American Mineralogist, Volume 64, pages 652-659, 1979 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Mlcuerl FLtrscurR, G. Y. CHno AND J. A. M,rNtnnrNo Aleksiter Electronmicroprobe analyses, with pure Au, Ag, Cu, Fe, Te, clausthalite,and chalcopy- A. G. Lipovetskii,Yu. S. Borodaev,and E. N. Zav'yalov(1978) and Se,and chemicallyanalyzed altaite, rite as standards,of 8 spots from 2 samplesfrom Far Eastern Aleksite, PbBirTerSr, a new mineral. Zap. Vses. Mtneral. gaveAu 40.7-50.5,av 48.4;Ag 0.63-3.05,av.1.54;Cu7.43- Obshch.,107, 315-321 (in Russian). USSR 11.8,av. 9.35; Fe 0.13,0.36,av.0.19; Pb 16.7-22.5,av. 19.2,Te Electronmicroprobe analyses of 2 samplesgave Pb 20.3,20.5; Bi 18.5-22.9,av.2l.6: Se G-1.35, av. 0.34; sum 99.4, 101.7, av. 100.6Vo, 46.0,45.5;Te27.3,27 .3; S 6.3,6.3;Ag, Sb,Se not found,sum 99.9, giving the formula (AussoAgo.rz)(Cu, o.)Pb,1o(Te2 soSeo ou). ".Feo 99.6, correspondingto Pbo.erBi2rrTezo"Sr."oand PboruBirroTq.o" X-ray study gave12 lines,the strongestbeing 2.37(10)(lll), Srrn. 2.05(7X200),1.448(6)(220), and 1.232(8)(3 I I ). The patternis simi The X-ray pattern(55 linesgiven) (Fe radiation,Mn filter) has lar to that of gold with primitivepseudocubic cell a : 4.10A. stronsestlines 3.09( I 0)(0.l.T. l4), 2.25(4)(,2.I 2(6)( I 120), The mineraloccurs in the zoneof weatheringoftelluride depos- 1.348(4X1.2.3.14),1.307(4X1.1.2.48). This indicatesa cell with its of the Far EasternUSSR and Kazakhstan,associated with a = 4.238,c : 79.76A,Z : 6, G calc7.80. telluridesof Au, Cu, Pb, and Fe, as rims on Au, and replacing The mineraloccurs as platy grains up to 1 mm in sulfide-quartz sylvaniteand krennerite.It had previouslybeen called rickardite, veinsat Alekseevmine, Sutamskii region, Stanovoi Range, USSR, which it resemblesin opticalproperties. with galena,gold, altaite,tetradymite, rucklidgeite, and other tell- Thecolor is light brown,rose-brown, luster semi-metallic, streak urides.Cleavage perfect, {0001}. Hardness (20 g load), av. of 6, : gold-brownto brown.No cleavages.It polisheswell and easily.In 5l+8 kglsq mm. Relieflow, polisheswell. In reflectedlight pale reflectedlight, blue-violetto beige-cream.Reffectances are given at gray with slight greenishtint, weakly anisotropic.Reflectivity is l5 wavelengthswith Rg and Rp, respectively,for 2 samples:460 givenat l5 wavelengths. Rg : 460,51.4; 540,53.2;580, 53.4;640, nm, 13.4-14.5,10.2-10.7; 540 nm, 21.5-23.2,4.5-6.8;580 nm, 54.2Vo. 25.0,28.1,6.1-12.0;640 nm, 23.9-30.7,8.5-36.5Vo;theoptical sign The name is for the mine. Type material is preservedat the changesat 620 nm. Hardness(load 20 g) 329-419,av. 381kglsq MoscowGosudarst Universitv. M.F. nm. The nameis for the Sovietgeologist Yuri A. Bilibin ( 1901-1952). Type materialis preservedin the MineralogicalMuseum, Acad. Altmarkite, unnamedHg-Pb analgam Sci.USSR. Moscow. and at IMcns.Moscow. M.F, T. Kaemmel,E. P. Muller, L. Krossner,J. Nebel,H. Unger,and H. Ungethum(1977) Altmarkite, a new mineral (preliminary report).Z. angew.Geo|.,23,535-536 (in German). Canavesite* Metallic depositson installationsof the natural gas plant at G, Ferraris,M. Franchini-Angela,and P. Orlandi(1978) Can- Altmark, EastGermany, contained Hg and Pb. HgPbr,containing avesite,a new carboboratemineral from Brosso,ltaly. Can. Hg27-36,Pb73-64atomic percent, has strongest X-ray lines 2.78, Mineral..16.69-73. 2.49,1.67 A, correspondingto synthetictetragonal HgPb, with a = occursas milky-whiterosette-like aggregates of fi- 2.52,c : 4.53A,G : 12.1, H : 2, silver-whiteto gray.It is named The mineral ludwigiteand magnetiteskarns in the iron altmarkite for the locality. Also presentis an unnamedHg-Pb bers1-1-rn long) on Brosso,Province of Torino, Piedmont,Italy. The slightly amalgam,Hg 20, Pb 80 atomicpercent, cubic, Fm3m, a : 4.87A, mine of are very thin and elongatedparallel to have strongestlines 2.80, 2.43, 1.73A, G = 11.8. flexiblefibers [010], vitreousluster, and do not fluoresceunder ultraviolet light. G meas Discussion about 1.8, calc l.'79. Very rare crystalsshow pseudohexagonal Data inadequate.It is not clearwhether the material is of natural prismatic habit. One or more {iOl} cleavagesor partings were = : origin or an artefact.M,F. observed.lt is biaxial(+), 2V is verylarge, Z b, a 1.485(4),B = 1.494(4),7: 1.505(2),dispersion very weak. Canavesiteis monoclinicwith a spacegroup having a diffraction Bilibinskite* symbol2/mP-/-. The X-ray powder diffractionpattern was in- -- : : E. M. Spiridonov,M. S. Bezsmertnaya,T. N. Chileva,and V. V. dexed using a: 23.49(2),b 6.164(6),c 21.9r(2)A,B Bezsmertny(1978) Bilibinskite, AuaCurPbT€2, o n€w mineralof I 14.91(9)'.The strongestlines (average for FeKa and CuKa) are: gold-telluridedeposits. Zap. Vses.Mineral. Obshch.,107,310- e.54(100x202),8.l2(40x201 ), 7.80(18x102,301), 4.56(21 ) (501,503), 315(in Russian), and3.110(19X407). Chemical analyses(two completeand one partial) gave the followingaverage values: MgO 31.60,BrOs 12.'10,CO, 18.57, HrO *Minerals marked with asterisks were approved before pub- 37.44,total 100.31wt.7o. On the basisof elevenoxygen ions, the lication by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names empirical formula calculatedfrom thesedata is Mgzos(COr),.." of the International Mineraloeical Association. (HBOr)oil.4.9lHzO or, ideally,Mg(CO'XHBO').5H,O. w03-004x / 79 /0506-06s2$00. 50 652 NEW MINERAL NAMES 653 The nameis for the district,Canavese, in whichthe villageand Color green,H : 3, brittle.In thin sectionrich green.Under the mine of Brossooccur. Type materialis depositedin the Museo microscopea good cleavageon {021}and a poor one {l0l}. Opti- Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Some"nesquehonite" col- cally biaxiaf,positive, ns (Na, 22'C) a : 1.880,B : 1.928,7: lectedfrom this localitysince 1973 is in realitycanavesite. J.A.M. 2.029(all +0.008),2V : 72' (calc),X : a. Pleochroicwith X pale bluish-green,Y rich yellow-grcen,Z deepemerald green, abs. Z - Cernfite* Y >> X. Dispersionmoderate, r ) u. The mineraloccurs in crystalsup to 0.5mm elongatedon a, with S. A. Kissin,D. R. Owens,and W. L. Roberts(1978) Cernyite, a terminationsshowing d{103} and n{180}.It occursin veinsof the copper-cadpium-tinsulfide with the stannitestructure. C4n. Bambollita mine near Moctezuma,Sonora, Mexico, associated Mineral., 16, 139-146. with electrum.teineite. and carlfriesite. Cernyite(CHARNI .AIT) is a rareconstituent of two complex, The name is for Fabian Cesbron,French mineralogist.Type is Museum NaturalHistory, London, zonedpegmatites in the Tancomine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, and material at theBritish of and Paris. the Hugo mine,Keystone, South Dakota. It occursas small grains at the Universityof M.F. (up to 200pm)intetgrown with kesterite.Associated minerals are stanniteand variousother sulfides.It is steelgray, luster metallic, Donnayiter streak black. H is about 4; no cleavagesor crystal forms were observed.Density could not be measured;calculated density for G. Y. Chao,P. R. Mainwaring,and J. Baker(1978) Donnayite, Tancoand Hugo minespecimens is 4,776and 4.618 g/cm8, respec- NaCaSrrY(CO3)0.3H?O, a newmineral from Mont St. Hilaire, tively. The microindentationhardness (VHN6.) is 189for Tanco Quebec.Can. Mineral., 16, 335-340. material and 210 for Hugo material.In reflectedlight (in air), This mineralformerly designated "UK33" occursin smallquan- dernj'iteis medium gray and is not readily distinguishedfrom titiesin the pegmatitedikes, miarolitic cavities, and intersticesin kesterite.Bireflectance is imperceptible,and anisotropyis very the nephelinesyenite at Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec.Associated weak,in shadesofgray. Under oil, [ernj'iteis distinctlybireflectant mineralsare microcline, analcime, natrolite, calcite, chlorite, aegi- from creamygray with a yellowishtinr to very light gray and is rine,arfvedsonite, siderite, rhodochrosite, ancylite, pyrite, sphaler- anisotropicin shadesof gray. Reflectancevalues (Tanco and ite, hematite,goethite, pyrophanite, catapleiite, gaidonnayite, and Hugo) are: 470nm(24.6 and 25.5),546nm (23.4 and 25.6),589nm astrophyllite.Donnayite is commonly in syntacticintergrowths (22.3and 25.0), and 65onm(22.7 and 24.3). with ewaldite,a Sr-analogof ewaldite,mckelveyite, and rarely Tlle mineralis tetragonal,space group 142m, Z : 2, a = 5.5330 synchysite.The crystalsare usuallysmall, from 0.05 to l.0mm,, andc : 10.82664(Tanco), a : 5.4871and c : 10.8454(Hugo). rarely2.0mm. The color is usuallypale yellow to yellow,but some Strongest X-ray lines (for CoKa) are: 3.167(10)(ll2), crystalsare colorless, white, gray, and rarelyreddish-brown due to | .e54(4)(220), r .93e(7 r .662(5)(132),and l .63e(4 I I 6 fo r )(024), )( ) hematiteinclusions. The mineralhas a white streakand is trans- Tanco6ernj'ite. parentwith a vitreousluster, although the white andgray varieties Electron microprobeanalyses of Hugo and (Tanco) material areopaque and earthy. The hardnessis about3 andan indistinctto gave:Cu 28.1(26.5),Ae -(0.20), Fe 3.6(l.l), Zn 4.9(2.0),Cd fair basalcleavage is present.G meas: 3.30(l), G calc: 3.266. 9.3(18.2),Mn 0.06(n.d.),Sn 26.3(24.9),Sb -(n.d.), S 28.s(26.9), The mineraldissolves rapidly in l: I HCI with strongeffervescence. total 100.8(99.8).These data yield the followingempirical formulas Optically,donnayite is biaxial(-), = 1.551-1.561(2),B : (based on a total of 8 atoms): Cu, rr(CdorrZno.rrFeo r"Mno or) " 1.646(2),1 : 1.652(2),2V varies0o to 20owith 5" to l0o the most Sn,ooS.
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