikoi] = Synalpheus paraneomeris Coutière, 1899a: 456, 466, 486, 501. [nomen nudum] = Synalpheus paraneomeris oxyceros Coutière, 1909: 9. [nomen nudum] = Synalpheus paraneomeris prolatus Coutière, 1909: 9. [nomen nudum; see discussion in Banner, 1953] = Synalpheus paraneomeris var. halmaherensis De Man, 1909a: 122. [Wunoh-bay, NW coast of Waigeu- island] = Synalpheus paraneomeris var. praedabunda De Man, 1909a: 123. [Anchorage off Labuan Pandan, Lombok, 18 m; Sailus Keyjil, Paternoster-islands, 27 m; Anchorage off Kawio-and Kamboling-is- land, Karkarolong-group, reef; Anchorage off Kilsuin, west-coast of Kur-island, reef-exploration] = Synalpheus paraneomeris var. prolatus De Man, 1911d: 241. [Wunoh-bay, NW coast of Waigeu-is- land, reef; Anchorage off the south point of Kabaëna-island, reef] = Synalpheus Sluiteri De Man, 1920a: 107. [Bay of Batavia] = Synalpheus paraneomeris var. praslini Coutière, 1921: 415; Plate 61, fig. 6. [Seychelles, Praslin Reef] = Synalpheus paraneomeris var. seychellensis Coutière, 1921: 415; Plate 61, fig. 7. [Seychelles] Synalpheus paraneptunus Coutière, 1909: 86; Fig. 52 (partim). [Panama, Caribbean coast, off Golfo de Morrosquillo, 09°30'N 76°20'W, 77 m] Synalpheus parfaiti (Coutière, 1898f) = Synalpheus laevimanus var. Parfaiti Coutière, 1898f: 191; Figs 3-3a. [Annobon] Synalpheus paulsoni paulsoni Nobili, 1906c = Synalpheus Paulsoni Nobili, 1906c: 28; Fig. 1. [Banc au NE de l’île Arzana] Synalpheus paulsoni kurracheensis Coutière, 1908 = Synalpheus Paulsoni Kurracheensis Coutière, 1908: 203. [Kurrachee] Synalpheus paulsoni liminaris Coutière, 1908 = Synalpheus Paulsoni liminaris Coutière, 1908: 201. [Djibouti; Golfe Persique] Synalpheus paulsoni rameswarensis Coutière, 1908 = Synalpheus Paulsoni Rameswarensis Coutière, 1908: 201. [Rameswaran] Synalpheus paulsonoides Coutière, 1909 = Synalpheus paulsonoïdes Coutière, 1909: 24; Fig. 6. [island of San José, Lower California] Synalpheus pectiniger Coutière, 1907b: 611. [Albatross stn 2413 (26°N 082°57'30''W), golfe de Mexico, banc de la Floride, 24 brasses; Curaçao; full description in Coutière, 1909] = Alpheus Praecox Herrick, 1888: 34. [nomen oblitum; see De Grave & Anker, 2010] Synalpheus pescadorensis Coutière, 1905b = Synalpheus Pescadorensis Coutière, 1905b: 877; Plate 73, figs 15-15e. [Miladumadulu Atoll; South Nilandu Atoll; North Male Atoll, Pescadores] Synalpheus peruvianus Rathbun, 1910 = Synalpheus townsendi peruvianus Rathbun, 1910: 563;
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